Title: ADABAS NATURAL on Linux Installation
1ADABAS / NATURAL on Linux - Installation
- Ranga Nathan
- BAX Global Inc.
Software AG PSW User group meeting October 11,
2What can you expect?
- What are the pre-requisites?
- What distributions are supported?
- How does the install work?
- How to verify installation?
- How to configure the environment?
- Examples Natural and ADABAS utilities
- What are the gotchas?
- Best practices
- How different from mainframe?
- A sneak preview
3ADABAS / NATURAL Availability for Linux
- Been available on Unix for sometime
- Recently made available for SuSE 8/9, RHEL 3
- ADABAS v3.3.3, NATURAL v6.1.1
- Total 305MB (max 500MB)
- Tested in a 128MB Xen virtual partition
- Linux the fastest growing platform
- Requires basic Unix/Linux skills
- Fairly easy to install
4ADABAS Installation Steps
View and check products
- You need root access or sudo access!
- Install ADABAS first
- Copy license file ada33.xml from diskette
- Create sag group and sag account
- Determine where to install the software (SAG)
- Suggests /usr/sag, I used /home/sag, consider
/opt - Need CD-ROM access. For example
- mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt
- GUI install did not work for me not needed!
5ADABAS Installation Steps - 2
- Upload license file from diskette
- Log in as sag Did you create sag user and
sag group? - Note the path to license file
- Execute setup.ux from the install directory (for
e.g cd SAG sh /cdrom/setup.ux) - Take defaults
- When no specific instructions, press ltentergt
- Typical will install all licensed products
- Select default dbid (for verification)
6ADABAS Installation Verification
- Make sure to log in as sag
- Source in sagenv.new to set env vars
- cd SAG . sagenv.new
- Run adavfy (e.g adavfy db001)
- Run adarep (e.g. adarep db001 summary)
- Run adastart (e.g adastart 001)
- Run adastop (e.g adastop 001)
7NATURAL Installation
- Always install ADABAS first!!!!
- Check license file and upload to Linux
- Need root or sudo access!
- Login as sag
- Run setup.ux from the install directory
- Run nattermcap to set up keys
- Run natparm to set up environment
- All natural users to be in sag group
8NATURAL - Navigation
- Must source in SAG/sagenv.new
- natural gets you there
- Use Esc to go back unless PF3 available
- Make sure to run nattermcap first
- Set up multiple environments using natparm and
copying fuser - Natural uses ISPF-like editor. Nice!
9ADABAS / NATURAL Installation
- Difficult to relocate files and data
- Get the SAG variable right!
- Dont be afraid to re-install!
- GUI only marginal advantage
- Source-in env. Vars in .profile file for all
10ADABAS - Differences
- Everything is case-sensitive!!!!
- File permissions are important!!!
- Command line utilities
- Can be scripted
- DBA Workbench? Hmm that would be good!
- Utilities names slightly different (ADADBM
instead of ADADBS) - Use Linux or raw (coming) file system
- Good documentation - RTFM
11NATURAL - Differences
- Navigation very different
- Remember This is not 3270 terminal!
- Utilities from command line
- Read Natural Operations manual!
- Natural Batch is very different!
- Pseudo or real batch!
- Printing, display different
12Screen Shots Setting env. vars
SAG/.profile sources in SAG/sagenv.new
13View Environment Variables
- sag_at_ilt1gt env grep nat
- NATDIR/home/sag/nat
- PATH/home/sag/common/bin/home/sag/bin/usr/local
sag/nat/v61115/bin - sag_at_ilt1gt env grep NAT
- NATDIR/home/sag/nat
- NATVERSv61115
- sag_at_ilt1gt env grep ADA
- ADADIR/home/sag/ada
- ADABIN/home/sag/ada/v33301
- ADALNK/home/sag/ada/v33301/libadalnk.so
- ADAVERSv33301
- ADATOOLS/home/sag/ada/v33301/tools
14Screen Shots ADAREP
15ADABAS Start and Stop
- sag_at_ilt1gt ADASTART 001
- -bash ADASTART command not found
- sag_at_ilt1gt adastart 001
- ADASTA-E-ALRACTI, Database 001 already active
- sag_at_ilt1gt adaend 001
- -bash adaend command not found
- sag_at_ilt1gt adastop 001
- ADASTO-I-DBCANCL, Cancelling database 001
- ADASTO-I-DBCANCL, Database 001 cancel completed
- sag_at_ilt1gt adastart 001
- ADASTA-I-STARTUP, Database 001 starting in
background - ADASTA-I-WAITING, Waiting for database 001 to
come up . - ADANUC-I-DBSTART, Database 1, session 5 started,
11-OCT-2005 013851 - ADASTA-I-READY, Database 001 started
16Screen Shots Work Files
17Screen Shots NATPARM
18Screen Shots Print Devices
19Screen Shots Printer Definitions
20Screen Shots Printer Profile
21Screen Shots Install Parms
22Screen Shots HTTP Proxy
23Screen Shots SYSPROF?
24Screen Shots DBID assignments
25Screen Shots Administrators?
26Screen Shots NATTTERMCAP?
27Screen Shots Customize Terminal
28Screen Shots Testing Keys
29Screen Shots Modify Keys
30Screen Shots NATBPMON
31Natural Editor looks familiar?
- sag_at_ilt1gt natural BATCHMODE CMSYNIN/tmp/testin
CMPRINT/tmp/testout CMOBJIN/tmp/testing - sag_at_ilt1gt cat /tmp/testin
- logon apdrxn
- age 55
- fin
- sag_at_ilt1gt cat /tmp/testout
- NEXT logon apdrxn
- LLogon accepted to library APDRXN.
- LNEXT age 55
- LPage 1
05-10-10 073142 -
- LNEXT fin
- LNAT9995 Natural session terminated normally
33My Experience?
- Good, clear documentation
- Easy install and configuration
- Get SAG right or you would need to re-install!
- Work with your sysadmin or learn linux
- Great environment to integrate with other systems
and network - Can remote install by uploading CDs.
- Not tested Natural Security, DBA Workbench,
Predict etc.
34Thanks Software AG
- Special thanks to
- Software AG
- Particularly Bruce Beaman
- Many others _at_ SAG helped too
- Dieter Storr thanks for the idea
- Above all YOU!
- Will upload the slides soon.
- Questions / Comments?
- Ranga Nathan 714-442-7591
- Rnathan_at_Baxglobal.com