Virtue and Vice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Virtue and Vice


Three virtues that can only come from God are Faith , Hope, and Love. ... There is a difference between believing and understanding. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Virtue and Vice

Virtue and Vice
Opening Prayer
  • Apostles Creed p. 175
  • Scripture p. 78
  • Scripture p. 82

The Missing 20
Ice Breaker
  • A Virtue is an action of Love
  • A Vice is an action of Selfishness
  • We are going to see a number of photos
  • Call out whether this slide is a Virtue or a

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What is Virtue?
  • A virtue is a permanent power that helps us to do
    good and avoid evil.
  • It can be either
  • Natural - Something we work for, such as the
    power to be honest
  • Supernatural given directly by God
  • A simple definition of a virtue is The habit of
    doing good.
  • We must practice virtue.
  • With practice our good acts become habits and it
    becomes easy for us to act rightly.
  • For example, it may be difficult to be honest in
    a very difficult situation however, if we are
    honest all the time, eventually it will become
    easy and we will desire to be honest.

Theological Virtues
  • Three virtues that can only come from God are
    Faith , Hope, and Love.
  • We can never have too much of these.
  • These virtues direct us toward God so that we can
    know him and his revelation, trust in his
    promises, and serve him faithfully in love.

Virtues Muscles for the Soul
  • If we do not exercise our muscles, they
    remain/become weak.
  • The more we exercise them, the stronger they
  • The same thing with virtue, the more we practice
    them, the easier it gets.
  • As we become strong in virtue, we become strong
    in our spiritual life.

Theological Virtue Faith
  • Faith is the virtue by which we have the power to
    believe in God and in all that he has revealed
    through Christ and the Church.
  • There is a difference between believing and
  • There are many mysteries in the faith, truths
    greater than our ability to understand.
  • Mysteries are not problems to be solved but they
    are revealed to us so that we may enter more
    fully into them and deepen our faith.
  • We may never be able to swim to the bottom of the
    ocean, or even see it all at once, but we can
    swim in it, and enjoy the parts we can see.

Theological Virtue Faith
  • Faith is reasonable even if it includes mysteries
    that we cant fully understand.
  • For example, Jesus is risen from the dead, it is
    a mystery how that might happen but it is
    reasonable that God can raise his Son from the
  • To accept something in faith is to believe it is
    true, not because it has been proven, but because
    we trust the one who reveals the truth.
  • With the Theological virtue of Faith we believe
    what God has revealed in Sacred Scripture and
    Sacred Tradition we accept truths because God
    has revealed them.
  • Naturally, it is perfectly reasonable to accept
    what God tells us as true, even if we dont fully
    understand it.

Theological Virtue Faith
  • Today we often misuse the word faith.
  • We use it in a way that means confidence
  • I have faith that youll pass your test tomorrow.
  • True faith is about God and His Revelation
  • For Faith to be true and pleasing to God it must
  • Firm We must place all of our faith in God
  • Complete We must accept all of Gods truths
    about himself and his revelation as given to us
    by God and through his Church. We cannot choose
    to accept some things but not others.

Theological Virtue Hope
  • Hope makes it possible for the Christian to trust
    in God
  • Trust in God is important to faith. We will
    order our lives according to our hope in the
    promises made by God.
  • If we hope for heaven, we will live a moral life
    so that we may get there.
  • Hope also tells us that God will give us strength
    to live our faith.

Theological Virtue Hope
  • Hope is often used to mean want or desire
  • I hope to get a car for my birthday
  • This has nothing to do with trusting God and his
    promises for us.
  • It is important to remember the true meaning of
  • With the virtue of hope our earthly sufferings
    and sacrifice have greater meaning and value. We
    understand them as investments in our heavenly

Theological Virtue Charity/Love
  • Charity is the power by which we love God above
    all things and our neighbor for love of God.
  • We often think of charity as serving the poor.
  • This is a form of charity if it is done because
    of our love for God.
  • Charity, however, consists in more than actions.
  • Charity is an act of will a decision to put God
    above everything.
  • When we choose to serve God in all things, we
    must love our neighbors (because God loves them
    and want us to as well)
  • If we love and live in true charity, we are
    willing to make sacrifices and give our time,
    energy, resources, and our very selves in
    imitation of Christ and as response to his
    generous love.

Fraternal Correction
  • Fraternal Correction means to correct your
    brother (or sister) if they are doing something
  • This is an act of Charity even though many times
    it may not make a person happy.
  • For example, if you walk by a person bullying
    another and you tell them to stop, this is an act
    of charity to the bully and the person who is
    being bullied.
  • When you hear your best friend lie, it is
    important to remind them to be honest. Honesty
    will make them a better person and it may even
    prevent them from lying to you!

Cardinal (Moral) Virtues
  • The moral virtues help us achieve our
    supernatural destiny.
  • Moral virtues are supernatural habits that build
    upon our natural prudence, justice, fortitude,
    and temperance.
  • Because sanctifying grace empowers us to act
    beyond our natural capacities it is fitting that
    there exist supernatural moral virtues that point
    our intellect, will, and passions to God.

Cardinal (Moral) Virtues
  • Prudence deciding ones true good and
    determining the right way to achieve it.
  • Natural The best way to accomplish a task or
  • Supernatural The best way to get to heaven and
    help others get there.
  • A true Good will never be sinful or something
    that leads us away from God.
  • Justice Requires that we give God and man their
  • Natural includes the work of the Civil Court
    ensuring civil rights
  • Supernatural includes the work of the Church
    ensuring that Gods people are properly cared for
    and that the dignity and rights of every human
    are not violated.
  • We owe God worship and our parents obedience and
    respect, it is justice to give it to them.

Cardinal (Moral) Virtues
  • Temperance To have proper balance in life
  • Natural finding moderation in the use of
    earthly goods.
  • Supernatural maintaining proper balance between
    our physical bodies and spiritual souls, giving
    balanced development to both
  • We should eat but not too much (Fat) or too
    little (Sick)
  • Fortitude The courage to do the right thing and
    persevere even when it is hard.
  • Natural Perseverance in earthly goals, i.e.
    athletic training
  • Supernatural Perseverance in virtue at any
    cost, i.e. suffering/Matyrdom (To die for your
  • We stick with what is right even if it is the
    harder option. Admitting when we are wrong is a
    good example.

  • Vices are habits of doing bad. They are the
    opposites of virtues.
  • There are seven capital vices these are the roots
    of all other vices, they are also known as the
    seven deadly sins.
  • Pride
  • Avarice
  • Lust
  • Anger
  • Gluttony
  • Envy
  • Sloth

Each Vice and its Opposite Virtue
  • Pride Distorted self-importance (One places
    himself before God and neighbor)
  • Humility Seeing ourselves as we truly are
  • Avarice Greed, coveting, or wanting what we have
    no right to.
  • Liberality generosity with our goods and talents
  • Lust more than just sexual passion, lust is an
    inordinate desire for something (food, wealth,
    sex) i.e. blood lust desiring to see the blood
    of an enemy.
  • Chastity generosity with ourselves and
    temperance with our desires.

Each Vice and its opposite Virtue
  • Anger Harboring dislike and aversion toward
    someone anger does not allow a healthy
  • Patience also called meekness, patience is the
    virtue of putting God and others before ourselves
    and acting with gentleness
  • Gluttony having too much of something food,
    drink, shopping
  • Sobriety/Temperance using created goods well
    with proper limits
  • Envy Serious jealousy it means that if we
    cannot have what another has, then we do not want
    him to have it either.
  • Brotherliness wanting the best for others and
    being happy for their goods and successes.

Each Vice and its opposite Virtue
  • Sloth A failure to do ones duties or
    responsibilities physically and spiritually.
  • Sloth is often called laziness, but sometimes a
    slothful person can be very busy but never
    accomplish what is expected of them.
  • Diligence to persevere in our duty for our
    physical and spiritual life.

Virtue or ViceWhat would you choose?
  • In your small group discuss what you would choose
    to do in each of these scenarios (which virtue or
  • A group of your friends want to cut class and
    want you to come.
  • Your soccer tournament will mean that you wont
    be able to make it to Mass
  • You find 20 on the ground before
    Pre-Confirmation Class
  • You arrive early to class and one kid is picking
    on a weaker student
  • The wrapping paper on the Christmas present is a
    little loose and you could peak

Closing Prayer
  • Act of Faith p. 175
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