Title: Ensuring a 'Flexible Use of Airspace'
1Ensuring a 'Flexible Use of Airspace'.
Enhancing Airspace Utilisation
Enhanced Network Procedures
Moving towards an Integrated ASM/ATFCM/ATS
Approach EUROCONTROL HQ, 20-21 Sep 2012
2Directions of Work
- Introduces a Performance driven modus operandi
- Provides processes to support dynamism and
flexibility - Describes a seamless ASM/ATFCM/ATS process
3Directions of Work
Improve Network performance through better
utilisation of existing ASM processes
Enhance ASM/ATFCM processes
More dynamic and flexible
Safe, efficient and accurate data flows
4Directions of Work
Airspace Configuration
CDM Process
System Support
Towards 2017
Rolling Process
Cross-border operations
Ad-hoc, modular structures
5Current v. New
Levels 1,2 3 fixed in time
Levels 1,2 3 interactive
Active Airspace Configurations
Time constrained snapshots
AMC FMP separated
Integrated ASM/ATFCM/ATS Activity
Modular Areas
Static TRA/TSAs
SWIM enabled NOP
6Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
7ASM Solutions
- Deliver ASM/ATFCM options that can help
alleviating capacity problems identified - Monitor and support an improved network
performance through better application of ASM
8Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
AC definition and deployment
9AC Definition and Depoyment
- Develop detailed criteria for Airspace
Configurations - Define roles and responsibilities of actors
involved in CDM process - Develop processes to better use TRA/TSA modularity
10Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
AC definition and deployment
Dynamic ASM/ATFCM process
11Dynamic ASM/ATFCM process
- Develop process for a continuous, seamless and
reiterative planning, allocation and deployment
of optimum ACs - Develop a truly rolling UUP process
- Develop Network Impact assessment process
- Improve ASM notification
12Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
AC definition and deployment
Dynamic ASM/ATFCM process
ASM in Free Routes
13ASM in Free Route environment
- Develop ASM principles applicable to FRA
environment - Harmonise ASM application in FRA
- Improve notification process in FRA environment
14Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
AC definition and deployment
Dynamic ASM/ATFCM process
ASM in Free Routes
ASM System support Data management
15ASM system support data mgmt
- Ensure developments of tools to support ASM/ATFCM
processes - Ensure harmonisation of data exchange/ protocols
16Directions of Work
ASM Solutions
AC definition and deployment
Dynamic ASM/ATFCM process
ASM in Free Routes
ASM System support Data management
Post ops and performance monitoring
17ASM post ops and performance planning
- Support the definition of ASM performance targets
- Perform regular network performance monitoring on
ASM - Perform post ops analysis
Mil Airspace Users
Aircraft Operators