Title: Weed Management in Brassica and Other Oilseed Crops
1Weed Management in Brassica and Other Oilseed
- Joe Yenish
- Extension Weed Scientist
- Washington State University
- Sonalan
- Preplant Incorporated
- 5.5 9.5 Sonalan 10G/A
- 1.5-2.5 pts Sonalan HFP/A
- Treflan
- Preplant Incorporated
- 5 10 Treflan TR10/A
- 1 2 pints Treflan HFP/A
- Grasses
- Assure II
- 5 to 12 oz/appl.
- lt18 oz/season
- Poast
- 1 to 2.5 pts/appl.
- lt5 pts/season
- Select 2EC
- lt6 oz/appl.
- lt16 oz/season
4Broadleaf Weeds
- Stinger, Others (Clopyralid)
- Postemergence
- 1 application per crop
- 2 to 6 lf crop stage
- 0.25 to 0.5 pt/A
- May be tankmixed
- Could compromise rotationLegumes
5Herbicide-Resistant Weed Management Systems
- GMOs
- LibertyLink
- Roundup Ready
- NonGMOs
- Clearfield
- ExpressSun
- Sunflowers only
6Herbicide Resistant Canola
- Only Clearfield Canola may be planted in the next
season following Pursuit at labeled rates
7Herbicide-Resistant CanolaClearfield
- Clearfield Seed
- Beyond herbicide
- Only for use in Clearfield Canola, Sunflower, or
Wheat - Apply 4 oz Beyond/A surfactant N fertilizer
- Label recommends soil applied grass herbicide
prior to Beyond - Early POST but before canola bloom
8Herbicide-Resistant CanolaRoundup Ready
- Roundup Ready Seed
- Roundup and other glyphosate herbicides
- Glyphosate only
- Roundup Original MAX (4.5 a.e./gal.)
- Spring canola
- Single application
- 11 to 16 oz./A
- Sequential
- 11 11 oz/A
- Emerge to 6 lf canola
9Roundup Ready Canola
- Winter Canola
- Single application
- 16 to 22 oz./A Fall
- Sequential
- 11 to 22 oz/A Fall 11 to 22 oz/A Spr.
- Emerge to bolting canola
- Spring Canola
- Up to 44 oz preplant, planting, preemergence
- Up to 22 oz POST
- Winter Canola
- Up to 44 oz preplant, planting, preemergence
- Up to 44 oz POST
10Herbicide-Resistant CanolaLibertyLink
- LibertyLink Seed
- Liberty herbicide
- Glufosinate
- 28 to 34 oz./A per application
- Sequential 20 oz./A plus 20 oz./A
- Do not exceed 68 oz/A per crop
- 70 d plantback to wheat, barley,triticale
11Oilseed crops
- Mustard
- Select 2EC
- Safflower
- Pree
- Eptam
- Sonalan
- Dual Mag.
- Treflan
- Poast
- Select
12 Sunflower
- PREE and PrePlant
- Prowl
- Dual
- Treflan
- Sonalan
- Eptam
- Spartan
- Micro-Tech
- Select
- Assure II
- Poast
- Express
- Hybrids with DuPont ExpressSUN trait
- Beyond
- Clearfield Hybrids
13Herbicide Carryover
- PNW Extension Bulletin 571 (PNW 571)
- Plantback Restrictions for Herbicides Used in the
Dryland Wheat Production Areas of the Pacific
Northwest. Hanson, Rauch, and Thill - 4/hard copy Free PDF Download
- http//info.ag.uidaho.edu/pdf/PNW/PNW0571.pdf
14Herbicide PersistencePlantback Restriction
- Persistence of herbicides depend upon
- Rate
- ½ Life
- Repeated use
- Herbicide availability
- Plantback restriction depends upon above plus
- Sensitivity of the crop
15Herbicide Half-life
- Length of time required for one half of the
original herbicide application to dissipate - Determined by herbicide physical characters and
environmental factors - Moisture
- pH
- Soil texture
- Soil organic matter
16Half-life of two sulfonylurea herbicides
40 d
12 d
17Range of experimental half life of Pursuit
18Herbicide Carryover
- When rotating to canola
- Herbicide families of primary concern (ALS
Inhibitors Group 2) - Imidazolinones (IMIs)
- Assert, Pursuit, Beyond
- Sulfonylurea (SUs)
- Ally, Amber, Express, Glean, Harmony GT,
Maverick, Osprey, Peak - Sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinones
- Everest, Olympus
19Canola plantback restrictions - IMI herbicides
Herbicide Plantback Notes
Assert 15 mo. Clearfield Canola may be planted the season following application
Clearfield Canola may be planted the season following application
Clearfield Canola may be planted the season following application
Beyond/Raptor 26 mo. Clearfield Canola may be planted anytime
- Extension Bulletins
- PNW 0437
- Herb. Res. Weeds Their Mgmt.
- PNW 0571
- Plantback Restrictions
- PNW 0572
- Mgmt. Strategies for Prev. Herb. Resist. Grass
Weeds in Clearfield Wheat Systems - http//ext.wsu.edu/
- http//www.uidaho.edu/extension/
- Joe Yenish
- 509-335-2961
- yenish_at_wsu.edu
- http//css.wsu.edu/weed_science