Plant Evolution and Diversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plant Evolution and Diversity


Plant Evolution and Diversity Unit 10: Plants AP Biology Plants Multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes. Evolution marked by adaptations to land existence. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plant Evolution and Diversity

Plant Evolution and Diversity
  • Unit 10 Plants
  • AP Biology

  • Multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes.
  • Evolution marked by adaptations to land existence.

Water vs. Terrestrial
  • Water filters light (disadvantage)
  • Provides for plentiful water
  • Offers support for the body of a plant
  • Carbon dioxide is not as plentiful in water and
    diffuses slower in water than in air.
  • LAND
  • Plentiful Light
  • Carbon dioxide more plentiful and diffuses faster
    in air than in water
  • Constant threat of desiccation (disadvantage)
  • Need to protect all phases of reproduction (from
    drying out) such as sperm, egg and embryo
  • Need to have an efficient means of dispersing
    embryo within seed.
  • Vascular system needs to evolve

Evolution of Plants
Evolution of Plants
  • Plants evolved from a freshwater green algal
    species some 425 450 million years ago.
  • Evidence in support of this
  • Green plants and algae contain chlorophyll a as
    the main pigment in photosynthesis and
    chlorophyll b as an accessory pigment.
  • Green plants and algae store excess glucose as
  • Green plants and algae have cellulose in their
    cell walls.

More Evidence
  • Comparison of RNA sequences between land plants
    and green algae suggest that land plants are MOST
    closely related to a freshwater green algae known
    as charophytes.
  • Freshwater exists in bodies of water on LAND, and
    natural selection would have favored those
    specimens BEST ABLE TO make the transition to the
    land itself.
  • Land was barren without any competition.

Charophytes most like land plants
  • CHARALES- macroscopic species
  • Stoneworts some species are encrusted with
    calcium carbonate deposits
  • Filamentous algae with whorls of branches that
    occur at multicellular nodes.
  • COLEOCHAETE microscopic species
  • Looks like a flat pancake.
  • Body composed of elongated branched filaments of
    cells that spread flat across the substrate and
    form a 3D cushion.

  • Charales
  • Coleochaete

  • Live in water
  • Haploid life cycle
  • Cellulose cell walls
  • Cytokinesis nearly identical to land plants
  • Apical cells produce cells that allow filaments
    to increase in length. At the nodes, other cells
    can divide asymmetrically to produce reproductive
  • Plasmodesmota provides a means of communication
    between neighboring cells.
  • Placenta (designated cells) transfer nutrients
    from haploid cells of the previous generation to
    the diploid zygote. Care for their zygote.

Land Plants - Embryophytes
  • Alternation of generation life cycle
  • Protect a multicellular sporophyte embryo
  • Gametangia produce gametes
  • Apical tissue produces complex tissues
  • Waxy cuticle prevents water loss.

Alternation of Generations Life Cycle
  • All land plants have an alternation of
    generations life cycle.
  • The sporophyte generation (2n) is named because
    it produces haploid spores that grow into the
    gametophyte generation (1n)
  • The gametophyte generation (1n) is named because
    it produces haploid gametes that unite in
    fertilization to produce sporophyte.

Alternation of Generations
Alternation of Generations
Alternation of Generations
  • In the plant life cycle, the zygote becomes a
    multicellular sporophyte with one or more
    sporangia that produces many windblown spores.
  • The production of so many spores would most
    likely have assisted land plants in colonizing
    the land environment.

Dominant Generation
  • Land plants differ as to which generation is
    dominant that is more conspicuous.
  • In moss (BRYOPHYTE), the gametophyte is dominant,
    but in ferns, pine trees, and peach trees, the
    sporophyte is dominant.
  • In the history of land plants, only the
    sporophyte evolves vascular tissue therefore,
    the shift to sporophyte dominance is an
    adaptation to the life on land.
  • As the sporophyte becomes dominant, the
    gametophyte becomes microscopic and dependent on
    the sporophyte.

Traits of Land Plants
  • The zygote and the multicellular 2n embryo are
    retained and protected from drying out. Because
    they protect the embryo, an alternate name for
    the land plant clade is embryophyta.
  • The sporophyte generation produces at least one
    or more multicellular sporangia.
  • Sporangia produces spores by meiosis. Spores
    (and pollen grains) have a wall that contains
    sporopollenin a special molecule that prevents
    drying out.

Traits of Land Plants continued
  • Spores become the gametophyte generation (1n)
    that bears multicellular gametangia, which have
    an outer layer of sterile cells and an inner mass
    of cells that become the gametes.
  • Male gametangium antheridium
  • Female gametangium archegonium

Traits of Land Plants continued
  • Exposed parts of land plants are covered with
    waxy cuticle.
  • Stomata little openings that allow gas exchange
  • Presence of apical tissue. Apical tissue has the
    ability to produce complex tissues and organs.

Bryophytes Nonvascular Plants
  • First to colonize land
  • Liverworts, hornworts, mosses
  • Low-lying
  • Nonvascular plants that prefer moist locations
  • Dominant gametophyte produces flagellated sperm
    NEEDS water
  • Unbranched, dependent sporophyte produces
    windblown spores.

Vascular Plants -
  • Dominant, branched sporophyte has vascular
  • Xylem tissue contains lignin
  • Xylem transports water
  • Phloem transports organic nutrients.
  • Typically has roots, stems, and leaves
  • Gametophyte is eventually dependent upon

Lycophytes (Club Mosses)
  • Leaves are microphylis with single, unbranced
  • Sporangia borne on sides of leaves produce
    windblown spores
  • Independent and separate gametophyte produces
    flagellated sperm

Ferns (Pteridophytes)
  • Leaves are megaphylis with branced veins.
  • Dominant sporophyte produces windblown spores in
    sporangia borne on leaves
  • Independent and separate gametophyte produces
    flagellated sperm

Seed Plants
  • Gymnosperms and angiosperms
  • Leaves are megaphylls
  • Dominant sporophyte produces heterospores that
    become dependent male and female gametophytes
  • Male gametophyte is pollen grain and female
    gametophyte occurs within ovule which becomes a

Seed Plants - Gymnosperms
  • Cycads, ginkgoes, conifers, gnetophytes
  • Usually large, cone-bearing
  • Existing as trees in forests
  • Sporophyte bears pollen cones
  • Sporophyte pollen cones produce windblown pollen
  • Seed cones produce seeds.

Seed Plants - Angiosperms
  • Diverse
  • Live in all habitats
  • Sporophyte bears flowers which produce pollen
    grains and bear ovaries with ovules within ovary.
  • Following double fertilization, ovules become
    seeds that enclose a sporophyte embryo and
    endosperm (nutrient tissue)
  • Fruit develops from ovary.

Plant Evolution and Diversity
  • Embryo protection (bryophytes)
  • Apical growth (Bryophytes)
  • Vascular Tissue (Ferns)
  • Microphylls (club mosses)
  • Megaphylls (Ferns)
  • Seeds (Gymnosperms and angiosperms)
  • Fruit (angiosperms)
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