Paragraph Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Paragraph Development


A paragraph deals with one main idea (topic sentence) ... described, a Japanese imitation of chop suey, but is a native concoction with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Paragraph Development

Paragraph Development
  • Milly Grillone
  • FAO International Consultant

PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT Plan before writing!
Developing a paragraph
  • Unity The Topic Sentence
  • A paragraph deals with one main idea (topic
    sentence). If you are moving away from that idea,
    conclude the paragraph and start a new one.
  • The first thing you must determine about each
    paragraph is its focus. Once you have done so,
    you should never allow yourself to veer away from
    that governing idea.

Developing a paragraph Unity The Topic Sentence
  • Most often the topic sentence comes first, and
    the point made in the topic sentence is developed
    and supported by the rest of the paragraph.
    Without some kind of topic sentence, the
    paragraph is rudderless and the reader is lost
  • Undeveloped essays may contain entire paragraphs
    of topic sentences, combining several expandable
    ideas into one block of unsupported assertions.
    If an idea is important enough to mention it is
    important enough to develop if a general
    statement is worth making, it is worth supporting
    in detail.

Developing your Topic Sentence
  • After the topic sentence, the rest of the
    paragraph supports the point you wish to make.
    Inexperienced writers often fail to construct
    effective paragraphs because they make an
    assertion without backing it up.
  • If you are writing a paper about agricultural
    trade, you might find it useful to include
    statistical information to strengthen your
    argument. Never state without supporting evidence.

The Functions of ParagraphsAnalyzing
  • This paragraph subdivides the subject and
    analyzes each sub-topic.
  • Every student who attends university needs three
    types of education general education, liberal
    education, and specialized education. By general
    education I mean that education which is required
    to become an effective member of the human race
    it provides us with the means of communication
    with one another, with an understanding of the
    relationships between human beings and the
    institutions which they establish, with an
    analytical approach toward the physical universe
    of which we are all a part, and with a concept of
    the position which we hold in the stream of time
    and history. By liberal education I mean the
    education that frees us from the confines of the
    group, the patterns, the conventions, and enables
    us to become truly an individual it is therefore
    the education which discovers our greatest
    abilities and interests and then develops them to
    the highest capacities which we can achieve. By
    specialized education I mean the education which
    will enable us to make a living in a competitive
    economic world especially in America there is
    very little leisure class, and every educated
    person is expected to have some place in which to
    render a valuable service .

The Functions of Paragraphs Contrasting and
  • One of the masses is built of cut stone, the
    other of poured concrete. One took 50,000 men
    twenty years to build, the other will take 5,000
    men six years, in a task not only three times
    greater but vastly more complex and dangerous.
    Both structures relied on the labor of those who
    would otherwise have been unemployed. Egyptian
    peasants in the off season built Cheops American
    workingmen and engineers shelved by a great
    depression are building Grand Coulee. Pyramids
    were houses for the dead. Dams are centers of
    energy for the living. It is better, I think, to
    live in the age of the Great Dams than in the age
    of the Great Pyramids.
  • The construction of the Cheops and the Grand
    Coulee dam is compared and contrasted, aspect by
  • The use of a transitional device ("On the other
    hand") is very important to signal the shift in
    this pattern of comparison

The Functions of Paragraphs Defining
  • In most essays there are terms to be defined. An
    expository paragraph may be the beginning of a
    more complex argument, like this
  • Sukiyaki (pronounced by the Japanese in three
    syllables with no accent--shee-yah-kee) is the
    dish that has proved most popular among American
    visitors to Japan. It is not, as it is sometimes
    described, a Japanese imitation of chop suey, but
    is a native concoction with a long and honorable
    history. Its ingredients may vary, but they
    consist usually of raw beef sliced paper-thin,
    onions, spinach, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, bean
    curd, and a kind of gelatinous noodle, with sugar
    and rice wine and soy sauce as seasonings. It is
    the cooking and eating of sukiyaki, however,
    rather than the food itself, that makes it an
    experience to remember. The guests gather round a
    thick skillet set on a charcoal burner, and the
    raw ingredients (brought in beautifully arranged
    on a huge plate, for the Japanese believe in
    eating first with their eyes) are cooked in their
    presence. After part of the food has been allowed
    to simmer with its seasonings for a tantalizing
    while, the guests reach into the common skillet
    with their chopsticks, taking out whatever pieces
    please them and dipping them into a beaten raw
    egg. Sukiyaki is not just a food, it is a social
    experience for all evening long the guests sit
    around the pan "cooking and eating," as the
    Japanese say, "and eating and cooking."

The Functions of Paragraphs Showing Results
  • The topic sentence of this paragraph will
    provide a starting point for a series of results
    which comprise the rest of the paragraph.
  • The cold, the dark, and the intense
    radioactivity, together lasting for months,
    represent a severe assault on our civilization
    and our species. Civil and sanitary services
    would be wiped out. Medical facilities, drugs,
    the most rudimentary means for relieving the vast
    human suffering, would be unavailable. Any but
    the most elaborate shelters would be useless,
    quite apart from the question of what good it
    would be to emerge a few months later. Synthetics
    burned in the destruction of the cities would
    produce a wide variety of toxic gases, including
    carbon monoxide, cyanides, dioxins and furans.
    After the dust and soot settled out, the solar
    ultraviolet flux would be much larger than its
    present value. Immunity to disease would decline.
    Epidemics and pandemics would be rampant,
    especially after the billion or so unburied
    bodies began to thaw. Moreover, the combined
    influence of these severe and simultaneous
    stresses on life are likely to produce even more
    adverse consequences--biologists call them
    synergisms that we are not yet wise enough to

The Functions of Paragraphs Describing Analogies
  • This paragraph develops an idea by means of a
    comparison with a similar idea.
  • Light and all other forms of radiation are
    analogous to water-ripples or waves, in that they
    distribute energy from a central source. The
    solar radiation distributes through space the
    vast amount of energy which is generated inside
    the sun. We hardly know whether there is any
    actual wave-motion in light or not, but we know
    that both light and all other types of radiation
    are propagated in such a form that they have some
    of the properties of a succession of waves.

Paragraph Order
  • As you develop paragraphs, you are collecting
    sentences that build upon your initial statement.
    The arrangement of these sentences is as
    important as the sentences themselves. A
    paragraph requires a certain level of drama. Use
    structure to your advantage a paragraph which
    moves in a specific direction is more powerful
    than one which wanders about aimlessly. Here are
    some examples of strategies that can give your
    paragraphs greater coherence and greater effect
  • Climax
  • Familiar-To-Unfamiliar
  • General-To-Particular
  • Particular-To-General
  • Chronology

1. Paragraphs That Build A Climax
  • Build from matter-of-fact observation to a grand
    statement. The effect is a dramatic build toward
    a climactic moment.
  • The cultural laggards are noisy but tangible
    events since the impasse was reached show net
    gains for dynamo behavior and losses for
    stagecoach behavior not only in the United
    States, but all over the world. Vendibility is
    definitely in retreat. Nation after nation has
    left the gold standard, to embark on managed
    currency policies in which the bankers correctly
    find no hope for maintaining a private monopoly
    of credit. The state has been forced to support
    millions of citizens without requiring the
    traditional quid pro quo of work, because there
    was no work for them to do. Autarchy has all but
    destroyed the world free market. Dictatorships,
    one after another, supersede voting, parliaments,
    checks, and balances. Centralization and
    government control of industry proceed at a
    violent pace. The end no man can foresee, but the
    general direction is clear enough. All industrial
    nations are in the turmoil of a transition
    period, seeking more or less blindly for
    stabilities which accord with technological
    imperatives. History is at one of its most
    momentous passages.

2. Familiar To Unfamiliar
  • Begin with an example of personal experience
    with which the reader can identify, and move from
    that example into a more technical discussion
  • Certain moments of the mind have a special
    quality of well-being. A mathematician friend of
    mine remarked that his daughter, aged eight, had
    just stumbled without his teaching onto the fact
    that some numbers are prime numbers--those, like
    11 or 19 or 83 or 1,023, that cannot be divided
    by any other integer (except, trivially, by 1).
    "She called them 'unfair numbers'," he said. "And
    when I asked her why they were unfair, she told
    me, "Because there's no way to share them out
    evenly."" What delighted him most was not her
    charming turn of phrase nor her equitable turn of
    mind (17 peppermints to give to her friends?)
    but--as a mathematician--the knowledge that the
    child had experienced a moment of pure scientific
    perception. She had discovered for herself
    something of the way things are. The satisfaction
    of such a moment at its most intense--and this is
    what ought to be meant, after all, by the
    tarnished phrase "the moment of truth"--is not
    easy to describe. It partakes at once of
    exhilaration and tranquility. It is luminously
    clear. It is beautiful. The clarity of the moment
    of discovery, the beauty of what in that moment
    is seen to be true about the world, is the most
    fundamental attraction that draws scientists on.

3. General To Particular
  • This pattern is particularly effective in an
    introduction, but is applicable elsewhere.
  • In Shakespeare's England a standing army was
    unknown. There was no general military
    organization. The military defence of the realm
    rested upon two Statues passed in 1557, the one
    for Arms and Armour, the other for Taking of
    Musters. The first required "every nobleman,
    gentleman, or other temporal person" to keep,
    according to his means, a fixed number of
    weapons, horses, and suits or articles of
    defensive armour. The most interesting point in
    this Act is the fact that. though the existence
    of fire-arms is recognized by the obligation of
    the wealthiest classes to furnish "haquebuts,"
    the longbow is none the less exalted as the first
    of missile weapons, and practice at the
    archery-butts is still strictly enjoined upon the
    people at large. This was an absurdity, for
    fire-arms in the hands of skillful Spaniards and
    Italians had already been brought to considerable
    perfection, and the famous longbow was
    practically obsolete.

4. Particular To General
  • Going from the particular to the general can be
    just as effective as its opposite it is often
    used in the conclusion to an essay.
  • Nineteen forty-eight saw the beginning of the
    systematic suppression of the Greek guerillas--a
    rather baffling police operation executed by
    indigenous forces, with the United States
    supplying only material aid and technical advice.
    Nineteen forty-nine was the year that turned the
    tide in Berlin through a massive logistic effort
    carried out primarily by the Americans
    themselves. The current year has seen United
    Nations intervention in Korea, again an operation
    in which American forces have played the leading
    role. These examples suggest that the number of
    active danger spots at any one time is limited,
    and that it is possible to shift the emphasis and
    to divert resources from one place to another
    nearly as rapidly as the Soviet Union can itself
    shift its point of attack. The resources, the
    technique, perhaps some of the same planes that
    won the struggle from Berlin went into the air
    movements of troops and supplies that contributed
    so decisively to the American advance in Korea.
    In sum, the containment policy rests on the idea
    of a strategic reserve--a flexible concept as
    opposed to the static and impossible notion of
    simply manning a wall.

5. Chronology
  • A a chronology explains by listing events in
    order it is a particular kind of narrative,
    where the sequence of events is important, and is
    carefully signaled.
  • The new earth, freshly torn from its parent sun,
    was a ball of whirling gases, intensely hot,
    rushing through the black spaces of the universe
    on a path at a speed controlled by immense
    forces. Gradually the ball of flaming gases
    cooled. The gases began to liquefy, and Earth
    became a molten mass. The materials of this mass
    eventually became sorted out in a definite
    pattern the heaviest in the center, the less
    heavy surrounding them, and the least heavy
    forming the outer rim. This is the pattern which
    persists today a central sphere of molten iron,
    very nearly as hot as it was 2 billion years ago,
    an intermediate sphere of semi-plastic basalt,
    and a hard outer shell, relatively quite thin and
    composed of solid basalt and granite.

Paragraph Transitions
  • Although your paragraphs will be self-contained,
    they must interlock effectively to produce a
    strong overall argument. Transitions both between
    and within paragraphs are essential because they
    signal changes in direction and help the reader
    follow those changes. Simple words like however,
    in addition, for example, although, whereas and
    finally tie sentences together effectively.
  • The most important transitions come between
    paragraphs. Try to establish a connection between
    the first sentence of a new paragraph and the
    last sentence of the preceding one. Again a
    linking word may be the easiest way
  • . . . Thus the pattern established by Dickens in
    the first chapter is consistent throughout the
    rest of the first volume.
  • However, Volume Two offers a new approach to the
    narrative. . .
  • The echo of a key phrase or word can also be
  • . . . Whatever Lear's faults, it cannot be denied
    that he loves his daughters.
  • Unfortunately, love counts for little in the
    realm of Regan and Goneril. . . .

Paragraph Transitions
  • However, echoing the preceding sentence too
    closely will result in repetition rather than
    transition. This example was an attempt to link
    the introduction to the body of the essay
  • . . . The other important function Bottom has is
    his major contribution to the humorous aspect of
    the play.
  • One of the major functions of Bottom is his
    contribution to the play's humor. . . .
  • The transition may require more than just a word
    a transitional sentence may be called for
  • The evidence thus suggests that there is no other
  • And yet there may still be a solution. If you
    disregard . . .
  • The transitional sentence does not indicate what
    will come next in the paragraph, but it
    establishes that this paragraph is a negation of
    the last. Note that this kind of sentence
    displaces the topic sentence you would expect to
    find at the beginning of the paragraph the topic
    sentence should follow it.
  • Sentences must follow one another in a logical
    pattern. If thoughts follow one another without
    sufficient connection, the essay will make no
    sense. Within each paragraph you will be using
    transitions almost continuously.

  • TRANSITIONAL EXPRESSIONSTransitional words give
    unity and coherence to the paragraph by relating
    sentences to each other. Linking words and word
    groups are called transitional expressions.
  • Addition....also, in addition, too moreover, and,
    besides, further, furthermore, equally important,
    next, then finally. Example.....for example, for
    instance, thus, as an illustration, namely,
    specifically. Contrast....but, yet however, on
    the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless,
    conversely, in contrast, on the contrary, still,
    at the same time. Comparison....similarly,
    likewise, in like manner, in the same way, in
    comparison. Concession....of course, to be sure,
    certainly, naturally, granted. Result....
    .therefore, thus, consequently, so, accordingly,
    due to this. a result, hence, in
    short, in brief, in summary, in conclusion,
    finally, on the whole. Time...... first, second,
    third, fourth, next, then, finally, afterwards,
    before, soon, later, during, meanwhile,
    subsequently, immediately, at length, eventually,
    in the future, currently. Place..... in front,
    in the foreground, in the back, in the
    background, at the side, adjacent, nearby, in the
    distance, here, there.
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