Title: Kinetic and Potential Energy
1Kinetic and Potential Energy
- You will be able to define and identify Kinetic
and Potential energy. - You will be able to give examples of the two
forms of energy. - You will be able to explain how one can transfer
to the other.
3Potential Energy
- Energy due to position or stored energy.
4Examples of Potential Energy
Stretching a rubber band.. -Stores energy
Water at the top of a waterfall.. -Stores
YoYo in held in your hand.. -Stores energy
because of position
Drawing a Bow -Stores energy because of
5- When the position of an object is altered, it
creates Potential Energy. - A bow doesnt have the capacity to do work,
unless its pulled back.
6Potential Energy Converted to Kinetic Energy
When stored energy begins to move, the object now
transfers from potential energy into kinetic
Standing still
7Definition of Kinetic Energy
The energy of motion.
8Examples of Kinetic Energy
- Shooting a rubber band.
- Water falling over the fall.
- A Yo-Yo in motion.
- Releasing the arrow from the bow.
9Summary of What Youve Learned..
- Example using a coin
- Holding a coin in you hand, alters the coins
original position. - The coin has potential energy, because it has
ability to do work. - Dropping the coin in the bank, changes the stored
energy into motion. - This transfers the coins energy from potential
to kinetic energy.
10 - Pendulums and skateboarders
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22Maximum Kinetic energy Maximum Potential energy
(Your choice) (Your choice)
23The End...