Jameson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assert that third world literature are mostly national allegory. ... Jameson typified India as the slave in Hegelian's master and slave relationship. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jameson

Jamesons Rhetoric of Otherness and the National
  • Written by Aijaz Ahmad
  • Report Monica 497206077

Out line
  • Introduction
  • Ahmads argument
  • Metropolitan language
  • Three Worlds Theory

Frederic Jameson
  • Us scholar
  • Marxist
  • Postmodernist
  • Third World Literature in the Era of
    Multinational Capitalism

Source El talp
Frederic Jameson
  • Assert that third world literature are mostly
    national allegory. For example, Lu Xuns text
    deal with Chinese society by dramatizing the
    libidinal force of his characters in his sketches
    in Diary of a Maiden, in which individual
    allegorize his/her personal experience. Jameson
    focus on demonstrating the struggle affected by
    both imperialist and colonialist forces when
    third world artist try to construct its national
    culture and national identity.

Aijaz Ahmad
  • Born in India
  • Marxist
  • Pakistani citizen
  • (Ahmad 566)

Source The Hindu
  • Frederic Jameson is my (Ahmad) civilization
    Other (Ahmad566).
  • Oppose three worlds theory(Ahmad568)
  • Oppose the definition of third world based upon
    its experience of colonialism and
  • Oppose all the third world literature are
    necessarily national allegory(Ahmad571).

Ahmads critical approaches
  • Exam
  • Binary opposition
  • ( First World/ Third World
  • Hegels master and slave relation)
  • Logic
  • Over-generalization

I. Metropolitan language
  • Jameson neglects that Asian and African
    literature do not adopt single metropolitan
  • Us and European scholars believes in metropolitan
    tradition of literature because of translation
    while it is not the case in Asia and Africa
    therefore, some Hindu literary traditions are
    unknown to foreign scholars(Ahmad566-8).
  • Some Asian and African scholars theories are
    over valorized(Ahmad567).
  • E.g. Edward SaidOrientalism

II. Three Worlds Theory?
  • JamesonThree Worlds Theory
  • Ahmad responds
  • There is no such knowledge of the world which is
    essentially descriptive(568).
  • The binary opposition which Jameson constructs
    between a capitalist first world and a pre- or
    non-capitalist third world is empirically
  • E.g. India is a capitalist country (exchanges
    between Department I and Department II industry),
    which is not as Jameson suggested a world that
    based upon experience of colonialism and
  • Jameson typified India as the slave in Hegelians
    master and slave relationship.

III. Absolute Nationalism?
  • The third world should be assessed with its mode
    of production rather than merely experience of
  • Jameson over-valorizes the nationalist ideology
    (nationalism) in third world and the assertion of
    national allegory (cultural production)
  • Jameson neglects social factors (Socialist)
    within third world society and define societies
    merely through intra-national domination(Ahmad571)
  • E.g. Irans clerical fascism instead of social

IV. Unitary search?
  • Jameson claims that one cannot proceed from the
    premise of a real unity without falling back
    into some general liberal humanistic
  • Ahmad
  • What gives the world its unity, then, is not a
    humanistic ideology but the ferocious struggle of
    capital and labor which is now a strictly and
    fundamentally global in character(Ahmad572).

IV. Single Narrative?
  • Jameson insistence on the relation of otherness
    between the first world and the third world.
  • Ahmad
  • Jameson de-historicise the global space and the
    struggle between these great motivating forces
    actually taken places (capitalist forces)
  • Jameson assimilates the heterogeneities and
    productivities of our life (the third world? )
    into a single Hegelian metaphor of master/slave
    relation, this theory reduces us into an

V. Time
  • Ahmad The texts in the third world based upon
    the experience of imperialism and colonialism
    should be assessed with time concern. For
    example, Lu Xuns texts are written around ten
    centuries, which is a pre-capitalism work.
    However, Jameson applies Lu Xuns text to suggest
    the difference between first world and third
    world are primordial and pre-capitalism(Ahmad
  • --here with ten centuries of specifically
    Chinese, which means that Chinese society
    sustain individuals libidinal energy because
    Ahmad assume Chinese suffer this problem for a
    long time.(Lu Xuns texts A Maidens Diary 1918,
    Medicine 1919, and The True Story of Ah Q 1921
    according to Wikpedia)

V. Space
  • The fallacy of Jamesons text is his insistence
    upon all the third world literature are
    necessarily national allegories by validating
    those third world texts which presents national
    allegories as authentic texts (Jameson 574).
  • Jameson suggests that third world is similar to
    pre- or non-capitalist literature through the a
    unity between private and public space because
    capitalist society has the radical split between
    the private and public in Marxism and Form

V. Collectivity?
  • Not nation but collectivity (Ahmad 577).
  • Jameson argue that the first world writers
    unconsciously allegorize their works while the
    third world writer allegorize their works
  • Ahmad claims that reflection upon collectivity is
    not an exclusive narrative strategy applied by
    third world writers, but also first world writer.
  • E.g. Adrieen Rich or Alone with America

VI. Non-Canonical
  • Jameson Third world literatures conduct relist
    mode and thus have limited subject in the texts.
  • Ahmad
  • Urdu texts are not available in English.
  • Nobel Prize winner. E.g. Salman Rushdie
  • Not the single mode of Sherwood Adersons
    realism, now the third world novelist are also in
    the modernist discourse in the US.

VII. Urdu literary history
  • Printing presses and publisher (Pandit Naval
    Kishore) assist in shaping Urdu literature (Ahmad
  • Subject not exclusively national allegory, but
    also a new kind of bourgeois who was violating
    established social norms and female status
    (Ahmad 583).

VIII. Conclusion
  • Ahmad Whether to put Jamesons text in the
    first world of his origin(Jameson), the second
    world of his ideology and politics, or the third
    world of his filiations and sympathy?(Ahmad587).
  • Ideological condition of the texts production
    are never singular but always several Ahmad587).
  • There is a veritable third world within the
    first worlds global postmodernist Ahmad587).
  • Within the unity, there are irreconcilable
    struggle of capital and labor(Ahmad588).

  • Ahmads essay is well structured, in which he
    correspondingly rejoins to Jamesons statements.
    Besides, Ahmad strategically applies his identity
    card as the most persuasive evidence when he
    contradicts Jamesons viewpoints of contemporary
    situation of third world, and thus the most
    worthy part in Ahmads essay is his description
    about Urdu literature and history. However,
    several Ahmads viewpoints are overlapped in
    different sections. Besides, I have difficulty
    with Ahmads conclusion in insisting that they
    are not each others civilization others, which
    seem to deny the purpose of his own essay stated
    as Jameson is my (Ahmad) civilization
    Other(566) and somehow blur the focus.

  • Q1 What is the role of media in postmodern
    literature especially when the difference is
    between the effect of local media and
    international media? Can a nation be a nation
    when it is unknown or possess ambiguous image in
    the viewpoint of other nations?
  • Q2 Is globalization in the third and second
    world be viewed as postcolonial texts?
  • Text
  • What is the idea of world literature?

Works Cited
  • Ahmad, Aijaz. Jamesons Rhetoric of Otherness
    and the National Allegory. Nation and
    Narration. Ed. Homi Bhabha. NY Routledge, 1990.
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