Title: Asteraceae (Compositae)
1Asteraceae (Compositae) Genome Resources at
NCBI GenBank
2Web link to the Taxonomy Browser
3Example search for Helianthus annuus
4Direct access to the Nucleotide sequences
5Access to EST sequences
6Access to GenBank records
Additional Info
7GenBank record
Information about clone availability at the
Arizona Genomic Institute
8Access to raw sequence chromatograms
9Different options to retrieve raw sequence data
10Color gradient for quality scores
11Raw sequencing data
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Multiple options to query and retrieve data
15Web link to UniGene set
16Example of UniGene record
17Example of UniGene record
Access to other sequences in given UniGene cluster
18Web link to the Taxonomy Browser
19Web link to the Genome Projects
20Sunflower Genome Projects
Web link to project data
Template for future whole genome sequence
21Querying of the Taxonomy Browser for all
Asteraceae (Compositae) data
22Two Asteraceae (Compositae) Genome Projects are
under way