Plant Reproductive Physiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plant Reproductive Physiology


Plant Reproductive Physiology Stimulus transferred Cut off all leaves after expose to photoperiod inhibit flowering Cut off all leaves 20 -36hrs later promote ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plant Reproductive Physiology

  • Plant Reproductive Physiology

  • Photoperiodism
  • Temperature
  • Nutrition

  • Pollination
  • Development after fertilization
  • Maturity, ripening and senescens

Plant Growth Stages
  • Juvenile stage
  • Transitional stage
  • Maturity stage
  • Senescence stage

Juvenile stage
  • Vegetative growth and unable to flower even if
    plant grows an environment for flowering
  • a physiological state of plant before flower
  • Flowering cannot be induced
  • plants often differ in appearance from the adult.
  • Phase length varies
  • annual shorter eg. Weed will be at juvenile
    stage 4-5 d after germinated
  • perennial longer at juvenile
  • eg. in certain shrubs up to 40years
  • Morphologies
  • Simple primary leaf to trifoliate leaves
  • beans adult compound leaf juvenile simple
  • leaves lobe
  • rapid growth
  • Usually, the basal part of tree is juvenility and
    the top is mature or adult in physiology.

Methods to shorten juvenility
  1. Long-day treatment - shorten the juvenility form
    510 year to 1 year of birch
  2. Grafting- speed up flowering of fruit crops in
    2-3 year.
  3. GAs treatments- can induce flowering in
    juvenility of ivy, cypress and fir.

Transitional stage
  • Have both juvenile and mature tissue
  • May revert back to juvenile if environmental
    conditions are right.
  • Involves the transition of a vegetative meristem,
    producing leaves and stems, into a floral
    meristem, producing flowers.

  • Flower Initiation and Development
  • a. Irreversible change in which to bud
    (meristem) changes from growing vegetative tissue
    to reproductive tissue
  • b. Improper conditions can cause flower buds to
  • 1. High temp
  • 2. Moisture stress
  • c. Flowers can be induced naturally or through
    PGR (plant growth regulators)

Maturity or reproductive stage
  • Stage where plants are ready to flower.
  • Flowering - ultimate expression of mature state
  • Changes influence by environment
  • Environment serve as expression changes regulator
  • Changes in physiology and morphology
  • Transformation of primodium of stem, leaf or
    vegetative part to primodium reproductive organ
  • One way transformation
  • Many plants produce flowers independent of
    environmental conditions

  • Factors influence transformation of the juvenile
    into the mature
  • Temperature Vernalization
  • Photoperiodism
  • Light intensity
  • Drought stress
  • Low fertility levels (especially N)

  • The final stage in a plants life cycle
  • a. May occur naturally or accelerated by
    environmental conditions including pathogenic
  • b. Cell and tissues deteriorate
  • c. Partial senescence is when plant organs age
    and eventually die
  • d. Complete senescence is when the whole plant
  • Monocarpic plant flowering and fruiting once
  • Polycarpic plant many times/repeat

Flower Production
  • Four genetically regulated pathways to flowering
    have been identified
  • 1. The light-dependent pathway
  • 2. The temperature-dependent pathway
  • 3. The gibberellin-dependent pathway
  • 4. The autonomous pathway
  • Plants can rely primarily on one pathway, but all
    four pathways can be present

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Autonomous Pathway
  • The autonomous pathway does not depend on
    external cues except for basic nutrition
  • It allows day-neutral plants to count nodes and
    remember node location

-Tobacco plants produce a uniform number of nodes
before flowering- Upper axillary buds of
flowering tobacco remember their position if
rooted or grafted
Autonomous Pathway--Plants Can Count
Autonomous Pathway--Plants Can Remember
Not-Florally Determined Plants are said not to
remember...Florally Determined plants are said to
Photoperiodism the response of plant to flower
to photoperiod (day length of 24h cycle)
  1. Julien Tournois (1910) 1st found about LD in
  2. George Klebs (1918) observe the function of LD
    in flowering
  3. Garner Allard (1920) found photoperiod
    ?relative duration of light and dark towards
    control flowering of certain crops. eg. tobacco
    flowering once expose to short light period

  • Hamner Bonner (1938) phenomena night break
    where dark disturbance during day time are not/a
    bit effect but light disturbance during night
    time inhibit flowering (SDP) or initiate
    flowering (LDP)
  • Dark time more function in determine reaction in

Flowering response of Japanese morning glory
(left) and black henbane (right) to daylength of
24-h period. Note the prominent flowers (arrows)
in Japanese morning glory under short days and in
black henbane under long days . Plants of
each species under both photoperiod regimes are
of the same age
Long days Short days
Plant types responsive to photoperiodism
  • 1. Short day plant (SDP)
  • The plant can only flower under day length
    shorter than its critical day length of 24 h
    cycle. eg. chrysanthemums
  • ie. the critical day length to induce flowering
    must be less than some maximum.
  • 2. Long day plant (LDP)
  • The plant can only flower under daylength longer
    than its critical day length of 24 h cycle. eg.
    Chinese cabbage, beet etc.
  • ie the critical day length must be longer than a

  • 3. Day neutral plant (DNP)
  • Without critical daylength, they can flower in
    any day length of 24h cycle, if other conditions
    are satisfied. eg. tomato, cucumber, egg plant
    and bean. After bred for long time , most of
    crops are not sensitive to day length, eg. early
    rice, spring soybean, spring maize and cotton
  • Critical Day Period
  • It is the duration of the photoperiod or the dark
    period that ultimately determines whether the
    plant has to go through vegetative growth or to
    produce flowers. 
  • referred as the day length of 24h cycle - the
    shortest day length for LDP flower and the
    longest day length for SDP flower.

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  • The chemical nature of the receptor is a the
    molecule PHYTOCHROME.
  • - biological compound that absorbs light
  • Two types -Phytochrome far red (PFR)
  • -Phytochrome red (PR)
  • - interconvertible

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  • Plants measure the ratio of Pfr/Pr.
  • LDP would flower when the ratio is high
  • SDP would flower when the ratio is low
  • Since Pfr is labile and is broken down at night
    or reverts back to Pr - the longer the night, the
    lower the phytochrome (Pfr) content.
  • Thus, phytochrome is like the sand in an egg
    timer the relative amount of Pfr remaining at
    the end of the night would be an indication of
    the day length.

  • Flowering in SDP
  • Short day plants flower when the night period is
  • In day light or red light, phytochrome red (Pr)
    is converted to phytochrome far red (Pfr). The
    conversion actually only requires a brief
    exposure to white or red light.
  • In the dark, Pfr is slowly converted back to Pr.
    A long night means that there is a long time for
    the conversion.
  • Under short day conditions (long night) at the
    end of the night period the concentration of Pfr
    is low.
  • In SDP, low Pfr concentration is the trigger for
  • Flowering in LDP
  • Long day plants flower when the night period is
  • In day light (white or red) the Pr is converted
    to Pfr.
  • During periods when the day light period is long
    but critically the dark period is short, Pfr does
    not have long to breakdown in the dark.
    Consequently there remains a higher concentration
    of Pfr.
  • In LDP, high Pfr concentration is the trigger to

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  • Dark period more important in photoperiodism
    reaction because interruption during night will
    inhibit flowering in SDP but promote flowering in
  • In short day plants, Pr promotes flowering when
    Pfr suppresses it, when it is vice versa in long
    day plants.

  • Flowering hormone?
  • Leaves detected photoperiod (at least
  • one leaf must be present for the plant
  • to fllower)
  • The receptor of photoperiod is located within
    the leaf.
  • Photoperiodism sensor - leaf ? bud
  • Buds produce flowers
  • Bud meristem changes from vegetative to flower

  • Stimulus transferred
  • Cut off all leaves after expose to photoperiod
    ?inhibit flowering
  • Cut off all leaves 20 -36hrs later ?promote
  • In 2005 a substance, mRNA (FL mRNA) was finally
    isolated that was found to be moving from leaf to
    flower meristem.
  • This mRNA provides a link between the phytochrome
    system (the receptor), its activation of genes in
    the leaf (mRNA synthesis) and the differentiation
    of the meristem into the flower structure.
  • Florigen - name given to the proposed flowering

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Commercially importance
  • Flower industry eg. Chrysanthemum sdp
  • Selection of variety/cultivar for vegetable and
    field crops
  • Manipulating Flowering Response
  • Use artificial light or dark to simulate
  • Light at night to lengthen day.
  • 10 pm to 2 pm.
  • Cover with black cloth to shorten the day.

Temperature (T)
  • Vernalization ? the process by which flowering is
    promoted by prolonged exposure to the cold of a
    typical winter
  • plant expose to low T to initiate and promote
  • common in biennials and some perennial plants
  • reactions are varies among spesies/variety

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  • eg. apple, cherry, pear, peaches
  • carrots, cabbage,
  • bulbs like tulip, onion
  • a. cold storage is used to preserve (sets) bulbs
    during winter this causes the sets to flower and
    produce seed in spring
  • b. to devernalize- sets are exposed to 27oC for
    2-3 weeks before planting

  • Temperature and time of vernalization
  • -4?12?. Most efficient 12 ?
  • Reaction between temperature and time
  • - in the range of vernalization temperature, the
    lower T, the shorter time.
  • - the lower temperature for vernalization the
    plant needs, the longer time lasts.
  • Table 8-1 Temperature and time for vernalization
    of wheat
  • Types temperature range(?
    ) days
  • Spring wheat 515
  • Semi winter wheat 3 6
  • Winter wheat 0 3
    40 45

  • Kinetics of the vernalisation
  • effective on actively growing plant.
  • ie. growing plant under gone vegetative
    stage, seed stage (annual) or bulb
  • - Seeds must imbibed water (50 of seed dry
    weight) and the germination process has been
    initiated and exposed to low temperature (
    vernalized). The vernalized seeds are dried and
  • - other plants in particular the biennial eg.
    cabbage, must reach a certain minimum size or age
    before they can be vernalized ie. whole plant
  • In general, the plant flowering need long day
    period and higher temperature after finishing
    vernalization, which induces flower

  • The site/part of vernalization is the growing
    point (shoot apex)
  • eg. celery
  • - shoot apex exposed to low temperature, other
    part of plant to normal (higher) temperature,
    the plant can flower.
  • -shoot apex to normal (higher)
    temperature, other part of plant low temperature,
    the plant remain vegetative
  • The main part sensitive to low temperature is
    shoot apical meristem - bud, apex meristems

  • Facultative (quantitative)
  • Flowering will appear earlier (faster) once
    expose to low T eg. winter annual cereal
  • Absolute (obligate)
  • MUST expose to low T then flowering appear eg.
    biennial plants (cabbage)
  • Exposure to desired period

  • Lang (1957) found that GA function vernalin,
    where GA promote flowering without vernalisation
  • Vernalin hypothesis After passing
    vernalization, plant can form vernalin,which can
    transfer from one part to others and promote
  • Vernalization only act the meristem of shoot
    apex. The effect can transfer form the cell to
    cell, not from organ to organ.

Low T vernalization and GA3 induce flowering in
Control GA3 Low T
  • In relation to flowering and fruiting or duration
    of plant life, plants are group into
  • Perennial plants
  • Able to flower and produce seeds and fruit for an
    indefinite number of growing seasons
  • - may be herbaceous or woody
  • -in deciduous plants all the leaves fall, and
    the tree is bare, at a particular time of year
  • -in evergreen plants, the leaves drop throughout
    the year, and so the plant is never completely
  • Annual plants
  • Grow, flower, and form fruits and seeds, and
    typically die within one growing season
  • - usually herbaceous
  • Biennial plants
  • Have two-year life cycles
  • -they store energy the first year and flower the
    second year

Application of vernalization on production
  • 1. Treatment with vernalization and
  • eg. onion for seed production
  • 2. Induced crops to flower
  • forcing plants for earlier or late bloom
  • blooms indoor
  • 3. Selecting sowing date
  • different types and characters

Interaction bet. T and photoperiodism
  • SDP initiate flowering at low T. eg.
  • As supplementary or complimentary to each other

  • Vernalisation cancellation
  • Before finishing vernalization, the effect will
    lost under high temperature
  • Devernalization - 2540??
  • eg. vernalized onion bulbs expose to high
    temperature after vernalisation
  • Direct planting ? flowering
  • Keep in warm temperature (2-3wks) ? not flowering

  • Klebs (1918) ratio of carbohydrate with
    inorganic nutrient esp N (CN) high will
    promote flowering
  • Kraus Kraybill (US) flowering on tomato
    plants was controlled by CHON level
  • CHON low delay flowering less flower (N
  • CHO low, N low less vegetative part, less
  • CHON high faster and no of flower increase
  • ? there is no CN critical for flowering
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