Vladimir Putin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vladimir Putin


Inventing Russia Putin in Munich Putin in Munich Politics in the 90s 1993 a new constitution approved New parliament (the Duma ), half from party lists, half ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin
  • Inventing Russia

Politics in the 90s
  • 1993 a new constitution approved
  • New parliament (the Duma), half from party
    lists, half from single member constituencies
  • Powers of President strengthened
  • President appoints Prime Minister, cabinet
  • Russia Votes analysis of Russian voting
  • 1996 Eltsin makes a comeback as President from
    certain defeat with the money of Boris Berezovsky
  • Eltsin dances during campaign
  • November 1996 bypass operation

Eltsins second term Politics
  • 1996 reelected on second round against Gennady
    Ziuganov (Communist)
  • 1996 Alexander Lebed signs peace deal with
    Chechen leaders
  • Rotating prime ministers
  • Communists control Duma block reforms
  • Rich oligarchs control Kremlin (Berezovsky,
    Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky, Potanin, Smolensky)
  • Eltsins image as a drunken buffoon

Political Parties The Communist Party (KPRF)
  • Leader Gennady Ziuganov (b. 1944)
  • Share of vote to Duma
  • 1993 11.6
  • 1995 22.3 (34 of seats in Duma)
  • 1999 24.3

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)
  • Right-wing nationalist party
  • Leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (b. 1946)
  • Popular intemperate buffoon.
  • Took votes away from Communists
  • Zhirinovsky in European Parliament

Democratic parties
  • Yabloko Led by Grigory Yavlinsky (right)
  • Democratic Party of Russia
  • In 1993 get about 10 of the vote

Moscow the centre of it all
  • Throughout the Eltsin era Moscow is the centre
    of Russia, sucking the resources out of the rest
    of the country.
  • Moscow becomes symbol of Russian identity.
  • Yury Luzhkov, Mayor of Moscow, masterminds
    Moscows evolution.
  • 2010 Medvedev fires Luzhkov for corruption.

Eltsin Period Economics
  • Late 1990s oil prices collapse
  • 1998 the Default Russia defaults on GKOs
    (government bonds)
  • Ruble goes from 6 to the to 18, then 30.
  • Huge budget deficits
  • Unpaid salaries and pensions
  • Inflation and financial instability banks
  • Crippling taxes on small business
  • Flight of capital offshore
  • Vulnerability of economy to falling oil prices

Eltsin Period Government
  • Television controlled by oligarchs Berezovsky,
  • Russia is a chaos of competing chains of
    organized crime
  • Federal government disorganized, unreformed
  • Weak central power strong regions
  • Compromise with Chechens leads to chaos in the

Backgrounder Oil prices
Who is Putin?
  • Law degree from Leningrad State University
  • Recruited by KGB (1975-1991)
  • Worked in GDR (East Germany) 1985-1990
  • On return to Russia worked in administration of
    Anatoly Sobchak, liberal mayor of St Petersburg
  • 1998 Becomes head of FSB, successor to KGB

Personal characteristics
  • Paradoxical figure liberal and KGB backgrounds
  • Stiff, awkward in formal situations
  • Personable likeable one-to-one
  • Perceived by ordinary Russians as their kind of
  • Extremely intelligent and articulate
  • Hardworking and well-briefed
  • Can be ruthless when necessary

The new man...
  • August 1999 Vladimir Putin appointed prime
    minister of Russia by Eltsin
  • September 1999 Putin opens second Chechen war
  • Organizes new party Unity with Boris
    Berezovskys money for December elections
  • Putin named acting president by Eltsin on
    December 31, 1999

Getting through the Duma
  • Putins objective to break the logjam in the
    Duma (parliament) that had blocked efforts at
  • Gradually over three elections with changes in
    the electoral law (eliminating single-member
    districts), United Russia becomes the dominant
  • Russia Votes

Putins programme Russian conservatism
  • Economic reform appoints first-class economists
    (Kudrin, Gref, Chubais) to important posts
  • Balance budget, repay foreign debt, build up
    stabilization fund while oil and gas prices are
  • Tax reform flat income tax of 13
  • Private ownership of land
  • Increase wealth of Russia during his 8 years in
    office, average salaries increase 6 times
  • Pensions, public sector salaries paid on time
  • Current endebtedness of Russia

Disasters The Kursk
  • 12 August 2000 Kursk submarine incident nuclear
    sub experiences explosion in torpedo, sinks to
    the bottom of the sea

Disasters Hostage-taking in Moscow
  • 23 October 2002 Nordost hostage taking 850
    people at musical taken hostage by about 40
    Islamic terrorists
  • After three days 39 terrorists and 129 hostages
    killed (mostly by gas pumped into the building by
    Special forces)

Russian identity a new nationalism
  • Reverts to the anthem of the USSR with new
    patriotic words Russian national anthem
  • Strengthens the role of the Russian Orthodox
  • Propaganda in favour of the achievements of
    Russia AND the USSR (victory in 1945, sputniks,
  • Begins to rebuild armed forces

Vertical of power
  • Centralization of all power in the hands of the
    president in Moscow
  • Unity Party (Edinstvo) develops into United
    Russia (Edinaia Rossia)
  • organization of Russian political life around one
    party reaching down from the Kremlin to local
  • Local governors job to turn out the vote and
    support Kremlins initiatives
  • Other tame parties tolerated so long as they do
    not try to claim more than token power.

Khodorkovsky Co
  • Takes on the oligarchs deeply unpopular with
  • Warns oligarchs not to meddle in politics
  • Mikhail Khodorkovsky, head of oil company Yukos
    arrested in 2003, tried for tax fraud, sent to
  • Seizes their assets Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir
    Gusinsky driven into exile

The media are the message
  • Takes over the TV stations formerly owned by
    oligarchs Berezovsky, Gusinsky
  • TV self-censorship no criticism or ridicule of
    president or policies
  • Numerous investigative journalists murdered,
    including Anna Politkovskaia
  • Recently introduced English-language world-wide
    service Russia Today to give Russian point of

Rewriting the constitution I
  • Rules for elections continually rewritten to
    favour United Russia
  • minimum 7 vote to get into Duma,
  • single-member districts eliminated only party
    lists allowed
  • Result independents eliminated, only four
    parties currently represented in Duma UR, CPRF,
    LDPR, Fair Russia

Rewriting the Constitution II Governors
  • Beginning 2004 (after Beslan) governors of
    regions now appointed by the President, not
    elected, only approved by regional assemblies
    (usually dominated by UR)
  • Inefficient or corrupt governors can be removed
    by Presidential decree

The burgeoning bureaucracy
  • Putins programme requires a hugely bureaucratic
  • Corruption blossoms at every level from police to
    ministries no free press to expose abuses,
    bureaucrats have unlimited power
  • Transparency International puts Russia at 147 on
    world perception of corruption index
  • Bureaucracy stifles free enterprise small and
    medium-sized businesses harrassed by local
  • Bureaucracy often hand-in-glove with monopolies
    to suppress competition

International context responding to aggressive
US policy
  • NATO/US Expansion into E. Europe
  • 1999 Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary
  • 2004 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria,
    Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
  • Independence of Kosovo even though U.N. Security
    Council resolution 1244 guaranteed the
    territorial integrity of Serbia
  • Huge US base in Kosovo (Camp Bonisteel)

The Coloured Revolutions
  • September 2000 Otpor! Yugoslavia Miloševic
  • November 2003 Georgia Rose Revolution
    Saakashvili replaces Shevardnadze
  • November 2004 Ukraine Orange Revolution
    Pora! Viktor Yanukovich defeated by Viktor
  • March 2005 Kyrgyzstan Tulip Revolution
    President Akayev replaced by Bakiyev

Putin in Munich
The Rebirth of Peter Rebuilding Peters city
  • When working in Sobchaks administration, Putin
    had a picture of Peter the Great over his desk
  • St Petersburg tercentenary in 2003 Russia hosts
    the G8
  • St Petersburg designated as cultural centre

St Petersburg and Russian Cultural HeritageThe
Hermitage Museum
The Mariinka
  • Known in Soviet times as the Kirov after a
    murdered party boss
  • Resumes its old name
  • World-class centre of music, ballet and opera
  • Director Valery Gergiev
  • Revolutionary new styles and repertoire

Aleksandr SokurovThe Russian Ark (2002)
  • Revolutionary film taken in one shot in the
    Hermitage on the shortest day of the year
  • Steadycam glides through the halls of the Museum
  • Panorama of Russian history

  • Why is Putin so popular?
  • Could anyone else have done a better job?
  • Is the power vertical the natural form of
    government for Russia?
  • Is the course plotted by Putin sustainable in the
    long term?
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