PATHOGEN VARIABILITY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Monocyclic diseases - these are characterized by a large release of inoculum ... Many soilborne root pathogens tend to be monocyclic. Two Basic Types of DPCs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • All pathogens exist as populations of
    individuals, not unlike the people in this room,
    this city, etc. They, like people, share many
    common characteristics but vary greatly in many
  • Let's look at an example of a single pathogen -
    Puccinia graminis - stem rust of grasses.
  • Four subspecies, depending on species of host
    plant These subspecies are host-specific. One
    will not infect another
  • a. tritici - wheat
  • b. hordei - barley
  • c. secale - rye
  • d. avenae - oat

  • Below this level there are races (gt 200 for P.
    graminis tritici alone!). Races are defined by
    ability to develop on specific host genotypes
    (varieties, cultivars, hybrids, etc.).
  • Races are identified by ability to cause disease
    on members of a set of 10 differential varieties
    that contain specific resistance genes.

Races cont.
  • From this information several things can happen
  • 1. Prevalent races in any given area will be
    identified. This will allow identification of
    varieties with resistance to these races, and
    these can be recommended for planting.
  • 2. USDA Cereal Rust lab in St. Paul, MN keeps
    tracks of changing race status in US, identifying
    new races, etc.
  • Within a given race, there are many biotypes.
    These are distinguished by the severity of
    disease they cause on any given host genotype.
    They vary in many ways, such as spore longevity
    and survival, lesions/leaf, spores/lesion, etc.

  • "Breakdown" of Resistance
  • This term is used when a previously resistant
    variety suddenly develops disease. It implies
    that the host has changed, that the resistance
    mechanisms no longer work, etc. New pathogen
    races have developed because of selection
    pressure that was put on population by the host
    resistance mechanism.
  • Mechanisms of Change in Pathogen Populations
  • 1. Mutations - occur during mitosis an accident
    in duplication of genome results in slight or
    severe changes.
  • 2. Sexual recombination - fusion of two In cells
    gt 2n gt two In cells with mixed genetic info.

n n 2n n n
Mechanisms of Change in Pathogen Populations cont.
  • 3. Heterokaryosis - 2 or more nuclei in same
    somatic cell. We've seen this commonly in smut
    fungi, rust fungi, etc. Traits are governed by
    two nuclei, which makes for much more
  • 4. Transformation (in bacteria) - cells rupture
    and release genetic material. Adjacent cells
    "absorb" this material and incorporate it.
    Acceptor cell is modified by new material.
  • 5. Conjugation (in bacteria) - cells contact each
    other directly and exchange genetic material.

Mechanisms of Change in Pathogen Populations cont.
  • Sectoring - one portion of fungal culture (from a
    single propagule) is phenotypically different.
    Can result from mutation, heterokaryosis, etc.

Phenotype A Phenotype B
Phenotype C
Monitoring Disease in Time - Disease Progress
  • Disease progress curves show the progress of a
    disease across time. These are important for
    evaluating total impact and loss by a disease, as
    well as determining when to initiate control

Two Basic Types of DPCs
  • Monocyclic diseases - these are characterized by
    a large release of inoculum early in the season.
  • Ex Charcoal rot of most dicots, caused by
    Macrophomina phaseolina
  • Ex Cabbage club root, caused by Plasmodiophora
  • Many soilborne root pathogens tend to be

Two Basic Types of DPCs
  • 1. Monocyclic diseases
  • 2. Polycyclic diseases - these are characterized
    by a small amount of primary inoculum but several
    secondary cycles to increase inoculum.
  • Ex Potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora
  • Ex Apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis
  • Most diseases are polycyclic, including nearly
    all we discussed for Ascomycetes.

Disease Progress Curves
  • The curve appearance also depends on both
    pathogen and host factors. For example
  • 1. Initial inoculum dose can determine rate of
    disease increase, to a point. Extremely high
    doses do not necessarily result in very high
    disease levels.
  • Remember - disease is limited by number of
    available infection courts.

Disease Progress Curves
  • The curve appearance also depends
  • Initial inoculum dose
  • Host resistance can modify rate of disease
    increase, through any of the mechanisms we
    discussed earlier

Monitoring Disease in Space - Disease Gradient
  • These measure the amount of disease as you go
    away from a source. These do not work for
    diseases such as wheat leaf or stem rust, where
    inoculum tends to settle in a field like a cloud
    and foci are uniformly distributed everywhere.
    They work best with discrete sources of inoculum.

Area Under Disease Progress Curve AUDPC
  • Sometimes it is hard to distinguish Resistant
    from Susceptible varieties if the curves aren't
    as 'perfect' as the previous diagrams.
  • Therefore we determine, the AUDPC

AUDPC S ( yi yi1 / 2) (ti1-ti)
Disease Progress Curve
Lag phase
1/2 of crop diseased
0 25 50 75 100
Disease severity ()
Exponential growth
Time (days)
Note Slide is the property of B.M. Pryor, U.
Thresholds for action
  • Area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) is
    an important determinant for management action
  • Damage threshold the point at which an increase
    in disease will result in an economic loss
  • Economic threshold the point at which the cost
    of management equals the increase in yield due to

Lag phase
0 25 50 75 100
1/2 of crop diseased
Disease severity ()
Exponential growth
Time (days)
Note Slide is the property of B.M. Pryor, U.
Comparison of disease progress curves
Slope r1
Condition A
Slope r2
Condition B
Slope equals disease units/time (usually
expressed in days)
Note Slide is the property of B.M. Pryor, U.
Disease Forecasting
  • These are efforts to predict the amount of
    disease that you will have sometime in the
  • There are several important factors necessary for
    accurate disease forecasting
  • I. Pathogen factors - we've seen these before
  • 1. Virulence
  • 2. Quantity of primary inoculum
  • a. This is the amount available at the beginning
    of the season.
  • b. More important for mono- than for polycyclic
  • c. It's very hard to determine the amount of
    secondary inoculum.

Disease Forecasting
  • These are efforts to predict the amount of
    disease that you will have sometime in the
  • 3. Length of reproductive cycle
  • 4. Location of reproductive structures
  • 5. Mode of spread

Early Work in Disease Forecasting
  • One of the first diseases targeted was late
    blight of potato.
  • In 1926, the first predictors were published
  • 1. gt 4 hr dew at night .
  • 2. Min temperature gt 10 C
  • 3. gt 80 cloud cover the next day
  • 4. gt 1 mm rainfall in next 24 h
  • .
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