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Andrew s Chapter 33-Part II David M. Bracciano D.O. Folliculitis Decalvans An inflammatory reaction of the hair follicles Leads to cicatricial alopecia Small ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Andrew

Andrews Chapter 33-Part II
  • David M. Bracciano D.O.

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • An inflammatory reaction of the hair follicles
  • Leads to cicatricial alopecia
  • Small pustules surround the follicles
  • Erythema, scaling, and smooth shiny depressed
    scars are apparent

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • Pseudopelade
  • When the pustules have healed and scarring
    remains pseudopelade occurs
  • Note intact follicles and single hairs growing
  • May occur on axillae and groin as well

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • Etiology is unknown
  • Scarring alopecia in a middle-aged man,
    associated with a hyperkeratotic scale-crust with
    follicular hyperkeratosis and erythema
  • If gram stain and culture of the exudate reveals
    coagulase-positive staphylococci, this should be
  • Many times no organism is cultured

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • Early lesions show perifollicular inflammation
    composed of acute and chronic inflammatory cells

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • Later lesions shows destruction of follicular
    epithelium, dense interstitial inflammation, and
    perifollicular fibrosis, with free hairs in the

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • There is perifollicular and interstitial fibrosis
    accompanied by an interstitial infiltrate of
    lymphocytes and plasma cells

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • The eventual loss of follicular epithelium leads
    to a granulomatous response triggered by free
    hair shafts

Folliculitis Decalvans
  • Cephalosporins, dicloxacillin, and azithromycin
    and rifampin may be added to therapy for better
    long-term control
  • Oral zinc or vitamin C supplementation may
    enhance response
  • Chronic inflammation reactions may be helped with
    topical steroids and by intralesional

Tinea Amiantacea
  • Thick, asbestos-like (amiantaceous), shiny scales
    attached to the lower part of the hair shaft,
    rather like tiles overlapping on a roof
  • Crusting may be localized or, less commonly
    generalized over the entire scalp
  • There are no structural changes in the hair, but
    in some patches where the crusting is thick,
    there may be purulent exudate under the crust and
    temporary alopecia may occur

Tinea Amiantacea
  • Etiology is likely secondary to an infection
    occurring in seborrheic dermatitis or inverse
  • Treatment should be shampoo daily or every other
    day with selenium sulfide susupension, or a tar
    shampoo , for a few weeks
  • Prior application of Bakers PS liquid is
    helpful to remove scale and crust
  • Derma-Smoothe and FS shampoo are also effective

Keratosis Follicularis Contagiosa
  • Also known as epidemic acne, epidemic follicular
    eruption, epidemic follicular keratosis, and
    Brookes disease
  • Unknown etiology
  • Occurs in children

Keratosis Follicularis Contagiosa
  • Eruption is widespread and symmetrical, affecting
    chiefly the back of the neck, the shoulders, and
    the extensor surfaces of the extremities
  • Onset is acute, may affect large numbers of
    patients in a localized geographic area , and
    spontaneously involutes over a 3-to-6-week period

Keratosis Follicularis Contagiosa
  • There is a horny thickening of these areas,
    especially pronounced about the follicles, where
    small black corneous may be discerned
  • Etiology has been hypothesized to be infectious-
    but not proven

Folliculitis Nares Perforans
  • Charcterized by small pustules near the tip of
    the inside of the nose
  • The lesion becomes crusted, and when the crust is
    removed it is found that the bulbous end of the
    affected vibrissa is embedded in the inspissated
  • Staphylococccus aureus may at times be cultured
    from the pustules
  • Treatment is removal of the hair and topical
    ointment like mupirocin

Perforating Folliculitis
  • Charcterized by an asymptomatic eruption of
    erythematous follicular papules 2 to 8 mm
  • Involving the extenxor ssurfaces of the upper
    arms, the buttockss, or the upper thighs
  • When small, whitish kerratotic plug is removed
    from the follicular papule, a small bleeding
    crater remains

Perforating Folliculitis
  • A dilated follicular unit contains a keratotic
    plug with an admixture of basophilic debris.
  • The follicular epithelium is perforated, and
    there are degenerated collagen fibers in the
    adjacent dermis.

Perforating Folliculitis
  • Resistant to treatment
  • Topical tretinoin is reported to be effective
  • One report of an HIV-infected man who responded
    well to thalidomide

Kyrles Disease
  • Originally termed hyperkeratosis follicularis et
    paarafollicularis in cutem penetrans
  • Rare disorder
  • Characterized by hyperkeraatosis, forming a horny
    cone that projects into the dermis, so that when
    it is removed a pitlike depression remains
  • Usually discrete papules, but may ccoalesce to
    form circinate plaques

Kyrles Disease
  • There is a prediliction for the lower
    extremities, but the upper extremities, head, and
    neck may be involved
  • Koebners phenomenon may also be observed, in
    which elevated verrucous streaks or plaques are
  • The elevated verrucous streaks are only seen in
    the antecubital and popliteal spaces

Kyrles Disease
  • Occurs almost exclusively in adults ages 20 to 63
  • No sex or racial differences seen
  • Has been associated with diabetes mellitus

Kyrles Disease
  • Histologically
  • Large keratotic and parakeratotic plugs
    penetrating through the epidermis into the dermis
  • These plugs cause an inflammatory an foreign-body
    giant cell reaction about the lower end of the
    plug in the dermis
  • Mild degenerative changes in the connective
    tissue with no increase in the elastic tissue
    also occur

Kyrles Disease
  • Kyrles disease remains stable for years, with
    possible clearing when the associated illness is
  • Ultraviolet treatment, methotrexate, topical
    corticosteroids, 5-fluorouracil, and keratolytics
    are usually ineffective
  • Topical retinoic acid 0.01 cream, isotretinoin,
    and etretinate have been effective in flattening
    the lesions

Reactive Perforating Collagenosis
  • Pinhead-sized, skin-colored papules that grow to
    4 to 6 mm and develop a central area of
    umbilication in which keratinous material is
  • The discrete papules may be numerous and involve
    sites of frequent trama
  • The lesions reach a maximum size in 4 weeks the
    slowly regress

Reactive Perforating Collagenosis
  • A cup-shaped channel containing degereated
    collagen bundles and basophilic material

Reactive Perforating Collagenosis
  • Trichrome stain
  • Blue-stained collagen fibers perforating the
    channel and extending to the surface

Reactive Perforating Collagenosis
  • It is believed that this is caused by a peculiar
    reaction of the skin to superficial trauma
  • Koebnerization is often observed
  • Young children are most frequently affected
  • There is no specific treatment indicated, since
    the lesions involute spontaneously

Perforating Disease of Hemodialysis
  • It is reported that between 4 and 10 of
    dialysis patients develop perforating disorders
  • Lesions are characterized by dome-shaped papules
    on the legs, or less often on the trunk, neck,
    arms, or scalp, with variable itchiness
  • Early lesions may be pustular late lesions
    resemble prurigo nodularis

Perforating Disease of Hemodialysis
  • The disease may remit promptly after a renal
    transplant and stopping dialysis
  • Topical tretinoin may be tried

Traumatic Anserine Folliculosis
  • A curious gooseflesh-like follicular
    hyperkeratosis that may result from persistent
    pressure and lateral friction of one skin surface
    on another
  • Such friction is often caused by habitual
    pressure of elbows, chin or jaw, or neck, often
    while watching television
  • Two thirds of patients who develop this are atopic

Erythromelanosis Follicularis Faciei et Colli
  • A unique erythematous pigmentary disease
    involving the follicles
  • A reddish brown, sharply demarcated, symmetrical
    discoloration involving the preauricular and
    maxillary regions
  • Pigmentation may be blotchy
  • Follicular papules and erythema are present
  • Pityriasiform scaling and slight itching may
  • Keratosis pilaris is frequently found on the arms
    and shoulders
  • It preferentially affects Asian patients

Disseminate and Recurrent Infundibulofolliculitis
  • A mildly pruritic eruption at times, and is
    chronic with recurrent exacerbations
  • Characterized by uniform papules, 1 or 2 mm in
    diameter, and involving all the follicles in the
    affected areas, which are usually the upper
    trunk and neck
  • Histologically, the infundibular portion of the
    follicles is chiefly affected, and the lesions
    are inflammatory rather than hyperkeratotic

Disseminate and Recurrent Infundibulofolliculitis
  • Edema, lymphocytic and neutrophilic
    infiltration, and slight fibroblastic
    infiltration surround the affected follicles
  • Treatment with vitamin A has been reported to be
  • Isotretinoin or etretinate may also be useful

Lichen Spinulosus
  • Disease frequently seen in children
  • Characterized by minute filiform horny spines
    protruding from follicular openings independent
    of any papule
  • The spines are discrete and grouped

Lichen Spinulosus
  • The lesions appear in crops and are
    symmetrically distributed over the trunk, limbs,
    and buttocks
  • There is a predilection for the
  • neck, buttocks, abdominal wall, popliteal
    fossa, extensor surfaces of the arms
  • A generalized distribution has been reported to
    occur with HIV infection

Lichen Spinulosus
Lichen Spinulosus
  • Histology
  • Shows simple inflammatory changes and follicular
  • Treatment
  • The lesions respond to mild keratolytics like 3
    resorcin or salicylic acid ointment, Keralyt gel,
    Lac-Hydrin lotion, and tretinoin

  • Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis(Emotional
  • Usually localized to the palms, soles or
  • May be worse during warm temperature
    Can be AD
  • 25 of patients with axillary hyperhidrosis
    have palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, but patients
    with palm and sole hyperhidrosis may have
    axillary hyperhidrosis
  • Sweating may be intermittent or constant

  • Gustatory Hyperhidrosis
  • Experience excessive sweating of the forehead,
    upper lip, perioral region, or sternum a few
    minutes after eating spicy foods, tomato sauce,
    chocolate, coffee, tea, or hot soups
  • May also be caused by hyperactivity of the
    sympathetic nerves(Pancoasts tumor) or
    postoperatively), sensory neuropathy (diabetes
    mellitus or subsequent to zoster), parotitis or
    parotid abscess, and surgery of the parotid gland

  • Other Localized Forms of Hyperhidrosis
  • Localized sweating can occur over lesions of
    blue rubber bleb nevus, glomus tumors,
    hemangiomas and in POEMS syndrome, Gopalans
    syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, and as
    a result of spinal cord tumors

  • Generalized Hyperhidrosis
  • May be induced by a hot, humid environment, a
    febrile illness, or vigorous exercise
  • Hormonal disturbances such as hyperthyroidism,
    acromegaly, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, and
  • Other causes include concussion, Parkinsons
    disease, pheochromocytoma, hypogycemia,
    salicylism, and lymphoma, and metastatic tumors
    transecting the spinal cord

  • Treatment
  • Treat underlying disorder
  • Topical aluminum chloride or aluminum
  • For the axillae, application of a 20 to 25
    solution nightly to a very dry axillae
  • Avoid deodorant-use baking soda instead
  • For palmar hyperhidrosis apply 20 aluminum
    chloride tincture nightly, occluded with plastic

Anhidrosis absence of sweating
  • May be localized or generalized
  • Generalized anhidrosis occurs in anhidrotic
    ectodermal dysplasia, quinacrine anhidrosis,
    miliaria profunda, Sjogrens syndrome, hereditary
    sensory neuropathy (type IV) with anhidrosis,
    some patients with diabetic neuropathy, and
    multiple myeloma
  • Anhidrosis with pruritis
  • Present with itching when attempting to sweat
  • Absence of sweat when body temperature rises
    0.5degrees C, fine papules appear at each eccrine
  • Cooling completely resolves symptoms
  • Resolution may occur after several years

  • Ross syndrome segmental anhidrosis associated
    with tonic pupils( Holmes-Adie syndrome)
  • Intolerance and segmental areas of anhidrosis,
    loss of deep tendon reflexes, and compensatory
    segmental hyperhidrosis of functionally intact
  • Anhidrosis localized to skin lesions over plaques
    of tuberculoid leprosy
  • Also over ares of segmental vitiligo, in the
    hypopigmented streaks of incontinentia pigmenti,
    and on the face of patients with follicular
    atrophoderma, basal cell carcinomas, and

Bromidrosis fetid sweat
  • Mainly in the axillae
  • Caused by bacterial decomposition of apocrine
    sweat, producing fatty acids with offensive odors
  • True bromidrosis is usually not recognized by the
  • Antibacterial soaps and many comercial deodorants
    are effective in controlling axillary malodor
  • Frequent bathing, changing of underclothes,
    shaving, and topical alumuminum chloride
  • Surgical removal of the glands is an option

  • Fish odor syndrome-
  • Caused by excretion of trimethylamine( which
    smells like rotten fish) in the eccrine seat,
    urine, saliva, etc.
  • This chemical is produced from carnitine and
    choline in the diet
  • Caused by an autosomal dominant defect in the
    ability to metabolize trimethylamine
  • Often patient s who complain of offensive
    axillary sweat actually have psychiatric
    disorders like delusion, paranoia, phobia, or a
    CNS lesion
  • Intranasal foreign body and chronic mycotic
    infection of the sinuses in differential

  • Eccrine chromhidrosis is caused by the coloring
    of clear eccrine sweat by dyes, pigments, or
    metals on the skin surface
  • Examples of this blue-green sweat from copper
    workers, the red sweat seen in flight
    attendants from the red dye in the labels of
  • Brownish staining from ochronosis
  • Small, round, brown or deep-green macules occur
    in the palms and soles in patients with excess
    bile secretion- liver disease
  • Rare disorder of the apocrine sweat glands
  • Frequently localized to the face or axillae
  • Most commonly sweat is yellow, less frequently
    blue, green, or black
  • Colored sweat appears in response to adrenergic
    stimuli, which cause myoepithelial contractions
  • Colored apocrine sweat fluoresces and is caused
    by lipofusion

Fox-Fordyce Disease
  • Rare, occurs in women during adolescence or
    soon afterward
  • Conical, flesh-colored or grayish, intensely
    pruritic, discrete follicular papules in areas
    where the apocrine glands occur

Fox-Fordyce Disease
Fox-Fordyce Disease
  • Apocrine gland sweating does not occur in areas
    of involvement
  • Hair density may be decreased
  • 90 occur in women aged 13-35
  • Pregnancy leads to improvement
  • May occur postmenopausally or in males

Fox-Fordyce Disease
  • Treatment is difficult-
  • No form of therapy is uniformly effective
  • Estrogen therapy usually in the form of oral
    contraceptive pillsis effective
  • Topical tretinoin, topical and intralesional
    steroids, topical antibiotics, oral retinoids and
    UV phototherapy have been helpful in a small
    number of patients

Granulosis Rubra Nasi
  • A rare familial disease of children
  • Occurring on the nose, cheeks, and chin
  • Characterized by diffuse redness, persistent
    hyperhidrosis, and a small dark red papules that
    disappear on diascopic pressure
  • The tip of the nose is red or violet
  • Disappears spontaneously at puberty without
    leaving any traces

  • Two Types
  • Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis(NEH)
  • Idiopathic plantar hidradenitis(recurrent
    palmoplantar hidradenitis)
  • A term used to describe diseases in which the
    histologic abnormality is primarily an
    inflammatory infiltrate around the eccrine glands

Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
  • Seen mainly in patients with acute myelogenous
    leukemia, usually beginning about 10 days after
    chemotherapy begins
  • Lesions are typically erythematous and edematous
    papules and plaques
  • Lesions are on the extremities, trunk,
    face(periorbital), and palms (in decreasing
  • Fever and neutropenia are often present
  • Lesions resolve over 1 to 4 weeks
  • Dapsone may be therapeutic

Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
  • There is a sparse, perivascular, and perieccrine
    infiltrate seen predominantly at the
    dermal-subcutaneous junction

Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
  • Upon closer inspection the inflammatory
    infiltrate is found to be predominatly around
    eccrine coils at the dermal-subcutaneous junction

Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
  • The infiltrate is mixed but contains neutrophils.
    The eccrine ducts show focal pallor consistent
    with early necrosis

Recurrent Palmoplantar Hidradenitis
  • Primarily a disorder of healthy children and
    young adults
  • Lesions are primarily painful, subcutaneous
    nodules on the plantar surface, resembling
    erythema nodosum
  • Children may present refusing to walk because of
    plantar pain
  • Typically recurrent, and may be triggered by

Sagittal view of nail unit
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Nail Signs due to Abnormal Nail Matrix Function
  • Beaus Lines
  • Pitting
  • Longitudinal ridging
  • Longitudinal fissuring
  • Trachyonchia
  • True Leukonychia (distal matrix)

Nail Signs due to Proximal and Distal Matrix
  • Onychomadesis
  • Koilonychia
  • Nail thinning

Nail Signs due to Nail Bed Disorders
  • Oncholysis
  • Subungual hyperkeratosis
  • Apparent leukoncychia
  • Splinter hemorrhages

Proposed derivations of the adult structures of
the nail unit
  • Thick arrows indicate epithelial derivations of
    the matrix
  • Thin arrows show the cornified products they form

  • A periodic idiopathic shedding of the nail
    beginning at its proximal end
  • Temporary arrest of the function of the nail
    matrix may also cause this-as may penicillin
  • Neurologic disorders, peritoneal dialysis,
    mycosis fungoides, and keratosis punctata have
    been reported ad causes of this type of nail loss

Beaus Lines
  • Transverse furrows that begin in the matrix and
    progress distally as the nail grows
  • Caused by the temporary arrest of nail function
    of the nail matrix
  • They may result from any systemic illness or
    major injury
  • Shelleys shoreline nails appear to be a very
    severe expression of essentially the same growth
  • They have been reported in all 20 nails in a

Beaus Lines
  • Multiple Beaus lines caused by intermittent
    inflammation of the proximal nail fold with
    resultant injury to the underlying proximal nail

Muehrckes Lines
  • Narrow white transverse bands occurring in pairs
    were described by Muehrcke in 1956 as a sign of
    chronic hypoalbuminemia
  • Unlike Mees lines the disturbance appears to be
    in the nail bed and not the nail plate
  • Andrews believes that this change is caused
    edema that induces microscopic separation of the
    normally tightly adherent nail from its bed

Mees Lines
  • Single or multiple white transverse bands
    described by Mees in 1919 as a sign of inorganic
    arsenic poisoning
  • Also have been reported in thallium poisoning,
    septicemia, dissecting aortic aneurysm, parasitic
    infections, chemotherapy, and both acute and
    chronic renal failure

Onychorrhexis (Brittle Nails)
  • Brittleness with breakage of the nails may result
    from excessive strong soap and water exposure,
    from nail polish remover, hypothyroidism, or
    after oral retinoid therapy
  • It affects up to 20 of the population
  • Fragilitas unguium (nail fragility) is part of
    this process
  • B-complex vitamin biotin increases the nail
    thickness by 25 and may help

  • Splitting of the distal nail plate into layers
    at the free edge
  • Is a common problem among women
  • Represents a dyshesion of the layers of keratin,
    possibly as a result of dehydration
  • Longitudinal splits may also occur
  • Nail polish should not be used
  • Biotin has been shown to be effective in doses of
    up to 2.5mg daily and frequent emollients

Pitted Nails (Stippled Nails)
  • Small, pinpoint depressions in an otherwise
    normal nail
  • May be an early change seen in psoriasis
  • Also seen in aa, in early lichen planus,
    psoriatic arthritis, perforating granuloma
    annulare, or in individuals with no apparent
  • The pitting in aa tends to be shallower and more
    regular and has been referred to as a Scotch
    plaid (tartan) pattern

Pitted Nails (Stippled Nails)
  • Coalescence of transverse pits resulting in
    surface nail plate crumbling in alopecia areata

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Chevron Nail (Herringbone Nail)
  • A rare fingernail ridging pattern of children
  • The ridges arise from the proximal nail fold and
    converge in a V-shaped pattern toward a midpoint

  • Softened nails
  • It results from a defect in the nail matrix that
    makes the nails thin and soft so that they can be
    easily bent
  • May be due to malnutrtion and debility, myxedema,
    leprosy, Raynauds phenomenon, oral retinoid
    therapy, or radiodermatitis

  • The nail is abnormally flat and broad

Leukonychia or White Nails
  • Four forms are recognized
  • Leukonychia punctata
  • Leukonychia striata
  • Leukonychia partialis
  • Leukonychia totalis

The Nail in Dermatologic Diseases
  • Psoriasis
  • Lichen Planus
  • Twenty Nail Dystrophy (Trachyonychia)

Lichen Planus of Nails
  • Incidence is lt1 to 10
  • It may occur without skin changes, but 25 with
    nail disease will have lichen planus at other
  • Most commonly it begins during fifth or sixth
  • Treatment is unsatisfactory- intralesional
    injection of corticosteroids, polyethylene
    occlusive dressings have not been successful
  • Oral predisone and oral retinoids in combination
    with topical steroids have been successful in
  • Early treatment is mandatory

Lichen Planus of Nails
  • Nail changes are irregular longitudinal grooving
    and ridging of the nail plate, thinning of the
    nail plate, pterygium formation, shedding of the
    nail plate with atrophy of the nail bed,
    subungual keratosis, and subungual
  • The plate may be markedly thinned, and sometimes
    the papules of lichen planus may involve the nail

Nail Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus
Psoriatic Nails
  • Nail involvement in psoriasis varies from 10 to
  • There may be pits , or furrows or transverse
    depressions (Beaus lines), crumbling nail plate,
    or leukonychia, with a rough or smooth surface,
    in the nail plate

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Psoriatic Nails
  • In the nail bed splinter hemorrhages are found,
    reddish discoloration of a part or all of the
    nail bed, and horny masses
  • In the hyponychium yellowish green discoloration
    may occur in the area of onycholysis
  • Up to 86.5 of patients with psoriatic arthritis
    will have psoriatic nail changes
  • Pustular psoriasis may produce onycholysis, with
    lakes of pus in the nail bed or in the
    perionychial areas

Trachyonchia (Twenty Nail Dystrophy)
  • Nail roughness
  • Thinning
  • Proximal nail matrix damage by alopecia areata,
    lichen planus, psoriasis

Dariers Disease
  • Longitudinal, subungual, red or white streaks,
    associated with distal wedge-shaped subungual
    keratoses, are the nail signs diagnostic for
    Darier-White disease
  • Characteristic is V-shaped nicking, linear
    striations, onycholysis, and subungual keratotic

Dariers disease (longitudinal red and white
Terrys Nails
  • The distal 1 to 2 mm of the nail shows a normal
    pink color
  • The entire nail plate or proximal end has a white
    appearance as a result of changes in the nail bed
  • These changes have been noted in patients with
    cirrhosis, chronic congestive heart failure, and
    adult onset diabetes, and the very elderly

Half and Half Nails
  • These shoe the proximal portion of the nail white
    and the distal half red, pink, or brown, with a
    sharp line of demarcation between the two halves
  • Found in patients with renal disease associated
    with azotemia

  • Permanently dystrophic nails secondary to matrix
    scarring in a patient with Stevens-Johnson

Racquet Nails (Nail en Raquette)
  • The end of the thumb is widened and flattened
  • The nail plate is flattened as well
  • The distal phalanx is abnormally short
  • They occur on one or both thumbs
  • Inherited as AD trait

Nail-Patella Syndrome
  • Comprises numerous anomalies
  • Characterized by the absence or hypoplsia of the
    patella and congenital nail dystrophy
  • Triangular lunulae are characteristic

Nail-Patella Syndrome
  • Other bone features
  • Thickened scapulae, hyperextensible joints,
    radial head abnormalities, and posterior iliac
  • Skin changes may include webbing of the elbows
  • Eye changes such as cataracts and heterochromia
    of the iris
  • Hyperpigmentation of the pupillary margin of the
    iris (Lester iris) is a characteristic finding
    in 50 of cases

Nail-Patella Syndrome
  • Glomerulonephritis with albuminuria, hematuria,
    and a variety of casts hyaline casts
  • 40 have renal dysplasia
  • 25 suffer from renal failure
  • AD trait localized to chromosome 9q34.1
  • Micronychia, triangular lunulae, and clinodactyly

  • Triangular lunulae of nail-patella syndrome

  • Absence of nails
  • A rare anomaly
  • May be the result of a congenital ectodermal
    defect, ichthyosis, severe infection, severe
    allergic contact dermatitis, self inflicted
    trauma, Raynauds phenomenon, lichen planus, or
    severe exfoliative diseases
  • Permanent anonychia has been reported as a sequel
    of Stevens-Johnson syndrome

  • May also be found in association with congenital
    developmental abnormalities such as microcephaly,
    and wide-spaced teeth(AR)
  • Or Cooks syndrome(AD)- bilateral nail hypoplasia
    of digits 1 through 3, the absence of nails of
    digits 4 and 5 of the hands, total absence of all
    the toenails, and absence or hypoplasia of the
    distal phalanges of the hands and feet

  • Faulty underdevelopment of the nail that may be
    congenital or acquired
  • The nail is thinner and smaller
  • A side effect of etretinate therapy
  • Also may be seen in vascular disturbances,
    epidermolysis bullosa, lichen planus, Dariers
    disease, multicentric reticulohistiocytosis, and
  • It is also seen in the nail-patella syndrome

  • Permanently dystrophic nails secondary to matrix
    scarring in a patient with Stevens-Johnson

Tumors of the Nail
  • Signs heralding such neoplasms
  • Paronychia, ingrown nail, onycholysis, pyogenic
    granuloma, nail plate dystrophy, bleeding, and
  • Symptoms of pain, itching, and throbbing may also
    be seen
  • Begin tumors of the nail include verruca,
    pyogenic granuloma, fibromas, nevus cell nevi,
    myxoid cysts, angiofibromas (Koenens tumors),
    and epidermoid cysts
  • Pyogenic granuloma-like lesions may occur during
    treatment with isotretinoin or indinavir

Tumors of the Nail
  • Pyogenic granuloma after trauma to the lateral
    nail fold

Tumors of the Nail
  • Pyogenic granuloma of the nail bed mimicking
    hematoma or melanoma

Tumors of the Nail
  • Pyogenic granuloma formation secondary to chronic
    irritation from a genetic subungual exostosis

Tumors of the Nail
  • Advanced pyogenic granuloma formation resulting
    from long-standing pressure and low-grade

  • Glomus tumor with a bluish hue in the distal nail
  • Maybe painful

  • Mucous cyst in its most common location exerting
    pressure on the matrix, resulting in a grooved
    nail plate

  • Normal finger contour is altered by focal
    mucinosis ( a myxoid cyst), which presses against
    the proximal nail matrix and results in a groove
    in the nail plate.

  • Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath presenting
    lateral to the usual location on the dorsum of
    the digit

Tumors of the nail
  • Advanced pyogenic granuloma formation resulting
    from long-standing pressure and low-grade

Genetic Subungual Exostosis
  • Dome-shaped genetic
  • Subungual exostosis
  • A, Lateral projection
  • B, Dorsoplantar projection

Exostosis, Enchondroma, Osteochondroma,
Epidermoid Cyst
  • Four benign tumors of the subungual region that
    involve the bone first and the nail plate second
  • X-ray films of these lesions should be taken
    first, before biopsy, because the appearance may
    be characteristic enough to allow for definitive
    surgery initially

Differential Diagnosis
Genetic Subungual Exostosis
  • A, Tabletop genetic subungual exostosis, hallux
    lateral projection
  • B, Dorsiplantar projection. Arrowheads indicate
    the medial origin of the exostosis, extending
    medial to the shaft

Subungual Exostosis
  • The growing genentic subungual exostosiss has
    caused expansion and tightening of the
    periungual skin distally and medially

Genetic Subungual Exostosis
  • Subungual nail plate hemorrhage secondary to nail
    plate elevation.
  • Traumatic implantation of nail matrix into nail
    bed is also seen
  • There are nail plate inclusions in the dermis
  • There is no granular laayer

Subungual Exostosis
  • Genetic subungual exostosis exerts distal
    pressure on the hyponychium, promoting fibrosis
    and implantation of epidermis into dermis
  • Note kerrratinizing epidermal inclusion
    developing with the benefit of a granular layer,
    surrounded by fibrosis of the the hyponychium

Premalignant and Transitional Tumors
  • Bowens disease of the lateral nail groove with
    minimal clinical changes for 2 yrs
  • Etiologic factors chronic infection, trauma, HPV
  • Seen more commonly in HIV infected individuals
  • Seeing an increase in Bowens disease in nail bed
    over the past decade

Premalignant and Transitional Tumors
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Actinic keratosis
  • Keratoacanthoma
  • Bowens disease

Bowens Disease
  • Bowens disease masking as a pigmented streak
    along the lateral nail groove, clinically
    suspected of being a melanoma

Bowens Disease
  • Histology of the lesion prior showing cellular
    atypia, mitoses, and individual cell
  • The nail plate intervenes between the nail fold
    on top and the nail bed on the bottom in this
    tangential cut

Subungual Melanoma
  • Frequently diagnosed late in the course or
    growth, since it simulates onychomycosis or
    subungual hematoma
  • Amelanotic melanoma may occurand nay be mistaken
    for pyogenicum
  • More frequently found in Japanese than in other
    ethnic populations
  • Example is in vertical growth phase showing
    nodule formation, nail destruction, and faint
    Hutchinsons sign of proximal nail fold

Subungual Melanoma
  • Histology of acral lentiginous melanoma showing
    giant dendritic melanocytes with atypia

Traumatic Nail Abnormalities
  • Onychotillomania
  • Subungual Hematoma
  • Onychgryphosis
  • Pincer Nails
  • Ingrown Toenail (Onychocryptosis)

Median Nail Dystrophy
  • AKA dystrophia unguis mediana canaliformis or
  • Consists of longitudinal splitting or canal
    formation in the midline of the nail
  • The split, which often resembles a fir tree,
    occurs at the cuticle and proceeds outward as the
    nail grows
  • Trauma has been implicated, but not proven
  • A papilloma in the nail matrix forcing a
    tube(solenos) like structure distal to it has
    also been suspected

  • A compulsive neurosis in which the patient picks
    constantly at the nails or tries to tear them of

  • Hypertrophy may produce nails resembling claws or
    a rams horn
  • May be caused by trauma or peripheral vascular
    disease, or more commonly by neglect
  • Most commonly seen in the elderly
  • If the blood supply is adequate avulsion of the
    nail with surgical destruction of the matrix is
    recommened by some

  • Characterized by an opaque, thickened nail plate
    with subungual hyperkeratosis and transverse
    striations in which there has been exaggerated
    growth in an upward and lateral direction

  • Is an exaggerated enlargement of the nail plate.
  • Most often involves the great toenail only
  • Self-neglect is the most common cause

  • A common finding in the elderly
  • It is a localized or diffuse hyperkeratotoic
    tissue that develops on the lateral or proximal
    nailfolds, within the space between the nailfolds
    and the nail plate
  • May involve the subungual area as a result of
    repeated trauma
  • Most frequently involves the first and fifth toes
  • Encourage the use of comfortable shoes
  • Involved areas should be debrided and treated
    with keratolytics
  • Emollients are also helpful
  • Precautionary measure to prevent this wearing
    comfortable shoes and relieving any pressure
    exerted by the nail on soft tissues

  • Spontaneous separation of the nail plate
  • Usually beginning at the free margin and
    progressingg proxximally
  • Rarely the lateral borders may be involved
  • Less often separation may begin proximal to the
    free edge, in an oval area 2 to 6 mm broad, with
    a yellowish brown hue (oil spot) this is

  • The nail itself is smooth and firm
  • Underneath the nail a discoloration may occur as
    a result of accumulation of bacteria or yeast
  • Mostly seen in women secondary to trauma and
    subsequent infection with Candida
  • Systemic causes hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism,
    pregnancy, pellagra, syphillis, trauma, vaginal
    yeast infections with secondary spread
  • Chemical causes solvents, nail polish base coat,
    artificial fingernails
  • Photoonycholysis may occur during or soon after
    therapy with tetracycline derivatives, psoralens,
    fluoroquinolones, or chloramphenicol, with
    subsequent exposure to light
  • Chemotherapeutic agents like mitoxantrone, may
    also precipitate onycholysis
  • May rarely be a sign of distal metastasis
  • May be inherited as AD trait

  • Avoid trauma
  • Keep nail bed dry
  • Trim affected portion of the nail

  • Aka unguis incarnatus ingrown nail
  • One of the most frequent nail complaimts
  • Chiefly occurs on the great toe
  • Leads to excessive lateral nail growth into the
    nail fold, leading to PAIN and inflammation
  • Causes are improper fitting shoes, improper nail
    trimming at the lateral edges so that the
    anterior portion cuts int the flesh as it grows

  • Rather than remove the nail a Jansey operation is
    frequently successful
  • This involves removing the overhanging lateral
    nail fold so that the nail does not cut into it
  • When healed the nail edges resembles the thumb
    and is very functional
  • The nail is not altered

  • Recurrent onychocryptosis with subsequent
    periungual inflammation and granulation tissue.

  • Partial regrowth of normal nail after previous
    nail plate avulsion for onychocryptosis secondary
    to severe overcurvature of the nail plate with
    painful contriction of the nail plabed (pincer

  • Recurrent onychocryptosis with subsequent
    periungual inflammation and granulation tissue

Jansey operation
  • Under local anesthesia and using a rubber band
    tourniquet at the base of the toe, (A), a linear
    incision is madeparallel to nail margin, (B), A
    convex incision is made in a curvilinear plane
    parallel to the nail bed meeting the initial
  • (C), involved tissue is removed, (E), lateral
    flap is then approximated by 1 2 sutures

  • Another procedure is to apply saturated solution
    of phenol to the nail matrix after a portion of
    the ingrown nail has been removed surgically
  • Objective here is to permanently ablate the part
    of the nail matrix producing the nail that was
  • Between 60 80 of patients treated with
    partial or complete nail plate avulsion have a
  • In mild cases, insertion of a cotton pas beneath
    the distal corner of the nail may resolve the
  • A flexible plastic tube to splint the nail is
    useful, the nail may be flattened through the use
    of a stainless steel wire brace
  • The brace fits the over-curved nail exactly and
    maintains constant tension over the nail
  • Adjustments are made over a period of 6 months
  • Liquid nitrogen spray to the area for 20 to 30
    sec may be successful

Leukonychia or White Nails
  • Four forms are recognized
  • Leukonychia punctata
  • Leukonychia striata
  • Leukonychia partialis
  • Leukonychia totalis

Pterygium Unguis
  • An abnormal extension of the cuticle over the
    proximal nail plate
  • Classic example is lichen planus
  • Has been reported to occur in sarcoidosis and
    Hansens disease and peripheral circulatory

Pterygium Inversum Unguis
  • Characterized by adherence of the distal portion
    of the nail bed to the ventra lsurface of the
    nail plate
  • Presents at birth or is acquired and may be
    painful when manipulating small objects
  • Results from the extension of the zone of the
    nail plate, leading eventually to a more ventral
    and distal extension of the hyponychium
  • Most commonlysee is the secondary or acquired
    form caused by connective tissue disease

  • An overextension of the eponychium (cuticle)
  • The cuticle becomes split and peels away from the
    proximal or lateral nail fold
  • Lesions are painful
  • Trim with a scissors and use emollient creams to
    keep the cuticle soft

Pincer Nails
  • AKA trumpet nails or omega
  • Common toenail disorder
  • Lateral edges of the nail slowly approach one
    another, compressing the nail bed and underlying
  • May occur in the fingernails and is then usually
  • Treatment is use of commercial plastic braces
    after flattening the nail
  • Urea ointment under occlusion has been reported
    to be helpful

(No Transcript)
  • Nail biting
  • A common compulsive behavior
  • May markedly shorten the nail bed
  • Sometimes damage the matrix and lead to pterygium
  • Difficult habit to cure
  • May apply dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) every day or
    two as a mild deterrent
  • Psychopharmacologic intervension may be required
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