Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals


High purity metals are always softer and weaker than alloys composed of the same base metal. ... materials grain diameter (d) varies with time according to: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals

Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals
  • Chp. 8-cont.

  • The direction of slip varies from one grain to
    another as a result of random crystallographic

Variation in grain orientation is also clear from
the difference in the alignment of the slip
lines. During deformation, mechanical integrity
and coherency are maintained along the
grain boundaries. The grain boundaries do not
come apart or open up.
Slip lines
  • The manner in which the grains distort as a
    result of gross plastic deformation

Polycrystalline metals are stronger than their
single-crystal equivalents, which means greater
stresses are required for the slip to occur. This
is mainly due to geometrical constraints imposed
on the grains during deformation.
  • Mechanisms of Strengthening in Metals
  • Macroscopic plastic deformation corresponds to
    the motion of large numbers of dislocations.
  • Therefore strengthening of metals relies on this
    simple principle
  • Restricting or hindering dislocation motion
    renders a material harder and stronger.
  • The strengthening mechanisms for a single phase
    metals are discussed here, which are by
  • Grain size distribution
  • Solid solution alloying
  • Strain hardening

  • Strengthening by grain size reduction
  • Adjacent grains normally have different
    crystallographic orientations and a common grain
    boundary as shown below
  • During plastic deformation, slip or dislocation
    motion must take place across this
  • common boundary, which acts as a barrier to
    dislocation due to two major reasons
  • Crystallographic misorientation of the grains
  • Atomic disorder within a grain boundary resulting
    in discontinuity of slip planes.

  • If the grain boundary is a high angle boundary,
    it may also possible to observe stress
    concentration ahead of slip plane in one grain
    activating new dislocations.
  • Fine grained material is harder and stronger
    simple due to greater total grain boundary area
    compared to coarse grained material.
  • For many materials

Hall-Petch equation
daverage grain diameter s0 and ky are constants
for a particular material. This equation is not
valid for both very large and extremely small
grain size materials.
The toughness of the alloy also increases
as grain size decreases.
  • Small angle grain boundaries are not very
    effective in interfering with the slip process
    because of the slight misalignment across the
    boundary. Twin boundary can block the slip
    effectively and increase the strength of the
    material. Boundaries between two phase systems
    are also effective in preventing the movement of
    dislocations and this is important for
    strengthening more complex alloys.
  • Solid-Solution Strengthening This is simply
    alloying the metals with impurity atoms, which is
    solid solution (interstitial or substitutional).
  • High purity metals are always softer and weaker
    than alloys composed of the same base metal. This
    is because the impurity atoms that go into solid
    solution impose lattice strains on the
    surrounding host atoms. Lattice strain between
    dislocations and impurity atoms result and
    dislocation movement is restricted.
  • This is illustrated as follows

The impurity atoms tend to diffuse to and
segregate around dislocations in a way so as to
reduce the overall strain energy.
small impurity atoms creating tensile strain.
large impurity atoms creating compressive strain.
  • The resistance to slip is greater when impurity
    atoms are present because the overall lattice
    strain must increase if a dislocation takes place
    away from them. This requires a greater stress to
    be applied to initiate plastic deformation. This
    is evidenced by the enhancement of strength and
    hardness as shown below

  • Strain hardening It is a phenomenon whereby a
    ductile metal becomes harder and stronger as it
    is plastically deformed. It is also work
    hardening or cold working. Most metals strain
    harden at room temperature.
  • Degree of plastic deformation is expressed as
    percent cold work

A0 is the original area of the cross section that
experiences deformation Ad is the area after
Initial yield strength is lower than the new
yielding strength after plastic
deformation. Therefore the meaterial is stronger
as it is plastically deformed.
  • The influence of cold work on stress-strain
    behavior of a low C steel

The strain hardening is a result of increasing
dislocation numbers due to plastic deformation.
The dislocation density in a metal increases with
cold work and the average distance between
dislocations decreases. It is observed
dislocation-dislocation interactions are
repulsive and therefore the motion of a
dislocation is hindered by the presence of other
dislocations. Therefore, the imposed stress
necessary to deform the material increases with
cold work.
(No Transcript)
  • Recovery, Recrystallization and Grain Growth
  • Plastic deformation of a polycrystalline metal at
    T lower than its absolute melting temperature may
    result in
  • change in grain shape
  • strain hardening
  • increase in dislocation density
  • The properties and structures may revert back to
    the precold worked states by appropriate heat
    treatment (annealing treatment).
  • This process takes place at elevated temperature
    and recovery, recrystallization and grain growth
    are the major processes.
  • 1. Recovery Some fraction of the energy expended
    in deformation is stored in the metals as strain
    energy. During recovery, some of this energy is
    relieved by dislocation motion which is the
    result of enhanced atomic diffusion at elevated
    temperature. There will be reduction in the
    number of dislocations and new dislocation
    configurations with low strain energies are

  • 2) Recrystallization is the formation of new
    strain-free and equiaxed grains with low
    dislocation densities and they have
    characteristic of the precold-worked condition.
    The driving force for the formation of new grains
    is the difference in the internal energy of
    strained and unstrained one. Recrystallization of
    cold-worked material is used to refine the grain

Initial stage of recrystallization after heating
3 s at 5800C.
Cold worked grain structure
small grains at the beginning of recrystallization
  • Following up stages of recrystallization

Complete recrystallization (8 s at 5800C)
Grain growth after 15 min at 5800C and 10 min at
  • During recyrstallization, the mechanical
    properties changed as a result of cold working
    are also restored to their precold worked values.

constant heat treatment time is 1 hour
  • The temperature at which recrystallization just
    reaches completion in 1 h is called
    recrystallization temperature. Thus, the
    recrystallization temperature for the brass alloy
    is about 4500C.
  • T of recrystallization1/3-1/2 of the absolute
    melting temperature of the metal or alloy.
  • Of course T of recrystallization also depends on
    the amount of prior cold work and purity of the
  • Increasing the percentage of CW enhances the rate
    of recrystallization and decreases the T of
    recrystallization. The rate of crystallization
    approaches a constant or limiting value at high
    deformations. This value is reported in the
    literature as the T of recrystallization.

Below the critical deformation there is no
  • Recrystallization proceeds more rapidly in pure
    metals than alloys. Alloying raises the T of

  • Grain growth Following up recrystallization,
    strain free grains continue to grow at elevated
    temperature. As the grain size increases, total
    energy reduces and this is major drive for grain
  • Grain growth occurs by the migration of grain
    boundaries. Some of them grow, while the others
    shrink. Boundary motion is just a short range
    diffusion of atoms from one side to other.

  • For many polycrystalline materials grain diameter
    (d) varies with time according to

diameter at t0, K and n are constants.
Dependence of diameter to T
This is because diffusion is faster at high T.
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