Client-Side Scripting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Client-Side Scripting


Client-side scripting occurs on the HTML page sent by server to browser. Script is interpreted by browser and action ... Extract text content from HTML page ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 13
Provided by: patmc2


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Client-Side Scripting

Client-Side Scripting
Review of Client-Side Scripting
  • Client-side scripting occurs on the HTML page
    sent by server to browser
  • Script is interpreted by browser and action
    occurs on browser
  • Types of client-side scripting include
  • VBScript runs only on IE
  • Javascript runs on Netscape or IE

Applications of Client-Side Scripting
  • Web page responds to or reacts directly with user
    interaction through HTML Form elements, eg, input
    fields, text areas, buttons, radio buttons, etc.
  • Distributing a small amount of database
    information directly from the Web page
  • You need to control the Web page appearance based
    on user selections
  • You want to preprocess data before submission to
    the server.

Client-side Script cant ...
  • Set or retrieve browser preferences
  • launch an application on client computer
  • read or write files on client computer
  • Extract text content from HTML page
  • Do much of anything on server computer including
    accessing a database

A VBScript Example
  • Open Notepad or Visual Studio and enter the
    following HTML
  • lthtmlgt
  • ltbodygt
  • ltbrgtThis is a normal HTML document.ltbrgt
  • ltscript languageVBScript"gt
  • lt!-- hide from old browsers and Netscape
  • document.write("This is VBScript!")
  • --gt
  • lt/scriptgtltbrgt
  • Back in HTML again.
  • lt/bodygt
  • lt/htmlgt
  • Save it as ScriptA.htm
  • Now switch back to IE and use File Open to
    retrieve Script1.htm

The Result.
This is a normal HTML document. This is
VBScript! Back in HTML again. Not too
exciting, but its a start!
VBscript and Events
  • Events and event handlers are very important for
    Client side programming. Events are mostly caused
    by user actions.
  • If the user clicks on a button a Click-event
    occurs. If the mouse pointer moves across a link,
    a MouseOver-event occurs.
  • We want our VBScript program to react to certain
    events. This can be done with the help of
  • A button might create a popup window when
    clicked. This means the window should pop up as a
    reaction to a Click-event.
  • The event-handler we need to use is called
    onClick. This tells the computer what to do if
    this event occurs.
  • To work with events, we must first know a little
    about forms...

A Few Words on Forms...
  • Forms are used to prompt the web surfer for
    information and enable them enter the information
    into the web page. The information is then
    processed by JavaScript or sent to the server
  • Types of forms include
  • a simple text entry field
  • radio buttons which are a group of options from
    which the user selects
  • Text Area fields provide for multiple lines of
    text entry.
  • Combo Boxes present a list of valid values that
    can be chosen by the Web Surfer from a pull-down
  • Checkboxes are similar to radio buttons, except
    checkboxes are not party of a group, and either a
    box is checked, or not!
  • All forms start with ltformgt and end with lt/formgt

Combining Forms and Event Handlers
  • The following code shows an easy example of the
    event-handler onClick and the button form
  • ltformgt
  • ltinput type"button" value"Click me" onClick
  • lt/formgt

Indicates this is an Input form
Indicate this is of type button
The caption for the button
The action to be taken when clicked--Alert is a
pop-up messagebox
Note Alert is a Javascript command but you dont
need to enclose it in ltScript brackets. Add
these three lines to ScriptA.htm right after
Back in HTML again and have IE display
it. Click the button. What Happens?
IE and Javascript
  • Unless told otherwise, both IE and Netscape
    assume all client-side script is Javascript
  • This is why we use the Javascript Alert function
    instead of the Vbscript Msgbox subroutine
  • If you change Alert to Msgbox, the button wont
  • To make it recognize the Msgbox sub, we need to
    create own event-handler sub as shown on the next

VBScript Event-handler Sub
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltscript language "vbscript"gt sub
message() msgbox("Yo") end sub lt/scriptgtlt/HEADgtltB
ODYgtltformgt ltINPUT idbutton1 namebutton1
typebutton value"Click me" onclick
messagegt lt/formgtlt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
VBScript Event Handler
  • Use Visual Studio to add this code to a new html
  • Click on Quick View and notice that you can
    test the code without saving it and switching to
    IEonly works on client-side scripting
  • Notice that the button now works
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