Title: Conflict Resolution Through Peer Mediation
1Conflict ResolutionThroughPeer Mediation
- By
- Misti L
- Actors
- Jill D Adrian F Jamie H Frankie R
2Having problems with another student?
3Dont hateMEDIATE !!
4What is peer mediation?
Students helping students resolve conflicts in a
peaceful, responsible way.
5What is a student mediator?
One of your peers who is specially trained to
conduct the mediation and make sure that the
session is helpful fair. This person may
understand your point of view better than an
6How does mediation work?
The 2 disputants and the 2 mediators meet
establish some rules. Everything said in the
mediation is confidential. Each side takes turns
talking the student mediators help you find a
solution to the conflict.
7How do I request a mediation?
Pick up a form in room 121 or Mr. Killians desk,
fill it out and return it to room 121, Mrs.
Barbee. In about one day you will be notified
when the mediation will take place.
8RememberWhen conflicts are resolved
School is a more positive place to learn and be