Title: Basic Group Theory II
1Basic Group Theory II
26. Subgroups
36. Subgroups
- In the Marching Group we can limit our commands
to two "Attention!" and "About Face!" That would
give us a group with the Cayley table as follows
46. Subgroups
- But we have seen this little table before. It was
just the northwest corner of one of our Cayley
tables for the whole Marching Group
56. Subgroups
- This is an example of a subgroup
- a group within a group.
- A subset S of a group G is a subgroup of G if
- S is closed under the group operation of G,
- if the identity element of G is in S and
- for every a in S, a-1 is also in S.
66. Subgroups
- The definition specifically requires that three
of the four group axioms be satisfied for the
subgroup. The axiom that gets in free is the
associative property. Since we are using the
group operation of the "larger" group the
associative property for all elements of the
larger group is assumed . Thus the restriction to
the elements of the subgroup cannot introduce a
violation of the associative axiom.
76. Subgroups
- Example
- Consider the group of integers under the
operation of addition. If we look at the subset
of integers that are divisible by 17 we can show
that this subset is a subgroup of the group of
integers. If we add two numbers divisible by 17
together we ge a number that is divisible by 17.
Closure is satisfied. 0, the additive identity
for the integers is divisible by 17 so the
identity property is satisfied. Finally if M is
divisible by 17 then so is -M and we find that
the inverse property is satisfied. With all three
conditions satisfied the set of integers
divisible by 17 forms a subgroup of the additive
group of integers.
86. Subgroups
- There was nothing special about the number 17 in
the above example. We could repeat the same
reasoning with any other integer such as 2 or 34
or 31415926535. Thus we know that the set of all
mulitples of a given n is a subgroup of the group
of integers under addition. - Each group of two or more members has at least
two subgroups. The subgroup containing the
identity element only and the group itself. These
are called trivial subgroups. Any subgroups of a
group G other than the two trivial subgroups are
nontrivial subgroups.
96. Subgroups
- THEOREM A finite subset of a group that is
closed under the group operation is a subgroup of
that group - This theorem states that for a finite subset of a
group we need only check for closure to know that
it is a subgroup. To prove this theorem we,
therefore, need to show that for a finite subset
of a group closure implies that the identity
axiom and inverse axiom are also satisfied.
106. Subgroups
- THEOREM If S is a subset of a group G and if for
every a and b in S the group product a b-1 is
in S then S is a subgroup of G. - By the first theorem a finite group requires only
closure under the group operation to be a
subgroup. By the second theorem any subset is a
subgroup if it is closed under taking an inverse
then multiplying by a set element.
116. Subgroups
- THEOREM If U is a collection of subgroups of a
group G then the intersection of U is also a
subgroup of G.
127. Cosets
137. Cosets
- Consider the subgroup of integers divisible by 3.
This forms a subgroup of the additive group of
integers. Its elements are . . . -9, -6, -3, 0,
3, 6, 9, . . .. By adding 1 to any multiple of 3
we get another subset of group of integers, . .
. -8, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, 10, . . .. By adding 2 to
the elements of the multiples-of-3 subgroup gives
us the subset . . . -7, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, 11, .
. .. These three subsets exhaust the integers.
Any integer will be in one and only one of these
147. Cosets
- One interesting point about the three subsets. If
you take any two elements, a and b out of one of
the subsets (both from the same subset) then
their difference, a - b, will be a multiple of
three. Their difference will be in the subgroup
that originally generated them.
157. Cosets
Another example occurs in the Marching Group.
- A and B form a subgroup as we have already seen.
R and L form a coset of that subgroup. The
property mentioned in the multiple-of-three
example holds here. If any member of R, L is
multiplied by the inverse of any member of R, L
the result is in the A, B subgroup.
167. Cosets
- Let's look at another example, the group of
symmetry movements of the equilateral triangle.
Its elements are, in the notation we saw earlier,
e, a, b, X, Y, Z.
177. Cosets
- A glance at the north-west corner of the Caley
table for this group shows that the subset e, a,
b is closed under the group operation followed
by. Since it is a finite subset this suffices for
it to be a subgroup. A coset of the subgroup is
X, Y, Z. Note again that any member of this
coset multiplied by the inverse of any member
gives an element of the subgroup.
187. Cosets
- If you look at the table again you will notice
that the subset e, X is also closed under the
group operation. As it is finite we know that it
also is a subgroup of the main group. Cosets of
this group are Y, b and Z, a. These cosets
obey the property that if a and b are in the
coset then a b-1 is in the subgroup. But what
about a-1 b? Let's try the coset Y, b Note
that - b-1 Y a Y Z
- which is not in the subgroup. However the cosets
Y, a) and Z, b obey the property that if u and
v are in the coset then u-1 v is in the
subgroup. Thus the cosets with the u v-1
-is-in-the-subgroup property and the cosets with
the u-1 v-is-in-the-subgroup property are
different cosets.
197. Cosets
- The cosets that have the u v-1
-is-in-the-subgroup property are called right
cosets and the cosets that have the u-1
v-is-in-the-subgroup property are called left
cosets. - Subgroups whose right cosets are also left cosets
are very important in group theory. They are
called normal subgroups.
207. Cosets
- Definition
- If H is a subgoup of a group G then for any
element g of the group the set of products of the
form h g where h is in H is a right coset of H
denoted by the symbol Hg. The set of all products
of the form g h where h is in H is a left coset
of the subgroup H denoted by the symbol gH. - In fact if we take any subset U of a group G
(which can be a subgroup or not) we can multiply
every element in it from the right by some group
element v to get another subset V of G. If the
subset H happens to be a subgroup of G then the
subset it is transformed into is called a right
coset of the subgroup H.
217. Cosets
- In fact if we take any subset U of a group G
(which can be a subgroup or not) we can multiply
every element in it from the right by some group
element v to get another subset V of G. If the
subset H happens to be a subgroup of G then the
subset it is transformed into is called a right
coset of the subgroup H.
227. Cosets
- In set-builder notation we can define Uv as
- Uv u v u is in U
- When U is a subgroup this is a right coset of U.
- The operation of "multiplication on the right by
a group element" which transforms subsets into
subsets (and subgroups into right cosets) will
also transforms any right coset of a subgroup H
into a right coset of H (This could be a
different right coset than we started with or the
same one). This follows from the definition since
(Hu)v is all elements of the form (h u) v
which by the associative property is the same as
the set of elements of the form h (u v) which
is none other than H(u v). - Of course similar stuff is true of left cosets.
Just hold your brain up to a mirror while doing
proofs of right-coset properties.
237. Cosets
- THEOREM If x and y are in the same right coset
of a subgroup H then x y-1 is in H. - THEOREM If x y-1 is in subgroup H of group G
then x and y are in the same right coset of H.
248. Lagrange's Theorem
258. Lagrange's Theorem
- Definition
- If G is a finite group (or subgroup) then the
order of G is the number of elements of G.
268. Lagrange's Theorem
- Lagranges Theorem
- The order of a subgroup H of group G divides the
order of G.
278. Lagrange's Theorem
- Lagranges Theorem
- One of the immediate results of Lagrange's
Theorem is that a group with a prime number of
members has no nontrivial subgroups.
288. Lagrange's Theorem
- Lagranges Theorem
- A consequence of Lagrange's Theorem would be, for
example, that a group with 45 elements couldn't
have a subgroup of 8 elements since 8 does not
divide 45. It could have subgroups with 3, 5, 9,
or 15 elements since these numbers are all
divisors of 45.
298. Lagrange's Theorem
- Lagranges Theorem
- Lagrange's Theorem simply states that the number
of elements in any subgroup of a finite group
must divide evenly into the number of elements in
the group. Note that the A, B subgroup of the
Atayun-HOOT! group has 2 elements while the
Atayun-HOOT! group has 4 members. Also we can
recall that the subgroups of S3, the permutation
group on 3 objects, that we found cosets of in
the previous chapter had either 2 or 3 elements
-- 2 and 3 divide evenly into 6.
308. Lagrange's Theorem
- Lemma If H is a finite subgroup of a group G and
H contains n elements then any right coset of H
contains n elements. - Lemma Two right cosets of a subgroup H of a
group G are either identical or disjoint. - Lemma The number of elements in each equivalence
class is the same as the number of elements in H.
318. Lagrange's Theorem
- Definition
- If H is a subgroup of G then the number of left
cosets of H is called the index of H in G and is
symbolized by (GH). From our development of
Lagrange's theorem we know that - G H (GH)
328. Lagrange's Theorem
- Theorem If the order of a group G is divisible
by 2 then G has a subgroup of two elements. - This is the converse of Lagrange's Theorem. One
of the most interesting questions in group theory
deals with considering the converse of Lagrange's
theorem. That is if a number n divides the order
of group G does that mean that G must have a
subgroup of order n? The answer is no in general
but the special cases where it does work out are
many and interesting. They are dealt with in
detail in the Sylow Theorems which we will treat
339. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
349. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Let's start with the number 1. We'll allow
ourselves to add or subtract the number 1 to get
to new numbers. - Question what integers will we be able to reach
by this process? - Answer all of them.
- To get to 17 simply add 1 16 times. To get to -42
simply subtract 1 43 times. The fact that the
integers can be "built" by adding and subtracting
1 means that the additive group of integers is a
cyclic group.
359. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Now let's look at the Marching Group. The entire
Marching Group can be "built" from repeated
applications of R - R (R1) R
- R R (R2) B
- R R R (R3) L
- R R R R (R4) A
369. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Groups that can be generated in their entirety
from one member are called cyclic groups. For
infinite groups we have to clarify what we mean
by "generated from." For example in the additive
group of Integers starting with 1 and adding it
over and over to itself will never get a negative
number nor the identity zero. Thus for a cyclic
group we have the definition that all the
elements may be generated from a single element
together with its inverse. For finite cyclic
groups the addition of "together with its
inverse" is not needed. That statement probably
should be stated as a theorem.
379. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Theorem If a finite group G can be generated
from one of its elements, a together with its
inverse a-1 then it can be generated from a
389. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Just as we do for multiplication of regular old
numbers we can express repeated application of
the group operation by a given element with
exponential notation. So we'll agree that for an
element a of a group G with operation - an means a a a . . . a (n times)
- a-n means a-1 a-1 a-1 . . . a-1 (n times)
- a0 means the identity element e
399. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- We find that with this notation the basic law of
exponents all work as in regular arithmetic
namely - am an amn
- The inverse of an is a-n
- (am )n amn
- With this notation we mean that a power of a is
an where n is any integer positive, negative or
409. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Cyclic Subgroups
- If we pick some element a from a group G then we
can consider the subset of all elements of G that
are powers of a. This subset forms a subgroup of
G and is called the cyclic subgroup generated by
a. It forms a subgroup since it is - Closed If you multiply powers of a you end up
with - powers of a
- Has the identity a a-1 a0 e
- Has inverses The inverse of any product of a's
is a - similar product of a-1
419. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- But this is the long way of proving subgrouphood.
Let's use our theorem that says if x and y are in
the subset implies that x y-1 is in the subset
then the subset is a group. This is simple here.
If y is a power of a then so is y-1 and so,
therefore, is x y-1
429. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- A few facts about cyclic groups
- and cyclic subgroups
- Cyclic groups are Abelian.
- All groups of prime order are cyclic.
- The subgroup of a group G generated by a is the
intersection of all subgroups of G containing a - All infinite cyclic groups look like the additive
group of integers.
439. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- We have a one to one correspondence an
corresponds to n which is preserved by the group
operation. You can either perform the operation
in one group and then find the corresponding
element in the other or you can first find the
corresponding elements in the other group and
then perform the operation on them. The result is
the same. And it works both ways. This is a
group isomorphism, a concept we have looked at
but haven't rigorously defined yet.
449. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Definition
- Two groups G and H are isomorphic if there exists
a one-to-one relation f G gt H between them
such that for any x and y in G, f(x) f(y) f(x
y). The one-to-one relation f is called an
isomorphism. Thus two groups are said to be
isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them.
459. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Note on the notation Two different symbols for
the group operations are used in the prior slide.
represents the group operation in H and
represents the group operation in G. This was to
emphasize that we are dealing with two different
groups each with its own group operation.
469. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- One of the most common examples of a group
isomorphism is found in the theory of logarithms.
Let f G gtH be the logarithm function and let G
be the group of positive real numbers under
multiplication and let H be the real numbers
under addition. It turns out that - Log(x) Log(y) Log(xy)
- This together with the fact that Log is a
one-to-one function (it has an inverse -- the
exponential or "antilog" function) makes this a
group isomorphism. This used to have great
practical importance back in the days before
pocket calculators. Long numerical calculations
involving multiplication (and taking of roots and
powers) could be simplified by doing addition of
the Logs of the numbers. In those days no
scientist or engineer was far from his table of
479. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- The following are basic facts about
- group isomorphism
- If f G gt H is a group isomorphism then
- If e is the identity in G,
- then f(e) is the identity in H.
- The inverse of f(a) in H is f(a-1).
489. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- The main point about cyclic groups and
isomorphism is that all finite cyclic groups of
the same order are isomorphic. Thus there is only
one cyclic group (up to isomorphism) of order,
say, 6. If we let a be a generator then the
elements of the cyclic group of order 6 are - a, a2, a3, a4, a5, and a6 e.
499. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- The canonical example of a cyclic group of order
n is the additive group of integers mod n Z/nZ.
The cayley table is
509. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- The set of integers mod n is not a group under
multiplication because 0 has no inverse there
is nothing that multiplies 0 to give 1, the
identity element for multiplication. If n is a
prime number and we throw out zero the remaining
elements of Z/nZ does form a group a cyclic
519. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Here's the Cayley table for the non-zero elements
of Z (mod 7)
529. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- The cyclic nature of the group isn't apparent
from a glance at the table. However if we
consider the powers of 5 then we find that 5
generates the entire group. By rearranging the
elements of the Cayley table the cyclic nature is
readily seen.
The above table was rearranged by listing the 0th
power of 5 first, then the first power of 5 then
the 2nd power of 5 etc
539. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- We can form a cyclic subgroup of any group by
grabbing an element a of the group an looking at
the set of all its powers. This gives the
subgroup generated by a notated as lt a gt. Now by
Lagrange's theorem the number of elements in lt a
gt (the order of the subgroup) must be a divisor
of the order of the group. Also if k is the order
of lt a gt then k is the least positive integer
with ak e. For any element of a group the least
positive integer that gives the identity when the
element is raised to that power is called the
order of the element. Thus the order of a cyclic
subgroup and the order of its generator are the
same number.
549. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- We might remark at this point that any subgroup
of a cyclic group must itself be cyclic. If G is
generated by a and S is a subgroup of G Then S
must be cyclic. To see this consider all the
elements of S. They can all be expressed as
powers of a. Let k be the least positive power of
a that is in S. If every element is not a power
of ak then there is some element am where m is
positive and not a multiple of k. Let p be the
greatest multiple of k that is less than m. Then
m - p is less than k. But this means that am
a-p am-p is in S. This contradicts the choice
of k as the smallest positive power of a in the
subgroup. Thus all elements of S are generated by
ak and S is cyclic.
559. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Now if for any element its order divides the
order of the group then it follows that if n is
the order of the group then an e for any
element a of any finite group.
569. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Now we have a constrained converse of Lagrange's
theorem. It is true that for cyclic groups if n
is a divisor of the order of the group then the
group has a subgroup of order n. To see why this
must be so recall that a cyclic group is
generated by the powers of one of its elements.
Let's see why this must be for the cyclic group
of order 12. - C12 e, a, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9,
a10, a11
579. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- Since 3 divides 12 (i.e. 3 4 12) then (a3)4
a12 e. Thus a3 is an element with order 4. (If
it were less then a power of a less than 12 would
equal e). Thus a3 generates a subgroup of order
4. Similarly a4 generates a subgroup of order 3
and a2 generates a subgroup of order 6 while a6
generates a subgroup of order 2. There are always
the trivial subgroups of orders 1 and 12 (The
subgroup containing only the identity and the
whole group considered as a subgroup of itself).
589. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- There is nothing special about the number 12. Let
a cyclic group have order n. If r is a divisor of
n then there is some number s such that rs n.
Let a be an element of the group with order n.
(it must have one if it is cyclic) Then ar is of
order s and therefore generates a cyclic subgroup
of order s while as generates a subgroup of order
599. Cyclic Groups and Subgroups
- We can go a bit further in looking at subgroups
of cyclic groups. Not only does a cyclic group
have a subgroup of order r for every r that
divides the order of the group but it has exactly
one subgroup for each distinct divisor of n. To
see this suppose that S is a subgroup of a cyclic
group of order n and a is a generator. Suppose S
has order r where rs n. Then S is generated by
one of its elements, ak for some k. This means
that ak has order r which in turn means that k
times r equals some multiple of n. Now since rs
n, s must divide k. Therefore ak is in the group
generated by as which is of order r. However ak
generates a group of order r. Thus r elements of
the subgroup generated by ak are in the subgroup
generated by as which has only r elements. The
subgroups must be identical.
6010. Permutations
6110. Permutations
- The "old shell game" is an example of a
permutation. Three shells, one containing a pea,
are in a row in front of the sucker -- er, I
mean, client. The operator then changes the order
of the shells and challenges the client to tell
which one contains the pea. The changing of the
order constitutes a permutation. In the shell
game there are 6 possible permutations. The
operator may do nothing. This would be the
identity permutation where shell 1 stays in its
position, shell 2 stays in its position and shell
3 also stays in its position. We can notate this
permutation as
6210. Permutations
- The top row of numbers indicates the starting
position of a shell. The bottom row indicates the
final position of the shell. Thus to find where
an object went under a permutation look up its
number in the top row and its final place will be
under that number. Thus if the shell-game
operator switches shells 1 and 2 we can notate
this permutation by
6310. Permutations
- Shell 1 went to the place formerly occupied by
shell 2 (the 2 in the bottom row is below the 1)
and shell 2 went to the place formerly occupied
by shell 1 (the 1 in the bottom row is below the
2). Since there are six different orders that the
numerals "1, 2" and "3" can be ordered in the
bottom row the 1 2 3 in the top row is fixed
there are 6 permutations of 3 objects.
6410. Permutations
- The main reasons for interest in permutations are
- They form a group when we use the operation
"followed by." - Understanding them helps to solve Rubik's Cube.
- There is a theorem due to Arthur Cayley that says
that every group is isomorphic to a permutation
group. -
- Permutations are everywhere whether we know it or
6510. Permutations
- A given set the permutations forms a group with
the operation followed by. This is because - permutations are closed under the operation
followed by, - since the operation is "followed by" it is
associative, - the "leave everything where it is" permutation is
the identity and - every permutation can be undone by "running the
film backwards" thus all permutations have
6610. Permutations
- In a Cayley table for a group each element
appears exactly once in each row and exactly once
in each column (Latin square property). This is a
"pictorial" representation of the cancellation
property. If I take a group element a and
multiply it on the right to every element of a
group I'll get all the elements of the group back
again. For any element x of G x a will be in G
(This is just the closure property).
6710. Permutations
- Furthermore any element of G will be one of the x
a's since for any b in G the equation x a b
has a solution. Thus multiplication on the right
by a permutes the elements of G. What if we were
to first permute the elements of G by multiplying
on the right by a followed by multiplying on the
right by b? That would give us a new permutation
which would (by the associative property) be the
same as multiplying on the right by a b.
6810. Permutations
- Thus each element of G corresponds to a unique
permutation of the elements of g. And the
permutation corresponding to the product of two
elements of G is the composition under followed
by of the permutations corresponding to the two
elements singly. This fits the definition of an
isomorphism. Thus every group is isomorphic to a
permutation group. This result is known as
Cayley's Theorem.
6910. Permutations
- Rubik's Cube and similar puzzles are examples of
permutation puzzles. The challenge is to form a
certain permutation from the composition of a
limited set of permutations. The permutation you
are challenged to find is the one that permutes
everything into the solved state. Exactly which
permutation that is depends on the initial state.
7010. Permutations
- Even and Odd Permutations
- An old bar bet involves three glasses on the bar.
They are in a row in front of the sucker -- er, I
mean client, but the first and third glasses are
mouth-down on the bar. Let "D" stand for a
mouth-down glass and "U" stand for a mouth-up
glass. Then the client sees the following row of
7110. Permutations
- Even and Odd Permutations
- "The object of the game," you tell him, "is to
get all the glasses mouth-up in exactly three
moves. A move consists of turning two glasses
over together, one in each hand." Then you
demonstrate by turning over the first two glasses
to reach
7210. Permutations
- Even and Odd Permutations
- Then you turn over the 1st and 3rd glasses
- Finally you turn over the first two glasses again
7310. Permutations
- Even and Odd Permutations
- All very clean and simple. You now turn over the
middle glass and bet your "friend" that he can't
do what he just saw you do. He, having had a few
drinks, pulls out his wallet and bets you. He
begins facing - and no matter what he tries he can't get them all
mouth-up in exactly three moves.
7410. Permutations
- Even and Odd Permutations
- The secret of the trick is parity. The number of
mouth-up glasses is either even or odd. Turning
over one glass will change the number of mouth-up
glasses from odd to even or else from even to odd
since you will be either adding a mouth-up glass
or subtracting a mouth-up glass. In the game you
must turn over two glasses simultaneously and
therefore the parity, either odd or even of the
number of mouth-up glasses does not change. Now
the desired final position has 3 (an odd number)
of mouth up glasses. The trick is that you start
with 1 (an odd number) of mouth-up glasses but
you have your "friend" begin with 2 (an even
number) of mouth up glasses. He can't win.
7510. Permutations
- Permutations also have a parity which is changed
by a transposition. A transposition is a
permutation which exchanges the place of two
objects whilst leaving all the other objects
unmoved. Thus -
- is a transposition as it swaps elements 2 and 5
and does not change the positions of 1, 3 and 4.
An important fact is that any permutation on n
objects can be done with a series of
transpositions. It is a further fact that if it
can be done in an even number of permutations
then it can't be done in an odd number and vice
7610. Permutations
- Theorem Every permutation is equivalent to a
product of transpositions. - Exercise Express the permutation
- as the product of transpositions.
7710. Permutations
- The second fact is that if a permutation can
result from an odd number of transpositions then
it can't result from an even number of
permutations and vice versa. To see this we will
define the parity of a permutation For each
element count up the number of elements that were
before it in the order before the permutation
which are after it after the permutation has been
applied. For instance in the permutation
7810. Permutations
- there are no elements before 1 before the
permutation so the total for 1 is zero. There are
two elements after 4 that were before 4 to begin
with, namely 2 and 3 so the total for 4 is 2.
Continuing in this manner we find that the total
for 6 is 3, the total for 3 is 1, the total for 5
is 1, the total for 2 is zero, and the total for
7 is zero. Adding up these totals we get a grand
total - If the grand total is an odd number then the
permutation is of odd parity. If the grand total
is an even number then the permutation is of even
parity. - 7 is an odd number so the example is an odd
permutation. If you apply any transposition to
this permutation you will end up with an even
permutation. (Try it!).
7910. Permutations
- Why is this so? Why does each transposition
change the parity of a permutation? Let's look at
what a transposition does to the parity. Let the
following represent an ordering of the n numbers
1 to n. -
- Each number in the string of numbers can affect
the grand total in two ways. First when it is the
number we're using to count how many smaller
numbers are beyond it and second when it is one
of the numbers "beyond" whatever number we're
using to count how many smaller numbers are
8010. Permutations
- Now if we exchange elements labeled x and y how
will the parity of the grand total change? Let's
break up the numbers into three groups. - The numbers either before both x and y or after
both x and y. - The numbers between x and y.
- x and y.
8110. Permutations
- The same numbers will be before and after the
numbers in group 1 so their contribution to the
grand total will not change. The numbers in group
2 will each contribute to the grand total twice
once for the change in x's position (either they
were less than x or x was less than them.) and
again for the change in y's position. Thus their
total contribution will be to change the grand
total by an even number. This will not affect the
parity of the permutation. Finally, x and y
switching places will add or subtract 1 from the
grand total depending on whether x or y is
greater. Thus the parity of the grand total (odd
or even) will change.
8210. Permutations
- Now we are in a position to appreciate Samuel
Loyd's famous challenge with his 14-15 puzzle
back in the 1800's. The puzzle consisted of 15
sliding tiles in a square frame with an empty
space which a tile could slide into. The tiles
were numbered from 1 to 15. The task was to get
the tiles into the normal order
8310. Permutations
- Sliding a tile into the empty space is equivalent
to a transposition of the moved tile and the
"ghost" tile in the empty space. Thus every move
is a transposition. (read the numbers from right
to left, top row to bottom to get the
permutation). -
- Sam Loyd offered 1000 to any one who could find
a way to solve the puzzle from the position shown
8410. Permutations
- Note that this is a transposition away from the
solution. However it is impossible to solve from
this position since it would take an odd number
of transpositions to go from the 13-15-14
position to the solved 13-14-15 position. But the
empty square can only return to the lower
right-hand corner after an even number of moves.
The simplest way to see this is to imagine a
checkerboard pattern of light and dark squares
painted beneath the tiles. Then each move would
change the color of the background square that is
showing from light to dark or from dark to light.
8510. Permutations
- Loyd sold a pavillion of the puzzles to suckers
-- er, I mean puzzle fans eager to win the prize.
He reported that -
- A prize of 1,000 offered for the first correct
solution to the problem, has never been claimed,
although there are thousands of persons who say
they performed the required feat. People became
infatuated with the puzzle and ludicrous tales
are told of shopkeepers who neglected to open
their stores of a distinguished clergyman who
stood under a street lamp all through a wintry
night trying to recall the way he had performed
the feat. The mysterious feature of the puzzle is
that none seem to be able to remember the
sequence of moves whereby they feel sure they
succeeded in solving the puzzle. Pilots are said
to have wrecked their ships, and engineers rush
their trains past stations. A famous Baltimore
editor tells how he went for his noon lunch and
was discovered by his frantic staff long past
midnight pushing little pieces of pie around on a
8610. Permutations
- A particularly insidious version of the puzzle
has letters on the tiles instead of numbers. One
of its "solved" configurations is
8710. Permutations
- Notice that there are two 'R's and two 'A's. If
the "wrong" 'R' and 'A' are used to begin the
word "RATE" it will be impossible to get the
"PAL" to come out correctly in the last row. With
this version the group theorist "bets" the sucker
-- er, I mean friend, that although the friend is
accomplished at solving the 13-14-15 puzzle the
use of letters rather than numbers will throw him
off psychologically. The group theorist mixes up
the tiles in front of the friend's eyes but
leaves the 'R' in the upper left-hand corner in
place while taking the 'A' next to it far down to
the lower row. At the same time the 'A' in "PAL"
is transferred near the upper left-hand corner.
The friend is given a time limit to solve the
puzzle. If he uses the 'R' and 'A' together that
the group theorist has so kindly put almost into
place for him he cuts his own throat. To solve
the puzzle with the 'R' and 'A' as given is
equivalent to making a transposition of the 'A's.
As we now know, this is not possible.
8811. Permutation Groups
8911. Permutation Groups
- How many permutations are there on a group of n
objects? Since there are n possible choices for
the first position and for each of these there
are n-1 choices for the second position and for
each of these n(n-1) ways of choosing the first
two there are n-2 ways of choosing the object for
the third position etc. it turns out that there
are n! permutations on n objects. The set of all
permutations on n objects is called the symmetric
group on n objects and is denoted by Sn. Since
the factorial grows rather quickly Sn can be very
large when n is of only moderate size. For
example S10 contains 10! 3,628,800 elements and
S60 contains more elements than the number of
atoms in the universe.
9011. Permutation Groups
9111. Permutation Groups
- Let's look at S1. Its only element is the
permutation -
- With only one element there is only one place for
it to go. Thus the group for S1 will have the
following Cayley table
9211. Permutation Groups
- Here e is the permutation that changes element 1
to element 1. It's the only permutation possible
and it's group under the operation followed by is
a trivial one-element group. In fact, there is
(up to isomorphism) only one group with one
element. Thus we've found the structure of all
one-element groups. (Big deal!)
9311. Permutation Groups
- With two elements there are two (2!) possible
permutations -
- With the labels e and a their group is given by
the Caley table e a
9411. Permutation Groups
- This group has the identity e and a non-identity
element a. A little reflection on the need for
(1) an identity and (2) the cancellation rule and
we realize that this table represents all groups
of two elements. Thus we've "found" the structure
of all groups of order 1 and 2. (Big deal!)
9511. Permutation Groups
- With three elements things begin to become a bit
more interesting. S3 has 3! 6 elements. They
are -
- Now if we perform permutation a followed by
permutation X we end up with permutation Y.
However if we reverse the order and perform
permutation X followed by permutation a we end up
with permutation Z. The group S3 is a non-abelian
group. This calls for a short digression
concerning notation.
9611. Permutation Groups
- If we're using the "followed by" operation we
need to decide on our notation. If a and b are
two permutations does - a b
- mean that permutation a is performed first and
then permutation b is performed? Or does it mean
that b is performed first and then a? Since we
read English from left to right there is a strong
reason to use the left-most element (in this
case, a) as the one performed first. Thus we
would read a b as a followed by b. However in
mathematics the notation for operators and
functions usually works differently. If f and g
are two functions and I want g to act first and
then have f act on the result of g's action then
the usual notation for this is - f(g(x))
9711. Permutation Groups
- Thus the element which operates first (g) is
written to the right of the element (f) which
operates last. We must therefore be clear in our
notation. Since both the leftmost-first and the
rightmost-first notations are used in
mathematical literature we'll have to decide
which we'll use here. By a coin flip it has been
determined that we will use the "followed by"
notation where the leftmost operation is
performed first. Thus a b will be read as a
followed by b that is, a is performed first
followed by performing b.
9811. Permutation Groups
- With this convention decided upon together with
the convention for Cayley tables that left
element in the operation is in the column to the
left of the table and the right element is in the
row along the top of the table we get the
following table for S3
9911. Permutation Groups
- Does this table look familiar? It's exactly the
same table as we gave for the Symmetry Group of
the Equilateral Triangle. The two groups are
isomorphic. This becomes clear when we realize
that any symmetry movement of the equilateral
triangle simply permutes the three vertices of
the triangle.
10011. Permutation Groups
- Exercise Write out the Caley tables for S4 and
S5. - Just kidding! S4 would have 576 entries in its
Cayley table and S5 would have 14,400 entries!!
10111. Permutation Groups
- The Symmetric Group on n objects, Sn , consists
of all permutations on the n objects. If we limit
ourselves to even permutations then we get an
object called The Alternating Group on n Objects,
An. From the name you can guess that the set of
even permutations of n objects forms a group
under the "followed by" operation. In fact this
is true. The fact that e the identity permutation
is even and that the product of two even
permutations is an even permutation as well as
the fact that the inverse of an even permutation
is an even permutation makes the Alternating
Group on n Objects, An, a subgroup of Sn.
10211. Permutation Groups
- Theorem The order of An is half the order of Sn
10311. Permutation Groups
- Why are permutations so important? Let's look at
that question from another viewpoint. Let's
define a group function. That is, a function
whose domain is the elements of a group G and
whose range is also the elements of G. Call this
function fa where a is an element of the group G.
The action of this function is to multiply any
element of G on the right by a. - Thus for any elements x, y or z of G we have
- fa(x) xafa(y) yafa(z) za
10411. Permutation Groups
- For any other element, say b, of G we can also
define fb(x) xb for all x in G. Now what are
these functions? They are nothing other than
permutations on the elements of G. To see this we
only need notice that fa(x) fa(y) means that xa
ya and by the cancellation law this means that
x y. Also for any element c of G, c a(a-1c).
That is, there is some element of G (namely a-1c)
that fa sends to c. Therefore for every element a
of G the function fa is one-to-one and onto--the
exact definition of a permutation.
10511. Permutation Groups
- Now we can ask ourselves, "how do these functions
behave under composition--under the operation
followed by?" The answer is exactly like the
elements of G under its group operation. To see
this notice that for any element x of G - fa(fb(x)) fa(xb) (xb)a x(ba)
- Remember, fa(fb(x)) means that fb acts on x
first "followed by" fa acting on the result of
that. This is equivalent to fb fa in our
followed-by notation. - The repeated operation of the functions is
equivalent to repeated multiplication on the
right by the corresponding group element. The
functions/permutations not only form a group
under the operation of composition ("followed
by") but that the group that they form is
isomorphic to the original group G.
10611. Permutation Groups
- This result is known as Cayley's Theorem
- Cayley's Theorem Every Group is isomorphic to a
group of permutations.
10711. Permutation Groups
- Cycle Notation
- There is another notation for permutations that
shows the structure of the permutation a bit more
clearly. It's called "cyclic notation." It works
like this. In the permutation. - 1 goes to 3 which goes to 4 which goes to 2 which
goes to 5 which goes to 1 completing the cycle.
In cyclic notation this would be written. - Where each element is followed by the one whose
place it goes to. The 5 at the end goes back to
the 1 at the beginning of the cycle.
10811. Permutation Groups
- Now consider the following permutation
- If we begin with 1 we note that 1 goes to 3 which
goes to 7 which goes back to 1. Thus we have the
cycle (1 3 7). Now we take one of the elements
that isn't in the cycle just found, say, 2. 2
goes to 5 which goes to 4 which goes to 6 which
goes back to 2. This gives the cycle - (2 5 4 8 6)
- Thus we have broken the permutation into two
cycles, (1 3 7) and (2 5 4 8 6). There are a few
things we should notice about this decomposition
into cycles. - The cycles are disjoint!!
10911. Permutation Groups
- They have no element in common. This is clear
because once we find a cycle in a permutation we
have found where every element in the cycle goes
under the permutation. The "destination" of every
element of the cycle is in the cycle. Also the
elements that have things in the cycle as their
destination are also in the cycle. Thus once we
close out a cycle by bringing it back to its
first element we have found everything that the
permutation does to the elements of that cycle
and that they are in that cycle. If an element of
one cycle was in another cycle then there would
be two (at least) elements that that element was
mapped onto by the permutation.
11011. Permutation Groups
- So we can decompose any finite permutation into
disjoint cycles. Just choose an element see where
it goes and then see where that element goes and
on until you close out the cycle. Now if there
are any elements that are not in that cycle
choose one of those and see where it goes etc.
until you close out a second cycle. If there are
any remaining elements that are not in either of
those two cycles choose one of them and continue
constructing cycles until you've exhausted all
the elements of the permutation.
11111. Permutation Groups
- Theorem Every permutation can be decomposed into
disjoint cycles. - Theorem Disjoint permutations commute.
11211. Permutation Groups
- Theorem A cycle with an even number of elements
is an odd permutation. and a cycle with an odd
number of elements is an even permutation. - So when we decompose a permutation into disjoint
cycles the order of applying those cycles does
not matter. - Theorem If a permutation is decomposed into
disjoint cycles such that there is an odd number
of cycles with an even number of elements then
the permutation is odd. If there is an even
number of cycles with an even number of elements
then the permutation is even. - So once we have expressed a permutation as the
product of disjoint cycles we can determine
whether it is an even or odd permutation by
noticing the number of cycles with an even number
of elements. Since they contribute an odd number
of transpositions to the permutation the total
parity of transpositions, even or odd, will
depend on the number of permutations with an even
number of elements.
11312. Symmetry Groups
11412. Symmetry Groups
- The symmetric group on n letters, written Sn, is
the group of all possible permutations on n
letters. The order of Sn is n!.
11513. Dihedral Groups
11613. Dihedral Groups
- The dihedral group Dn is the symmetry group of
the regular n-gon (ngt2). - Dn consists of n rotations and n reflections.
- The product of two "adjacent" reflections in Dn
is a minimal rotation. - Dn is generated by (a) a minimal rotation and
any reflection, or (b) any two "adjacent"
reflections. - Cn is the subgroup of Dn consisting only of the
n rotations. - Each finite group of plane isometries is either
Cn or Dn for some n.
11713. Dihedral Groups
- Dihedral groups are apparent throughout art and
nature. For example, dihedral groups are often
the basis of decorative designs on floor tilings,
buildings, and artwork. Chemists and
mineralogists study dihedral groups to classify
the structure of molecules and crystals,
respectively. These symmetry groups are even used
in advertising for many of the world's largest
- Shell Petroleum uses the symbol to the left. This
shell shape has no rotations (other than the
identity) and has only one mirror line
(vertical). Therefore, like Mickey Mouse, the
figure is said to be bilaterally symmetric and it
fits into the category D1.
- An example of D2 that is easily spotted is the
logo for the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS).
The "eye" shape within the circle prevents the
figure from being able to rotate by any rotation
other than a 1/2 turn. Additionally, the figure
has only two ways in which it can be reflected
onto itself.
- The luxury car, Mercedes-Benz, uses a symbol with
three rotations and 3 mirror lines. Therefore,
the emblem is an example of D3. If we were to
convert this figure into a peace sign, however,
we would lose 2 of the rotations and two of the
reflection lines. This would leave a D1 figure.
- The symbol for Purina is a great example of a
finite figure of the category D4. It is easy to
see that there are four mirror reflections of the
figure (one vertical, one horizontal, and two
diagonal) as well as four rotations. In other
words, rotating the figure four times gives the
original figure (the identity).
- The symbol for Chrysler is a great example of a
finite figure of the category D5. In other words,
the symbol has five rotations and five axes of
- This finite figure is a dihedral group of order 8
due to its eight reflections and eight rotations.
The symmetries are created by two squares placed
on top of each other and offset by 90 degrees.
12414. Alternating Groups
12514. Alternating Groups
- The alternating group on n letters, written An,
is the group of all even permutations on n
letters. The order of An is n!/2. An is normal
in Sn, in fact it is the kernel of the parity
12614. Alternating Groups
- The group An1 defines the group of rotations of
a generalized tetrahedron in n space, while Sn1
defines the group of rotations and reflections.Â
This can be seen by placing any vertex in
position, then the next, then the next, and so
on, and reflecting if the last two must be
12715. The Sylow Theorems
12815. The Sylow Theorems
- Definitions
- A finite p-group is a group of order pn.
- Let G be a finite group of order pkr, where r is
not divisible by p. A Sylow p-subgroup of G is a
subgroup of order pk.
12915. The Sylow Theorems
- The Sylow Theorems Let G be a finite group and
let p be a prime which - divides G. Then
- G has at least one Sylow p-subgroup.
- (ii) More generally, if p! divides G for some !
! 0 then G has a subgroup of order p!. - (iii) Every p-subgroup of G is contained in a
Sylow p-subgroup of G. - (iv) Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G.
- Every Sylow p-subgroup of G is conjugate to P.
- (v) The number r of Sylow p-subgroups of G
satisfies - r 1 (mod p), and in addition rs
- where s is the p(-part of the order of G.
13015. The Sylow Theorems
- LEMMA Let G be a finite p-group. Then G
contains a subgroup of order pm whenever - pm G.
- DEFINITION Let G be a group. A permutation
representation of G of degree n is a - homomorphism from G to Sn.
- LEMMA There is a bijective correspondence
between permutation representations of - a group G and actions of G on 1, . . . ,n.
- DEFINITION A group is said to be simple if and
only if it has exactly two normal - subgroups, namely e and G.
13116. Noethers Theorem
13216. Noethers Theorem