Title: Colour Vision
1Colour Vision the Rail Industry
- Dr Catharine Chisholm
- c.m.chisholm_at_bradford.ac.uk
- Rail Standards Safety Board
- Dr Richard Graveling, Institute of Occupational
- Optometrist
- Lecturer in Optometry and Vision Science
- Anglia, City, Bradford
- PhD
- Effect of scattered light on visual performance
post laser refractive surgery - Occupational vision research
- Evidence-based visual standards
- CAA, Home Office, DfT, HMPS, NATS, RSSB
4Presentation outline
- Current colour vision standards
- Examination of safety critical colour tasks
- Background on colour vision
- The assessment of colour vision
- Acquired colour defects
- Relevance of colour tests to the rail industry
5Current colour vision requirements
- EU directive (2007/59/EC) Annex II
- Normal colour vision use of a recognised test,
such as Ishihara, as well as another recognised
test if required - Recognition of colour signals the test shall be
based on recognition of single colours and not on
relative differences
6What does this mean in practice?
- The vast majority of colour normals pass
- Only the mildest red/green colour defectives fail
- The tiny proportion of the population with blue
/yellow defects will pass - Not examined by Ishihara
- 1 in 13,000
- Current practice is safe
- DDA?
7Visual task analysis
- RSSB Human Factors (RSSB, 2011)
- Interviews
- Site visits
- Discussions with equipment suppliers
- Areas of focus
- Trackside signals
- Indicator lights and displays
- Electrical and telecommunications wiring
8Safety critical colour tasks
- Connotative - no redundancy related to positional
cues or labelling - Serious consequences of failure
- Spectral characteristics must be well defined
- Hardware must meet standards across the network
and over time
9Safety critical task for train drivers and others
- Colour light signals
- Red
- Yellow
- Green
- Defined in Railway Group Standard GK/RT0045
- Specified in BS 1376 1974
10Colour light signals
- Train drivers
- Alerted to trackside signals by track-based alarm
and AWS sunflower - Nevertheless, rapid identification may be needed
so vision remains important - In addition, some trackside workers and others
need to identify head and tail lights on trains
and vehicles, to identify direction of travel - Red
- White Specified in BS 1376, 1974
11Environmental conditions
- Conditions of reduced visibility
- Remove positional cues
- Reduce brightness (sighting distances)
- Increase scattering of short wavelengths
- Green may look yellow
- Green, yellow, white will NOT be confused with
red by a colour normal
12- Any colour can be specified in terms of x,y
coordinates on the CIE chromaticity diagram
13Reading repeater indicators / diagnostic LEDs /
other indicators
- Train drivers, signallers, level crossing
attendants, telecommunications workers etc.
- Train cabs
- All colour redundant
- Positional and labelling cues
- Back-up alarms
14Signal control centres
15Signal control centres
- Lever controls signal status lights
- No colour dependencies for
lever-controlled signal
16Signal control centres
- NX mimic displays
- Colour redundant other than signal status light
(red / green)
17NX signal status lights
- No definition of colours to be used
- No consistency between sites
- At discretion of manufacturer
- Lamps and lenses discolour with age
18Signal control centres
- Computer-based mimic displays - complex scene.
Poor use of colour - Route sectors magenta /grey
- Lack of standardisation of specific colours
19Signallers - summary
- Lever control colour not safety critical
- Also, Bardic lamp and flags can be labelled
- NX mimic board signal status lights
- No standardisation of colours used
- Computer-based mimic route sectors
- No standardisation of colours used
- Different categories of signaller?
- Logistics?
- Movement of individuals?
20Distinguishing between different colour cables
- Signalling and telecoms engineers
- Wiring is colour coded
- red, blue, yellow, green, slate, orange, white,
purple, and black (telecommunications and signal
wires) - Other codes also in use (RAL codes)
- standard electrical colours (green/yellow, blue,
brown) - Older electrical colours (red and black)
21Distinguishing between different colour cables
- No colour redundancy
- Range of colour codes used by different
manufacturers of equipment - Colours not specified and may vary from batch to
batch - Not possible to define colour requirements for
these roles
22Colour Vision
Colour is the visual effect caused by the
spectral composition of light emitted,
transmitted, or reflected by objects
- The colour appearance of an object depends on
- The colour properties of the light source
- The absorption/reflection properties of the
object - The colour processing of the eye and brain
23The cones
lt7 blue cones at fovea
- 6 million
- 3 types (40201 RGB)
- Concentrated at the fovea
- Less sensitive than the rods
- Good visual acuity
- Excellent colour vision
- Discriminate 7 million colours and shades
Better colour discrimination foveally
24Normal Colour Vision
- Normal Trichromacy All spectral hues can
be matched with a mixture of 3 primaries, long
wavelength (red), middle wavelength (green) and
short wavelength (blue) lights. (L, M, and S
sensitive cones) - Red - Green colour vision is stable with age
- Short wavelength (blue) sensitivity varies
reduces with age (gt55 years)
25(No Transcript)
26Signal Yellow
27Signal green
28Colour signal transmission
29Higher colour processing
30C.I.E Chromaticity Diagram 1931MacAdam ellipses
All colours within an individual ellipse look
identical to a normal trichromat
31Colour defectives
- Congenital (gene mutation) or acquired (damage to
retina or visual pathway) - Cannot appreciate or discriminate between as many
colours as a normal person - Colours which look different to people with
normal colour vision, look the same and are
confused (if there is no perceived lightness
difference). Poor discrimination of specific
32Congenital colour deficiency
- Present from birth and of constant severity and
type - Same defect in each eye
- More common in males than females
- Red/green defects far more common than blue
- Range in severity from very mild to colour
blind (monochromats) - Clinical tests are designed to look for common
colour confusions associated with congenital
defects - Normal visual function (except monochromats)
33Congenital colour deficiency
- Confuse colours of the same brightness
- Distinguish fewer colours
- Either one or more cone types
- missing (dichromat) or
- deficient (anomalous trichromat)
34Anomalous trichromat 1 deficient cone type
Dichromat 1 cone type absent
Protanope 1
Variable mild to severe
Protanomalous 1
Deuteranope 1
Variable mild to severe
Deuteranomalous 5
35- Congenital tritan defects (blue/yellow)
- Just as common in males as females
- The exact prevalence is unknown
- Tritanopia 1 in 13,000
- Tritanomalous trichomatism 1 in 500?
36Complete Colour Blindness Monochromatism /
Congenital Achromatopsia
- Rod Monochromats
- No functioning cones
- Vision very poor
- Equal malefemale
- Prevalence 1 in 35,000
- Cone Monochromats
- Single cone response
- short-wave (blue) cones only
- Hue discrimination in low light
- Vision below average to poor
- Extremely rare
37Which colours are confused?
38Which colours are confused?
39Colour confusions for anomalous trichromats
- Same colours confused as for dichromats but only
more similar colours, closer together on the CIE
diagram. - Confusion ellipses vary in size and include a
range of desaturated colours depending on the
severity of the colour defect - Severe anomalous trichromatism
- isochromatic zones (as for dichromats)
- Mild anomalous trichromatism
- ellipses only slightly extended compared to
normal trichromats
40Isochromatic confusion lines
41Tritan Isochromatic zones
42Colour confusions
43How colour deficients see
William Stroudleys painting of a steam engine
improved engine green
44Sensitivity to red lights
- Those without a L (red) cone have no retinal
receptor that can respond to the far red end of
the spectrum - Protanopes dont see the far red
- Milder protanomalous - red seen as dim
- I find the intensity of the red light
diminished. If I am a distance away from the
light, the amplitude of light is too low for me
to see at all and thus I can't determine if it is
the top, middle or bottom light burning. There
just are no lights! As I get closer to the light
the intensity increases and I start to see the
red light. To compensate I watch the other
vehicles ahead and if they start to reduce speed
I know there must be a red light ahead.
45Colour Vision Testing
- Screening - Abnormal / normal
- Ishihara (red-green), Hardy-Rand-Rittler
- Grading - Mild defects pass, severe defects fail
- Farnsworth D15, City Uni 2nd Ed.
- Classification protan, deutan or tritan
- Most tests although some better than others
- Vocational pass/fail criteria based on task
analysis - Practical colour matching
- Colour recognition (lanterns)
- CIE Standard Source C (6700K) or Source D65
(6500K) - MacBeth Easel lamp (350-400lux)
- Corrected daylight fluorescent
- Appearance of pigment colours changes with the
spectral content of the illuminant - Tungsten and fluorescent alter the appearance of
colours - Some slight deuteranomalous trichromats will pass
the test
47Ishihara Pseudoisochromatic plates
- Screening/identifying red-green colour deficiency
only - Exploits isochromatic colour confusions with
colour camouflage and luminance masking - Full version 38 plates, 25 numerals and 13
pathways, 24 plate common - Viewing at 66cm distance, 4 secs for each plate.
Lighting critical - Randomise plates
- Do not touch the plates
- Protect from light and dust
48Ishihara 24 plate pass/fail
- Fail 1 or more on plates 2-15
- 15 of normals fail
- Fail 2 or more on plates 2-15
- Sensitivity
- Fails 99 of colour defectives
- Specificity
- Passes 94 of colour normals (Vingrys 1984) but
100 if examiner allows for misreadings (Birch
49Ishihara 24 plate
- Plate 1 demonstration
- Plates 2-15 Transformation or vanishing digits
- Do not use hidden digit (poor sensitivity)
- Plates 16-17 classification plates
- Correctly classifies as protan or deutan
only 50 of the time
- 4th edition Richmond HRR (2002)
- 4 demonstration plates
- 6 screening plates
- 4 red/green
- 2 blue/yellow
- 14 classification plates
- 10 red/green
- 4 blue/yellow
- classify severity and type
51Performance of 4th Ed. HRR
- Fail two or more errors on the six screening
plates - Sensitivity 100
- Specificity 97.5
- Fail three or more errors from the six screening
plates - Sensitivity 98
- Specificity rises to 100 (no misreadings)
- Performance for detecting tritan defects is
52Vision Screeners
53Testing procedure
- Ishihara and HRR both provide a good initial
screening - Secondary tests
- Should always be preceded by screening
- Should relate to visual task
- Are used in optometric practice for
classification or type and/or severity - City University, Farnsworth D15, Lantern tests,
CAD test
54The City University test (2nd edition)
- 10 plates central colour and 4 peripheral
colours - Isochromatic colour confusions for protan,
deutan, tritan - Which of the 4 outer colours looks most like the
colour in the centre? - Lighting critical
- Only 3rd Ed available unvalidated
- Aims to screen and grade severity but poor design
55The City University test (2nd edition)
- Fail 1 or more errors (Birch 1997)
- Fail 2 or 3 errors allows some protans to pass
- Passes mild colour defectives
- Fails 97 of dichromats and 36 of anomalous
trichromats - gt60 of people who fail obtain mixed
protan/deutan classification results
56Farnsworth D15
- Designed for vocational guidance (e.g.
electrical) - Hue discrimination task
- Put the colours back into the box in a natural
hue order - Lighting critical
- Easy to appreciate what colours the subject
57Farnsworth D15
- People with mild colour deficiency pass this test
- Similar sensitivity to City Uni 2nd Ed.
- Fail 2 or more crossings of the circle
- Repeat all fails
- Grading and classifying protan, deutan and tritan
58The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test
- Examines hue discrimination ability
- Not reliable for screening but OK for grading
(moderate to severe colour deficiency)
59The Nagel Anomaloscope
- Gold standard (for RG)
- identification and diagnosis of RG deficiencies
- Red (670nm) Green (546nm) Yellow (589nm)
60(No Transcript)
61Nagel Anomaloscope
- Can distinguish dichromats from anomalous
trichromats - Allows you to identify protans with impaired
sensitivity to red - Accurately distinguishes protans from deutans
- Expensive and only available at specialist centres
62Lantern tests
- Distance viewing
- Involve naming of coloured lights
- Some relate to actual tasks
- Australian RailCorp lantern
- Others designed to detect colour deficiency
- CAM lantern, CNLAN, Farnsworth, Optec900
- Name Red Green White Yellow, Blue
- Number of errors does not grade severity
- Different lanterns produce highly variable
outcomes (Squire et al. 2005)
63The CAD test
- Computer-based test
- Quick, initial screening
- Longer test plots colour discrimination ellipse
in all colour directions - Can be compared to customised limits relating to
specific colour task - CAD used by Civil Aviation Authority and London
64(No Transcript)
65X Chrom / ChromaGen Lenses
- EU directive (2007/59/EC)
- Coloured contact lenses and photochromatic lenses
are not allowed. Sunglasses with specific BSEN
tint are allowed
- Coloured filters change colour appearance by
subtracting some wavelengths and altering
relative colour lightnesses - May pass isochromatic tests but colour defect
shifted to another axis - Monocularly worn filters compromise binocular
66Acquired colour deficiency
- Cannot appreciate or discriminate between as many
colours as a normal person - Onset after birth
- Changes in type and severity over time
- E.g. R/G then B/Y then colour blind
- Deficiency likely to be different in each eye
- As common in males as females
- May affect occupational suitability
67Common causes
- Eye diseases
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Optic neuritis
- Systemic
- Diabetes
- Blue-Yellow defect
- May be present before retinal changes
68Drug related
- Quinine, chloroquine
- Ethambutol
- Digoxin
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
69Which tests are relevant to the rail industry?
- Safety critical tasks
- Trackside signals
- Vehicle and train lamps
- Range of colour vision tests selected based on
known performance, ease of use, practicalities - Ishihara, HRR
- City 2nd Edition, D15
- CNLAN, RailCorp lantern, CAM lantern
70Which tests are relevant to the rail industry?
- Comparison of performance between mock-up and
each test, or test combination - 40 colour defectives
- 40 colour normals
- There may not be a suitable combination
- Test customised to particular colour tasks?
71Thank you!