Title: Airborne Data Acquisition: New and Emerging Technologies
1Airborne Data Acquisition New and Emerging
- 2008 NSGIC Midyear Conference
- Annapolis, MD March 9-12, 2008
2Large-Format Frame Digital Cameras
Craig Molander, Surdex Corporation
3Large-Format Frame Digital Cameras
- 40 in North America today
- Predominant systems Intergraph DMC and
Vexcel/Microsoft UltraCam - Frame format analogous to traditional film
cameras (13K pixels wide) - Large-format 10K pixels or more wide
4DMC in Aircraft200 lbs More Weight Than Film
5Large-Format Frame Digital Cameras
- Simultaneous multispectral
- 12 bits/pixel dynamic range
- Extensive post-processing options
- 1M each 2-3X film cameras!
63 Resolution More Common for Urban Areas
- Cost-driven system design factors
- Generally rectangular format approximately same
width as film system of similar resolution - Most employ pan-sharpening panchromatic at
higher resolution, color/MSI at lower resolution
8Panchromatic, Color, CIRSimultaneously
Direction of Flight
9Pan-Sharpening Steps
Panchromatic Image
Up-Sampled Color Image
Fused Color Image
10Rectangular Format
- Generally 50-60 shorter (along track) than wider
(cross-track) - 1.5-2X more exposuresslightly raising production
costs - Less lean downtrackimproved orthos
- Frame geometry can use existing
processing/exploitation software - Any resolution 1.5 to 1 meter
- Fewer images than small-format
- Not totally dependent on ABGPS/IMU
12RFP Considerations
- Limit pan-sharpening ratio to maximum 51
(colorpan) - Restrict acquisition to ltGSD 5 (limit flight
altitude) - Suggest 4-band and/or color/CIR as deliverables
13Small Format Cameras Oblique Imagery
Bob Williams, Sanborn Map Company
14Oblique Imagery Advantages
- 3D yields more information than 2D imagery
- Obliques obtained with same flight mission
- Building Data Sets textures or skins
- 911 dispatch advising first responders
- Building entrance exits
- Accomplish height vertical measurements
- IAAO as adopted oblique standards for appraisal
15Down Camera
16Back Camera
17Back Camera
Surface Area 6,512 Square feet
18 19(No Transcript)
203D Building and Terrain Models
213D Buildings with skins
22Small Format Camera Disadvantages
- Most Cameras are not certified by USGS
- 8X to 10x more frames for processing
- Different flight objectives
- Leaf free season is often ignored
- DEM extraction is more difficult
- Super-wide focal lengths
- Poor base to height ratio excessive building
238x to 10x more frames for processing
Images per sq. mile
18 Images per sq. mile
24Different flight procedures objectives
25Questions to Ask?
- What accuracy standard will be achieved?
- Is the product seamless or individual frames?
- What is the source of DEM generation or update?
- Is the camera certified?
- Is a CP, LS or PE involved?
- Similar but different objectives
26Pushbroom Digital Cameras
Dave White, Fugro EarthData
27ADS40 (2nd Generation) Push-broom Technology
Push-Broom Concept
- Acquires continuous strips of imagery along
flight line - 5 spectral bands acquired concurrently (R, G, B,
NIR, PAN) - 12-bit imagery
- Single lens and same ground sample distance for
all 5 bands, eliminating the need for pan
sharpening - RGB and IR at nadir (no band separation)
Push-broom system
Frame-based system
28Multiple Map Products
- Natural color and color-infrared orthoimages from
1-meter to 2-inch pixel resolution (1"1,000' to
1"25' scale) to NMAS and ASPRS standards - Ground- or true-orthoimage generation
- DEM or DSM data
- CIR and True Color data processed together
reducing production cost - Color, CIR, and panchromatic stereo pair
generation - 4-band TIFF ortho image
29(No Transcript)
30True Ortho vs. Ground Ortho
Courtesy ISTAR S.A
31Other ADS40 Derived Products
- Planimetric Mapping
- Creation or updating of planimetric features
- Buildings
- Hydro network
- Impervious surfaces (roads, parkings, driveways,
etc.) - 3D photogrammetric mapping
- 2D heads-up digitizing
- All CADD and GIS formats supported
32Other ADS40 Derived Products
- Topographic Mapping
- Auto-correlated DSM / DEM
- Photogrammetrically-derived DTM
- 1' to 10' contours
- 3D stereo-compilation of breaklines and mass
33Other ADS40 Derived Products
- 3D City Models
- Fully detailed 3D building models
- 3D visualization and simulation
- Emergency preparedness
34Other ADS40 Derived Products
- Image Classification Thematic Mapping
- Automated classification
- Land-use/land-cover
- Benthic habitats (SAV)
- Wetland delineation
ADS40 1m CIR
35Advantages of ADS40
- Summary
- Excellent image quality and accuracy
- Highly automated process for fast turnaround
- Multiple products for diverse applications
- DSM and DEM
- Ground- and True-Orthoimages
- Perfectly co-registered natural color and
color-infrared orthos - Planimetric and topographic mapping
- Land use / land cover
- Cost-effective production
36LiDAR and Other Imagery SensorsJay Arnold,
37Airborne Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)
- Airborne LiDAR includes topographic, bathymetric
(and atmospheric) - Approximately 50 topo systems and 4 hydro systems
in service in North America - Systems have matured over the past decade
- Typical system costs gt 1M
- Hydro/bathy can be gt 5M
- Some topo systems lt 500K
38Common LiDAR Sensors
- Optech (www.optech.ca)
- 3100EA
- Max 100 kHz
- Altitude max 3,500 m
- Up to 4 returns
- Z accuracy 5-20 cm
- ALTM Gemini with Multipulse
- Max 167 kHz
- Altitude max 4,000 m
- Up to 4 returns
- Z accuracy 5-10 cm
39Common LiDAR Sensors
- Leica Geosystems (www.leicageosystems.com
- ALS40
- Max 15kHz, then max 58kHz
- Altitude max 6,000 m (2500 m)
- 2 returns, then up to 3 returns
- Z accuracy 15-30 cm
- ALS50 Phase II w/ Multipulse
- Max 150 kHz
- Altitude max 6,000 m
- Up to 4 returns
- Z accuracy 8-24 cm
40Common LiDAR Sensors
- Riegl (www.riegl.com)
- LMS Q560
- Max 240 kHz (160 kHz mean measurement) rotating
mirror - Altitude 450m 1,000 m typical
- Full waveform return
- Z accuracy 20mm (qualified)
41Common LIDAR Sensors
- Optech/USACE CHARTS/SHOALS (http//shoals.sam.usac
e.army.mil/) - JALBTCX CHARTS
- Integrates
- Optech SHOALS (Bathy and Topo)
- ITRES CASI 1500 Hyperspectral
- DuncanTech 4000 Digital Camera
42CHARTS sensor suite
Optech SHOALS-3000 Integrated Laser System
DuncanTech-4000 RGB camera
Itres CASI-1500 Hyperspectral Imager
SHOALS-3000 Operator Console
CASI-1500 Operator Console
Bottom Aircraft Port
- Laser pulse rate
- 3 kHz hydro
- 20 kHz topo
- Laser spot spacing
- 2 5 m hydro
- 1 2 m topo
- Elevation accuracy
- 30 cm at 95 hydro
- 15 cm at 95 topo
- Flight altitude
- 300 400 m hydro
- 300 1200 m topo
- Flight speed
- 135-165 knots
- RGB images
- Georeferenced
- 1 Hz, 60 alongtrack overlap
- 20 50 cm pixel resolution
- jpg format
44USACE Coastal Mapping
(1,000 m)..Hydro Topo(500 m)
Hydro waterline to 1,000 m _at_ 4 m spacing Topo
waterline to 500 m _at_ 1 m spacing Imagery _at_ 20 cm
resolution Hyperspectral - TBD
45Common LiDAR Sensors
- Airborne Hydrography AB (AHAB) Hawk Eye II
(www.airbornehydro.com) - Hydro (bathy), Topo, Imagery simultaneously (same
46LiDAR Flight Planning
47Example Flight Path
48Data Density
- 1 m topo LiDAR product provides 25x more surface
detail than a 5 m LiDAR product but also requires
much more storage - Next slide illustrates the difference in detail
between 5 m and 1 m LiDAR models
495 m Bare-Earth LiDAR Model
5 m Bare-Earth LiDAR Terrain Model
1 m Bare-Earth LiDAR Terrain Model
50LiDAR Real Life Applications
Q3 Flood Plain
LIDAR Flood Plain
Additional homes in the flood plain
51LiDAR Real Life Applications
- Emergency response routing and evacuation
According to State officials, 10 lives were saved
in Louisiana by having LiDAR maps during the
Katrina response
52LiDAR Real Life Applications
- Forest metrics w/ bare earth under LiDAR-derived
tree classification
53LiDAR Real Life Applications
- 3D Urban Modeling Intensity Images
- www.optech.ca
- www.leicageosystems.com
- www.riegl.com
- http//shoals.sam.usace.army.mil/
- www.airbornehydro.com
- www.3001inc.com
55Thank You and Questions