Title: Living Systems
1Living Systems
2Ancient Greece
- Western thinkers seem to presume the first real
development of philosophical thought originated
in ancient Greece - The sages and mystics in India and China had
already developed sophisticated philosophical
insights several thousand years earlier.
- Logos - A transcendent principle governing the
cosmos. - All things are in constant flux but, at a deeper
level everything is balanced by its opposite -
all opposites ultimately constitute a unity - This is similar to the ancient Taoist concept.
- The universe was ordered by a plurality of
timeless essences which underlay concrete
reality giving it form and meaning. - the fundamentals of existence are the archetypal
ideas which constitute the intangible substrate
of all that is tangible. (Tarnas)
- The physical world is constituted by an
infinite number of - indivisible corpuscles moving randomly in an
infinite void, - - atoms.
6Historical perspective
- Indian atomism was certainly independent of
Greek influence, for an atomic theory was taught
by Pakudha Katyayana, an older contemporary of
the Buddha, and was therefore earlier than
Democratus.but the atomic theories of ancient
India are brilliant imaginative explanations of
the physical structure of the world. However,
beyond this, ancient Indian physics developed
little as their primary interests were directed
elsewhere. (A.L.Basham)
- Achieved a partial synthesis of these two deeply
divergent views. He turned Platos ideas upside
down - a substance is not simply a unit of matter
but is an intelligible structure or form embodied
in matter. - The form does not exist independently of its
material embodiment, but it is the form which
gives to the substance its distinctive essence - Aristotles four principles, or causes of all
phenomena i.e. Form, Matter, Process and Meaning.
- Copernicus Nicolas (1473 - 1543)
- Overthrew geocentric view
- Earth no longer the centre of the universe
- Kepler Johannes (1571 - 1630)
- Scientist and mathematician
- Developed laws of motion of the planets
- Gallileo-
- Scientists should restrict themselves to the
essential properties of material bodies size,
shape, number, weight and motion. Only by means
of an exclusively quantitative analysis could
science attain certain knowledge of the world.
- Gallileos programme offers us a dead world
out goes sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell,
and along with them have since gone aesthetic and
ethical sensibility, values, quality, soul,
consciousness, spirit. Experience as such is
cast out of the realm of scientific discourse.
Hardly anything has changed our world more during
the past 400 years than Gallileos audacious
programme. We had to destroy the world in
theory before we could destroy it in practice.
- Bacon Francis (1561 - 1626)
- The goal of science is knowledge that can be
- used to dominate and control nature.
- Nature had to be
- hounded in her wanderings
- bound into service
- made a slave
- Bacon had to
- torture natures secrets
from her. -
- Descartes Rene (1596 - 1650)
- Analysis - Reductionism
- The Whole is explained by understanding the
- parts and material of which it is made.
- Mind and body - Separate
- there is nothing included in the concept of
body - that belongs to the mind and nothing in
that of the - mind that belongs to the body
- I think, therefore I am (cogito ergo
sum) - (I am, therefore I
think - Chariji) -
13Isaac Newton
- Mechanistic view of nature
- The universe is a machine (a giant clockwork)
- Human beings are also machines
- Differential calculus
- Saw time as a separate dimension, which was
absolute, having no connection with the material
14Mechanistic view
- . From the second half of the 17th century to
the end of the 19th century the Newtonian,
mechanistic model of the universe dominated all
scientific thought. - By the 19th century Gods creation of the world
had dropped out of the picture. It was felt that
it was only a matter of time until a complete
scientific understanding of the entire universe
would be attained.
15Newtonian Physics
- The natural sciences as well as the humanities
and social sciences all accepted this mechanistic
view, as the correct description of reality and
modelled their own theories accordingly. - To this day whenever psychologists,
sociologists, or economists want to be scientific
they always turn to these basic concepts of
Newtonian physics and base their research on
them. - It made possible the extraordinary technological
achievements which we see all around us in the
world today.
- The mechanistic scientific paradigm realises its
final arrogant expression in the work of people
like Stephen Pinker or Richard Dawkins. - In the latters recent book The God
Delusion he fails to even mention, and appears
to be unaware of any of the recent, genuine
scientific developments which I am attempting to
describe here. .
17Scientific Paradigms
- Thomas Kuhn defined a scientific Paradigm as
a constellation of achievements - concepts,
values, techniques, etc. - shared by a scientific
community to define legitimate problems and
solutions - Science, like the evolution of life tends to move
by fits and starts - paradigm shifts. - Far from subjecting the existing paradigm to
constant testing, scientists avoid contradicting
it by reinterpreting conflicting data to support
it, or by neglecting such awkward data
18Paradigm shift
- These innovative developments are chipping away
at the periphery of the main mechanistic
scientific model. - As more and more data accumulates which doesnt
fit, sooner or later the old model must burst its
banks and a paradigm shift will occur. - These are only glimpses of what is to come, seen
- as through a glass darkly (St. Paul).
19Turning Point
- Thermodynamics (1824) The Science of
- Complexity
- First great break with static, reversible
world and - classical dynamics.
First Law - Conservation of Energy
Second Law - Any isolated, (closed) physical
system will proceed spontaneously in the
direction of ever-increasing disorder. (Sadi
Carnot -1824).
Entropy - a measure of disorder (Rudolf
Clausius - 1850)
20Turning Point
- Irreversible Thermodynamic Change
- A change towards states of increasing
In any isolated system the entropy (disorder)
will keep increasing until the system reaches a
state of maximum equilibrium (Boltzmann -
- Irreversibility
- The Arrow of Time - (Eddington)
21The new physics
- . In 1905 Albert Einstein produced two papers.
One dealt with the theory of relativity and the
other with a new way of looking at
electromagnetic radiation which was to form the
foundation of quantum theory. - The material world, which had been viewed as a
comfortably ticking clockwork mechanism, was now
transformed into a complex of indeterminate,
interweaving and interdependent relationships. - Heisenberg - in Quantum Physics everything is
22The New Physics
- Max Planck, Heisenberg, Neils Bohr
- (Quantum Physicists)
- Interrelations - not separate entities
23Three scientific world views
- 1. Matter is primary and energy is secondary to
this. (Newton) - 2. Matter and Energy are equivalent and are
interchangeable. (Einstein) - 3. Energy is primary and what we call Matter is
simply organised energy. (Heisenberg) -
24The New Physics
- The material world, according to contemporary
physics, - is not a mechanical system made of separate
objects, but - rather appears as a complex web of
relationships. Subatomic - particles cannot be understood as isolated,
separate entities, - but have to be seen as interconnections, or
correlations, in a - network of events. The notion of separate objects
has no - fundamental validity. All such objects are
patterns in an - inseparable cosmic process, and these patterns
are - intrinsically dynamic. - Fritjof Capra
25The living world
- Ever since antiquity there was the idea of a
great chain of being - a static hierarchy with
God at the top and descending through angels,
human beings, and animals to ever lower forms of
life. Nothing had changed since the day of their
creation. - It was Lamarck rather than Darwin who first put
forward a coherent theory of evolution.
26The living world
- Lamarck, probably the greatest biologist in
history, turned that ladder of explanation upside
down. He was the man who said it starts with the
infusoria and that there were changes leading up
to man. (Gregory Bateson) - He had the remarkable intuition that all living
creatures had evolved under environmental
pressure from simpler forms.
27The living world
- Charles Darwin (1859) the Origin of Species.
12 years later The Descent of Man. - He too accepted the idea of acquired
characteristics, but based his theory mainly on
the concept of random mutation and natural
selection. - This became the corner stone of modern
evolutionary theory. - chance alone is at the source of every
innovation, of all creation in the biosphere.
(Jacque Monod)
- Watson and Crick - established DNA as the
molecule that holds the secrets of life - The
Master Molecule. - The central dogma formulated by Crick in 1957
DNA makes RNA, RNA makes protein, and proteins
make us. - Watson - We used to think that our fate was in
the stars. Now we know, in large measure, our
fat is in our genes.
29Epigenetics (cont.)
- Every molecular biologist now knows, the secrets
of life have proven to be vastly more complex,
and more confusing, than they had seemed in the
1960s and 70s, (Keller) - The notion of an isolatable, constant gene that
can be patented as an invention for all the
marvellous things it can do is the greatest
reductionist myth ever perpetrated ...There is no
simple, linear, one-directional instruction
proceeding from the gene to RNA to
protein.(Mae-Wan Ho) - .
30Epigenetics (cont.)
- Research work in isolated areas in Northern
Sweden suggests that genes have a memory. That
the lives of our grandparents can directly affect
one decades later. Epigenetics proposes a
control system of switches that turn genes on
and off and suggests that things people
experience, like nutrition and stress, can
control these switches and cause heritable
effects in humans. - Cell heredity, both nuclear and cytoplasmic,
always must be considered for the entire cell,
the entire organism. (Margulis)
31Epigenetics (cont.)
- Lamarcks theory - is of transformation arising
from the organisms own activities and experience
of its environment. This requires a conception
of the organism as an active, autonomous being,
which is open to the environment. It would seem
now that biological form and behaviour are
emergent properties of the epigenetic network.
(Mae-Wan Ho)
32The Living World
- Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955)
- On the one hand we have in physics a matter
which - slides irresistibly, following the line of least
resistance, - in the direction of the most probable forms of
distribution. - And on the other hand, we have in biology the
same - matter drifting (no less irresistibly, but in
this case in a - sort of greater effort for survival) towards
ever more - improbable, because ever more complex, forms of
- arrangement
33The Living World
- Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955)
- Linked together in arrangement
- Operating at different levels
34The Living World
- Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955)
Human beings pressing up against one another
cover the planet with a web of ideas - Noopshere
35Systems Causality
36Conventional science
- Believe Systems-
- Reductionism - the whole explained by the
parts. - Determinism - The doctrine that all events
including human actions and choices are fully
determined by preceding events, so that freedom
of choice is illusory. - No Purpose - Chance alone is at the source of
every innovation, of all creation in the
biosphere. -
(Jacque Monod)
37Conventional science (cont.)
- Heart - is simply there to pump the blood around
the body. - The Brain - There are a fixed number of neurons
in the brain, when they die not replaced. - The DNA - this is a completely closed system not
affected by environment.
38Recent scientific developments
- Whole - new emergent reality - greater than
the sum of its parts. - Genetic system open - can be affected by the
environment. - The plastic brain - brain changes related to
meditation. - Memory and information storage in fields
(feed-back loops) outside the brain - Brain
mainly an antenna receiver.
39More new developments
- Heart-lung transplants - recipient can have
dreams, memories experiences of the donor. - The After life experiments - controlled studies
with mediums - Near-Death experiences - consciousness can exist
outside the brain - Past Life Therapy - Through Time into Healing.
40Living Systems Theory
- Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968) - General Systems
- Organisms open systems
- Quasi steady state
- Entering and leaving the outside environment
(Alexander Bogdanov - Tektology, 1912 - 1917)
- Time
- Universe expanding and running down - (Big Bang)
- Evolution - simple to complex
41Living Systems Theory
- Dissipative structures - irreversible,
non-linear - transformations under conditions far from
- Energy increases - turbulence
Our vision of nature is undergoing a radical
change toward the multiple, the temporal and the
42Living Systems Theory
New Pattern
43Living Systems Definition
- Contains a number of elements
- Boundary - regulates what goes in and out
- Maintains and renews itself
- Locus of control within itself (self-organising)
44Key Criteria of a Living System
- Pattern of organisation
- The configuration of relationships that
determines the - systems essential characteristics
- Structure
- The physical embodiment of the systems
pattern of - organisation
- Life Process
- The activity involved in the continual
embodiment of the - systems pattern of organisation
(Fritjof Capra)
45Two Types of Systems
Living Auto-Poeisis (Self-making)
Non-Living Allo-Poeisis (Other making)
(Maturana and Varela) Chilian Biologists
46Cybernetics Movement
- Macy Conferences (1946)
- Mathematicians, engineers and neuroscientists
- Humanities
- Feedback and Cybernetics
47Feedback Loop
Circular arrangement of causally connected
elements, so that each element has an effect on
the next, until the last feeds back the effect
into the first element of the cycle. Thus the
first link (input) is affected by the
last (output), which results in self-regulation
of the entire system.
48Feedback Loop
Two Forms of Feedback
Circular causality of a feedback loop
49(No Transcript)
50Two Forms of Feedback
Negative feedback is a self-balancing circular
form, maintaining a steady state.
This underlies Canons concept of
Homeostasis in living creatures.
Positive feedback is what has been known in
common parlance as a vicious circle, a
self-reinforcing, runaway loop.
51A network
- Candace Pert has described what this means
- A network is different from a hierarchical
structure that has a ruling station at the top
and a descending series of positions that play
increasingly subsidiary roles. In a network,
theoretically, you can enter at any point and
quickly get to any other point all locations are
equal as far as the potential to rule or direct
the flow of information.
- The group of macromolecules comprising 60 to 70
molecular messengers (information substances),
form a psychosomatic network extending throughout
our human physiology. - Because they were studied separately by different
disciplines (Neuroscience, endocrinology, and
immunology) this fact was not realised.
53Mind Definition
- What the mind is , is the flow of information as
it moves among the cells, organs and systems of
the body. - The mind as we experience it is immaterial, yet
it has a physical substrate, which is both the
body and the brain. - Thus we might refer to the whole system as a
psychosomatic information network, linking
psyche,.such as mind, emotion, and soul, to
soma, which is the material world of
molecules,.Mind and body, psyche and soma.
54Orders of Living Systems
- 2nd Order - Multi-cellular
- 3rd Order - Grouped multi-cellular
- 4th Order - Grouped species
- 5th Order - Bio-sphere (Gaia Hypothesis)
- A living system is modified once it becomes
- incorporated in a higher order system.
- There is no correlation between the complexity of
- the higher order system and its lower order
system - parts.
55Each new level of living system is a new beginning
- Although each new order of living system, once it
has fully come into being, now has a controlling
influence over its parts, it does not mean that
it is more developed, or complex than the lower
systems of which it is formed. the highly complex
interactions between the millions of cells
internally in a dog or cat bear no relation to
the quite simple behaviours of these animals as
living creatures.
56The Social Insects
- This disparity becomes much clearer when we turn
to the social insects. Many of the insect
societies are very ancient compared to mammals or
humans termites reach back over 400 million
years and even the honeybee has been in existence
for over 40 million years. - They could, in a sense, be considered as adults,
while we (that is the mammalian group), are, by
comparison, children.
57A paradox
- Our highly sophisticated technology has been
developed over the past four hundred years, from
Gallileo onwards, through the mechanistic
scientific model. - This is now becoming lighter, increasingly
non-material - spiritualised. - This is enabling open-minded scientists to
examine complex questions, which was impossible
before, such as - Consciousness, brain function,
complex physiology, memory and information
storage outside the brain, etc.
58The Paradox
- The human individual as a multicellular organism
is far more developed and complex than a bee,
ant, or termite. But the third-order groups of
human beings are, in evolutionary terms, far more
recent than those of the social insects, and have
therefore, as living systems, not yet developed
the sophistication or complex organization of the
59The plastic brain
- Richard Davidsons lab at Univ. of Wisconsin
utilises- - Supercharged EEGs - can pinpoint activity at
locations deep within the brain. - The functional MRI- a video rendition which can
track changes the brain goes through during a
given activity. - The PET scan - this allows researchers to measure
which of the brains several hundred
neurochemicals are involved in a given mental
60The plastic brain (cont.)
- The dogma in neuroscience was that the brain
contained all of its neurons at birth and it was
unchanged ny lifes experiences - Neuroplasticity- We now know from this work and
elsewhere, that the brain continually changes as
result of our experience - Whether through fresh
connections or through the generation of utterly
new neurons. - The frontal lobes, the amygdala, and the
hyppocampus, change in response to experience.
61(No Transcript)
62Heart-lung transplants
- Memories of the donor - Reports of heart-lung
transplant patients having experiences, dreams,
likes and dislikes of the donor are being
reported with increasing frequency across the
world. - This may be happening through information stored
in a non-material form in feed-back loops or
electromagnetic fields outside of us.
63Near-death experiences
- These can occur in any of the following-
- Cardiac arrest
- Shock after loss of blood
- Coma following traumatic brain injury or
intra-cerebral hemorrhage - Near drowning - especially in children
- Etc.
64N. D. E. (cont.)
- Prospective studies carried out-
- Dutch, English, American,
- Consciousness outside the brain- Patients being
resuscitated show cardiac arrest, no brain
activity, yet able to report in detail what is
happening at the time. - 18 to 20 of NDE patients can recall these
65Back to the heart
- The atrium of the heart produces hormone - ANF
that interacts with other hormones and affects
every organ in the body, including the brain. - Recent work is revealing that there are networks
of neurons in the heart showing evidence of
mind, and that the heart is the real centre of
our emotions reflecting back on the brain.
66Three major heart-centred stages of life
- The development of a heart-mind synchrony, needed
for physical life, - A later post-adolescent development which
synchronizes the developed physical self and the
creative process. - A final highest heart which moves us beyond all
physical emotional systems. - This non-localised intelligence governing the
heart in turn maintains synchrony with the
universal consciousness at large.
67Past Life Therapy
- Through Time into Healing - sheds new light on
the extraordinary healing potential of past life
therapy. - Brian Weiss shows how he uses regression to past
lifetimes to provide the necessary breakthrough
to healing mind, body and soul. - This can help us to realise that death is not the
final word and that the doorways to healing and
wholeness are inside each of us.
68The primary social unit - A group of families
- This has taken various forms at different times
the tribal settlement, the extended family, the
hamlet, the village, the small market town with
its hinterland. This was true also of the
cluster of neighbourhoods making up great cities
of the past,
69The Nuclear Family
- It is not until we come to modern society and
the, - much-lauded, phenomenon of globalization,
- we find the isolated nuclear family as it exists
- today.
- These natural human settlements, even the
cities of the past, developed in relation to
natural resources, primarily to be.
70Demise of the age-old forms of Human community
- The villages and the small towns have largely
disappeared, in the West at least, or have
altered their character totally, as part of the
giant urban conurbations that now exist. The
extended family too has largely gone and even the
nuclear family is now under threat. Giant
corporations and organizations of all kinds have
taken their place these are primarily
task-oriented enterprises, concerned with doing.
71Pseudo-living systems
- A third order system of this kind because it is
of recent origin is essentially a new beginning. - These insatiable blind monsters, even though
they have entangled thousands of sensitive,
complex human beings within them, are,
themselves, only capable of quite primitive
behaviors, similar to the ancient dinosaurs. - They can manifest fight or flight behaviour,
take over another corporation or be taken over.
72Corporate personhood
- When Cain beat out his brother Abels brains,
His maker laid great cities in his soul - (Robert Lowell)
73(No Transcript)
74Physiology - Human Nature
- Essential Human Needs
- Relationship to natural environment
- Relationship to each other as persons
- Relate to an understandable holistic world
75 Human Needs and Wants
Wealth can be measured by the greatness of what
we have or the smallness of what we want
76Human Needs and Wants
- Human needs which we require to live a full and
fruitful life are relatively few. - Society has filled us with wants which we do
not need - Insatiable wants through advertising
- With technology needs could be met with a
fraction of current output
Satisfying wants will not give us contentment
or happiness
78 Teilhard de Chardin
- Either the entire construction of the world
presented here is an empty theory. Or else
somewhere around us, in one form or other, we
should be able to detect some excess of personal,
and extra human energy that reveals the great
presence, if we look carefully.
79Teilhard de Chardin
- The day will come when we shall harness for God
the energies of love. And, on that day, for the
second time in the history of the world, human
beings will have discovered fire