Title: Shrimp, Prawn, Crayfish Aquaculture
1Shrimp, Prawn, Crayfish Aquaculture
2World harvest of farmed marine shrimp in 1999 was
814,250 MT
Thailand 200,000 MT China 110,000
MT Indonesia 100,000 MT Ecuador 85,000
MT India 70,000 MT
3Shrimp Gee-Whiz
- Shrimp, crabs, lobsters and crayfish all decapods
(they have 10 feet) - Hundreds of spp. found in brackish and marine
- All farm-raised shrimp and most of the shrimp
caught by fishermen belong to the Penaeidae
family of decapod crustaceans and are referred to
as "penaeids".
4Gulf Shrimp Identification
- Brown
- Groove on either side of spine on back of head
- Similar groove on the last body segment before
the tail segment (A) - Pink
- Groove on either side of spine on back of head
- Similar groove on the last body segment before
the tail segment - Dark or pinkish blotch on each side of body
between carapace and tail (B) - White
- No grooves on spine or last segment before tail
5Penaeid Shrimp Life Cycle
Shrimp have a maximum life span of about 24
6Larval Staging
- Penaeid Shrimp pass through three larval stages
- Nauplii
- Zoeal
- Mysis
- Postlarval (PL) follows larval stages
- Look like shrimp by this stage
7Nauplii Stage
- Six sub-stages
- May lose 25
- Nauplii sub-stages take approximately 48 hours
- 36-51 hour range depending on temperature
- Begin feeding at N6
8Zoeal Stage
- Zoea feed on phytoplankton
- Three zoeal substages
- 120 hrs
- 36-48 hrs per stage
9Mysis Stage
- Look like adult shrimp
- Begin to swim backwards
- Three sub-stages
- Each last 24 hrs
10Post Larvae
- Postlarvae (PL)
- PL1 one day PL
- 0.0008 g/PL1
- PL 20 20 day PL
- 0.02 g/PL20
- Swimming seta present on pleopods
- Reared in tanks or raceways
- Stocked in ponds beginning around PL15-PL20.
11Larval FeedingZoea
- Isochrysis
- Brown algae
- (3-5 mm)
- Chaetoceros
- Diatom
- (4-6 mm)
- Tetraselmis
- Green algae
- (10-15 mm)
12Larval FeedingMysis
- Feed large algae cells early on
- Switch to artemia (brine shrimp) for later stages
13Larval FeedingPostlarvae
- Artemia
- 6/ml at PL4 decreasing to 0 by PL11
- Formulated diet
- 35 protein
- 3 fat
- Feeding rate
- 200 bwt/day
- 50 X 4 times per day
14General Shrimp Farming Concepts
- Marine shrimp are grown in earthen ponds located
in coastal areas of countries with tropical and
subtropical climates. - Ponds are filled with saltwater pumped from
estuaries and oceans. Small shrimp reproduced and
raised in captivity are stocked into the ponds
and are ready for harvest in 90 to 120 days.
15Farm Location
- Locate ponds close to good quality brackish water
- 5-30 ppt
- Farms can be inland if suitable aquifers are
available - Soil should have high clay content
- 25
- Water table should not be within three feet of
16Farm Permits
- Construction permits from Corps of Engineers
- Aquaculture Permits from state
- Local permits
17Farming Strategies
- Extensive
- Large ponds
- Low stocking densities
- Little management or investment
- Semi-Intensive
- Falls in between the two extreme of intensive and
extensive - Intensive
- Smaller ponds
- Aeration
- High stocking densities
- Feeding
18Pond Construction
- Ponds range in size from 1-10 acres
- 4-7 feet deep
- Gentle bottom slope
- Well maintained levee
19Gulf and Inland Shrimp Species
- Food
- Western white shrimp
- Penaeus vannamei
- Northern white shrimp
- Litopenaeus setiferus
- Freshwater shrimp
- Macrobrachium spp.
- Bait
- Brown shrimp
- Farfantepenaeus aztecus
- Stock with post larval shrimp (PL)
- ½ inch in length
- Stock 40,000-80,000 PLs per acre
- Havest 3,000lbs/acrea
- Fertilize ponds prior to stocking
- Feed good quality shrimp feed
- 35 protein
- 3-5 bwt per day
- Provide aeration when necessary
- Harvest in October
- 22-36 count
- Drain and seine ponds
- Direct market or sell to processor
23Common Problems
- Shortage of PLs
- Shrimp viruses
24Commonly Cultured Marine Shrimp
- Penaeus merguiensis Banana prawn
- Penaeus indicus Indian prawn
- Penaeus japonicus - Kuruma prawn
- Penaeus duorarum Atlantic pink shrimp
- Penaeus aztecus Atlantic brown shrimp
- Penaeus setiferous Atlantic white shrimp
- Litopenaeus vannamei Pacific white shrimp
- Penaeus monodon Black tiger prawn
25Shrimp Species
- Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon)
- Named for its huge size and banded tail, P.
monodon still accounts for most of the farmed
shrimp coming out of Asia, but it's likely to
lose that position to P. vannamei over the next
couple of years. - Native to the Indian Ocean and the southwestern
Pacific Ocean from Japan to Australia, "tigers"
are the largest (maximum length 363 mm) and
fastest growing of the farmed shrimp. - They tolerate a wide range of salinities, but
shortages of wild broodstock often exist, captive
breeding is difficult and hatchery survivals are
low (20 to 30). Tigers are very susceptible to
two of the most lethal shrimp viruses yellowhead
and whitespot. - Reddish-orange on the sides and pearly-white on
the top and bottom
26Penaeus monodonBlack Tiger Prawn
27Shrimp Species
- Western White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)
- Native to the Pacific coast of Central and South
America, - Leading farm-raised species in the Western
Hemisphere, representing more than 95 of
production. - Because vannamei feeds on organisms which grow
naturally in the pond, it is cheaper to feed than
monodon. - White shrimp can be stocked at small sizes, have
a uniform growth rate and reach a maximum length
of 230 millimeters. - They breed in captivity better than monodon
- Hatchery survivals are high, from 50 to 60.
Throughout Latin America, hatcheries maintain
captive stocks of vannamei broodstock. - Look for it to become the dominant species in
Asia over the next couple of years.
28Litopenaeus vannameiPacific White Shrimp
29Shrimp Species
- Chinese White Shrimp (Penaeus chinensis)
- Native to the coast of China and the west coast
of the Korean peninsula. - Chinese white shrimp grow better in lower water
temperatures (down to 16 degrees Celsius) than
vannamei and monodon - Tolerate muddy bottoms and very low
salinitiesand, unlike the above species, Chinese
white shrimp readily mature and spawn in ponds. - On the negative side, they have a high protein
requirement (40 to 60), a small size (maximum
length of 183 millimeters), and a lower meat
yield (56) than monodon (61) and vannamei
(63). - Also, chinensis appears to be more susceptible to
viruses than vannamei.
30Shrimp Species
- Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium spp.)
- World production of farmed prawns has risen to
around 200,000 metric tons, worth about a billion
dollars, most of it from Bangladesh and China. - The genus Macrobrachium, which includes about 200
species, almost all of which live in freshwater
for at least part of their life cycle, native to
all continents except Europe. - The favored species for farming has always been
M. rosenbergii, sometimes called the "giant river
prawn" or the "Malaysian prawn - In the United States, there are more than 500
small freshwater prawn farms (M. rosenbergii). - Resemble giant tiger shrimp, but they're bigger,
chunkier, lighter in color, and their shells are
always on. - If the bottom part of the shell on the second
tail segment overlaps the shell on the first and
third segments, it's a freshwater prawn.
31(No Transcript)
- Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
- Found in Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Most abundant of the three Gulf Shrimp
- Closely related to the pink shrimp
- The brown shrimp is found in murkier and often
deeper water. - Spawn offshore from November to April.
- Young adults move out of protected marsh areas
from May to July. - Excellent bait species
- candidate!
33More Species
- White (Atlantic) shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus)
- Found in Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Second most harvested species in the three Gulf
Shrimp - The white shrimp is generally found in waters
that are muddier, shallower, and less salty than
waters where pink shrimp and brown shrimp live - Spawn offshore from March to October
- Juvenile whites tolerate low salinity better than
browns - Young adults migrate offshore from July to
34Shrimp Species
- Pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum)
- Found in Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Least abundant of the three Gulf Shrimp
- This species generally lives in clear waters.
- Spawn offshore from May through November
- Migrate out of marshes from April to September
35Broodstock Performance
- 40 g females, 35 g males
- Daily spawning rate (natural mating),
- As a of the total female population 5-8/day
- Egg Production 200-250,000 per female per spawn.
- Nauplii production 100-150,000 per female per
spawn. - Useful productive life of the broodstock 3-6
months - Total spawns per female during her useful life
36Specific Pathogen Free
- White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV)
- Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV)
- Yellow Head Virus (YHV)
- IHHN Virus (IHHNV)
- Gregarines
- Microsporidians
- Haplosporidians
37Pond Design
- 1 to 25 A in size
- Silt soil
- Good water source
- Saline well
- Pumped from ocean
- Hauled from ocean
- Rectangular in shape
38Pond Preparation
39Levels of Pond Culture
Extensive Semi-intensive Intensive Super-intensive
Density 0.2 5 /m2 5 20 /m2 15 50 /m2 50 200 /m2
Nutrition Nat. Prod. Supp. Nat. Prod. Feed Feed
Aeration None Sometimes Continuous Continuous
Water Exchange Rate/day Tidal 1-20 Evap. Loss 5-30 50-200
40Water Quality for Growout Ponds
- Temperature gt 68F
- Salinity 0.5 - 35 ppt
- Dissolved Oxygen gt 5 ppm
- pH 7.0 8.3
- Unionized Ammonia lt 0.01 ppm
- Nitrite lt 1.0 ppm
- Nitrate lt 60 ppm
42Potential Pond Production
- 1500-3000 lbs/A
- Low salinity 0 2000 lbs/A (Mean 650 lbs/A)
- Mean individual weights should range between
15-30g - 80 survival
- Feed conversion 21
43Biosecure Zero Exchange System
44BioZEST System in Arizona
45Acclimation to Low Salinity
Salinity Change (PPT) Time (hrs) Change Per Hour (PPT)
32 to 16 8 2
16 to 8 8 1
8 to 4 8 0.5
4 to 2 8 0.25
2 to 1 8 0.125
1 to 0.5 8 0.063
46Marketing Shrimp
- Price ranges from 1-4/lb heads on or 4-10/lb
tails (Size dependant) - Sell to wholesaler
- Process
- Remove head
- HACCP certification required
- Market IQF or block frozen product