Deploying%20DICOM%20in%20a%20Hospital/Clinic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Mammography and Chest CAD ... need to read SOP Class Tables Compare a product s SCU table with ... Magnetic Tape How much on-line storage do you need ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Deploying%20DICOM%20in%20a%20Hospital/Clinic

Deploying DICOM in a Hospital/Clinic
  • Donald E. Van Syckle
  • DVS Consulting, Inc.

PACS is a Major Reason for Using DICOM
  • When buying a PACS system you use DICOM to
  • Modalities (e.g CT, MRI, X-ray, US, NM, etc.)
  • Workstations such as a 3-d workstation, CAD, etc.
  • Printers (color and grayscale)
  • Radiology Information Systems (RIS)
  • Others

Commonly known by most hospitals
What Features of DICOM are Needed
  • Basic DICOM features
  • Send and receive images
  • Query and Retrieve from an archive
  • Print images
  • Download Patient information to modalities
  • Not so basic DICOM features
  • Secure storage of images
  • Track image acquisition workflow
  • Store images as viewed by clinician
  • Generate and display reports
  • Tag important images
  • Others..
  • Basics only commonly known by most hospitals

Translate Features into DICOM Requirements
  • This is a problem for hospitals as they do not
    know how to speak DICOM
  • SOP Classes
  • Information Objects
  • Service Class User, Service Class Provider
  • Storage Commitment
  • Presentation State
  • Others

NOT commonly known by most hospitals
Help Hospitals Learn How to Speak DICOM
  • First Fundamental Lesson - SOP Classes
  • SOP Classes are DICOMs communication tools
  • Saying DICOM Compliant does NOT really tell the
  • SOP Classes are what vendors implement and how
    hospitals integrate vendors
  • Help Hospitals translate their required
    features and workflow into SOP Classes
  • Question - I need my modalities to integrate
    patient information with my RIS
  • Answer Ok, you implement Modality Worklist SOP

Important education for PACS Administrators
Basic FeaturesDICOM Storage
  • DICOM Storage push images
  • Question for archives, workstations and
  • Vendors say We support Storage
  • At a minimum it usually means, CT, X-ray, CR, MR,
    US, Secondary Capture (for a PACS)
  • But you need to ask, does it include MG (mammo),
    NM, PET, Color US, Cardiac Echo (US multi-frame)?
  • Specific to the modality (e.g. a CT image is NOT
    a US image)
  • Send CT Images CT Image Storage SOP Class SCU
  • Receive CT Images CT Image Storage SOP Class -

Image Send
Basic FeaturesQuery/Retrieve and Print
  • Query/Retrieve pull images from archive
  • Question for archives, workstations and some
  • Many PACS do not use DICOM when using own
  • Q/R is often only used with 3rd party
    workstations, such as 3D, NM workstation, etc.
  • Workstation asking query
  • Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model
    Find SCU
  • Archive being queried
  • Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model
    Find SCP
  • Print one simple question, Black/White
    (grayscale) and/or Color (RBG)
  • Modality or Workstation Basic Grayscale Print
    Management Meta SOP Class SCU
  • Printer - Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta
    SOP Class SCP

Basic FeaturesModality Worklist
  • Download HIS/RIS Data to Modality
  • Patient Name/ID, Accession Number, procedure
    code, Study Instance UID, etc.
  • Also requires Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard
  • Patients (ADTs), Order (ORM).
  • RIS or PACS who do you pick?
  • RIS or PACS
  • Modality Worklist Information Model Find SCP
  • Modality
  • Modality Worklist Information Model Find SCU

Modality WorklistMore Detailed Questions
  • How does the modality refresh its list?
  • What does the modality convey in image header
    from MWL?
  • What happens when tech determines order is wrong
    and needs to correct?
  • How is RIS changed and how does that effect HL7
  • Cancel order/new order, update order?
  • Did it change the accession number or study
    instance UID?
  • How do I clean up the errors in my HIS/RIS/PACS
  • IHE Patient Information Reconciliation?
  • Manual clean up?

Questions effect MWL and DICOM is becoming a
little more complex
More Advanced DICOMStorage Commitment
  • Guarantee secure storage of data on archive
  • Real feature is to manage disk space on modality
  • Automatically delete images on modality?
  • User interfaces makes deletion easy?
  • Modalities do Storage Commitment but do nothing?
  • Modality Storage Commitment Push Model SOP
    Class SCU
  • Archive - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class

Difficult for hospitals to understand because
they dont see the workflow
More Advanced DICOMGrayscale Softcopy
Presentation State (GSPS)
  • Store and view images as seen by clinician
  • Also capture annotations, overlays, measurements,
  • Look the same on all workstations
  • Some detailed questions
  • Who has permissions to store GSPS into medical
  • Does PACS use GSPS or implement in proprietary
    ways? (important if you wish to view on 3rd party
  • What types of images can workstation perform
  • Do monitors automatically calibrate to GSPS or
  • Create GSPS Workstation/Modality
  • Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP
    Class SCU
  • Store or View GSPS Archive/Workstation
  • Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP
    Class SCP

More Advanced DICOMKey Object Selection (Key
Image Note)
  • Mark images as significant images (KIN)
  • Documents why they are significant and can
    apply GSPS
  • Uses DICOM Structured Report (SR)
  • Some detailed questions
  • How do clinicians want to use KIN?
  • Who has permissions to store KIN into medical
  • Clinicians, Emergency Room, Specialists
  • Does PACS use KIN or implement in proprietary
    ways? (important if you wish to view on 3rd party
  • Create Key Image Note - Workstation
  • Key Object Selection Document SOP Class SCU
  • Store or View Key Image Note Archive/Workstation
  • Key Object Selection Document SOP Class SCP

More Advanced DICOMDICOM Structured Report (SR)
  • Covers many areas in DICOM, most have been
    labeled Evidence Documents by IHE
  • Some examples
  • Key Object Selection Document (Key Image Note)
  • Mammography and Chest CAD
  • OB-GYN Measurement Reports
  • Simple Image and Numeric Reports
  • Cath Lab reports
  • Vascular Ultrasound
  • Other

DICOM SR used to supplement image information
DICOM Used to Integrate into PACS
  • Workstations 3D, Nuclear Medicine, CAD, Quality
  • Various Image Storage SOP Classes SCU/SCP
  • Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model
    Find SCU
  • Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model
    Move SCU
  • Basic Grayscale and/or Color Print Mgt Meta SOP
    Class SCU
  • Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State SCU/SCP
  • Various DICOM SRs SCU/SCP
  • Others
  • Digitizers
  • Secondary Capture Image Storage SCU
  • Modality Worklist Information Model Find SCU
  • Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class SCU

DICOM Conformance Statements
  • Documents how vendors implement DICOM into their
  • Required, Public, and often found on Web sites
  • Follows a well defined format
  • Facilitates comparisons of product
  • Detailed information aids a knowledgeable DICOM
    person greatly

The problem it is hard to read unless you learn
how to speak DICOM
DICOM Conformance Statements
  • At a minimum, hospitals (PACS administrators)
    need to read SOP Class Tables

Compare a products SCU table with anothers SCP
DICOM Conformance Statements
  • New DCS format Executive OverviewGoal to
    explain DICOM understandable terms

DICOM Conformance Statements
  • After the overview, it really requires real DICOM
    experience to read the DCS
  • Implementation
  • Integration
  • Training
  • Know how to read DICOM Standard
  • Need to learn DICOM terms and concepts
  • SOP Classes, IODs, SCU/SCP
  • Abstract Syntax, Presentation Context
  • Modules, Attributes, Context Tables..

Vendors, Consultants, Training Helps
Beyond DICOMReports into PACS
  • DICOM SR not typically used for Clinician
    Report(I.e. Radiologist Report)
  • Report owned by department information system
    (such as a RIS) however hospitals want to view on
  • Voice Recognition solutions speed delivery of
    report(but usually take longer to create and
  • Solutions vary between PACS but most implement
    HL7 ORU messages and store in proprietary ways
    into PACS
  • This solution means a 3rd party workstation
    cannot view report
  • another question Can other workstations besides
    PACS review reports?

HL7 V3 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
should open up reporting documents
Beyond DICOMNetworking Skills Required
  • DICOM uses standard network technology and this
    skill is very important (relationship with IT)
  • Need to understand
  • TCP/IP, routers, hubs, switches, cables
  • DICOM network configuration is prone to human
  • AE Title, TCP Port Numbers, IP Address
  • Archive technology important
  • Databases, RAIDs, Magnetic Tape
  • How much on-line storage do you need

Integration Services
  • Professional services are offered by PACS vendors
    and consultants
  • Vendors understand their products and can
    typically tailor the integration better to their
  • Independent consultants typically understand many
    PACS (not just one solution) and can typically
    better employ best of breed solutions and help
    with finger pointing

Both types of consulting services can greatly
increase the probability of a successful outcome
DICOM a Proven Success Since 1993
  • Thank Youand Enjoy the Conference!
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