The JFK assassination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The JFK assassination


The conspiracy theory. POSITION: conspiracy theorists suggest that 'back and to ... For the conspiracy theory to have been credited, it would have been required ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The JFK assassination

The JFK assassinationconspiracy or not?
Investigated by Josh Wilkins
Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Traditional Theory
  • POSITIONIt was believed by many from the
    beginning of the investigations that there was
    only ever one person behind the assassination of
    JFK, and in the Warren Commission, it was stated
    that this man was Lee Harvey Oswald
  • EVIDENCEIt could be suggested that in fact LHO
    had the motives with which to carry out the
    assassination of JFK. He was married to Marina
    Prusakova In April 30 1961, and as she was a
    communist Russian, it was believed LHO may have
    been influenced by her beliefs. Furthermore,
    whilst some argue that LHO was not a very good
    shot, and thus could not have performed such
    accurate shootings, a further investigation into
    his files revealed that actually out of 35 shots,
    32 were on target
  • ASSESSMENTI would suggest that as a result of
    the findings of these files, which clearly show
    the mans ability to shoot and kill JFK, whilst
    also having a motive to do so implies that it
    could well have been the LHO by himself.

Lee Harvey Oswald
  • The revisionist theory
  • POSITION The revisionist theory states that it
    was not soley Lee Harvey Oswald acting on his
    own, instead a group of people and thus a
    conspiracy were behind the killing of JFK.
  • EVIDENCEIt was suggested that despite LHOs
    involvement in the marines in his early
    childhood, he was renowned for being an awful
    shot, and thus getting one shot on target was a
    rarity, let alone getting two on target, in a
    moving vehicle. It has also been suggested that
    whilst the Warren Commission states that LHO was
    in certain places at certain times, some reports
    counter this, and argue that actually he was not
    where the commission said he was, thus there must
    have been someone else involved.
  • ASSESSMENTOne whole spate of sightings occurred
    in a place called Alice, Texas where seventeen
    separate witnesses thought they saw Lee Oswald
    usually with Marina and a baby in arms. In an
    essay from his web site, Dave Reitzes reviews
    many of the sighting, and argues that in fact
    they are inaccurate, thus allowing for LHO to
    actually have been at the scene of the crime.
    One particular witness reports LHO to be with his
    wife and a child, however at the time, given the
    child's date of birth, it is impossible that the
    child meet the descriptions given. Furthermore,
    whilst another witness stated that LHO checked
    into a hotel in the Alice area, the Warren
    Commission clearly has database evidence that LHO
    checked in and stayed in the Dallas areas, for 3
    nights, leading up to the assassination.

The Magic Bullet Theory
  • In what is one of the most interesting pieces of
    evidence, it is suggested that there must have
    been a magic bullet to have created all the
    wounds. Traditional Theory
  • POSITION Given that there was a total of 7
    wounds, in different places, it has been argued
    that this was indeed possible because of physics
    and magic bullet.
  • EVIDENCEI would suggest that this position is
    valid as a result of the fact that the physics
    allows for one such bullet to cause all of the
    wounds. Furthermore, despite the argument that
    even if the bullet had caused all of the wounds,
    it would have been amaged gfiven the path it
    took, the picture to the right hand side of the
    actual bullet, in a close up clearly shows that
    the bullet is not in the so called pristine
    condition, which would suggest it has been on a
    dramatic course.
  • ASSESSMENT Whilst it is argued that Kennedy and
    Connally were sat directly in front of each
    other, given the evidence that they were not
    further aids the cause of the magic bullet
    theory, and given the proven physics I would
    suggest that however freakish, it was a possible

The Magic Bullet Theory
  • Revisionist theory
  • POSITIONThe revisionist, conspiracy theory
    suggests that because of the actual positions
    of Kennedy and Connoly, it was imposiible for the
    wounds to have been made with one bullet thus
    there must have been other bullets, and given the
    speed at which this second bullet would have had
    to have been shot at, it was impossible for this
    to have been the same gunman.
  • EVIDENCE It is suggested that as the pair were
    apparently directly in front of each other, it
    would thus have been impossible for one bullet to
    have caused all of the wounds,
  • as the below image suggests there is no way the
    bullet could have
  • taken the suggested course. Also it was
    suggested that because of the
  • mysterious disappearance then re-appearing of
    the bullet, it may
  • have been placed in the hospital so as to
    suggest that one bullet did it.
  • Whilst the argument from the revisionist point
    of view is that given the
  • pristine condition of the bullet, nit could not
  • caused the wounds.
  • ASSESSMENTI would suggest that this evidence is
    slightly unreliable.
  • Further investigations have realised that
    commonly conspiracy authors will attack the
    Single Bullet Theory by moving the entrance wound
    in Kennedy's back down below the Warren
    Commission location, and move the wound in the
    front of Kennedy's neck up in order to require an
    absurd trajectory though Kennedy's body, and from
    that argue that the physics are impossible. Such
    tampering suggests the argument is flawed.

Back and to the left
  • The traditional theory suggests that this does
    not necessarily mean that a shot came from the
    grassy knoll
  • POSITION Simple Newtonian physics does not allow
    for the freak reactions felt when you have just
    been shot, thus despite what the theory may
    suggest, a back and to the left reaction could
    have happened regardless of where the shot came
  • EVIDENCE One of the most profound bits of
    evidence supporting the theory that a back and to
    the left movement was possible regardless of
    where the bullet came from is that of a
    neuromuscular spasm. The House Select Committee
    decided that this was the key factor after
    watching an experiment where a goat was shot in
    the head, and the spasms witnessed could easily
    have caused the backward, and left movements.
  • It is entirely possible for an object hit by a
    bullet to move in the direction from which the
    bullet came. Richard Trott demonstrated this by
    shooting melons and the "jet effect" phenomenon
    was thus first suggested. It was later
    experimentally demonstrated by physicist Luis
    Alvarez. Trott shows that the average citizen
    with a rifle can recreate the effect.
  • ASSESSMENT Given all of this evidence, I would
    suggest that indeed this back and to the left
    movement was possible regardless of where the
    bullet came from, thus the sole killer in LHO, up
    in the office buildings was entirely plausible.

Back and to the left
  • The conspiracy theory
  • POSITION conspiracy theorists suggest that back
    and to the left movements recorded of JFKs
    movemen's after having been shot suggest that a
    shot was fired from somewhere else, other than
    the office buildings thus a second gunman was
  • EVIDENCE The physics suggest that by being shot
    from the front, thereby from the direction of the
    grassy knoll, the only possible movement of
    JFKs head was to go backwards and then fall to
    the left. As a result this thus suggests that
    the shot came from the grassy knoll and therefore
    indicates that another gunman was involved in the
    assassination of JFK. A gun was later uncovered
    by the grassy knoll.
  • ASSESSMENT Firstly I would suggest that whilst
    this theory is backed up by evidence in the form
    of physics, the mysterious appearance of the gun
    at the grassy knoll (which may have been placed
    there as a cover up) and indeed the argument
    which states that a spasm could have caused a
    similar movement, in fact the conspiracy theory
    seems less likely.

Apparent sightings of a man holding a gun by the
infamous grassy knoll
  • All in all I would suggest that given these three
    bits of evidence and theories from both the
    conspiracy and traditional side, I would be of
    the opinion that it was not a conspiracy that
    killed JFK.
  • Given the vast amounts of evidence backed in the
    traditional theorys favour, and the mysterious
    and somewhat suspicious actions taken so as to
    provide an argument for the conspiracies, it can
    surely only be argued that Lee Harvey Oswald
    performed the assassination by himself.
  • It was proven that he had the motives, he had
    the ability to perform the assassination, his
    magic bullet could indeed have caused all of the
    wounds and finally it was indeed possible for the
    back and to the left movements recorded of JFK to
    have been caused by the fatal bullet shot by LHO
    from his office building.
  • For the conspiracy theory to have been credited,
    it would have been required that no tampering
    with evidence occurred, and that hard evidence
    were required, which, however argued, cannot and
    will not ever be presented.
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