Arc Magmatism: Island Arcs and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arc Magmatism: Island Arcs and


Subduction is responsible for much plutonism, volcanism, metamorphism and orogenesis ... Dominantly subalkaline. Both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline, but overall ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Arc Magmatism: Island Arcs and

GEO1003 Spring 2009 Arc Magmatism
Arc Magmatism Island Arcs (and Continental Arcs)
Ref ch16 (Winter)
Note that in this course we will only study
island arcs not continental arcs
Arc Magmatism Introduction
  • Arc magmatism is all subduction-related
    island-arcs and continental arcs
  • (some arcs have characteristics of both)
  • Subduction is responsible for much plutonism,
    volcanism, metamorphism and orogenesis
  • Island-arcs (overiding plate is oceanic) and
    continetal arcs (where
  • overiding plate is continental) clearly have the
    potential for generating
  • magmas of different compositional ranges
  • Most magmas are intermediate in composition
    (andesitic), but is typically
  • very much more diverse in composition than MORs
    or within-plate settings
  • Volcanism dominated by pyroclastic activity
  • Simplest model might be that we generate
    andesites by partial melting
  • of basaltic oceanic crust, but we clearly aslo
    have to consider the overlying
  • mantle wedge and (in the case of continental
    arcs), contamination from
  • the continental crust

Principle subduction zones (and associated island
and continental arcs)
Island Arc Volcanism Introduction
  • Island arcs are mostly few hundred kms long and
    most have features illustrated below
  • Note first melting typically at about 110km
  • Note thick arc crust (typically about 30km)
    beneath many arcs and
  • back-arc basin magmatism

Subduction Basics
  • Rates of subduction vary from about 1 to 12cm/yr
  • Angles of subduction vary greatly from 30 degrees
    to almost vertical
  • Subduction associated with inclined zone of
    earthquakes called the Benioff Zone
  • goes down to about 650-700km
  • Close relationship between position of volcanism
    relative to trench and depth to
  • subduction zone (volcanism is closer to trench
    for steeper subduction)
  • This implies strong relationship between P and T
    conditions as slab descends and
  • point of initial melting
  • Depth of melting is on average 110km
  • Many island arcs also have back-arc extensional
    basins with volcanism often
  • very similar to MORB

Island Arc Volcanism Magma Classification
  • Plots of arc (island and continental)
  • Dominantly subalkaline
  • Both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline, but overall
  • calc-alkaline magmas dominate
  • Basalts are subordinate
  • Andesites and basaltic andesite dominate
  • Almost all andesites on Earth occur in arcs
  • Tholeiites occur in a variety of tectonic
  • settings, but calc-alkaline magmas largely
  • restricted to arcs

Classification of Andesites on K20 content
  • Note K content correlates often with distance
    from trench

Andesite classification of Gill (1981) K20 vs
  • Low K calc-alkaline type is uncommon, but other
    five fields are common in arcs
  • (often in same arc or even same volcano)

Island Arc Magmas Major Element Chemistry
  • Island arc basalts are similar to MORB but higher
    K2O and Al2O3
  • Some arc basalts are very high in alumina
    (high-alumina basalts)
  • Tholeiitic arc magmas show Fe-enrichment on AFM
  • Calc-alkaline magmas display much greater silica
    enrichment with
  • evolution than tholeiitic magmas and also have a
    higher water content
  • All island arc magmas display significant alkali
    enrichment with differentiation
  • Some series start out as tholeiitic and end up as
  • Harker diagrams typcially show decreases in
    alumina, MgO, FeO and CaO indicating
  • likely FC of plagioclase and mafic phases like
    olivine and pyroxene

Island Arc Andesites Mineralogy
  • Calc-alkaline andesites often have gt20 phxysts.
  • Many phxysts are zoned and show resorption
    (disequilibrium textures)
  • Plagioclase of highly variable composition (An50
    to An90) is most
  • common phxyst phase
  • Phxysts Cpx (augite) are also common in low-K
    andesites, and are often aluminous
  • High-Ca and High-Al nature of phxysts due to
    depolymerizing nature of high water content of
    magmas (Al-O bonds not as easily broken as Si-O
    and Ab has
  • more Si-O bonds than An)
  • Some andesites are two-pyroxene andesites with
    both CPx and Opx phxysts
  • Hornblende phxysts are common in medium to high K
    calc-alkaline andesites
  • (needs gt3wt water in melt and P gt 0.1GPa)
  • Common sequence in many andesites is Cpx, plag,
    then Opx

Island Arc Volcanics Trace Element Chemistry (1)
  • Andesites are not primary mantle
  • melts as most trace elements support FC,
  • but trace elements (and isotopes) indicate
  • a mantle wedge (not crustal) source
  • REE (left) of three series suggest
  • Low K series indicates depleted source
  • (for low silica rocks even more depleted
  • than MORB)
  • Higher K series are more enriched in
  • LREE and many other incompatible elements
  • and probably reflects lower degrees
  • of partial melting of mantle
  • Flat HREE for all series implies garnet
  • was not involved (garnet in mantle OR
  • garnet in eclogite, ie ocean crust at 110km)

Island Arc Volcanics Trace Element Chemistry (2)
  • High LIL/HFS ratios are typical. LIL elements
    are very soluble in water
  • Water is sourced from sediments and dehydration
    of crust
  • Water-rich fluids are very important in
    initiating melting and in petrogenesis of arc
  • magmas

Island Arc Volcanics Isotopes
  • Complex due to heterogeneity of mantle source etc
  • Isotopes suggest important source is similar
    depleted mantle to MORB (eg Sr87/Sr86 ratio
  • often below 0.704), but EM1, EM2, PREMA and HIMU
    source can all be recognized
  • Remember that HIMU probably indicates sedimentary
    crustal source
  • Mixing between sources is common, especially DM
    plus one or more other reservoirs
  • Many arc magmas can be explained by mixing of DM
    (and PREMA) plus continental sediment
  • Isotopes indicate either mantle wedge is
    initially heterogeneous AND/OR is made so by
  • LIL and Sr-enriched solutions from underlying
    oceanic crust and sediments

Petrogenesis of Island Arc Magmas
  • Descending slab is relatively cool (compared to
    surroundings) so basalt wont melt until
  • about 200km
  • Five possible sources for arc magmas crustal
    slab (altered crust, sediments and
  • seawater) mantle wedge, arc crust lithosphere
    beneath mantle wedge asthenosphere
  • beneath mantle wedge
  • Last three are not likely lithosheric mantle is
    too depleted (MORB melts at MORs
  • from this) and wont melt at 110km asthenosphere
    also heats up little arc crust is a
  • product of arc magmatism so cant be a fundamental
  • Mantle wedge and crustal slab sediments and
    altered crust are most important (as
  • trace elements and isotopes suggest)
  • Altered crust at 11okm would be eclogite, but
    most arc magmas have flat HREE, so
  • most favor mantle wedge as source of partial

  • Note water released does not cause melting in
    descending slab as Ts are too low, but alters
  • mantle and lowers its melting point. Amphibole
    forms in mantle and phlogopite at greater depths
  • Note also flow in mantle wedge which drags
    altered mantle down (to higher Ts)
  • Water released carries LIL, Sr and other
    incompatible elements
  • Increasing K from trench reflects phlogopite
    breakdown and/or smaller degrees of partial
  • (less water coming off slab deeper down)
  • Closed cell flow of wedge explains depletion of
    some arc magmas
  • FC of the mantle wedge derived melts (and magma
    mixing) at several level including the base of
  • crust generates the dominant andesites
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