Title: Data%20Governance
1Data Governance
2 - A common thread runs through in a vast number of
business problems that most problem solvers
cannot see
3Data that is not designed to be interoperable
4Data design is the heart and soul of how IT
enables government to fulfill its mission
5What is badly designed data?
6One type of bad design is information that is
locked into data islands
Data on one island cannot talk to data on another
7 - Another term to describe locked data is siloed
data or stovepiped data
8Example of how data models affect business
9A programmer is hired to design a system for a
new library
10For convenience of illustration, let's say that
patrons can be uniquely identified by first name
- Redundant address
- Change of address difficulty
- Redundant book author problems
12Data Problems
- This example shows exactly how business
processes are affected by poor data design
13Bad data design forces business side to work
harder than necessary and without good
14New layers of inefficient business processes form
to adapt to the poor data design
15 For example, a business process could exist
where librarians have to hire an army of data
entry staff to do error checking to make sure
patron names are correctly spelled
16Bad data design forces creation of layers of bad
business processes
17Twenty-year problem lock-in
18Data design plays a large part in controlling
programming and business processes
19Enter Data Governance
20Data governance cleanly resolves inefficient
business processes
21Book file only contains info about books
22Finally, we have a concept that handles the
transaction of a patron checking out a book
23computer screen display of what clients see
24- Advantages
- Only have to type in the data once
- Address changes handled cleanly. Old address is
updated for all current books checked out - Automatic error checking on patron or book name
25- Data governance improves service to the business
26Minor changes in data design translate into huge
business improvements throughout the organization
27Client satisfaction is increased
28Nation-wide interoperability
- A centralized government database from the
Library of Congress of all books can be connected
to so that library staff doesnt have to type in
book information such as author name, title, etc.
29The business side has benefited from even more
savings in costs and work
30The data islands are now connected
- Imagine the work savings from not having to type
in new book information such as title and author
31This is how data governance brings cost savings
32Additional improvements are in time, quality, and
organizational agility
33These are not one-time savings, but ongoing
savings that leverage each other
- Converting to the centralized national book
database was easier because the data was already
modeled correctly. - They just replaced their book file with the
national centralized one. - The error checking and streamlined book check-out
process were already in place.
35Modeling data guarantees business agility
36Data design is the heart and soul of how IT
enables government to fulfill its missionThe
library system is an example of how tightly data
design is coupled to business processes
37Where is bad data design reflected in the real
38Business clients, e.g., the librarians, cant
visualize that data design caused the various
39Clients see the problem camouflaged as a lack of
functionality in many areas their business
40Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- How did it happen?
- What was missing?
42- Answer a comprehensive way looking at the
interconnection of problems and prioritizing them
in coordination with the enterprise data vision - Do you see the correlation to the centralized
remote book file for the library?
- FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III
44FBI had competent vendors and project managers
install their system
- On time
- On budget
- On scope.
- Good data modelers
- QUIZ What was missing?
45Answer a comprehensive way looking at the
interconnection of problems and prioritizing them
in coordination with the enterprise data vision
- Hidden requirements were not identified.
- No organizational structure existed to ensure
enterprise-wide interoperability. - A process that continually takes the
enterprise-wide view of how to implement change.
They just added systems to the rest like a
manager of a fleet of cars adds a new car. They
didnt check for interoperability. - The problem was repeated over and over again for
each new FBI project. - Data governance was missing.
46New way of looking at the enterprise1.
Connections2. Potential connections not yet
47Using this new method to view an organization,
how pervasive is this problem?
- The problem is huge and expensive. E.g., Fical,
21st Century projects were designed to handle
lack of comprehensive integration. - When someone leaves their organization example.
- Were basically talking about everything.
48A interpreter is needed that identifies business
problems stemming from bad data design and then
designs the data models that fix the problems at
an enterprise-wide level
49Data governance
- Data governance is the practice of organizing and
implementing policies, procedures and standards
that maximizes data access and interoperability
for the business mission
50Why is data governance needed?
- Business needs drive data governance
51This is what interoperability looks like both to
business side and the IT side
52Each link represents a business value where data
can reach the business people that need it
53But beyond the requirements that are represented
in the links, many more business requirements are
invisible to all except the enterprise data
54Requirements gathers cannot find them
55What integration opportunities look like to an
enterprise data modeler
56Currently, much data is stovepiped
- Many connections are missing
57Each potential link between data that is not
implemented represents a loss of business value
- How do stovepiped systems get built?
59Forces that create data stovepipes
- Contractors and vendors
- Programmers
- Managers
- Budget structures
- Security concerns
SPIRAL - Change
- In sum, an absence of data governance
60Organizations mistakenly think installing new
applications are like replacing one of the cars
in their fleetIts broken, so.replace it
- What is a better metaphor for representing a new
software system than replacing a car?
62A component of aNeural Network
63It is important to add to the project team, a
person that can check for enterprise
interoperability opportunities
64This is a key method regarding how to look at
new projects
65The neural network will ensure that one hand will
know what the other hand is doing
66A small sampling what types (part of a much
larger list) of improvements the links represent
- Eliminates manual operations, e.g., when
redundant tables or fields are eliminated - Business side has the data it needs when it needs
it - Organizational agility
- Closer IT alignment to organizations mission.
67Example of one of the links at the California
Dept. of Consumer Affairs
68Calif. Secretary of State website
69Corporation data interoperability was an
invisible business requirement
70Because data interoperability problems are
invisible, business processes are unnecessarily
limited throughout the enterprise due to
undiscovered data integration
71What is data governances goal?
- Bring together the business side, with the
people that can see the invisible business
requirements in order to build the data
structures that will give business the
information it needs when it needs it -
72Why is the need to implement data governance
73The design phase for projects is relatively
74The opportunity to correct it at the right stage
consisted of only a tiny, fleeting time window
75So why is lack of data governance urgent?
- Project development is currently going on in
many areas without the benefit of data
governance, which could result in permanent
stove-piping of data. - Result Many stovepiped systems.
- How many years can bad data design affect a
77 Inefficient business process may get locked in
for 20 years or more
78Twenty-year problem lock-in
79How does data governance work?
- The data governance process acts as a central
planning center to coordinate data design across
80It builds the enterprise-wide blueprint that
guides all IT development towards data
81Simple process!!!
- Data Governance Council reviews changes or new
development against a checklist
82The governance council reviews all new software
development to see if it could be shared
83New table or field checklist
- Correct data modeling (3rd normal form), correct
keys. (Data Architect, IT) - Cross agency data and process sharing
opportunities, including SOA and Web Services
(Data Architect, IT and business side) Image
waiting clocks text Clients dont have to
wait until they request data sharing.
Comprehensive data sharing opportunities check is
done at the outset. - Business Intelligence data mart/data warehouse
opportunities. (Business side) - Metrics generation opportunities - Can this field
or table create useful metrics or appear on a DCA
dashboard? Customers could include boards,
licensees, the public, finance, governor's office
and the legislature (business side) - KPI - Key performance indicators opportunities.Â
Are there opportunities to use the field/table to
measure performance?  (Data Architect, IT and
business side) - Is data subject to legislative oversight or
mandates? E.g., Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), California Database
Breach Act (California SB 1386),
FIPS, HSPD-12. Create table of federal, state
and departmental regulatory mandates or voluntary
guidelines that reviewers check data against
(Data Architect, business side)
84Checklist continued
- Are there opportunities from making this
available to a broader audience? Customers that
are not immediately evident could include boards,
licensees, the public, enforcement, DOJ, finance,
governor's office and the legislature (Data
Architect, IT and business side) - Can this data be replaced by a better source of
data elsewhere or replace other data? Can whole
tables be eliminated by consolidation and
sharing? (Data Architect, IT and business side) - Prioritize super connector fields and super
connector tables. (Super connector fields are
those that cross agency boundaries. Super
connector tables are the most important tables
that can be shared. These must be listed in a
transparent, centralized database and reviewed
for use whenever a new system is designed.Â
Vendor created systems must be reviewed for
table/data sharing and naming conventions.)Â If
this is a new super-connecter, then it should be
transparently registered to the repository so
that other strategic planners can see it. (Data
Architect, IT and business side) - Can it be used to validate data or does it need
validation performed on it? (Data Architect, IT
and business side) - Data harmonization problems or opportunities.
(Data Architect, IT and business side) - Standards evaluation Are there standards to be
adhered to or created? Data standards, business
standards, naming conventions, etc. For example,
every state agency could have the same standard
for this field Corporation_Tax_ID_Number 40
characters alphanumeric. Does NIEM. gov
already have a standard name for this field?
(Data Architect, IT and business side). Example,
CAS Class field.
85Checklist continued
- Alignment to organizational mission. Strategic
planning problems or opportunities. (Data
Architect, IT and business side) - Enterprise Architecture planning. How does it
align with to the To Be architecture? - Impact on other systems. Entered into
Architects dependency database (what systems
does it impact or is it impacted by) (Data
Architect, IT and business side) - Metadata opportunities (business side)
- Risk (Data Architect, IT and business side)
- Security. Should it be encrypted? What controls
should be applied (Data Architect, IT, business
side and ISO) - Should client be given control of the data?Â
Would a data steward be useful for this data?
(Data Architect, IT and business side) - Backup considerations - how often. How does it
get refreshed when there is a crash? When should
it be purged? (IT and business side) - Can data quality be improved? Is data cleansing
applicable? (IT and business side) - Quality management are clients satisfied? Is
quality management and continual process
improvement built into this system? (Data
Architect, IT and business side) - Automated duplicate detection (IT)
86Checklist continued
- Timeliness. Is there value to the organization
if the data is refreshed sooner or by other ways?
(IT and business side) - Is the data coming from the best sources
(lineage most reliable, timely)? (IT and
business side) - Enterprise architects calendar scheduled for
periodic data design review every two years - Priority on architects data design inventory.
(Data Architect) - Optimization by combining multiple projects
(past, future or ongoing projects). (Data
Architect, business side, IT) - Review for entry into a table of future
opportunities and linked to a calendar of related
opportunities or future change events. For
example, if a related component was scheduled for
updating, that would trigger an automatic
reminder to review opportunities for this
component. (Data Architect) - Audit policy should the field or table be have
its edit or use history recorded (IT and business
side) - Error management (IT and business side)
87Generally, client requests for government
interoperability arrive inconsistently as clients
struggle to understand how to improve their
88The above checklist ensures that a whole series
of government improvement opportunities are
checked for at the precise movement when its
most important
89Clients dont have to wait until they request
data sharing. Comprehensive data sharing and all
other opportunities checks are made at the outset.
- What it would it look like 10 years from now if
every government agency used this checklist for
every new project?
- Which one of the check list items was used to
discover the SOS opportunity? - Correct data modeling (3rd normal form), correct
keys. (Data Architect, IT) - Cross agency data and process sharing
opportunities, including SOA and Web Services
(Data Architect, IT and business side) - Business Intelligence data mart/data warehouse
opportunities. (Business side)
92To handle the complexity of data, a simplified
super-connector check list would assist the Data
Governance Council identify data sharing
- Tables and fields that have the most
intradepartmental and statewide connectivity.
Examples - Corporation Number
- License type and license number
- Address (including apartment number)
- Criminal case number
- Civil case number
- Agency code
93Data governance concept is simple
- Whenever theres change we ask a question
- Can this be shared in or outside of our
94Data Governance flow chart
95Sample integration priority list
- Licensing data model changed to make individual
unique identifier (QUIZ how was this
identified?) - Remove status code constraints from programming
code and move them to table-based system (Where
did this idea come from? Data modeler) - Enforcement measurement fields (QUIZ Where did
this come from?)
96Without data governance, how do data improvement
opportunities traditionally become known to IT?
- Business client submits a ticket for a problem.
This involves delay. - IT manager or OCIO recognizes a pattern. This
involves delay. - Business managers recognize a pattern. E.g., LUG
and EUG (Board user groups) collectively discover
a problem. This involves delay. - Vendor products and recommendations. This
involves delay.
98All of the current methods involve delays and do
not provide a consistent and continual process
for identifying and addressing problems
99How do new opportunities come to the Data
Governance Councils attention?
- Project conception
- Change Management Board
- IT Governance
- PIT (Process Improvement Team)
- Strategic plan
- Executive strategic discussions
- ITPP - Information Technology Procurement Plan
- PSP - Proposal Solicitation Package
- Table and field creation process (DBA,
programmer, etc.) Â - List of business-side data related requests
- Informal business projects, such as potentially
sharable spread sheet data - Programmers or business clients
100Data Governance shortens the time that it takes
to determine business clients need a data change
- Otherwise, IT waits until business side submits
a ticket for a specific problem. They dont know
they have a data modeling problem or dont
realize that their business process can change
through data design.
101A comprehensive array of discovery points above
speed up identification of improvement
- At what discovery point was the SOS opportunity
found? (Hint) - Project conception
- Change Management Board
- IT Governance
- PIT (Process Improvement Team)
- Strategic plan
- Executive strategic discussions
- ITPP - Information Technology Procurement Plan
- PSP - Proposal Solicitation Package
- Table and field creation process (DBA,
programmer, etc.) Â - List of business-side data related requests
103 Was this too late?
- When is the best time to discover data
104How can data governance be implemented?
- Stage One To handle urgent problems.
- A quick Stage One with a short time line is
envisioned without lengthy discussions
105DBAs simply email Data Architect any planned
schema updates
- Simple, cheap and effective.
- Reasoning Project development is currently going
on in many areas without the benefit of data
governance, which could result in permanent
stove-piping of DCA data. - We want to catch any emergency problems in the
106Stage Two
- Volunteers from business and IT form an initial,
first version of Data Governance Council. The
Data Governance Council designs itself and
processes are to be improved as we collectively
gain more experience.
107Together, business and IT build the data
integration vision
- E.g., data warehouse
- Enterprise connectivity
- Etc.
108What factors make data governance successful?
- Data governance is between 80 and 95 percent
109The most important factor in most successful data
governance programs is communication
- Clearly, data governance is not a typical IT
110How effective is data governance?
- Very cost effective
- Vast scope of business processes improved
- Money savings example Fical
111All areas of the organization are improved
112Data Governance advances the efficiency, cost
savings and agility for every service
- Process Improvement
- Ticket system
- IT Governance.
- Data governance will help every project become
more successful wherever its included
113What are the benefits of data governance?
- Each time there is a single integration
improvement, it removes roadblocks to the
organization's mission. Data silos become
accessible, clients' problems are reduced,
maintenance problems are reduced and connectivity
opportunities open up across departments. This
incremental method is also the least expensive
114Benefits of data governance
- Greater department-wide and statewide
interoperability - Citizens receive better service from integrated
government business processes. Data will be more
accurate, complete, and timely. Working with
government will be more convenient, for example,
when citizens only need to go to a single
government agency to update their address instead
of multiple government agencies - Brings the business side into the IT improvement
process - Better business side control over data, privacy
and project development - Faster identification and implementation of
business solutions. Data governance methodically
discovers the gaps in how IT services business
and shortens the time from problem discovery to
solution. Data governance shows the business
side how to find their voice in collaborative
problem solving. - Improved business decisions due to accurate data
from the recognized source of record
115Benefits of data governance continued
- Increased user business side trust in data stored
within the organization's databases - Helps meet the enterprises business goals
including adaptation to changing regulatory and
other environments - Eliminates data duplication as a result of data
governance process - More accurate, consistent, complete, accessible
and up-to-date data - Fraud detection is facilitated because all data
field names across the department and state are
standardized - Placing all data related requests in one place
allows patterns to be identified - Clear documentation of the lack of integration
may provide business managers with better new
project proposals - Ease of business process refinement due to
standardization of data components - Opportunities for harmonizing and standardizing
business terms because stakeholders are brought
together in a collective review process. For
example, if identical meaning terms were "cost
allocation" and "distributed cost", stakeholders
could agree to standardize on one of the terms
and remove the other from business documents such
as contracts and agreements
116Benefits of data governance continued
- Business Intelligence. Data warehouse creation
simplified through standardization of business
data - Better programming code due to correctly
organized data - Agility in responding to new opportunities
- Stops business system decay. Keeps all systems
tuned to organizations mission and to each other
so that no new system re-writes are ever
117How has data governance worked in real life?
118UMass Boston
119Transformational to business side
- Projects were completed much faster
- Project quality was much higher
- Greater programmer collaboration
- Greater business side collaboration
- Productivity went through the roof
120Solutions in all areas of business
- Inventory
- Finance
- Project management
- Etc.
121Many unexpected business benefits were revealed
122Unlocked data allowed more opportunities for
innovation and agility
123Clients were extremely satisfied
124Clients were extremely satisfied
- New business advantages
- Data was prescient
- Easier to get reports
- Reduced workload
- Reduced errors
125Success factors (1) Continual contact with
clients (2) Modeling data to translate data
model into client solutions
126UMass Boston
- Each time a new software system was installed,
it was completely and totally integrated, not
just partly, but with every possible data
connection fully implemented. Every table and
field was examined for enterprise integration.
127Continually tuning the organization
128UMass Boston
- One of the first data-integrated organizations
in the country
129UMass Boston data governance
- Built process improvement into the DNA of the
- UMass Boston model of continual tuning for
enterprise-wide integration
131Where do we go from here?
- Can you name any software product that has a
tuning process (when one part changes or has new
components added or a different vendor adds
something to it, all parts are evaluated)? - What is the current process for tuning this
organizations data?
133Personnel System
134Personnel System
- Contenders in the project management competition
- Teams from many state departments
- State Personnel Board
- Private Industry
- Single individual
135Methodology comparisons
- Teams from many state departments - main tool
waterfall - failed - State Personnel Board - main tool waterfall
- Private Industry main tool waterfall - failed
- Single individual main tool (1) working daily
with client to understand requirements (2)
modifying data design daily to translate
requirements into best data model
136Comparison of old school methodology and data
governance performance
- Time
- Scope
- Budget
- Quality
- Risk
- Client satisfaction
- (a) One data governance method developer
completed the personnel system in two years. - (b) Waterfall - The only other contestant that
finished the project was the centralized state
department team that had six programmers working
on it for twenty years.
- (a) Data governance method developer completed a
fully automated personnel system. - (b) The centralized state department team system
was not fully automated.
- (a) Data governance - 50,000 a year for one
developer's salary for two years. - (b) Waterfall - difficult to estimate, but at
least ten times as much. - (c) Private industry - 500,000, but project
140 Quality
- (a) Data governance - A quality project was
delivered without a single flaw. - (b) Waterfall - difficult to use.
- (a) Data governance - no risk because client
tested and approved every new feature daily.
Financial expenditure was minimal. - (b) Waterfall - very risky as all projects except
one failed, wasting large sums of taxpayer money.
142Client satisfaction
- (a) Data governance - clients were extremely
satisfied. - (b) Waterfall - all projects failed, except the
centralized state app, which all clients disliked
so much, they tried to build their own.
- What was the most important criteria item in the
personnel system project? -
- 1. Time
- 2. Scope
- 3. Budget
- 4. Quality
- 5. Risk
- 6. Client satisfaction
144Project results
- No client requirements were left uncompleted
- Identical requirements
- Individual state teams
- Private industry
- A state department
- What was the project manager best at?
146Answer Client requirements management
- Understanding client needs
- Identifying known and unknown client requirements
- Translating business functions into data models
that fulfill client requirements
148What happens to projects after they are completed?
149Success factors
- Continual contact with clients
- Modeling data to translate data model into client
150Enterprise system decay
- Change is inevitable. As new components are
added or change, the IT systems across the
enterprise begin to slip out of alignment with
each other. - Examples are (1) the statewide procurement system
(2) library book file before it was connected to
the centralized database.
151Even systems that have recently been rewritten
from scratch or purchased new begin to
disintegrate immediately if small changes are not
evaluated for integration opportunities
152What prevents enterprise system decay?
- Whenever there are local changes, enterprise-wide
data reviews must be made. - Change management including data governance
reviews keep it in tune.
153Continually tuning a whole organization
- To do this, the Data Governance Council must sit
with or have access to several critical gateways,
such as the Change Management Board, FSRs, etc. - Data Governance Council can then review changes
with an enterprise-wide perspective. - It would use the data checklist to look for data
sharability, harmonization and other
- If enterprise data were always kept fully
normalized and updated for business rule changes,
would any system re-writes or replacement
purchases be necessary?
155Enormous value of data governance
- Add up the cost of small, medium and largest
system rewrites, unnecessary maintenance,
unnecessary labor and lost functionality to see
the true value of keeping data models fine-tuned. - Newness of IT equipment is not relevant.
156Suggested PMO role in data governanceEnsure that
data governance is applied to each project
- Make sure there's an enterprise data modeler
looking at enterprise-wide and statewide
integration opportunities, not just a data
modeler. - Ensure that data considerations are reviewed at
the earliest stages of projects, e.g., conception
phase - Data governance deliverables to PM for each
project (1) Data architect initial review of
overall data interoperability opportunities(2)
Certification that data is correctly modeled(3)
Change management comments (comments on changes
submitted to projects change management process)
157Additional PMO opportunities
- PMO is a good fit as a member of the Data
Governance Council. Data Governance discussions
with PMO would benefit both the Data Governance
Council and PMO, as PMO would become aware of
business opportunities - Critical gateway notifier
- Change management partner
- Cultural change ambassador
158Concluding thoughts
- The natural trend is to stovepipe
- Data governance reverses that trend
159 Data governance summary
- Its important
- Its urgent timeliness is critical
- It significantly affects all facets of the
organization. UMass Boston and Dept. of
Insurance successes were transformational to
those agencies. Data governance revolutionized
the business side. - Its a new discipline for improving BP
- Implementation is simple. Just a checklist.
- It continually tunes IT to business needs