Title: Welcome at Saxion!
1There is a very additional principal reason why
we have to work together all over the world. This
reason is related to the World Wide Crises. We
educate together many , many young people to work
as an higher educated Professional in Health
Care. In several Countries there is an increasing
problem in Health Care concerning Finance and
Quality. We are confrontated with a lot off
questions and problems in Health Care and this
become more worse because of the Crises. We
educate the professional who has to overcome this
difficulties in the near future and special I
hope and trust on it that we all educate them
with the fundamental standard to do there
Professional Job in a really Client Centered Way.
2WelcomeFrans Pol MSc
3Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Cities Apeldoorn, Deventer en Enschede
- 13 Schools and 9 Stafdepartments
- 21.000 students and 2000 employees
- 60 Bachelor- and 17 Masterprogrammes
4The School of Health
- Bachelor Physiotherapie 800 st.
- Bachelor Nursing 800 st.
- Bachelor Podiatry 125 st.
- Bachelor Management in Care 65 st.
- Master ANP 50
- Master HCSW 50
- Master Musculoskeletal starting
5Different Programmes
- 4 year Bachelor Dutch Nursing, Physiotherapy,
Podiatry - 4 Year Englisch Physiotherapy
- 3 Year English Physiotherapy, preparatory in Oslo
- 3 year Dutch Physiotherapy, preparatory in
Germany - 2 year Dutch PT MIC
- 4,5 Year Dutch PT Nursing
6Knowledge CentreHealth/Social Work Technology
- 5 Research Programmes
- Health Movement
- Community Care Youth
- Active Ageing and Palliative Care
- Psychiatry
- Technology in Healthcare Social Work
7The Main Activities KC
- Develop Evidence Based Practice in Bachelor and
Masterprogrammes - Applied Science Project with Partners
- One of our Keypoints
- More than 20 students from abroad
- 1999 Bologna Agreement EU/EER
- Bordeless Professionalisation
- World is shrinking
- Building a relational Infrastructure
9Our Objectives
- Build a structural Network partners abroad
- Information about our Education Programmes
- Sign and prepare Agreements
- World Wide Professional Values
10Thanks for ListeningHave a good time!
11(No Transcript)