Chapter 9 The Endocrine System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 9 The Endocrine System


Chapter 9 The Endocrine System Biology 112 Tri-County Technical College Pendleton, SC Hormones are flowing Hormones are chemical substances secreted into ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 9 The Endocrine System

Chapter 9 The Endocrine System
  • Biology 112
  • Tri-County Technical College
  • Pendleton, SC

Hormones are flowing
  • Hormones are chemical substances secreted into
    extracellular fluid that regulate activity of
    other cells
  • Hormones circulate to all organs but affect ONLY
    certain tissue cells/organs referred to as its
  • Target MUST have specific protein receptors on
    its plasma membrane or interior to which hormone
    can attach

Hormones, cont.
  • Reproduction, growth development, bodys
    defenses against stressors, electrolyte, water,
    nutrient balance of blood, regulating metabolism
    energy balance
  • Typically one or more of following occur as
    result of hormone action
  • changes in PM permeability/electrical state
  • synthesis of proteins or regulatory molecules
  • activation/inactivation of enzymes
  • stimulation of mitosis/meiosis

Getting there
  • Steroid hormones able to diffuse across PM
  • Nonsteroid hormones require membrane receptors
    and utilize signal-transduction mechanism (second
  • One of three mechanisms responsible for
    stimulating endocrine gland

Hormonal Action, Visual
Stimulation, Visual
Been theredone that
  • Hormonal secretion triggered by some
    internal/external stimulus
  • Rising hormone levels inhibit further hormone
    release even while promoting responses in target
  • WOW!!! Negative feedback model again
  • End product controls the rate of the reaction
    or event

Endocrine Glands
  • Endocrine glands (ductless) release their
    secretions into blood or lymph
  • Endocrine glands have a very rich blood supply
  • Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
    adrenal, pineal, thymus, pancreas, and gonads

Location, Visual
Pituitary Gland
  • Pituitary gland about the size of a grape and
    hangs by a stalk from inferior surface of
    hypothalamus of the brain
  • surrounded by turks saddle of sphenoid bone
  • Has two functional lobes
  • Anterior pituitary arises from glandular tissue
  • Posterior pituitary arises from nervous tissue
  • Anterior hormones growth hormone (GH), prolactin
    (PRL), follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing
    (LH), Thyroid stimulating (TSH) and
    Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)

Pituitary, cont.
  • Growth hormone and prolactin exert their major
    effects on nonendocrine targets
  • FSH, LH, TSH, and ACTH are all TROPHIC hormones
  • Trophic hormone is hormone that regulates the
    activity of another ENDOCRINE gland
  • All anterior pituitary hormones are
    proteins/peptides act through 2nd messengers
    are regulated by hormonal stimuli, and operate
    via negative feedback mechanism (in most cases)

Anterior Pituitary, Visual
Growth Hormone
  • GH is protein-sparing anabolic hormone causing
    amino acids to build into proteins
  • Stimulates MOST target cells to grow in size and
  • Causes fats to be broken down for energy
  • Spares bodys supply of glucose thereby helping
    to maintain blood sugar homeostasis

Pituitary Abnormalities
  • Hyposecretion of GH during childhood leads to
    pituitary dwarfism
  • body proportions fairly normal but person is
    living miniature (adult height 4 feet)
  • Hypersecretion during childhood leads to
  • individual becomes extremely tall (8-9 feet)
  • If hypersecretion occurs after long bone growth
    ended acromegaly
  • lower jaw and bony ridges under eyebrow enlarge
    as does hands and feet thickening of soft tissue
    leads to coarse/malformed facial features
  • Most hypersecretion of endocrine glands caused by
    tumors of affected gland

  • Abbreviated as PRL
  • Protein hormone whose only known target in humans
    is the breast
  • After childbirth, it stimulates and maintains
    milk production by mothers breasts
  • Its function is males is NOT known

Same song, different verse
  • Adrenocorticotrophic hormone ACTH
  • Regulates activity of the cortex portion of the
    adrenal gland
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH
  • TSH also known as thyrotropic hormone (TH)
  • Influences growth and activity of the thyroid

Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • Abbreviated as FSH
  • Regulates activity of gonads (ovaries/testes)
  • In females, FSH stimulates follicle development
    in ovaries
  • As follicles mature, they produce estrogen and
    eggs are readied for ovulation
  • In males, FSH stimulates sperm development by the

Luteinizing Hormone
  • Abbreviated LH
  • In females, LH triggers ovulation of egg from
  • Also causes ruptured follicle to become corpus
  • LH then stimulates corpus luteum to produce
    progesterone and some estrogen
  • In men, LH is referred to as interstitial
    cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH)
  • stimulates testosterone production by
    interstitial cells

Pituitary and Sterility
  • Hyposecretion of FSH or LH leads to sterility in
    both males and females
  • Hypersecretion does NOT appear to cause any
  • Some drugs used to produce fertility stimulate
    release of FSH and LH
  • Multiple births fairly common after their

Anterior Pituitary/Hypothalamus
  • Pituitary used to be called master gland
  • Release of pituitarys hormones controlled by
    releasing and inhibiting hormones produced by
  • Hypothalamus releases these regulatory hormones
    into portal circulation which connects blood
    supply of hypothalamus with that of anterior

Posterior Pituitary
  • Posterior pituitary (neural tissue) STORES two
    hormones produced by hypothalamus
  • Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  • Both are peptide hormones
  • Produced in hypothalamus
  • Transported along axons of hypothalamic
    neurosecretory cells to posterior pituitary for
  • Released into blood in response to nerve impulses
    from the hypothalamus

Posterior Pituitary, Visual
OH!!! for Oxytocin
  • Released in significant amounts only during
    childbirth and in nursing women
  • Stimulates powerful contractions of the uterine
    muscles during labor, sexual relations, and when
    female is nursing
  • Also causes milk ejection (letdown reflex) in
    nursing women
  • Natural/synthetic oxytocic drugs (pitocin) used
    to induce/hasten labor, stop postpartum bleeding,
    and stimulate milk ejection reflex

Antidiuretic Hormone
  • Diuresis is urine production
  • Antidiuretic is chemical that inhibits and/or
    prevents urine production
  • ADH causes kidneys to reabsorb more water from
    forming urine
  • Results in urine volume DECREASE and blood volume
  • In large amounts, ADH increases blood pressure by
    causing constriction of arterioles (small
  • ADH sometimes called VASOPRESSIN

Diabetes Insipidus
  • Hyposecretion of ADH leads to condition of
    excessive urine output called diabetes insipidus
  • Individuals with this problem are continually
    thirsty and drink large amounts of water

Thyroid Gland
  • Thyroid located at base of throat, inferior to
    Adams apple where easily palpated
  • Large gland of two lobes joined by central mass
    called isthmus
  • Internally, composed of hollow structures called
    follicles which store sticky colloidal material
  • Thyroid iodine-containing hormone derived from
  • Produces 2 active hormones T3 and T4
  • Also produces calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin)

Thyroid, Visual
T3 and T4
  • Thyroid hormone (bodys major metabolic hormone)
    actually two iodine-containing hormones
  • Tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine or T4)
  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Thyroxine (T4) is major hormone secreted by
    thyroid follicles
  • Most T3 formed at target tissues by conversion of
    T4 to T3

The Ts, cont.
  • Both are very similartwo tyrosine amino acids
    linked by either 3 or 4 iodine atoms
  • Controls rate at which glucose is converted to
    chemical energy and heat
  • EVERY cell in body is target for thyroid hormone
  • Also important for normal tissue growth and
    development especially in reproductive and
    nervous systems

Remember it well
  • GOITER is enlargement of thyroid gland
  • caused by diet deficient in iodine
  • TSH keeps calling for thyroxine and thyroid gland
    continues to enlarge to make more
  • Only peptide part of molecule is made but without
    iodine it is NONFUNCTIONAL
  • fails to provide negative feedback to inhibit TSH
  • Uncommon in US today because of iodized salt

Cretinism, Myxedema, and more
  • Cretinism results in dwarfism where adult body
    proportions remain childlike
  • Caused by hyposecretion of throxine in early
  • Untreated leads to mental retardation, scanty
    hair, and very dry skin
  • Discovered early, HR can prevent signs and
    symptoms of deficiency

C, M, and morecont.
  • Myxedema caused by hyposecretion of thryoxine
    during adulthood
  • Mental and physical sluggishness, puffiness of
    face, fatigue, poor muscle tone, low body
    temperature, obesity, and dry skin
  • Oral thyroxine is prescribed
  • HYPERTHYROIDISM usually results from tumor of
    thyroid gland extreme overproduction of

C, M, and morecont.
  • High metabolic rate, intolerance of heat, rapid
    heart beat, weight loss, nervous and agitated
    behavior, inability to relax
  • Graves disease is one form of hyperthyroidism
  • May also cause thyroid to enlarge eyes to bulge
    or protrude anteriorly in condition called

  • Calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin) is second major
    hormone of the thyroid gland
  • Decreases blood calcium levels by causing calcium
    to be deposited in bone
  • Antagonistic to parathyroid hormone
  • Made by C cells found in connective tissue
    between follicles
  • Released into blood in response to gting levels of
    blood calcium
  • Believed calcitonin production is meager or
    absent in elderly
  • Calcitonin is hypocalcemic hormone lt calcium in

Calcium Homeostasis, Visual
Parathyroid Glands
  • Are tiny masses of glandular tissue found on
    posterior surface of thyroid gland
  • Typically 2 on each lobe (8 reported)
  • Secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH) or parathormone
  • Most important regulator of calcium ion (Ca2)
    in blood
  • Calcium levels drop below certain level,
    parathyroids release PTH which stimulates bone
    destruction cells (osteoclasts)

Parathyroids, cont.
  • Osteoclasts break down bone matrix and increase
    blood levels of calcium
  • PTH is hypercalcemic hormone because it acts to
    gt blood levels of calcium
  • Another example of negative feedback
  • PTH also stimulates kidneys and intestine to
    absorb MORE calcium from forming urine and

Hypo versus Hypercalcemia
  • Hypocalcemia can be caused by hypoparathyroidism
    (poor diet, lack of vitamin D, and/or renal
  • Blood calcium levels drop too low, neurons become
    extremely irritable/overactive
  • Neurons deliver impulses to muscles at such rapid
    rate that muscles go into uncontrollable spasms
  • Convulsions, intestinal cramps, weak heartbeat,
    cardiac arrhythmias, osteoporosis (what a lesson)

Hypo/Hyper, cont.
  • Hypercalcemia results when calcium blood levels
    become too high
  • Can be caused by hyperparathyroidism (cancer,
    vitamin D toxicity, calcium supplement overdose)
  • Confusion, muscle pain, cardiac arrhythmias,
    kidney stones, fatigue, and calcification of soft
  • Is it catching????

Adrenal Glands
  • Adrenal glands curve over top of kidneys
  • Each is structurally/functionally two endocrine
  • Like pituitary, the adrenal has glandular
    (cortex) and neural (medulla) parts
  • Central medulla enclosed by adrenal cortex which
    contains three separate layers of cells
  • Adrenal cortex produces 3 major groups of STEROID
    hormones called corticosteroids

Adrenal Glands, cont.
  • Mineralocorticoids, Glucocorticoids, and sex
  • Mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone, produced
    by outermost adrenal cortex layer
  • Important in regulating mineral (salt) content of
    bloodespecially of sodium and potassium ions
  • Their target is kidney tubules that selectively
    reabsorb minerals or allow them to be flushed out
    in urine

Adrenal glands, cont.
  • Blood levels of aldosterone gt, kidney tubule
    cells reclaim gting amounts of sodium ions
  • Allows more potassium ions to be excreted in
  • When sodium reabsorbed, water follows
  • Results in gted blood volume and blood pressure
  • Mineralocorticoids help regulate both water and
    electrolyte balance in body fluids

Aldosterone Release, Visual
Adrenals and Glucocorticoids
  • Cortisone Cortisol are 2 glucocorticoids
    produced by MIDDLE cortex layer
  • Promote normal cell matabolism and help body
    resist long-term stressors primarily by gting
    blood glucose levels
  • High levels of glucocorticoids in blood prompt
    body cells to convert fats and proteins to
  • Glucocorticoids are hyperglycemic hormones

Glucocorticoids cont.
  • Help control inflammation by lting edema
  • Reduce pain by inhibiting pain-causing molecules
    called prostaglandins
  • Often prescribed for patients with rheumatoid
    arthritis to suppress inflammation
  • Glucocorticoids released from adrenal cortex in
    response to rising blood levels of ACTH

Adrenals and Sex hormones
  • Regardless of gender, adrenal cortex produces
    small amounts of both male and female sex
    hormones throughout life
  • Innermost layer of adrenal cortex produces the
    bulk of the adrenal-produced sex hormones
  • Androgens (male hormones) and some estrogen also

Addisons Disease
  • Addisons disease caused by hyposecretion of
    adrenal cortex hormones
  • Major sign is peculiar bronze skin tone
  • Aldosterone levels lt sodium water lost from
    body problems with electrolytes and water
  • causes muscles to become weak/shock possible
  • Low levels of glucocorticoids results in
    hypoglycemia lessened ability to cope with
    stress (burnout) and suppression of immune system
    increased susceptibility to infection
  • Complete lack of glucocorticoidsauf wiedersehen

Cushings Syndrome
  • Hypersecretion usually result of tumor
  • If tumor in middle cortex region, Cushings
    syndrome occurs
  • Excessive output of glucocorticoids results in
    moon face and appearance of buffalo hump of
    fat on upper back
  • Also high BP, hyperglycemia, and possible
    diabetes, weakening of bones, and severe
    depression of the immune system

Trying things on
  • Tumor in zona reticularis of cortex layer can
    cause excessive production of either androgens or
  • If androgen gts dramatically, produces symptoms of
    adrenogenital syndrome
  • In womengradual development of male secondary
    sexual characteristics (body and facial hair,
    adipose tissue distribution, and muscular
  • In estrogen gts, leads to gynecomastia
  • Male develops female secondary sexual

ANS and Adrenal Medulla
  • Adrenal medulla (like posterior pituitary)
    develops from neural tissue
  • When stimulated sympathetic NS neurons, its cells
    release 2 similar hormones
  • Hormones called catecholamines
  • Epinephrine (adrenaline) norepinephrine
  • Sympathetic division called fight or flight
    response division of ANS
  • gt heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose
    levels and dilation of small passageways of lungs
  • Body better able to deal with short-term stressor
  • Causes the alarm stage of the stress response

The Pancreas
  • Pancreas located close to stomach in abdominal
    cavity and is MIXED gland (both endocrine
  • Tiny masses of hormone-producing cells scattered
    among enzyme-producing cells
  • pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans)
  • Islet cells produce insulin glucagon
  • Both help regulate sugar (glucose) in blood but
    in opposite ways
  • Beta cells produce insulin and Alpha cells
    produce glucagon

Pancreas, Visual
Release and Function of Insulin
  • High blood levels of glucose stimulate beta cells
    to produce insulin
  • Insulin acts on ALL body cells and gts their
    ability to transport glucose across their PMs
  • Once inside, glucose used for energy or converted
    to glycogen or fat for storage
  • Insulin sweeps glucose from bloodhypoglycemic
  • Blood glucose levels fall?insulin release ends
    (classic negative feedback)

Insulin, cont.
  • Insulin is ONLY hormone that lts blood glucose
  • It is absolutely necessary for use of glucose by
    body cells
  • Glucagon, glucocorticoids, and epinephrine
    increase blood glucose levels and are

Blood Glucose Regulation
Diabetes Millitus
  • Condition in which blood glucose levels rise to
    600 mg/100 ml compared to normal of 80-100 mg/100
    ml because of lack of insulin
  • Kidney tubules cannot absorb glucose fast enough
    so spills into urine
  • As glucose flushes from body, water follows
    leading to dehydration
  • Cells cannot use glucose so fats/proteins broken
    down for energydecline in body weight
  • Loss of body proteinsdecreased ability to fight

Diabetes Millitus, cont.
  • Use of large amts. of fat for energy results in
    ketones in bloodacidosis as blood becomes more
  • Unless correcteddeath
  • 3 cardinal signs of diabetes milliuts
  • Polyuria (excessive urination)
  • Polydipsia (excessive thrist)
  • Polyphagia (hunger)
  • Mild cases (Type II/adult onset) treated with
    special diets/oral meds to stimulate islets
  • Type I (juvenile/brittle) requires insulin

Glucagon Function/Release
  • Glucagon released by alpha cells of islets
  • Release stimulated by LOW blood levels of glucose
  • Action is basically hyperglycemic
  • Primary target organ is liver where stimulates
    breakdown of glycogen to glucose and its release
    into the blood

Pineal Gland/Body
  • Small, cone-like gland found in roof of 3rd
    ventricle of brain
  • Secretes melatonin gts at night lts during day
  • Plays role in bodys day and night cycle
  • May be related to mating behavior and
    coordination of hormones of fertility
  • Inhibits sexual maturation occurrence during

Thymus Gland
  • Located upper thorax, posterior to sternum
  • Large in infants, decreases in size during
    adulthoodby old age just fibrous connective
    tissue and fat
  • Produces thymosin which programs T cells
  • In childhood, is incubator for maturation of T
    lymphocytes (WBCs important in immunity)

  • Paired, almond shaped organs located in pelvic
  • Produce estrogens and progesterone
  • Estrogens (estrone estradiol) produced by
    Graafian follicles of ovary stimulate
    development of secondary sexual characteristics
  • Work with progesterone to prepare uterus to
    receive fertilized egg
  • results in cyclic changes menstrual cycle

Ovaries, cont.
  • Estrogens help maintain pregnancy and prepare
    breasts for lactation
  • placenta source at this time and not ovaries
  • Progesterone (with estrogen) bring about
    menstrual cycles
  • During pregnancy, quiets muscles of uterus to
    prevent abortion
  • Also assists in preparing breasts for lactation

Ovaries, cont.
  • Progesterone also secreted by corpus luteum
  • CL produces estrogen/progesterone in gting amounts
  • Ovaries stimulated to release estrogen and
    progesterone in cyclic way by anterior pituitary
    gonadotropic hormones of FSH and LH

  • Testes produce male sex hormones (androgens) of
    which testosterone is most important
  • Testosterone produced by interstitial cells of
    testes and causes development of adult male sex
  • Promotes growth/maturation of reproductive system
  • Promotes development of SSCs such as growth of
    beard, development of heavy bones/muscles,
    lowering of voice
  • Stimulates male sex drive

Testes, cont.
  • Testosterone necessary for continuous sperm
    production during adulthood
  • Production is stimulated by LH from anterior
    pituitary gland
  • Its the testosterone that killing us, guys, but
    what a Catch 22!!!

  • Formed temporarily in uterus of pregnant woman
  • Has role in respiratory, excretory, and nutrition
    delivery system for fetus
  • Also produces hormones that help maintain
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced by
    conceptus and then by fetal part of placenta
  • Found only in urine of pregnant women/is basic
    for EPTs (monoclonal antibody technology)

Placenta, cont.
  • hCG stimulates corpus luteum to continue
    producing estrogen/progesterone so uterine lining
    NOT sloughed off
  • In 3rd month, placenta assumes job of production
    and ovaries become inactive
  • Human placental lactogen (hPL) works with
    estrogen/progesterone to prepare breasts for
  • Relaxin causes mothers pelvic ligaments pubic
    symphysis to relax and become more flexible
  • Eases birth passage

Old dogs/children/WM wine
  • Endocrine system seems to work smoothly until old
  • Late middle age menopause for women
  • Estrogen deficiency can lead to arteriosclerois,
    osteoporosis, decreased skin elasticity, changes
    in operation of sympathetic nervous system,
    fatigue, nervousness, and mood changes
  • For most part, men produce testosterone
    throughout life

Watermelon wine, cont.
  • Efficiency of endocrine system gradually declines
    in old age
  • Target organs become less productive
  • GH declines muscle atrophy
  • Most older people hypothyroid
  • Pineal gland calcifies and immune system becomes
  • Decline in insulin production occurs and
    adult-onset diabetes common in elderly
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