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Forever Living Products


... easily stroke it over your face and neck in a up- and outwards going movement. ... different beautiful palettes ( 3 colds and 2 Warms), plus 2 Beauty Plus palettes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Forever Living Products

Forever Living Products

Sonya Skincare Make-up Course by Mette Halkjær
  • What to expect of this course?
  • Exhaustive knowledge of the products in Fleur de
    Jouvence skincare and Sonya Makeup.
  • Skin- and Color analysis.
  • You will learn to do the perfect make-up all the
    way from the ground, both party- and everyday
  • Great tips and ideas.
  • Lots of sale arguments.
  • You will get a perfect basis to introduce Forever
    Living Products skincare and make-up by yourself.

Forever Living ProductsAloe Fleur de Jouvence
  • Skincare course by
  • Team Baltic

Task of the skin
  • The skin is the protecting surface of the body,
    which protects against the outer environment and
    all of its harmful substances, all the way from
    chemicals to batteries.
  • The skin adjusts its normal body temperature by
    being waterproof.
  • The skin is a sense organ to pain, touch, cold
    and heat.
  • The skin is also important to the body because it
    can make vitamin D by influence of the sun.

The skins anatomy
  • The skin constitutes about 15 of the body
    weight depending on how thick the layer of fat
    is. It means that a person who weighs 55 kg,
    carries about 8 kg of skin. If these 8 kg of skin
    were spread out, the total surface would almost
    be 2 m². The thickness of the skin vary from 1 mm
    on the eyelids, to several cm on the back and
  • The skin is divided into three layers
  • The epidermis
  • The corium
  • The subcutis

  • The epidermis is the waterproof layer, which
    prevent the body to dry out.
  • The epidermis is consisting of three layers
  • Hornlayer
  • The lighter layer
  • The cambium
  • The new cells of the epidermis are formed in the
    cambium. They are slowly pressed to the skins
    surface. The outermost layer of the skin is
    consisting of dead skin cells, which is slides
    away all the time to be replaced by the cells in
    the deeper layers. It takes about 21-28 days from
    a skin cell is formed to it is rejected. The dead
    skin cells is a connected layer of a substance
    called keratin. Keratin is a Greek word, which
    means horn. and that is why the dead layer of
    skin is called hornlayer. The Hornlayer has a
    very resistant barrier which is called acid
    cloak. The acid cloak can be removed by being
    washed with acid solvent or acid neutralizing
    preparation. Normally it will be repaired fast on
    a healthy skin, so its important not to use
    strong soaps on the skin, because it will make
    the acid cloak imbalanced. The skins normal
    pH-value is between 4,2-5,6
  • The epidermis dont have any vein, and thats why
    superficially scratches dont bleed. Although
    there isnt any veins, the epidermis still
    receives oxygen and nutrient from the liquid of
    the tissue which seeps up between them from
    corium underneath.

  • In the top of the corium is the connective tissue
  • The corium is consisting of firm connective
    tissue which is strong and elastic, and which
    contains collagen and elastin fiber. The collagen
    and elastin fiber in the connective tissue will,
    along with a normal content of water, give the
    skin its normal elasticity and suppleness.
  • If the skin dries out, the normal suppleness will
    disappear and the skin will become loose and
    wrinkled. This is often seen with people who
    doesnt drink enough liquid every day. When
    ageing the skin will loose its suppleness.
    Exaggerated sun-bathe or smoking are some of the
    factors that can speed up the ageing process
  • Otherwise, there is nerves, sweat glands,
    sebaceous glands, hair, lymphatic and veins in
    the corium. Its these veins that gives the
    living cells in the corium there nourishment.
  • Most of the nerve organs, which belongs to the
    senses of pressure and pain is also in the

  • There isnt a clear delimitation between the
    corium and the subcutis.
  • The subcutis is consisting of a loose connective
  • This layer works as a depot to fat and water.
  • The subcutis also works as a protective and
    isolate padding.
  • There is a bigger system of veins and nerves, in
    the lower part of the subcutis, which makes sure
    that the skin will get oxygen and nourishment.
    These veins makes a system of artery which
    ramifies to the lower part of the corium, and
    then it will make an even bigger and more fine
    system through the corium.
  • Nerve nucleus in the subcutis also lead to the
    skins surface with fine ramifications.
  • The body has its sensitivity of temperature/
    regulated part in the subcutis.
  • Its also in this place the hair roots and the
    sweat glands begins.

Ageing of the skin
  • There is two forms of ageing of the skin
  • Biological ageing
  • This cant be avoided, but it vary depending on
    for instance age, sex and type of skin.
  • Secondary ageing
  • It happens as a result of for instance pollution,
    unhealthy life style, weather or exaggerated
  • The secondary ageing can be counteracted by
    protecting your skin and replacing the nutrient
    the skin needs.

Advantages of using Aloe in the skincare products
  • Lignin Has an incredible ability to penetrate
    down through the layers of skin. Thats why it
    helps transporting the healing qualities which
    Aloes have, down to the place which are
  •  Sapoins Works naturally cleansing and
  • Nutrients 75 different known vitamins among these
    vitamin A, C and E which are strong
    antioxidants, and also plant sterols which has a
    naturally anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Anthraquinones Works anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
    and anti-virucidal, eminent as painkiller.
  • Anti-pyretic Reduces heat
  • Anti-pruritic Stops itching
  • Giberellin In Aloe Vera it works like a growth
    hormone which stimulates the increase of new

Aloe Vera and skin type
  • Aloe Vera has useful effects for all skin types.
  • Normal/ combined skin
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin (poor of moisture and poor of oil)
  • Weary and lifeless skin/ Aged skin

Normal/ combined Skin
  • The skin can have tendency to dryness, mostly on
    the cheeks and at the same time the skin can be a
    little oily, and its mostly in the T-zone.
    (forehead, nose and chin).
  • The skin will be moisture and the production of
    tallow will be normalized.

Oily Skin
  • Accumulation of the skins waste products, among
    other things dead skin cells and oil from the
    skin provides a fertile soil for pimples and
    blackheads, irritations etc.
  • Result
  • The balance in the epidermis are recreated
  • The skin are able to breath again
  • Your skin will look newer, healthier and younger

Dry Skin
  • The cells are missing moisture. The need of a
    strong cell structure prevent the skin to absorb
    and tie the moisture.
  • Result
  • Aloe Vera will provide moisture and energy to the
  • The epidermid will be recreated with new moisture
  • The skin will be soft, firm and will get new

Weary and lifeless skin/ Ages skin
  • The replacement of cells are reduced
  • (It normally takes 21-28 days)
  • The skin cells are accumulated on the skins
    surface, complexion seems gray and with no life.
  • Result
  • The skin is getting a new life as the dead skin
    cells are expelled
  • Sings of age and wrinkles are reduced
  • The skin will be more tight, more soft and smooth

The Aloe Fleur de Jouvence Skincare concept
  1. Cleanse your skin twice a day with the milky
    cleanser Exfoliationg Cleanser
  2. Use the skin tonic Rehydrating Toner afterwards,
    do also use this twice a day
  3. Use Firming Foundation Lotion every morning
  4. Use Recovering Night Crème every night
  5. Use The mask Aloe Facial which is a combination
    of Facial Contour Mask Powder and Aloe Activator,
    use this 2-3 times a week or after need. The mask
    are used between step 1 and step 2

Exfoliating Cleanser
  • Milky cleanser
  • This product is made of ingredients which are
    good for your skin. The consistency is mild and
    it doesnt seem oily or irritating.
  • This product easily removes make-up, dirt and
    also waste products from the skins surface.
  • How to use
  • Distribute the product in the face and on the
    neck with your fingertips, in slow circular
    movements. Afterwards you use a little cotton
    wool or a Kleenex to remove make-up, dirt, dead
    skin cells tec.

Rehydrating Toner
  • Skin tonic
  • This product are free of alcohol so its very
    mild. It can even be used on a sensible skin.
    Thanks to the ingredients that moistener, the
    product dont seems to dry out the skin. The skin
    tonic are to be used after the milky cleanser, so
    this can remove the last remnant of the milky
    cleanser, but also to contract the skins pores.
  • How to use
  • Moisten a little piece of cotton wool with
    Rehydrating Toner and easily stroke it over your
    face and neck in a up- and outwards going
    movement. Repeat this until you no longer can se
    any dirt on the cotton wool.

Aloe Eye Makeup Remover
  • Eye makeup remover
  • Removes your eye makeup in a mild and effective
  • How to be used
  • Moisten a little piece of cotton wool with the
    product. Close your eyes and put the cotton wool
    on the eyelid, wait a moment while the product
    gets a chance to work and stroke careful
    downwards. Afterwards you remove the rest of the
    makeup underneath the eyes by an easy outwards
    going movement.
  • Remember that the skin around your eyes is very
    thin, so be very careful when you remove your eye
    makeup and avoid to rub and pull unnecessary in
    the skin.

Firming Foundation Lotion
  • Day crème
  • Is going to be use as a daily moisten care. Ideal
    protection of the skin against harmful effects as
    the weather, sun and pollution.
  • How to use
  • Distribute the crème in the whole face and on the
    neck every morning. When the product has absorbed
    into the skin, you can put on your makeup.

Recovering Night Creme.
  • Night creme
  • Reconstruct your skin while you are a sleep.
    Moistener and protect the skin and also
    counteract the occurrence of small lines and
  • How to use
  • Put a thin layer I the whole face every night.

Alluring Eyes
  • Eye creme
  • Reconstructive eye creme that reduces the
    occurrence of small lines and wrinkles. Improve
    the skins suppleness and elasticity in the
    sensitive area around the eyes.
  • How to use
  • Is used morning and/ or night depending on your
    needs. The product is very economical in use, so
    a little of it is going a long way. Because the
    third finger is the weakest finger, can it with
    advantage be used when you distribute the eye
    creme. Tap the creme on around the eyes.
    (Imagine yourself invisible glasses and thats
    where you have to put the product)

R3 Factor Defense Creme
  • A perfect supplement for Fleur de Jouvence
  • Retain, Restore, Renew
  • Is compound of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, the
    antioxidants, vitamin A and E and also AHA (fruit
    acid). These ingredients helps effectively to
    remove dead skin cells, and also give the new
    skin cells moisture, and the occurrence of small
    lines and wrinkles is going to be reduces.
  • How to use
  • Is used day and/ or night. You can use the
    product alone or you can use it together with
    Firming Foundation Lotion or Recovering Night
  • NB! This fruit acid creme is much more gentle
    then most other crème on the marked, because of
    its high content of Aloe Vera.

Forever Aloe Scrub
  • Scrub creme
  • Removes the dead skin cells gentle from the
    surface of the skin, it can both be used in the
    face but also on the body.
  • The skin will be soft, smooth and lively to look
    at and to touch.
  • You will get more out of your creme care.
  • Is used 2 to 3 times a week, or after your needs.
  • How to use
  • Is used on a wet or moistened skin. Massage
    gently in 2-3 minutes and wash it of with plenty
    of water.
  • NB! Its easy to use Aloe Scrub under the shower.

Aloe FacialFacial Contour Mask Powder/ Aloe
  • The Mask
  • Supply the skin with plenty of moisture.
  • Cleanse the pores completely, these are reduces
    and the surplus oil are also absorbed.
  • Tighten up and smooth out the skin.
  • Is used two to three times a week, or after your
  • How to use
  • Mix Powder and Activator 1 to 1 to a thin lotion
    which distributes in the face in upwards going
    strokes. You can with advantage mix it with a
    little honey, if your skin is sensible.

Alpha-E Factor
  • Serum
  • It is compound to give the skin the optimal
    moistness. It makes the skin suppleness and soft,
    and so the skin looks more radiantly and younger,
    and the skin will also have a better protection.
  • How to use
  • Is used every day and/ or night, its used alone
    or under your creme.

Aloe Vera Gelly
  • The pure stabilized Aloe Vera Gel which are just
    as effective as breaking a fresh leaf of a plant
    and smear it on the skin.
  • Works cooling and calming and it also reconstruct
    inside of the skin.
  • Effective on problems with the skin. Particularly
    to the oily skin.
  • Combat infections.

Aloe Moisturizing Lotion
  • It calm a dry and cracked or damaged skin.
  • Perfect to recreate a soft and smooth skin.
  • It can be used as a facial creme, alone or
    underneath makeup, and it can also be used as
    body lotion, hand- and foot lotion etc.

Aloe Vera Lotion
  • A softener creme with a high content of Aloe
  • Great against irritated, dry and sunburned skin.
  • Its not oily and it leaves the skin soft and
  • Suitable to hands and feet and also a body

What is the different of Moisturising lotion and
Aloe Lotion??
  • Aloe Moisturising Lotion (The purple)
  • It contents 42 Aloe Vera, and a great share of
    collagen and elastin. This combination of
    ingredients will make the skins elasticity better
    because the skin will be able to keep the
  • Aloe Lotion (The blue)
  • The consistency is lighter then a Moisturising
    lotion and it contents 69 Aloe Vera. It also
    contents vitamin E and Jojoba oil. This lotion is
    ideal to be used as body lotion. The great
    content of Aloe will also help to better small
    skin irritations.

Aloe Propolis creme
  • Unique composition of Aloe Vera and Propolis.
  • Moistener and softener.
  • Has a calming effect on scrapes, burnings and
  • It can be mixed with Aloe First to have a creme
    which seems more soothing.
  • And much much more!

Aloe Heat Lotion
  • Relaxing Aloe Vera term lotion with eucalyptus
    and menthol.
  • The creme will heat up sore muscles and joints.
  • It can also seems cooling on the skin.

Aloe First
  • First aid to
  • Sunburns
  • Irritated/ cracked skin
  • Burnings
  • Boils
  • Inflammations
  • Fungal and scars
  • Stretch marks, together with Aloe Gelly

Forever Living ProductsSonya makeup
  • Make-up course by
  • Team Baltic

  • Many experts within makeup are giving lines of
    direction and rules about how you should do your
    makeup according to the size of your eyes and
    nose, the shape of your face etc.
  • My starting point is that there arent any rules
    when it comes to makeup, but theres lines of
    direction which can make it easier and more fun
    to use makeup.
  • So the following is not supposed to be looked at
    as rules but as ideas and suggestions which can
    be used by everybody to achieve whatever you

Colors Spring (Warm)
  • The skin of spring
  • Yellowish undertone, freckles can occur.
  • Ivory, Rose, Peach
  • The eyes of spring
  • Purple emperor will seem as a contrast with white
  • Clear light blue with dark blue
  • Gray blue
  • Golden green
  • The hair of spring
  • Yellowish undertone. It will never be extremely
  • Light flaxen to golden
  • Light to medium brown
  • Red to medium blond
  • Brown with a red glow
  • Spring colors
  • Golden brown, Orange-red, coral, Warm
    yellow-gray, golden yellow, clear golden green,
    light orange, peach, turquoise, green-blue,
    violet, creme-white.

Colors Summer (Cold)
  • The skin of summer
  • Can seem thin. So the summer types blue undertone
    can give the skin a rose glow.
  • Strong rose, light to dark rose beige. Yellow
    beige (With these it can be difficult to see the
    blue undertone)
  • The eyes of summer
  • The white isnt clearly so it doesnt give a
    great contrast to purple emperor.
  • Clear blue, Gray-blue, Gray-green, Hazelnut brown
  • The hair of summer
  • Will from the nature have a blue undertone but
    because of the suns bleaching effect it can seem
  • Blond (platinum, ash, dark ash), blue-green to
    pearl white, brown with a red glow.
  • Summers colors
  • Rose-brown, Bordeaux, light red, Blue-green,
    lemon-colored, mint, old rose, jeans, sand,
    Lilac, raw white.

Colors Autumn (Warm)
  • The skin of autumn
  • Can have a tendency to red-brown freckles
  • Light to dark peach, beige with a yellowish
    undertone, golden brown
  • The eyes of autumn
  • Blue eyes are rare, they are mostly brown
  • Golden amber to dark brown, light to dark brown
    with a rusty colored ring around the pupil,
  • The hair of autumn
  • Covers from yellow through carrot-red, to dark
  • Autumns colors
  • Rust, chocolate-brown, khaki, tomato-red, orange,
    sweet corn-yellow, moss-green, petroleum-blue,
    ivory, dark violet, beige.

Colors Winter (Cold)
  • The skin of winter
  • Can vary from snow-white to vary dark.
  • Much white, Brownish, Olive, Brown to black
  • The eyes of winter
  • All eye colors can be seen. But its mostly
  • Black-brown, dark blue,
  • green, turquoise.
  • The hair of winter
  • As a child, the winter type can have light hair,
    but the hair is turning dark while ageing.
  • Dark brown, blue-black, mixed gray shades.
  • Winter colors
  • All ice colors, Bordeaux, vine-red, charcoal
    gray, blue-green, bottle-green, pink, cobalt,
    gray-beige, dark lilac, snow-white, black.

Sonya Makeup
  • A series of makeup which is based on Aloe Vera
    and it consist of completely naturally
  • It doesnt consist of anything which can cause
  • It contents strong antioxidants which protects
    the skin against the free radicals.
  • Humectants A substance that attracts moisture
    from the air so the moisture can be supplied to
    the skin.
  • It has a pH-value which are close to the skins.
  • Very small molecules, then the skin can breath
    although its covered with a full makeup.
  • It gives a very colorful and clear makeup,
    because of micronising.
  • The colors easily merge together and doesnt come
    of, when its not supposed to.
  • Can be used by colored.
  • Unique makeup with 90 days right of return!

Sonya Makeup
  • Palettes side 46
  • Foundation side 47
  • Concealer side 48
  • Powder side 49
  • Rouge side 50
  • Eyebrow side 51
  • Eyes side 52
  • Eyeliner side 53
  • Eyelashes side 54
  • Lips side 55
  • side 56
  • From day to evening makeup side 57

  • 5 different beautiful palettes ( 3 colds and 2
    Warms), plus 2 Beauty Plus palettes
  • Content
  • 1 Powder
  • 2 Rouge A light and a dark
  • 4 Eye shadows A light, medium and dark color
    plus a contrast color.
  • 1 Mascara
  • 1 Eyeliner
  • 1 Lip pencil
  • 2 Lipsticks
  • Are combined in a way that makes it easy for you
    and the customer to find the colors which go well
    together and matches the customer.

  • Creme Powder
  • Can be used by all types of skin, also sensitive
  • Two products in one, foundation to powder
  • Advantage
  • Easy to work with
  • Perfect ability to cover, from light to much
  • Naturally and vary comfortable on the skin
  • Tip
  • When you put on the foundation, remember to
    smooth out the color on the jaw line.

Yellow is covered with purple
Blue is covered with orange
Red is covered with green
Examples Orange Dark rings under ones
eyes Green Pimples or blood shots Purple Change
s in the pigments or lever-spots
  • Firmed powder
  • 3 transparent colors
  • Makes the makeup more fast
  • Use a brush or a puff
  • The powder alone can be used as a light
    foundation which gives a matt finish and smooth
    out the difference in colors in the skin.
  • Maybe you have seen a picture of a woman who is
    completely pale in her face but brown on the neck
    and breast. Its because the flash reflects in
    the face (because of the foundation and powder)
    while the neck and breast absorb the light. It
    can be avoided by powder the neck and breast
    quite slight.
  • Do also remember to powder the eyelids, its the
    best way to secure that your eye shadow look
    good. If the eye shadow is directly on the skin,
    it can have a tendency to get lumpy.
  • Tip
  • Do a little extra powder under the eyes. This can
    give a discreet highlight effect and also collect
    loose eye shadow and mascara, which can be
    brushed away easily.

  • Gives a glow and a fresh look in the face.
  • Can be used alone or two can be used together.
  • Tip
  • To get a discreet tanned effect , put a gleam of
    rouge on the forehead, bridge of the nose and the
  • The products is VERY colorfast. To avoid an
    uneven spreading of the color, you should brush
    the surplus color of in a napkin or on the hand
    before you put the rouge on.

  • The eyebrows is a important starting point to get
    a beautiful eye makeup
  • Direction
  • Coloring
  • Drawing To do this you can choose to use a
    pencil or eye shadow.
  • Control Brow Fix

There is a lot of different ways you can do your
eye makeup according to your mood and remember,
practice makes a master!
  • Dark colors
  • Makes smaller
  • Subdued
  • Dull colors
  • Gives depth
  • Absorb the light
  • Light colors
  • Makes bigger
  • Bring out
  • Metal colors
  • High lighter
  • Reflects the light

Tip If its possible, it would be a good idea to
take out your contact lenses when you do your eye
  • You can choose to use a pencil, an eye shadow or
    a liquid eyeliner, as a eyeliner. There doesnt
    exist many liquid eyeliners in Sonyas assortment
    but instead you can use an eye shadow and just
    make the applicator a little wet, then you can
    draw a great and accentuated line.
  • Its important to do the eyeliner as close to the
    eyelashes as possible, then you will avoid a
    white line between the eyeliner and the
  • If the pencil won't draw then try to make a
    couple of lines on your hand before you do the
  • There are also white eyeliners in the assortment.
    This can be used on the eyes wet edge to make the
    eye look bigger and more open.

  • Mascara
  • Put your mascara on from the root and out, then
    you will get the best result.
  • Chance your mascara every 2. to 3. month for
    hygiene reasons.
  • Tip
  • Avoid to pump air into your mascara. (To get more
    color on the brush) This only helps to dry out
    the product. To get a longer durability, twist
    out the brush instead.

  • Lip pencil
  • Inspiration
  • Some color as the lipstick
  • A darker color
  • A neutral color
  • Beautiful and full looking lips can be achieved
    by drawing the lips with a pointed lip liner in
    Cupids bow and in the outer triangle and a
    little on the lips.

  • Lipstick Many beautiful colors from quite light
    to very dark. They are very colorfast, keeps
    great on the lips and they are very comfortable.
  • Lip gloss Can be used alone or on top of the
    lipstick to give extra gloss and create focus.
  • Aloe Lips Its important to protect the lips.
    Without Aloe Vera, Aloe Lips contains Jojoba
    oil. It calms and protect your lips against the
    weather. It also protects against the sun.
  • Tip
  • Do you wish the color to stay longer.
  • To get it to stay longer, you can use foundation
    and powder on the lips before the first layer of
    lipstick. Then do the first layer of lipstick and
    afterwards you easily wipes of the surplus
    lipstick with a Kleenex and do another layer of
  • Are your lips dry.
  • If you have a tendency to dry lips, is the above
    tip not ideal, because it can seem extra drying
    on the lips. Instead you can choose to brush them
    very gentle with a toothbrush. It starts the
    circulation of the blood and removes the dead
    skin cells.

From day to evening
  • Beauty Plus Palettes
  • Shimmers
  • Colors with shine to the eyes, neck and shoulders
  • Night on the Town
  • Dramatically combinations of colors to a very
    special night on the Town
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