Title: Overview of Regulatory 8-hr Ozone Modeling
1Overview of Regulatory 8-hr Ozone Modeling
- T. W. Tesche
- Dennis McNally
- Alpine Geophysics, LLC
- Ft. Wright, KY
- Ralph Morris
- ENVIRON International Corp
- Novato, CA
- Farmington, NM
- 16 July 2003
2Staff Credits Alpine Geophysics, LLC Dennis
McNally Cyndi Loomis ENVIRON Int. Corp. Ralph
3Workshop Topics
- Role of Regulatory Photochemical Modeling in U.S.
- Review of Ozone Photochemistry
- Classification of Photochemical Models
- Overview of the CAMx Regional Photochemical Model
- Emissions Inventory Modeling
- Meteorological Modeling
- Model Performance Evaluation
- Future Year Emissions Control Strategy Modeling
- Ozone Attainment Demonstration
4Ozone Concentration Trends for U.S. Cities Los
Ozone ppb
2nd Highest Value
4th Highest Value
5Role of Regulatory Modeling
- Areas that are not in compliance with the Federal
National Ambient Ozone Standards (NAAQS) are
required to use modeling to - Estimate the effects of growth (and expected
control measures) on future ozone air quality - Evaluate alternative/additional measures
- Demonstrate future compliance with 1-hr and 8-hr
ozone standard(s)
Regulatory modeling must follow prescribed EPA
Guidance on model selection, episode selection,
data base development, model performance
evaluation, application of models, attainment
demonstration, peer-review, and documentation
6Role of Regulatory Modeling (concluded)
- Modeling efforts for most areas include
- scoping study to assess the nature and extent of
the problem and data gaps/needs - collection and analysis of meteorological, air
quality, emissions, and land-use data - development and continued refinement of modeling
databases and capabilities
7Typical Regulatory Modeling Process
Conceptual Model Development
Select episodes and domains
Prepare/refine inputs
Model Evaluation
Apply emiss, met, ozone models
Compare model results to measurements
Performance OK?
Prepare future-year emissions
Conduct future-year evaluations
8Ozone Photochemistry
- Sources and sinks for tropospheric ozone (bad
ozone) - In contrast to stratospheric ozone (good ozone)
- Ozone formation from VOC and NOx
- Control strategy implications
- Sensitivity to VOC and/or NOx
- VOC reactivity
- NOx suppression (inhibition or disbenefits)
- Condensed chemical mechanisms
9Sources and Sinks of Tropospheric Ozone
- Sources
- smog chemistry involving VOCs and NOx with
sunlight - radical cycle among OH, HO2, RH2, etc.
- global methane and CO oxidation
- Stratospheric intrusion
- Sinks
- chemical reactions (e.g., NO, alkenes)
- deposition
10Ozone Formation from VOC and NOx
no sunlight ? no ozone production no NOx? no
ozone production no VOC ? no ozone production
11Control Strategy Implications ofVOC/NOx Chemistry
- Sensitivity to emission reduction
- VOC sensitive, NOx sensitive, or both
- VOC reactivity
- depends upon chemical nature reaction rate,
radical yields, products - approximated by reactivity scales, e.g., Carter
MIRs - NOx suppression or inhibition
- if ozone is highly VOC sensitive, NOx reduction
may incur disbenefits - two mechanisms operative
- (1) direct titration (or scavenging) of ozone by
fresh NO emissions - (2) scavenging of radicals by NO2 inhibits ozone
12Ozone and Precursor Relationships Ozone vs. NOz
reacted NOx (NO NO2)
- NOz NOy - NOx
- observed ozone/NOz relationship for a rural
location in eastern U.S. - interpret slope as production efficiency for
ozone from NOx (i.e., amount of ozone formed per
NOx reacted away)
NOz ppb
13Key Photochemical Reactions
- NOx Reactions
- NO O3 ? NO2 O2 (NO-O3 titration)
- NO2 ?? ? NO O (NO2 photolysis -- sunlight)
- O O2 ? O3 (Ozone Formation)
- VOC-Radical Reactions
- VOC OH ? VOC HO2 (OH to HO2 w/o NO2
destruction) - HO2 NO ? OH NO2 (NO to NO2 w/o O3
destruction) - HO2 HO2 ? H2O2 O2 (H2O2 Formation)
- Secondary PM Reactions
- NO2 OH ? HNO3 (Nitrate Formation -- Day)
- N2O5 H2O ? HNO3 (Nitrate formation Night)
- SO2 OH ? SO4 HO2 (Sulfate Formation
Gas-Phase) - SO2 H2O2 ? SO4 (Sulfate Formation Aqueous)
- SO2 O3 ? SO4 (Sulfate Formation Aqueous)
- HNO3 (g) ?? NO3 (pm) (Equilibrium T, RH, NH3,
14Classification of Photochemical Air Quality
Simulation Models
- Lagrangian employ a coordinate system that
moves with air parcels - Eulerian the coordinate system is fixed in
space - Hybrid incorporate features of Lagrangian types
into a Eulerian framework
15Photochemical Modeling Concepts
- All Air Models Solve Some Form of the Atmospheric
Diffusion Equation (a complex differential
equation) that Relates Changes in Pollutant
Concentration to - Advection (transport by the mean wind)
- Turbulent diffusion
- Chemical reaction
- Deposition
- Emissions
16General Form of the SpeciesConservation
(Continuity) Equation
Mathematical solution (integration) of general
forms of the diffusion equation is difficult --
simplifying assumptions are required
17Lagrangian Models
- Many Simplifying Assumptions
- Produce a simple, closed-form analytical
expression - for diffusion
- Do not require numerical integration
- Invoke the Assumption of Air Parcel Coherency
- Breaks down quickly not far from an emissions
source, especially in complex wind flow
situations - Cost-effective solution at relatively close
ranges for a relatively small number of sources
18Lagrangian Models (continued)
- Chemical interactions between puffs, segments, or
particles cannot be properly treated - Readily produce source-receptor relationships
- Severe technical limitations especially for
- large numbers of sources
- regional-scale transport applications
- photochemically reactive pollutants
19Lagrangian Models (continued)
- Gaussian Plume Models
- The earliest air models
- Invoke many simplifying assumptions to obtain
- closed-form analytical solutions
- Steady-state (i.e., time invariant)
- Spatially uniform (homogeneous) dispersion
- Plume coherency
- Inert or first-order decay
- Gaussian plume models are not capable of
treating photochemistry
20Gaussian Plume Model
21Lagrangian Models (continued)
- Examples of Gaussian Plume models include
22Lagrangian Models (continued)
- Gaussian Puff Models
- Fewer simplifying assumptions
- employ analytical solutions for each puff, but
- computers are required to track the large
- number of puffs
- still retain the plume coherency assumption
- a few have been developed for individual reactive
plumes, - e.g., RPM-IV
- numerical solution methods are needed to solve
chemical - kinetics equations
23Lagrangian Models (continued)
- Examples of Gaussian Puff models include
24Eulerian (Grid) Model Concept
25Processes Treated in a Grid Model
- Emissions
- Surface emitted sources (on-road and non-road
mobile, area, low-level point, biogenic, fires) - Point sources (electrical generation, industrial,
other, fires) - Advection (Transport)
- Dispersion (Diffusion)
- Chemical Transformation
- VOC and NOx chemistry, radical cycle
- For PM aerosol thermodynamics and aqueous-phase
chemistry - Deposition
- Dry deposition (gas and particles)
- Wet deposition (rain out and wash out, gas and
26Eulerian Grid Cell Processes
27Coupling Between Grid Cells
28Eulerian Models
- Generally considered to be technically superior
- allow more comprehensive, explicit treatment of
physical processes - chemical processes included
- interactions of numerous sources
- Require sophisticated solution methods
- employ discrete time steps and operator splitting
- computational grid (hence the term grid models)
- relatively expensive to apply for long periods
29Eulerian Models (continued)
- Subgrid resolution can be a limitation
- as grid size and time step length are reduced
- accuracy increases, but
- computation time also increases
- advanced grid models employ variable grid spacing
or nesting - improves accuracy in critical locations
- allows cost effective application on urban to
regional scales - CAMx has flexi-nesting capability
30Hybrid (Lagrangian/Eulerian) Models
- Incorporate features of Lagrangian models into
- grid model framework
- overcome many of the sub-grid model limitations
- Overcome many of the prior practical advantages
of Lagrangian models, through the development of - variable (nested) grid resolution
- source apportionment techniques
- Capitalize on the availability of low-cost high
speed computers
31Sub-Grid-Scale Plume Concept
32CAMx GREASD PiG Concept
33Hybrid Models (concluded)
- Examples of hybrid photochemical grid models
include - MODELS-3/CMAQ
- CAMx
34Modules in a Grid Model
- Emissions Modeling System
- EPS2x, SMOKE and EMS-2003
- Meteorological Modeling System
- Preprocessors for Other Inputs
- TUV (photolysis Rates)
- Initial Concentrations and Boundary Conditions
- Air Quality Model
- Post-Processors and Visualization
- Model Performance Evaluation (MAPS, CAMXtrct,
- Flying Data Grabber
35General Model Summary
- Photochemical grid/hybrid models have evolved as
the preferred means of addressing complex and
nonlinear processes affecting reactive air
pollutants in the troposphere - These models invoke fewer assumptions but require
high speed computers and sophisticated numerical
integration methods - Higher accuracies require more computer resources
- Modern hybrid models utilize variable grid
spacing (nested grids) in combination with a
Lagrangian puff sub-model to treat subgrid
resolution of plume dispersion and chemistry
36Overview of the CAMx Regional Photochemical Model
- Simulates the physical and chemical processes
governing the formation and transport of ozone in
the troposphere - three-dimensional, Eulerian (grid-based) model
- requires specification of meteorological,
emissions, land-use, and other geographic inputs - output includes hourly concentrations of ozone
and precursor pollutants for each grid cell
within a (three-dimensional) modeling domain
37CAMx Overview (continued)
- Mathematically simulates the following processes
- emission of ozone precursors (anthropogenic and
biogenic) - advection and diffusion (transport)
- photochemistry
- deposition
38Example of a Multiply Nested CAMx Domain Denver
8-hr EAC Study
4-km grid
36-km grid
12-km grid
1.3-km grid
39CAMx Model Formulation
Change in Concentration
Advection by Winds
Turbulent Diffusion
Ri Si Li
Surface Removal/Deposition
Chemical Reaction
40CAMx Modeling System Features
- Carbon-Bond-IV chemical mechanism with enhanced
isoprene and toxics chemistry - Two-way interactive nested-grid capabilities
- Plume-in-grid (P-i-G) treatment
- Accepts output from a variety of dynamic
meteorological models
41CAMx Input Requirements
- Meteorological Inputs
- Three-dimensional winds
- Three-dimensional temperatures
- Three-dimensional water-vapor concentration
- Surface pressure
- Three-dimensional vertical diffusivity (effective
mixing height) - Two-dimensional cover
- Rainfall rate
42CAMx Inputs (continued)
- Emissions Inputs
- Low-level anthropogenic emissions
- Point sources
- Area sources
- On-road motor vehicles
- Non-road sources
- Elevated point source emissions
- Biogenic emission estimates
43CAMx Inputs (continued)
- Air quality related input files
- Initial conditions (all grids, initial hour)
- Boundary conditions (outermost grid, all hours)
- Chemistry input files
- Chemical reaction rates
- Photolysis rates
- Geographic/other input files
- Land-use, Land-cover
- Albedo, turbidity, and ozone column
44CAMx Probing Tools
- Probing Tool
- A module within the photochemical grid model that
extracts information on source-receptor
relationships, chemical and physical processes,
mass flux, etc. - Used to diagnose model to understand why it is
getting the answer it gets and improve modeling
performance - Used to better define optimal emission control
45Probing Tools in CAMx
- Decoupled Direct Method (DDM) first-order
sensitivity coefficients of ozone by emission
source groups (also in URM and CMAQ models) - Ozone Source Apportionment Technology (OSAT)
ozone source apportionment by source groups
(source category geographic region) - Process Analysis output information on chemical
processes and mass flux (also in CMAQ)
46Probing Tool Comparison
47Emissions Inventory Modeling
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55Biogenic Emissions
- VOC emissions from trees and other plants
- isoprene
- terpenes (e.g., a-pinene)
- oxygenated VOCs (e.g., alcohols)
- depend upon plant species, temperature, sunlight,
season, etc. - NO emissions from soils
- enhanced by fertilizer
- CAMx requires gridded, hourly emissions in UAM-IV
file format
56Biogenic Emission Factor Models
- EPA guidance
- BEIS2 recommended (BEIS3 emergent)
- BIOME an alternative for use with locally
specific data - BEIS2
- Fortran code distributed by EPA
- BELD land use/land cover (LULC) database for US
- Not easy to change LULC data or emission factors
57Biogenic Emission Factor Models (concluded)
- Part of EMS-2003, requires SAS
- Can emulate BEIS2, or
- Can use local LULC data and alternate emission
factors - BEIS3
- improved emission factor models
- improved LULC data including satellite imagery
- Incorporates BEIS3 factors and landuse data
- Has additional features including PAR data, heat
stress, drought stress
58Emissions Processing Systems
- EPS2x
- Modular and Flexible
- Designed primarily for urban rather than regional
applications - Widely used for a variety of applications inside
and outside the US - EMS-2003
- SAS Based, uses ARCINFO
- takes advantage of Unix operating system for
- control of job stream
- uses gridded temperature file for accurate MV
emission factor adjustment - used in the LMOS, OTAG, Models-3/CMAQ applications
59Emissions Processing Systems (concluded)
- FORTRAN based
- Computationally fast
- Emerging system, still being tested and module
developed - Supported by EPA, adopted by WRAP, CENRAP, etc.
- Current quality assurance (QA) not as extensive
as for EPS and EMS
60Meteorological Modeling
61Model Performance Evaluation
- All air quality models have inherent limitations,
uncertainties, and weaknesses - limit the range of their applicability
- affect their ability to replicate actual
conditions - input data also have limitations, uncertainties,
and inaccuracies that affect model performance - It is difficult to separate the effects of these
two sources of uncertainty
62Model Performance Evaluation(continued)
- Operational Evaluation comparison of observed
and measured ozone concentrations - Scientific Evaluation comparison of precursor
species, performance aloft, species ratios, mass
budgets - Diagnostic Evaluation to identify errors and
examine the effects of input uncertainty and
model physics - Performance Appraisal consideration of how model
results will be used in an attainment
63Regional Scale Ozone Tile Plots
Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone Concentrations (ppb) on
31 July 2001 Over the Eastern United States 36
km CAMx Grid Domain
64Local Scale Ozone Tile Plots
Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone Concentrations (ppb) on
3 Aug 2000 Over The San Juan Basin/Four Corners
Region 4 km CAMx Grid Domain
65Ozone Time Series Plots
Hourly Ozone Concentrations (ppb) on at Mesa
Verde National Park For 31 July 4 August 2000
Over the San Juan Basin/Four Corners Region
66Ozone Time Series Plots
Hourly Ozone Concentrations (ppb) on at
Substation For 31 July to 4 August 2000 Over
the San Juan Basin/Four Corners Region 4 km Grid
67Hourly Ozone Scatter Pots
Scatterplot of Hourly Ozone Concentrations (ppb)
on 22 June 2001 Over Lower Lake Michigan 4 km
CAMx Grid Domain
68Quartile-Quartile Ozone Plots
Q-Q Plot of Hourly Ozone Concentrations (ppb) on
24 June 2001 Over Lower Lake Michigan 4 km CAMx
Grid Domain
69Vertical Diffusivity Slice Plot
Vertical Distribution of Eddy Diffusivity on 28
August 1991 Over Lower Lake Michigan 4 km CAMx
Grid Domain
70CAMx 3-D Animation
711-Hr Ozone Statistical Measures
- EPA measures and performance goals for
urban-scale regulatory ozone modeling - Unpaired accuracy of the peak ( 20)
- Average accuracy of the peak ( 20)
- Nnormalized bias ( 15)
- Normalized gross error (lt 35)
- No criteria for regional-scale regulatory
72Model Performance Evaluation
- A comprehensive three-phased evaluation of the
base case emissions, meteorological and air
quality simulation results should be conducted
before a model is applied to sensitivity study
analysis, control strategy assessment, or
attainment demonstration - Phase 1 -- Screening Assessment (e.g.,
computation of EPA performance statistics
cursory graphical analysis of overall features) - Phase 2 -- Refined Statistical/Graphical
Analyses using various statistical/graphical
displays, probing tools, etc, - Phase 3 -- Detailed Scientific and Diagnostic
model performance evaluations as needed,
including compensatory error analysis
73Model Performance Evaluation(continued)
- Statistical model performance evaluation
- statistical comparisons between model predictions
and observations - provide quantitative measures of performance, but
- shed little or no light on the reasons for poor
performance - provide few indications of the robustness of good
performance - often leave users without a clear picture of a
models reliability
74Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Ability to replicate peak hourly ozone
observations - domain-wide unpaired accuracy of the peak
- station-wide unpaired accuracy of the peak
- average accuracy of the peak
- a cut-off value (60 ppb) is normally used
75Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Ability to reproduce hourly ozone observations
- normalized bias and gross error
- fractional bias and gross error
- weight over- and under-predictions equally
- ratio of mean observation to mean prediction (no
cutoff value) - ratio of bias to mean observation (no cutoff
76Model Performance Goals
- One-Hour Average Ozone
- EPA has developed 1-hour ozone performance goals
for three statistical measures Guidelines for
the Regulatory Application of the UAM - (EPA, 1991)
- Unpaired accuracy of the peak concentration lt 20
percent - percent difference between peak observation and
prediction unmatched in time and space
77Model Performance Goals (continued)
- normalized bias lt 15 percent
- percent average difference between observations
and predictions matched in time and space, over
all hours above a cutoff value (usually 60 ppb) - normalized gross error lt 35 percent
- percent average absolute difference between
observations and predictions matched in time and
space, over all hours above a cutoff value
(usually 60 ppb) - although there are no goals for fractional bias
and gross error, it is useful to compare these
with the EPA standards for normalized bias and
gross error
78Model Performance Goals (continued)
- Eight-Hour Average Ozone
- EPA recently published draft guidelines for
8-hour ozone performance goals Use of Models
and Other Analyses in Attainment Demonstrations
for the 8-hour Ozone NAAQS (EPA, 1998) - guidance is much more qualitative than for 1-hour
performance evaluations - suggests use of same statistical measures as for
1-hour ozone - with the exception of comparison of unpaired
79Model Performance Goals (concluded)
- some additional metrics are suggested
- computing statistics only for hours between
8am-8pm local time - adding a new comparison for hours above the
standard (84 ppb) - stops short of recommending specific statistical
- performance goals
- suggests evaluation of performance for precursors
and - secondary species
- emphasizes secondary species to reduce the
effects of mismatch between predictions and
observations regarding spatial-scale
representation - suggests using source apportionment results as
corroborative evidence - strongly recommends diagnostic evaluation
80Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - conducted if
- statistics do not meet acceptable criteria, to
assess the reasons why - statistics do meet the standards, to confirm the
robustness of - good performance
- model predictions are compared with an
observation-based - conceptual model
- a general description of what probably occurred
based on - analyses of observational data
- experience
- physical/chemical considerations
- intuition
- provide a framework on which to unravel the
cumulative - modeling uncertainties
81Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - reconciliation of differences yields
- a more informative assessment of numerical model
performance - and applicability
- an aide in designing model sensitivity runs
- more objective justification for altering model
inputs to - improve model performance
82Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - conceptual models are imperfect and occasionally
over-speculative, so they must be used with
considerable discretion - significant discrepancies between a predictive
and conceptual - model may indicate problems with
- the numerical model
- its input data
- the conceptual model
83Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - graphical products are essential tools and
provide useful insights - station plots -- temporal alignment of
predictions and observations - isopleths plots -- spatial alignment of predicted
fields - scatter plots -- performance as a function of
concentration level - difference plots -- effects of model input changes
84Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - model sensitivity runs are made to test
hypotheses and explore - model response to input modification
- helps prioritize effort to improve/refine model
inputs within their - range of uncertainty
- if feasible, sensitivity to emissions changes
- week-end vs. weekday
- retrospective
- trends confirmation
- VOC and NOx precursor sensitivity
85Model Performance Evaluation (continued)
- Diagnostic model evaluations supplement
statistical evaluations - typical model sensitivity tests include
- scaling of emissions and/or emission components
- (mobile vs. biogenic vs. area, etc.)
- scaling of vertical diffusivity
- clean boundary conditions
- zero anthropogenic emissions
- systematic variation of wind fields
86Future-Year Emissions Control Strategy Modeling
- Selection of a future year
- Projection of the emission inventory components
- Future-year sensitivity and control strategy
87Selection of the Future Year
- Application to attainment demonstrations and/or
control strategy evaluation - Emission inventory must be adjusted for
conditions expected in a future year, to account
for - growth in emissions due to new sources and
increased activities - emissions controls expected as mandated by
existing current regulations - Model runs are made with the future base case
inventory to predict future air quality
88Future Emissions Control Scenarios
- If attainment is not predicted for the future
base case, then additional controls must be
considered - A variety of control scenarios are developed and
their effectiveness explored
89Future Emissions Control Scenarios (continued)
- An emissions control scenario is a collection of
generic or specific control measures on
individual sources or groups of sources - sources are often grouped by type or location
- examples of typical control measures are
- reduction of Vehicle Miles Traveled
- low NOx burners on power plant or industrial
boilers - lower auto tail pipe standards (LEV, ULEV, ZEV)
- fugitive VOC detection and control programs
- consumer product reformulation
- gasoline reformulation
- vapor recovery at fueling stations
90Future Emissions Control Scenarios (continued)
- Since the number of combinations of feasible
control measures is almost endless, - a means of narrowing the list to a manageable
- number of scenarios is needed
- prior experience and economic feasibility
usually - enter into the selection process
- CAMx source apportionment is also an aide in
- identifying the most effective control scenarios
91Future Emissions Control Scenarios (continued)
- Emission-sensitivity simulations provide
information about - sensitivity of the model/episode to different
levels and types of emission reductions - amount, type, source, and geographical
distribution of reductions that reduce ozone - Emission-sensitivity simulations used to guide
the development of real-world control
92Future Emissions Control Scenarios (continued)
- Control-strategy simulations provide the basis
for assessment of - control-measure effectiveness
- separately
- in conjunction with other control measures
- viability of future-year attainment strategies
93Future Emissions Control Scenarios (continued)
- Possible variables include
- species/emissions type (e.g., VOC, NOx, CO)
- amount of emissions reduction (e.g., 10, 20,
30) - general category (e.g., low-level, elevated,
anthropogenic) - source category (area, motor-vehicle, non-road,
elevated or low-level point) - geographical area (e.g., domain, region, states,
counties, grid cells) - time period (e.g., weekday only, weekend only,
daytime, nighttime)
94Future Emissions Control Scenarios (concluded)
- Identify possible controls based on
- available technologies
- feasibility of implementation
- Use the emission-sensitivity simulations to focus
and refine selection of control measures - Use the control-strategy simulations to
- examine the effects of specific control measures
- examine the effects of packages of control
measures - identify attainment strategy options
95Examples of Control Measures
- Alternative fuels
- IM programs (various levels)
- Transportation measures (including ozone action
days) - Limits on agricultural burning
- Cool communities measures
96Ozone Attainment Demonstration
97EPA 1-Hour Modeling Attainment Demonstration
- Statistical approach
- includes 2 benchmark tests
- accommodates episode severity
- attainment ozone concentration may be gt 125 ppb
- Deterministic approach
- all simulated concentrations must be lt 125 ppb
- Weight of evidence determination
98Statistical Approach Benchmark Tests for 1-Hr
Ozone Attainment
- Number of simulated exceedances in each portion
of the modeling domain must be less than the
allowed number (which is determined by episode
severity) - Maximum simulated value for each day must be less
than the allowed value for that day (also
determined by episode severity) - Simulated reduction in the number of exceedance
grid-cell hours must be 80 percent or more
(compare to the base-case simulation)
99Weight of Evidence
- Possible elements include
- episode representativeness
- process analysis
- model performance issues
- observed ozone trends
- use of EPAs 8-hr ozone attainment demonstration
100EPA 8-Hr Attainment Demonstration Procedures
- Attainment demonstration for a specific area of
interest includes three recommended elements - attainment test
- screening test
- weight of evidence determination
- Key differences between draft 8-hr guidance and
previous 1-hr guidance include - modeled attainment test is based on relative
(rather than absolute) use of the modeling
results - modeling comprises a part of the weight of
101EPA 8-hr Ozone Attainment Test
- Future Year D.V. Base Year D.V. x RRF
- RRF (Relative Reduction Factor)
- Future Year Mod. Value
- Base Year Mod. Value
- Ozone FY D.V. lt 85 ppb ATTAINMENT
- gt 85 ppb NOT ATTAINMENT
- PM2.5 FY D.V. lt 15 ug/m3 ATTAINMENT
- FY D.V. gt 15 ug/m3 NOT ATTAINMENT