Title: The Hittites
1The Hittites
2The Hittites created their empire between
1600-1200 B.C. (BCE) They were the first people
to learn to smelt (separate metal from ore)
iron. There were eventually weakened and
defeated by the Sea Peoples. The Sea Peoples is
the term used for a mysterious confederacy of
seafaring raiders who sailed into the eastern
shores of the Mediterranean, invaded Cyprus, and
the Levant, and attempted to enter Egyptian
territory The end of the Hittite kingdom
allowed for the rise of other people in this
3Hittite Territory at the height of their Empire.
4Pastoral Nomads 1.Nomadic peoples who lived in
the areas surrounding the great civilizations of
the ancient Middle East. 2.They domesticated
animals for food and clothing and moved along
regular migratory routes. 3.They did trade with
the settled peoples of the area and helped to
establish long-distance trade networks. This also
allowed for the spreading of culture and
technology (Cultural Diffusion) Indo-Europeans 4.
Probably came out of the steppe region north of
the Black Sea. Their language influenced Greek,
Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, and Germanic
languages. 5.Some of these people settled in
Anatolia around 1750 B.C. and helped to establish
the Hittite Kingdom.
5The ancient Hittite city of Hattusha, in Turkey.
6The Hittite capital city of Hattusha
7The Hittites Three Man Chariot. Two archers and
a driver in each chariot made this a fearsome
offensive weapon.
8(No Transcript)
9- They conquered what is now Turkey and clashed
with Egypt. In 1296 BC they signed the first
known peace treaty with Egypt. - They built great fortifications using natural
defenses. Their art adorned their buildings. - Hittite Law - Their laws also controlled their
economy by setting prices and wages. Laws were
less severe and more humane. Capital punishment
(death) was reserved for major crimes.
Premeditation was taken into account and fines
were set.
10Hittite clay tablet
11Hittites and the use of iron
- Iron working - They were first to make wide use
of iron. They invented a furnace which made iron
production easier. They refused to trade their
iron tools weapons and tried to keep the
process a secret - Religion - Polytheism
- The Hittites were invaded and assimilated into
the culture of the invaders.
12Hittite Spearman Hittite God