Semantic SEO Strategy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Semantic SEO Strategy


Semantic SEO Strategy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:95
Slides: 20
Provided by: Amirkhan110
Tags: semantic | seo | strategy


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Semantic SEO Strategy

How to do SEO in 2017
semantic Technical
SEO Audit
Schema Markup
Internal Links
Content Optimization
Semantic Keyword Research
Mobile SEO
Semantic SEO Strategy How to Do SEO in 2017
Its high time to reap your online marketing
harvest and sow the seeds of your business
success for the next year. The following SEO
Strategy Guide 2017 is not a Bible, but rather a
scope of recommendations and tactics that you
should consider when planning your website
optimization and promotion for 2017 and beyond.
Content Optimization
I. Manage Your Content SEO Audit and Optimization
with Semantic Search in Mind
RankBrain forever changed the way we optimize our
websites content for search engines. If, in 2015,
RankBrain was used to operate and interpret
15-20 of search queries, now Google uses
RankBrain as a part of its core algorithm.
Moreover it applies its AI system for re-ranking
search results. RankBrain doesnt punish
websites, but rather elevates or demotes them by
relevance. How can you optimize for RankBrain?
Ideally, you will need to learn how to read your
targeted audiences minds. But in real life, you
will need to optimize your website for LSI
keywords and contextual clues instead of
standalone keywords. The more your search results
are clicked through, the more chances search
engines will count it as the most relevant for
searchers. In this case, your structured data is
the sure firepath to driving your potential
readers. If you are not mobile-friendly in 2017,
you wont make friends with Google and your
targeted customers. With so many hot SEO trends
and Google updates, its hard to figure out
where to start from and what SEO and other
digital marketing tools can help to chime in with
those trends. Stop procrastinating and get to
work with the following tips on your content
optimization strategy for 2017.
Improve your website user experience by fixing
on-page technical and content SEO issues
  • When we talk about User Experience optimization,
    the first thing you should always start
  • with a technical SEO audit. Technical SEO
    includes those areas of SEO which help
  • to make the searcher click on a blue link within
    search results, easily navigate your site,
    quickly and successfully land on a page they
    click on, etc. To make a technically sound and
    user-friendly website, you should check your
    website for technical SEO issues
  • on your site on a regular basis.
  • Make sure you have implemented the relcanonical
    tag for all kinds of duplicate versions of your
  • Fix all incorrect response status codes. If your
    website has any 400 errors (page not found
    issues) or 500 errors (server issues), fix these
    response code issues ASAP. If you have 404 page
    not found issues, optimize those pages with
    navigational options or use permanent 301
  • Check your website for content related issues
    like duplicates, long/short meta tags, absence
    of ALT attributes etc. Use the WebCEO SEO
    Analysis tool to find out your site optimization
    score and get tips on how to improve it.
  • Elevate page speed related issues to make your
    site fast and furious
  • in the eyes of Google and searchers. The most
    common ways to increase your website speed are
    CSS, JavaScript and HTML minification, image
    compression, browser cache leverage etc. Read the
    following guide in order to give your website
    full throttle.

Contextualize Your Keyword Research and
  • Keyword optimization in 2017 is still one of the
    key fundamentals but it will continue to focus
    around the natural language used by searchers and
    the intent hidden behind searchers query
    context. Semantic search will continue to spread
    out considering the fact that 1 out of 5 mobile
    search queries in the US are voice queries.
    Google constantly improves its semantic search
    algorithm and they are providing a lot of
    recommendations to website owners on how to
    optimize for it, but they dont provide website
    owners with the tools which can help to learn
    what language searchers use
  • to reach their content. While we are waiting for
    new Google Search Analytics voice query
    reporting, here are several tools and resources
    which will help to start your semantic search
    keyword optimization.
  • Start by gathering your foundational keywords
    list. Take ideas from
  • several sources, including keyword suggestions
    based on your key product keywords, synonyms of
    the queries which already bring traffic to your
    site, and competitor semantic research. Go to
    the WebCEO keyword research tool in order to get
    three-in-one keyword research analysis under one
    tool roof.
  • Use Soovle and Ask the Public which are free
    keyword tools to broaden your keyword halo.
    These tools are awesome at giving long-tail
    content ideas
  • for your landing page optimization and for your
    new blog posts.

3. Become a denizen at QA forums and communities
in order to learn what your potential searchers
ask about and to get inspiration for a QA type
of content
Tip Use Google
autofill to see what questions are suggested.
These are the most common questions asked by
searchers. Just start to enter your question
query using your target keyword into Google
search and autofill will suggest the
most frequently asked questi4ons.
that is a perfect way to drive natural
language traffic. If you dont yet have a FAQ
page or section on your website, start to gather
ideas and build a descriptive FAQ section.
Improve visitors engagement and your content
search visibility with a proper Internal Links
What is the final objective of SEO? Not rankings,
not traffic, but a conversion, the action your
target users need to complete on your site. The
longer visitors stay on your site and interact
with your content, the higher the chance they
will complete your desired call-to-action (?TA).
How can you increase user engagement and dwell
time, i.e. the length of time spent on your site?
By creating and implementing a quality content
strategy and by building a strong and logical
internal link structure for this content.
Internal link structure optimisation an on-page
SEO technique, which helps to establish
semantically rich liaisons between your content
assets, distribute ranking power and page
authority throughout your important pages,
improve user experience and expand the dwell
time. To create an SEO and user-friendly
internal link map, follow the recommendations
from WebCEO. Be sure to implement some of the
key internal link strategies for the sake of
better content performance and UX
1. Use descriptive anchor texts on your landing
pages and link to relevant internal page content
that pursues topics covered on previously read
  • Make more deep links rather than always linking
    to top level superficial landing pages like the
    home or contact us pages. It will help you boost
    the search visibility of deep pages and speed up
    your new content index ability.
  • Avoid building too many links outgoing from one
    page. The more pages you link to, the less
    authority you give away with each link the fewer
    the links, the more link juice is spread through
    each of the links.
  • Use a free Internal Links Optimization tool by
    WebCEO in order to analyze your internal link
    anchor texts with detailed insight into your
    landing page authority and link juice and
    discover new link opportunities for your
    non-linked website pages.

Improve your website SERP clickability by
optimizing your structured data with relevant
and descriptive copy
In the era of digital world expansion and online
content overload, digital marketers and website
owners have to fight for each searchers
attention by providing uber- personalized,
relevant and descriptive above-the-fold content.
Optimizing for organic search rankings only is
no longer an effective SEO strategy. With Google
reshaping its SERPs and adding new above-the-fold
search features, you should cater to the trend
and mark up your content items to get more
chances to win higher search visibility and more
clicks. Search features are descriptive
explanatory snippets in search result pages taken
from structured data which is embedded in your
website HTML code as specific meta tags for
better understanding your content by search
engines. Here are some of the best SEO tips for
your structured data markup optimization 1. Ric
h answers. According to a Stone Temple study,
nearly 20 of all results provided by Google are
rich answers and over 73 of rich answer boxes
provided by Google include a link to a 3rd party
website. Most businesses miss out on such a
competitive SEO advantage. Wrap your QA content
into structured, clear and simple copy. If Google
finds your content precisely relevant to a
searchers query, youll most likely be chosen
over other websites. The variety of rich answer
features gives you some freedom and room for
improvement. Given the fact that some of the rich
answers contain schema markup, it makes sense to
optimize your microdata. Put your questions into
ltH1gt tags and your answer can be a step-by-step
list, bullets etc. Look at the example below
You can see that the content provided in this
rich answer result is well structured and
provides a direct answer to my question query.
Find more recommendations here.
  • Enhance your rich snippets with review markup.
    Any kind of online or brick- and-mortar
    product/service, be it international or local,
    can benefit from showing reviews/ratings in
    SERPs. Add review mark up using by
    yourself or you can use some of the automated
    tools like Schema App, free Structured Data
    Markup Helper etc.
  • Dress your brand to the nines with the help of
    Knowledge Graph optimization. A well optimized
    Knowledge Graph for products and personal brands
    delivers a great experience by providing a
    targeted audience with a visual breakdown of a
    site's contents from right within the Google
    search interface. Among the most common
    Knowledge Graph entities you should optimize your
    microdata for are site name, site logo and
    social profile links. Use Schema.orgs
    Organization (Person) markup details together
    with Google profile (business page)
    optimization Wikipedia profile in order to get
    the most visibility
  • in Google search. Note, that there is no
    guarantee your Knowledge Graph Panel will be
    displayed to searchers. In most cases, a
    Knowledge Graph is shown for the most well known
    companies and famous people.

Mobile SEO
II. Step Up the Mobile-First Search Index Game
Given the fact that Google, in 2017, is planning
to launch a separate mobile search index which
eventually will become the primary one, you
should give mobile SEO your best shot. Its no
longer a recommendation but a requirement from
Google that your site should be mobile-friendly.
Otherwise, you will be out of sight for your
potential customers. Mobile searches have
already outperformed desktop searches and its
not the end of the game yet. Most people repeat
the so-called micro-moments using their
smartphones every single day. They surf the web
for information, do shopping, ask for directions
etc. and search for reviews, and in 56 of all
mobile search cases, these micro-moments have
local intent. So what can you do to benefit from
optimization for these mobile-based
micro-moments? Here are some tips for
you 1. Rev-AMP your content. AMP pages are no
longer just a privilege for news websites. Now,
every blogger or business owner can optimize
content to be mobile-friendly and easy-to-access
even with a slow internet connection. Here is
the beginners guide for Google AMP Pages from
KeyCDN, which will help you convert your website
pages into AMP pages.
  • Speed up your website content. Recently one of
    the Googlers officially
  • recommended that you keep website content load
    time below 3 sec.
  • Help your target customers reach your business in
    the shortest way using local schema markup. If
    you want your target audience to find you online
    or offline and buy your product/services, local
    schema markup is the best and shortest way to
    provide them with easy-to-read directions and
    other business details displayed within rich
    snippets and the Knowledge Graph. Local
    structured data helps search engines render
    valuable information like business name,
    address, phone number, prices, reviews, business
  • directions and map (geo-location), offers, events
    and even menus and display it to searchers in
    the search results interface. Note that the
    Google local Possum Update changed 64 of local
    search results. Read more about
  • the Google Possum Update here and adjust your
    local SEO strategy following
  • the recommendations of a useful step-by-step
    guide from The Site Edge.

III. Help Tools to Improve Measure Your SEO
When you plan something for tomorrow, you should
rest upon your previous experience, take into
account what worked best of all and what didnt
bring any benefits. You want to measure we have
the tools.
A Reliable Rank Tracker
  • If you want to dominate Google search in 2017,
    you have to learn now how to govern
  • all the online efforts you put into your website
    SEO and eventually see how they manifest in your
    site rankings. With the high level
    personalization of local search and the Possum
    Update change of local SERPs, plus the mobile
    first index rollout, tracking website rankings
    has become a daunting challenge. But not for
    WebCEO. Use the WebCEO Rank Tracker for accurate
  • organic rankings
  • local rankings
  • mobile rankings
  • paid (ads) and vertical rankings (image, news)
  • alternative rankings ( videos on YouTube, guest
    posts, social profile rank tracking)
  • competitor rankings

How to start tracking rankings for your website
in WebCEO?
  • Sign up or sign in to your WebCEO account. Add
    your website URL in the Add New Project wizard
    and configure it step by step.
  • At the Keywords stage, choose your target
    keywords from the compiled list
  • suggested by WebCEO or add your own keywords.

  • Go to the Rank Tracking tool and configure
    settings to your specific needs. Here you can
    add additional keywords and uncheck the
    predefined ones. Select the search engines you
    want to monitor, including their local and mobile
    versions. To see your website rankings the way
    your local visitors do, specify a location (city).
  • Evaluate your rankings in brief and detail, using
    Brief, Detailed, By Page,
  • By Tag, Historical Data and Competitor
    Rankings. Each of the reports provides in-depth
    insight into your and your competitors content
    performance and gives
  • a better understanding of what keywords your
    content should be re-optimized for.

Insightful SEO Audit Tools
In 2017 a good website user experience will still
remain half of the battle. The first place you
should start your user experience optimization
from is technical SEO analysis and landing page
optimization, including page speed enhancement,
mobile optimization etc. The WebCEO Technical
Audit SEO Analysis tools will help with all
your technical SEO and on-page SEO analysis
work. Start with the diagnosis and fixing of
technical SEO issues. Once you configure your
website with the help of the Add New Project
wizard, go to the Technical Audit tool and see
what critical SEO issues your website has and fix
  • Now its time to analyze and optimize your
    on-page SEO. Go to the SEO Analysis tool in
    order to make sure your landing page content is
    search engine-friendly with keyword rich and
    properly optimized meta data. The SEO Analysis
    tool provides analysis and helpful SEO advice
  • On-site SEO issues overview
  • Landing page overview optimization
  • Page speed
  • Mobile optimization

An SEO Journal of Events
How do you measure your SEO efforts? By rankings,
by Google Analytics traffic analysis? OK, thats
good, but how can you see in Google Analytics
data and your rankings report charts which of
your SEO actions or external changes (i.e. Google
algorithm updates) affect your rankings and
traffic changes? Mmm, you probably can read
between the lines or keep records in your mind.
But you dont have to. WebCEO has a dedicated SEO
Journal of Events module integrated into each of
its SEO tools which will have recorded SEO
activities and external factors. With the SEO
Journal of Events you can measure the direct
impact of your on-page or off-page SEO
experiments which, together with Google Updates,
can add milestone notes that can better explain
changes in the historical graph of your website
traffic and rankings
  • On-page elements optimization
  • New backlinks gained
  • New content added
  • A guest blog campaign started
  • A new special offer campaign launched etc.

Make your first record in the WebCEO SEO Journal
of Events
  • Log in or Sign Up to your WebCEO account and find
    the Journal of Events in the drop down menu of
    SEO tools at the top of the interface. You can
    also add event right from whatever tool panel
    you are working in.
  • Add a new event description, set its visibility
    mode and check the tool reports you want this
    event to be shown in.
  • After a short period of time go to the
    Historical Data report in your Rank Tracking
    tool or in your Web Analytics reports in order to
    see changes in your ranking
  • or traffic trend graphs.

semantic Technical
How to do SEO in 2017
SEO Audit
Schema Markup
Internal Links
Content Optimization
Semantic Keyword Research
Mobile SEO
Bring Your 2017 SEO Strategy to Life with
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