The%20Trinity%20and%20Incarnation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Trinity and Incarnation The Twin Mysteries of Faith – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20Trinity%20and%20Incarnation

The Trinity and Incarnation
  • The Twin Mysteries of Faith

References to Add
  • 234
  • Matthew 1127
  • John 1030
  • Matthew 2819
  • John 11

Jesus Reveals the Trinity
  • Youre hoping to spend eternity with the Blessed
    Trinity and expect it to be a wholly blissful
  • Because of the gap between us and God, the
    Trinity will always be a mystery (like an ant to
    a human), and yet, we can have some insight via
    analogy and should therefore pursue this
  • P. 114 in Fundamentals

Mysterious Trinity
  • Why dive into something so mysterious?
  • For Love love of God, love of others, love of
  • We must often remember what Christ said, that
    not he who begins, but he that perseveres to the
    end, shall be saved.
  • One of the most excellent means of obtaining
    perseverance is discretion we must not wish to
    do everything at once, or become a saint in four
    days. (or understand the Trinity in 16-18 years
    of life)
  • -St. Philip Neri

  • 234 The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is the
    central mystery of Christian faith and lifethe
    source of all the other mysteries of faith.
  • Our job, today and whenever discussing mysteries
    of faith (alone) is to show how they are not
    irrational even if we can not get to them through
    reason alone.

  • The way we talk about God is through analogy.
  • While analogies can provide us with some insight
    and truth they will all necessarily fall short.
  • Anything we ever say about God will always be
    more dissimilar than similar, that is, analogies
    will always be less true than true.

  • Involves movement or activity
  • Immanence comes from within
  • Transitive (transcendence) from without
  • The greater the immanent activity the higher the

Human Powers
  • Humans generative power of the mind (thinking)
    to beget thoughts, ideas, words
  • The fruit of our mind stays in our mind. It is
    distinct from the mind but it is not separate
    from the mind.
  • Power to love that which we think about (truth)
  • Our love is not something outside of ourselves.

Gods Powers
  • God thinks a perfect thought, one word (John
    11), which is distinct from his mind but not
    separate from his mind. (Father and Son)
  • The other power is to love (Holy Spirit) which is
    a mysterious bond uniting the Father and Son.
  • Love is distinct from the thought (SON) but
    proceeds from it and from the thinker. (FATHER)
  • God loves perfection his thought/son/word
  • God expresses his love through a sigh (breath of
    the Spirit)

The Doctrine Outlined
  • Reminder this doctrine is a mystery which we
    could not know at all unless it had been
  • But it cannot be wholly dark. God would not mock
    us by revealing something of which we could make
    nothing at all.
  • One divine nature, three persons Father, Son,
    and Holy Spirit
  • No one of the persons is either of the others,
    each is wholly himself.
  • The Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy
    Spirit is God.
  • They are not three Gods but one God.

The Doctrine Outlined
  • There is no mathematical contradiction because
    its not simply 1 and 3.
  • Nature is what a thing is (1)
  • Person is who a thing is (3)
  • Person possesses nature, not vice versa. (my
  • What actions are possible depends on the
  • The ___________ does the actions.
  • Can all 3 persons of the Trinity create? (Is it
    in their nature?)
  • Who creates?
  • Can all 3 persons become incarnate?
  • Who became incarnate?

Mystery not Contradiction
  • Who else is a mystery? Each and everyone of us.
  • We know that we have a self but have a hard time
    grasping it.
  • Though our experience of ourselves is one nature
    with one person, whos to say that this is the
    only possible relationship, especially since we
    even struggle understanding our own natures and
  • God reveals his Trinitarian nature. We have no
    experience with this kind of nature therefore we
    have to trust him and do our best to grasp what
    he is saying.

Final Confusion (for today)
  • 3 different men (persons) cannot know with
    anothers intellect or love with anothers will.
    Though one nature, each person has their own
    share/part of that nature.
  • In God the 3 persons know with the same intellect
    and love with the same will. Gods nature is
    simple and cannot be divided and thus must be
    used by all at once.

If this was all
  • If the only thing we knew about the Trinity was
    that it was not a logical contradiction and that
    it was 3 persons in 1 nature it seems that we
    have not achieved more knowledge but only
  • Therefore, it is in learning about the
    personalities of the persons that we begin to
    find ourselves growing in the light.
  • God the Father Creator
  • God the Son Redeemer (Incarnation/Resurrection)
  • God the Holy Spirit Advocate/Paraclete

  • Humans are 1P possessing 1N
  • Who are you? 1 answer.
  • What are you? 1 answer.
  • Trinity is 3P possessing 1N
  • Who are you? 3 answers.
  • What are you? 1 answer.
  • Incarnation is 1P possessing 2N Jesus
  • Who are you? 1 answer.
  • What are you? 2 answers.

  • In order to properly understand Scripture, it is
    important to always keep the 1 person/2 natures
    of the Incarnation in mind.
  • There are things that Jesus could do because he
    was human and there are things that he could do
    because he was God.
  • But, there was only 1 person who performed either
    the human or divine actions.

  • Catholics refer to the Eucharist as the Real
    Presence, that is, that Christ is really truly
    present in the Eucharist and not just
    symbolically, figuratively, or in any other way.
  • How does it work?
  • Trans
  • Substantia
  • Tion
  • John 6 Bread of Life Discourse
  • Luke 2219 Last Supper This is my body

Literal vs. Figurative
  • Where in the Bible do we turn? (3 places)
  • John 6 Bread of Life Discourse
  • Luke 2219 Then he took bread, said the
    blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying,
    This is my body, which will be given for you do
    this in memory of me.
  • 1 Corinthians 10/11

Is the Eucharist Cannibalism?
  • If it were truly immoral in any sense for Christ
    to give us his flesh and blood to eat, it would
    be contrary to his holiness to command anyone to
    eat his body and bloodeven symbolically.
    Symbolically performing an immoral act would be
    of its nature immoral. Tim Staples

Do this in memory of me
  • 1362 Anamnesis what type of memory,
    remembrance, remembering are we talking about?

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Jesus Reveals the Trinity
  • Youre hoping to spend eternity with the Blessed
    Trinity and expect it to be a wholly blissful
  • Because of the gap between us and God, the
    Trinity will always be a __________________ (like
    an ant to a human), and yet, we can have some
    insight via __________________and should
    therefore pursue this knowledge.

Mysterious Trinity
  • Why dive into something so mysterious?
  • For ______________
  • We must often remember what Christ said, that
    not he who begins, but he that _________________to
    the end, shall be saved.
  • One of the most excellent means of obtaining
    perseverance is discretion we must not wish to
    do everything at once, or become a saint in four
    days. (or understand the Trinity in 16-18 years
    of life)
  • -St. Philip Neri

  • 234 The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is the
    ___________________mystery of Christian faith and
    lifethe source of all the other mysteries of
  • Our job, today, and whenever discussing mysteries
    of faith (alone), is to show how they are not
    ___________________even if we can not get to them
    through ___________________alone.

  • The way we talk about God is through analogy.
  • While analogies can provide us with some insight
    and truth they will all necessarily fall short.
  • Anything we ever say about God will always be
    more dissimilar than ________________, that is,
    analogies will always be less true than true.

  • Involves __________________ or activity
  • Immanence comes from _____________
  • Transitive (transcendence) from without
  • The greater the immanent activity the
    _________________ the life.

Human Powers
  • Humans generative power of the mind
    (____________________) to beget thoughts, ideas,
  • The fruit of our mind stays in our mind. It is
    distinct from the mind but it is not separate
    from the mind.
  • Power to _______________ that which we think
    about (truth)
  • Our love is not something outside of ourselves.

Gods Powers
  • God thinks a thought, __________________
    __________, which is distinct from his mind but
    not separate from his mind. (Father and Son)
  • The other power is to _____________(Holy Spirit)
    which is a mysterious bond ______________ the
    Father and Son.
  • Love is distinct from the thought but proceeds
    from it and from the thinker.
  • God loves _______________ his thought/son
  • God expresses his love through a
    _______________(breath of the Spirit)

The Doctrine Outlined
  • Reminder this doctrine is a mystery which we
    could not know at all unless it had been
  • But it cannot be wholly dark. God would not mock
    us by revealing something of which we could make
    nothing at all.
  • _______divine nature, ____________ persons
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • No one of the persons is either of the others,
    each is ___________ himself.
  • The Father is ______, the Son is ______, the Holy
    Spirit is _______.
  • They are ______ three Gods but one God.

The Doctrine Outlined
  • There is no mathematical ___________________
    because its not simply 1 and 3.
  • Nature is ____________ a thing is (1)
  • Person is _________ a thing is (3)
  • Person possesses nature, not vice versa.
  • What actions are possible depends on the
  • The ___________ does the actions.
  • Can all 3 persons of the Trinity create? (Is it
    in their nature?)
  • Who creates? _____________________
  • Can all 3 persons become incarnate?
  • Who became incarnate? _____________________

Mystery not Contradiction
  • Who else is a mystery? Each and everyone of us.
  • We know that we have a self but have a hard time
    grasping it.
  • Though our experience of ourselves is one nature
    with one person, who says that this is the only
    possible relationship, especially since we even
    struggle understanding our own natures and
  • God reveals his ____________________ nature. We
    have no experience with this kind of nature
    therefore we have to trust him and do our best to
    grasp what he is saying.

Final Confusion (for today)
  • 3 different men (persons) _____________ know with
    anothers intellect or love with anothers will.
    Though one nature, each person has their own
    share/part of that nature.
  • In God the 3 persons know with the same intellect
    and love with the same will. Gods nature is
    simple and cannot be divided and thus must be
    used by all at once.

If this was all
  • If the only thing we knew about the Trinity was
    that it was not a logical contradiction and that
    it was 3 persons in 1 nature it seems that we
    have not achieved more knowledge but only
  • Therefore, it is in learning about the
    personalities of the persons that we begin to
    find ourselves growing in the light.
  • God the Father ___________________
  • God the Son ___________________
  • God the Holy Spirit __________________________
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