Integrating Strengths-Building into 12-Step Recovery How Positive Psychology Can Facilitate Spiritual Development in Treatment for Substance Dependence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrating Strengths-Building into 12-Step Recovery How Positive Psychology Can Facilitate Spiritual Development in Treatment for Substance Dependence


in Treatment for Substance Dependence William C. Hale, PhD, LICDC-CS Glenbeigh Hospital ... (mainly CBT). (Frisch, 2006, Seligman, et. al., 2005 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Integrating Strengths-Building into 12-Step Recovery How Positive Psychology Can Facilitate Spiritual Development in Treatment for Substance Dependence

Integrating Strengths-Building into 12-Step
Recovery How Positive Psychology Can Facilitate
Spiritual Development in Treatment for Substance
  • William C. Hale, PhD, LICDC-CS
  • Glenbeigh Hospital

Today we will...
  • Increase our sensitivity to the struggle inherent
    in clients without a belief in the traditional
    concept God or higher power, but who are
    attempting to find recovery through traditional
    12-Step programs.
  • Understand the development, philosophy, structure
    and uses of Positive Psychology (PP) and
    recognize how its use can facilitate clients
    participation in 12-Step or other recovery
  • Learn how to integrate PP principles in our work
    with recovering clients who struggle with the
    concept of higher power to explore creative,
    meaningful ways to understand this concept,
    including finding it within themselves and their
    support network, while recognizing the goal of a
    better life as the central and cohesive element
    of their recovery.
  • Learn how to use principles of Positive
    Psychology to help recovering clients who do have
    traditional understandings of God or higher power
    to enhance their recovery through
    self-empowerment to reach their goal of a better

Albert Einstein once said
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • For knowledge is limited to all we now know and
  • while imagination embraces the entire world,
  • and all there ever will be to know and
  • When it comes to understanding spirituality and
    the nature of higher power, perhaps
    wisdom comes from learning to live with the
    questions, rather than
    demanding the answersand being open to
    continuous exploration.
  • And the mystery itself is the doorway to all
    from the 1st verse of the Tao Te
    Ching Lao Tzu

Origins of Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Principles based on the Oxford Group
    Christian-based organization founded by Frank
    Buchman (Lutheran)
  • Founders met in 1935
  • Bill Wilson Dr. Bob Smith
  • Both in Oxford Groups (NYC, Akron) before meeting
  • Catalyst for the meeting Bill W was looking for
    another alcoholic to help, in order to keep
    himself sober.
  • They discovered an effective way to stay sober
  • Reach out to help each other stay sober.

Mission of the Oxford Group
  • The secret is God Control.
    The only sane people in an
    insane world are those controlled by God.

    God-controlled personalities make God-controlled
    This is the aim of the
    Oxford Group.
  • Frank Buchman Founder of the Oxford Group and
    Moral Rearmament Movement upon which the 12Step
    program of AA is based.

5 Cs and 5 Practices of the Oxford Group
  • Confidence Trust in the Life Changer
  • Confession Sharing all ones sins with the LC
  • Conviction Readiness to turn from sin
  • Conversion Turning ones life over to God
  • Conservation (Continuance) Working constantly
    to accomplish Gods will.
  • (Revised and expanded to create the 12 Steps)

  • 1. We admitted we were powerless over
    alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable.
  • 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than
    ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  • 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
    over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  • 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory
    of ourselves.
  • 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another
    human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  • 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all
    these defects of character.

  • 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  • 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and
    became willing to make amends to them all.
  • 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever
    possible, except when to do so would injure them
    or others.
  • 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when
    we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  • 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to
    improve our conscious contact with God, as we
    understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His
    will for us and the power to carry that out.
  • 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the
    result of these Steps, we tried to carry this
    message to alcoholics, and to practice these
    principles in all our affairs.

Making AA More Spiritually Inclusive
  • 12 Steps were written to try to distance AA from
    organized religion to increase acceptance.
  • Still rooted heavily in Judeo-Christian
  • God was described as Higher Power AA members
    encouraged to understand Him as they needed to.
    (Paradox / Potential Conflict)
  • AA referred to as Spiritual but not
    Religious. (Source of controversy in and out of

If AA is Spiritual (vs. religious)then what is
Spirituality? First, what it is not
  • Religion of any sortalthough it is often
    practiced within ones religious tradition
  • Universal in definition, form, function,
    intention or purpose (It has many manifestations)
  • Something that can necessarily be taught or
    imitated effectively

What is Spirit?
  • Latin word - Spiritus Breath invisible, but
    necessary to sustain life.
  • The animating principle or that which makes us
  • An intangible presence or energy present
    individually and collectively in all living
  • Consciousness Awareness of and seeking of life

So, What Could Spirituality Be?
  • Awareness of ourselves and our place in the
  • Will to live and create a better life?
  • Urge to experience connection with others?
  • Urge to understand a higher power?
  • An aspect of the Self that is intangible, but
    very real?
  • The nurturing of that silent force in us?
  • What else?

Other Thoughts on Spirituality
  • Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that
    spirituality is a separate department of life,
    the penthouse of existence.
  • But rightly understood, it is a vital awareness
    that pervades all realms of our being.
  • Wherever we may come alive,
    that is the area
    in which we are spiritual.
  • David Steindl-Rast, Catholic Theologian
  • (Notable for his active participation in
    interfaith dialogue, and his work on the
    interaction between spirituality and science)

  • Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the
    issue of how our lives fit into the greater
    cosmic scheme of things. This is true even when
    our questions never give way to specific answers
    or give rise to specific practices such as prayer
    or meditation.
  • We encounter spiritual issues every time we
    wonder where the universe comes from, why we are
    here, or what happens when we die. We also become
    spiritual when we become moved by values such as
    beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a
    meaning or power beyond our visible world.
  • An idea or practice is "spiritual" when it
    reveals our personal desire to establish a
    felt-relationship with the deepest meanings or
    powers governing life.
  • (fromSpiritual but Not Religious Understanding
    Unchurched America)
  • Robert C. Fuller, Ph.D. Bradley University

Spirituality of Atheists/Agnostics
  • The Center for Spiritual Atheism offers this
  • While atheism tends to lean towards skepticism
    regarding supernatural claims and the existence
    of an actual "spirit", some atheists define
    "spiritual" as nurturing thoughts, emotions,
    words and actions that are in harmony with a
    belief that the entire universe is, in some way,
    connected even if only by the mysterious flow of
    cause and effect at every scale.
  • Atheists do not believe in the existence of an
    entity external to the universe that created and
    rules the universe.
  • Spiritual Atheists generally feel that as they go
    about their lives striving to be personally
    healthy and happy, they should also be striving
    to help the world around them be healthy and
    happy. (Holistic Ethics")

A wise Rabbi once said
  • When we define God, we kill God.
  • What did he mean?
  • It locks the concept into a 3-dimensional box
    that our brains can grasp.
  • The concept of God is turned into an
    anthropomorphic projection
    of the human ego and experience.

  • Leaving the God concept open to wonder,
    exploration, doubt and imagination allows it to
    live and flourish, and allows us to connect with
    it more fully in whatever way we may need to.
  • This is especially important for those who
    struggle with traditional conceptualizations of
    God or Higher Power.
  • To him, God was a lifetime of manifestations,
    taking many different forms throughout daily

Theological Paradox in AA
  • In AA, members are encouraged to see God any
    way they need to in order to make it meaningful
    for them. (God as we understand Him)
  • Then, it is suggested that they turn themselves
    over to God and to pray to Him for removal of
    faults and knowledge of His will.
  • If God is to be surrendered to and prayed to in
    this way
  • A discreet, monotheistic entity seems to be
  • It is assumed that this entity hears and responds
  • Thus, a paradox is established if people are
    encouraged to see God/Higher Power within their
    own understanding, yet it is recommended that
    they interact with it in a particular way.
  • For people with differing ways of understanding
    the concept of God/Higher Power, or are
    struggling to find any way at all, this can
    create a conflict.
  • Sohow can the paradox be resolved?

God as PotentialJust Letting It Be
  • Most of the atom is nothing but empty space
  • God has been described as the nothingness inside
    the atom
  • or the silence between notes of music
  • or the silence between words of a poem
  • Pure Potential Neither defined nor assigned

Framing GOD as an Acronym(Thoughts from AA/NA
  • Good Orderly Direction
    A plan for living a better life in
    recovery and the conviction to engage in it.
  • Group Of Drunks
    Not used derogatorily, but in
    reference to people who understand the struggle
    of addiction because they have lived it, have
    found healing and hope, and can help others heal
    and find hope as well.
  • Gift Of Desperation
    Reaching an existential
    turning point at which a higher purpose must be
  • (An addicts bottom is the point at which the
    next thing that is about to be lost
    is valued as more important than
    that next drink/hit.)

Impact of Addiction on Spirituality
  • In active addiction, the effect of a drug(s)
    becomes a persons primary relationship, and
    seeking/using the drug becomes the primary focus.
  • Things naturally manifested in a spiritual life
    connection with others, love, kindness,
    unselfishness, honesty, purity, peace, social
    consciousness, etc., are merely secondary, if not
    impediments to a drug-seeking lifestyle.

Impact of Spirituality on Addiction
  • When sober and seeking a spiritual center, ones
    mind and heart become open to intuitive seeking
    and receptive to spiritual insight.
  • In recovery, people can become motivated to find
    something better than what they had in active
  • The spiritual quest whatever form it takes
    can replace the quest for addictive substances
    and behaviors over time.

What could be meant by Spiritual Awakening
referred to in Step 12?
  • Newly sober, a few people report having a sudden
    awakening and are motivated to begin a
    spiritual quest.
  • Others find themselves moving into this
    experience, whatever it is for them, gradually.
    They realize over time that they are becoming the
    persons they wanted to be making positive
    changes while accepting and working with their
    imperfections and setbacks.
  • This realization is what William James refers to
    as the educational variety of the spiritual
    experience/awakening. People can naturally gain
    insight into the seriousness of the problem they
    were living with and the power they are finding
    to change.

What does AA have to say about Religious Belief?
  • In response to this question,
    General Service Office of AA published
    a pamphlet entitled
  • Members of the Clergy Ask about AA
  • in which they make the following statement about
    religious belief or lack of religious belief as
    it relates to recovery in the program of
    Alcoholics Anonymous

  • AA does not inquire into alcoholics religious
    beliefsor lack of themwhen they turn to the
    Fellowship for help. However, the A.A. program of
    recovery is based on certain spiritual values.
    Individual members are free to interpret these
    values as they think best, or not to think about
    them at all.  Most members, before turning to
    A.A., had already admitted that they could not
    handle their drinkingalcohol had taken control
    of their lives. A.A. experience suggests that to
    get sober and stay sober, alcoholics need to
    accept and depend upon a spiritual entity, or
    force, that they perceive as greater than
    themselves. Some choose the A.A. group as their
    Higher Power some look to God - as they
    understand Him and others rely upon entirely
    different concepts. Numerous alcoholics, when
    they first turn to A.A., have definite
    reservations about accepting any concept of a
    Power greater than themselves. Experience shows
    that, if they maintain an open mind on the
    subject and keep coming to A.A. meetings, they
    will in time find an answer to this distinctly
    personal dilemma.

Introducing Positive Psychology to help
struggling people define a Higher Power
  • For addicted persons who struggle with the
    concept of God, but have been told that they need
    to find a higher power, when they experience that
    distinctly personal dilemma
  • What do they do?
  • Where do they turn?
  • How do they re-think or interpret this concept?
  • That could be where Positive Psychology could
    come in

What is Positive Psychology?
  • A relatively new branch of psychology
  • The goal is to make normal life more
    fulfillingrather than just treating mental
    illness - Finding whats RIGHT with us.
  • Roots in Humanistic Psychology Movement
  • Emphasis on positive emotions and human
    strengths. Fix whats wrong, but
    also Build whats Strong
  • Purpose is to complement rather than replace
    traditional psychotherapeutic approaches.
  • Wellness is more than the absence or remission of

  • Previous versions of the DSM used a 5 Axis
    Diagnosis System
  • What if there had been Axis VI Strengths
    Coping Skills ?
  • What are the qualities/resilience factors that
    keep GAF gt 0?
  • What are the positives that mitigate/balance the
  • APA offers Diagnostic Statistical
    Manual of Mental Disorders
  • In contrast, Positive Psychology offers
    Character Strengths and Virtues A Handbook and

    (Peterson Seligman, 2004)

What Are the Goals of Positive Psychology?
  • Pleasant Life (Feeling Good)
  • Engaged Life (Flow)
  • Meaningful Life (Doing Good)
  • Positive Emotions
  • Positive Individual Traits
  • Positive Instititutions

Human Strengths/Positive Characteristics
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Love of Learning
  • Perspective
  • Integrity
  • Bravery
  • Persistence
  • Vitality

  • Social/Emotional Intelligence
  • Love
  • Kindness
  • Teamwork
  • Fairness
  • Leadership

  • Mercy
  • Humility/Modesty
  • Self-Control
  • Prudence
  • Appreciation of Beauty
  • Spirituality
  • Gratitude
  • Hope
  • Humor

The FLOW Experience
  • In Positive Psychology, Flow is described as the
    experience of being fully absorbed in what one is
    doing, feeling very good about it, and having a
    sense of mastery related to the activity.
  • It is related to the practice of Mindfulness in
    terms of the full engagement in the activity of
    the moment.
  • The experience can facilitate integration with
    oneself and integration with others when engaged
    in shared endeavors.

Supporting Theories
  • Broaden and Build Theory
  • Positive emotions propagate positive attitudes,
    behaviors, moral reasoning, openness to others,
    resilience, relationships.
  • This, in turn, results in more positive emotions.
  • Upward Spiraling Positive begets positive
  • Self Determination Theory Integral Components of
  • Autonomy
  • Freedom of choice doing something because we
    want to
  • Competence
  • Ability to do something successfully perceived
  • Relatedness
  • Sense of shared experience having support and
    connection in ones efforts in recovery

Does Positive Psychology Work?
  • Various Positive Psychology interventions have
    been found to be as effective (or more so) than
    traditional forms of treatment (mainly CBT).
    (Frisch, 2006, Seligman, et. al.,
  • Most powerful interventions in Positive
    Psychology have involved the application of
    Personal Strengths, with Gratitude being
    especially powerful in terms of effectiveness.
    (Seligman, et. Al. 2006)
  • Positive Psychology interventions are effective
    in treating depression alone and in combination
    with other interventions. (Sin
    Lyubomirsky, 2009)
  • Optimism can have a significant effect on success
    in meeting goals. (Seligman,
  • Positive emotions have been consistent predictors
    of leadership effectiveness.
  • (Burns, 2004)
  • Early positive emotions have been predictors of
    longevity. (Danner, et. al., 2001)

Strength Building Strategies
  • Develop a Language of Strength - Use words
    reflecting positive aspects and capacity
  • Reversing the Focus from Negative to Positive
  • Realistic Balancing of Positives and Negatives
    (Serenity Prayer in action)
  • Build Strategies that Foster HOPE
  • Seeing opportunities for change growth
  • Creating a new sense of purpose

How does this relate to identifying a higher
  • For those who struggle with the concept, it
    offers practical and understandable ways of
    looking at it.
  • There is no need for religiously oriented
    language, if someone chooses not to frame it in
    that way.
  • The power is found within a persons
  • Intentions and Life Purpose (as defined in
  • Newly Recognized Attributes/Capacities (Untapped
  • Support/Guidance from Others (Social Support
  • These concepts can be used in recovery even by
    those who do have a traditional understanding of
    God as higher power. They conflict with
    nothing in 12-Step philosophy or practice.

Higher Purpose as part of Higher Power
  • Desire and Intention to create a life better than
    the hell of active addiction in which a person
    was living.
  • Gift of Desperation can signal time for a 180º
    turnaround a resolve to head in a new
  • Getting ones life back re-establishing trust,
    respect, responsibility, self-esteem,
    consistency etc.
  • Steps 6 7 reflect higher purpose inviting and
    engaging in positive changenew ways of thinking
    and behaving.

Higher Self as part of Higher Power
  • The better person in each individual which can be
    recognized and expressed in active recovery.
  • Newly identified strengths and potential which
    were previously untapped or suppressed in active
  • Connection with a life force or spirit which can
    be seen as within oneself, between oneself and
    others, and/or with whatever someone perceives a
    Higher Power to be - in a way that had not been
    manifested in active addiction.
  • Anything more positive that a recovering person
    can find within him/herself which can bring hope
    and determination to change.

Positive Relationships as part of Higher Power
  • A Key Feature in Active AddictionIsolation and
  • A Key Feature in Positive Psychology
    RecoverySocial Connections Positive
  • Now we are at the moment where we need to
    consider ourselves as full members of humanity,
    responsible and answerable to the human
    community. We are no longer living as addicts,
    operating under a solitary morality of isolation,
    self-destruction and fearThe world of the
    spirit, the one in which we live, is the present
    place where we stand. The most salient fact of
    this spiritual world, the starkest difference
    between this world and our old world of
    addiction, is this we are not the only ones
    hereWhere we lived before in absolute isolation,
    now we live in context. This is none other than
    what we always longed for, always lacked a
    community of which we can be, and must be, an
    integral, active part.
    Marya Hornbacher Waiting A
    Nonbelievers Higher Power (pgs. 73, 97)

AA Statement on Positive Relationships in Recovery
  • It would be unrealistic to assume that all AA
    members are spiritually inspired. Many, too, are
    not committed to a formal body of religious
    doctrine. But innumerable A.A. members -
    including those of no orthodoxy -
    say that they have experienced the
    transforming power of
    sharing, caring, trust and love.
  • from Members of the Clergy Ask about AA
    AA General Service Office

RECOVERY ? Not Drinking/Using
  • Recovery can be seen as a way of thinking,
    acting, and relating to others that promotes
    continued physical, psychological, social, and
    spiritual health. The skills necessary for
    long-term sobriety are all directed at finding
    meaning and purpose in life.
  • Terence Gorsky
  • When an addicted persons life is filled with
    positive, meaningful, life-enhancing goals,
    values and activities, not drinking/using -
    although the bedrock for a recovering life -
    becomes just a detail.
  • The focus is on developing activities and coping
    strategies based on goals and values that make
    staying sober what one wants to do to have the
    life they are seeking not what one must do to
    avoid further consequences.

Recovery is oriented towardPOSITIVE,
PROGRESSIVE ACTION The way to remove darkness
from a room is simply to light a candle. In the
same way, to rid yourself of any difficulty,
concentrate on the solution, rather than the
problem Zen Proverb
  • Focus is on what to create or replace in ones
    life (not on what to stop doing).
  • Focus on behavior, not states of being. Lasting
    behavior changes will, in turn, result in new
    states of being.
  • Focus is on setting POSITIVE LIFE GOALS.
    Not stating I will stop/not
    or I will be

Increasing Self-Efficacy to Enhance Recovery
Whether you think you can, or think you cant -
youre right Henry Ford
  • Perceived self-efficacy is the foundation of
    human agency. Unless people believe they can
    produce desired effects by their actions, they
    have little incentive to act.
  • Self-efficacy beliefs promote desired changes
    through cognitive, motivational, affective, and
    choice processes.
  • Perceived self-efficacy exerts its effects on
    every phase of personal changethe initiation of
    efforts to overcome substance abuse, achievement
    of desired changes, recovery from relapses, and
    long-term maintenance of a drug-free life.
  • Albert Bandura

AA Slogan Fake it till you make it(Act as
if and it will become)
  • Think and behave as though what you intend to
    manifest in your life is already here.
  • Begin action in the direction of what you want -
    even when you are not sure how and 3 things
  • The focus on what you want (rather than what you
    dont want) becomes your mindset.
  • You begin to see results. Even small ones are
    significant, due to the reinforcement factor.
  • You affirm that you are not stuck that change
    is possible and is happening now.

Thinking Success can Create SuccessYou are what
you think. Think it today become it
Nothing can help you or
hurt you as much as the thoughts you carry in
your headZen Proverb
  • There is no need to fear relapse.
  • Fearing the consequences of relapse is realistic,
    but fearing the lack of capacity to choose
    recovery and make new daily decisions is
  • Fearing relapse is rehearsing relapse. It can
    make failure, rather than success, the focusand
    the unconscious goal.
  • Each recovering person has choice and free will.
    It is either claimed or forfeited, depending on
    the beliefs one holds about oneself.
  • Acknowledging the capacity for change increases
    the awareness of freedom of choice and the
    likelihood that it will be exercised.

Rethinking Step 2
  • Came to believe that a power greater than
  • God (Whatever that may mean to an individual)
  • The power of group support
  • A Higher Purpose (aspirations for a better life)
  • Ones Higher Self (that better person
    unrealized potential)
  • Every addict certainly had a higher power while
    in active addiction the high from
    drugs/addictive behaviors.
  • Could restore us to sanity
  • Learning to think, feel and act in more
    life-enhancing ways especially around

Rethinking Step 3
  • Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
  • Asking for help with / advice on what we have
    not been able to do successfully on our own.
  • Accepting help and following advice when we get
  • To the care of God as we understood Him
  • Many simply exchange God for Group of Drunks
    (Support System) or Higher Power for Higher
    Purpose /Higher Self.
  • Remembering what one has chosen to call a higher
    power and ask how this can be more powerful than
    active addiction.

Rethinking Steps 4 5
  • 4th Step Made a searching and fearless moral
    inventory of ourselves
  • Taking a complete inventory of both negative
    and positive to see what holds us back, and
    what could move us forward.
  • 5th Step Admitted to God, to ourselves and to
    another human being the exact nature of our
  • We simply have a witness to our humanity We see
    that we are accepted, and can in turn, accept
    ourselves, releasing shame and guilt.
  • We can get feedback and clarity on patterns that
    keep us stuck, in order to facilitate change.

Rethinking Step 6
  • Were entirely ready to have God remove all these
    defects of character
  • Developing the Willingness to create change by
  • Accepting challenges that bring about wanted
  • Stepping outside of comfort zones to try on new
    ways of thinking and behaving in daily living
  • Entire Readiness can be determined by how one
    begins to make changes on a daily basis.

What are Character Defects ?
  • Tendencies toward doing wrong?
  • Bad habits?
  • Destructive ways of acting or reacting?
  • Sins? (Note the origin of this word In
    Classical Greek, sin (hamartia), meant to
    miss the mark . It was also used in English
    archery as a term for missing the bullseye .)
  • What if we simply look at character defects as
  • Long-standing patterns of thinking and behaving
    that no longer work for us old patterns which
    have become liabilities that get in our way and
    cause pain.

Rethinking Step 7
  • Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings
  • When we make a commitment to change, we get new
    eyes. We see things differently and recognize
    new opportunities to do things differently on a
    daily basis.
  • Be careful what you ask for, because you just
    might get it. If you want change in your life,
    the opportunities for it will show upand they
    will not always be comfortable, convenient or

Rethinking Step 11Prayer is nothing but the
inhaling and exhaling of the one breath of the
universe... St. Hildegard
of Bingen
  • Sought through prayer and meditation to improve
    our conscious contact with God, as we understood
    Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for
    us and the power to carry that out
  • Sitting in stillness and just allowing
  • Quieting the mind to create space for reflection
  • Remaining open to insight
  • Creating or reviving any form of practice that
    brings peace and prepares someone for full
    engagement in life
  • God enters by a private door to every individual
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reconciling the 12-Steps with Positive
Psychology Principles Intrapersonal and
Interpersonal Strengths-Building Tasks
Twelve-Step Actions Positive Psychology Principles / Human Strengths
1 Accepting defeat 2 Recognizing help is available 3 Reaching out for help Recognizing the need for help, asking for/accepting it, and developing healthy interdependence (Humility , Teamwork, Open-Mindedness, Bravery)
4 Personal Inventory 5 Sharing self with others Becoming honest with oneself others Self-Acceptance - Releasing Guilt/Shame (Perspective, Integrity, Humility)
6 Planning to make changes in your life 7 Being open to seeing new decision points at which those changes can be implemented Developing life-enhancing skills while reducing old maladaptive behaviors (Bravery, Persistence, Self-Control, Prudence to engage ones personal strengths/positive qualities fully)
8 Identifying the damage you have done 9 Correcting that damage when possible Pro-social skill development Learning to take personal responsibility and interpersonal risks (Integrity, Bravery, Humility, Emotional Intelligence)
10 Practicing ongoing self-assessment 11 Utilizing spiritual tools 12 Helping others Self-reflection, other spiritual practices and reaching out to help others through pro-social skills practice (Persistence, Love, Kindness, Mercy, Spirituality all of which lead to Hope)
Basic Tasks of the 12 Steps
  • Reach out for help (1-3)
  • Asking for support and guidance as we seek a new
    path (because our old ways of living were not
  • Using tools placed in our hands to help us heal
  • Clean up your life (4-11)
  • Intrapersonal (Self-assessment4/5
    Commitment to change6/7)
  • Interpersonal (Reparation of relationships8/9)
  • Maintenance (Evaluation and Adjustment 10/11)
  • Reach out to help (12)
  • Sharing what works with others
  • Modeling change and success by Living the Change
    you promote (Congruence and Credibility)

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Relationship of Recovery Strengths-Building to
Maslows Hierarchy
A Simple Spiritual Quest
  • Find a satisfying and fulfilling life beyond
  • Identify what you want to run toward (instead of
    away from)
  • Reconnect with or define a Higher Purpose (A goal
    for a life better than what was being lived in
    active addiction)
  • Access/Develop your own Higher Self (Will to
    Live Spirit - Innate Capacity to help make this
    better life happen)
  • Reach out to connect with others (who can help
    you in your quest, and whom you can help in

The Phoenix
  • Greek Mythology The bird that burns itself up in
    a fire of its own making at the end of its old
    life, and then rises to a new life recreated
    from its own ashes.
  • Metaphor of Rebirth in Recovery The experience
    of self-destruction becomes a powerful
    instrument of transformation. Mistakes and
    failures of the past are catalysts for
    positive change. (Higher Purpose)
  • Recovering persons have the capacity and
    opportunity to make these changes, using painful
    lessons from the past and their hopes and
    intentions for the future to utilize their
    untapped strengths in the present. (Higher Self)

  • Japanese practice of repairing broken pottery
    with gold, reflecting the idea that when
    something has been damaged, it can become more
    beautiful because of it. It has a
    new dimension that something which has remained
    unharmed cannot have. The gold reinterprets a
    seemingly negative event.
  • We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the
    door on it.
  • No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we
    will see how
    our experience can benefit others.
  • That feeling of uselessness and self pity will
  • Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will
  • from the AA Promises
  • Out of suffering have emerged the strongest
    souls. The most massive characters are seared
    with scars.
    Kahil Gibran

  • The presence of higher power within oneself is
    acknowledged by the authors of the Big Book in
    this passage
  • With few exceptions our members find that they
    have tapped an unsuspected inner resource which
    they presently identify with their own conception
    of a Power greater than themselves. Most of us
    think that this awareness of a Power greater than
    ourselves is the essence of spiritual experience.
    Our more religious members call it
  • (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., pp 567-568)
  • You dont look out there for God - something in
    the sky - you look in you Alan Watts

Third Step Prayer Revisited
  • God , I offer myself to Thee to build with me and
    do with me as thou wilt.
  • Relieve me from the bondage of self, that I may
    better do thy will.
  • Take away my difficulties, that victory over them
    may bear witness to those that I would help, of
    thy power, thy love and thy way of life.
  • May I do thy will always.
  • I acknowledge my Higher Purpose and Higher Self

    and the better life I create with them today.
  • I abandon my former destructive lower self

    and commit to the better person I am now
  • I release my old struggles and replace them with
    new strength, compassion and life which I freely
    share with those who seek the things I now find.
  • I will live my life to this end every day.

Never forget this when helping a person who is
struggling with addiction
  • An alcoholic is powerless over alcohol.
  • An alcoholic is not powerless over alcoholism.
  • Everyone seeking recovery has the power of choice
    to pick up the tools we lay
    at their feet.

Helping People Struggling with the Concept of
Higher Power at Glenbeigh
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a
chain or freed a human soul Mark Twain
  • If any concept conflicts with the values and
    beliefs of those seeking our help, then
    the concept needs to be reinterpreted.
  • Everyone must find their own truth in the
    process of recovery.
    We never challenge another's truth, nor seek to
    impose one.
    Our goal is simply to help people find
    sobriety and a better life.
  • Theres a crack in everything. Thats how the
    light gets in. Leonard Cohen
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