The%20Hitchhiker - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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It's impossible to draw or visualize a 500 dimensional lattice. ... n = (dimension of a lattice L) x (# of bits in a coordinate) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20Hitchhiker

The Hitchhikers Guide to Public Key Cryptography
MSR Colloquium December 2, 2009
  • Joseph Silverman
  • Brown University Microsoft Research

The Hitchhikers Guide
Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the
unfashionable end of the Eastern Coast of
Massachusetts lies a small research group whose
ape-descended life forms are so amazingly
primitive that they still think that public key
cryptography is a pretty neat idea.
This talk is about that idea. It will include
Some history (much of it true)
Some mathematics (most of it accurate)
Some miscellaneous observations
Public Key CryptographyWhat It Is and From
Whence It Came
Cryptography the Old Fashioned Way
Bob and Alice need to exchange confidential
The first thing that they do is share a secret
EVE the eavesdropper
So Whats the Problem?
The difficulty is that Bob and Alice need to
share the secret key before they even can get
And since repeated use of a secret key is
dangerous, they should change their secret key
Is there any way for Bob and Alice to exchange
confidential information without first sharing a
secret key?
The obvious answer is NO if Eve sees every
message that Bob and Alice send to one another,
how can they possibly exchange secret information.
Enter Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman
stage left with
a brilliant idea!
Diffie and Hellmans Brilliant Idea Public Key
Suppose that Alice could create a cryptosystem
that uses two different keys
Standard Convention Green quantities are public
knowledge, red quantities are kept secret.
Alice uses Key2 to decrypt the message.
Since Eve does not know Key2 , she cannot decrypt
Bobs message.
Crucial Property It is vitally important that
knowing Key1 does not help Eve to determine Key2 .
A Brilliant Idea, But
The concept of a two key cipher, now known as
a public key cipher or an asymmetric cipher, is
one of the truly brilliant ideas in Diffie and
Hellmans revolutionary 1976 paper New Directions
in Cryptography.
The Birth of Public Key Cryptography
Within two years of the Diffie-Hellman paper,
there were a small handful of suggested
constructions of public key cryptosystems.
The two most practical were the
  • RSA Cryptosystem invented by Rivest,
    Shamir, and Adelman.
  • Knapsack Cryptosystem invented by Merkle
    and Hellman.

Of these two, only RSA has survived, but other
systems have arisen to challenge RSAs original
The Public Face of Public (and Private) Key
Jumping ahead four centuries
In 1976 Diffie and Hellman initiate the age of
public key cryptography
and in 1978 Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman invent
the first practical public key cryptosystem that
has withstood the test of time.
The Public Uproar over Public Key Cryptography
Diffie and Hellman begin their paper with a call
to arms
We stand today on the brink of a revolution in
The governments initial reaction was strong
  • They tried to suppress distribution of the RSA
    paper, but were stymied since Shamir is not a US
  • The NSA instituted a voluntary prepublication
    review process for papers on cryptography.
  • Mathematicians were told to exclude foreign
    nationals from cryptographic related seminars and

Putting the Genie Back into the Bottle?
The justification for the governments actions
was a law saying that cryptographic materials are
This law dates back to the days when
cryptographic materials meant cipher machines and
code books whose internal workings were
justifiably top secret.
After a few years, the government realized the
futility of trying to prevent academic discourse
about cryptography, so they came up with a
  • It was okay to do crypto research and to publish
    algorithms in journals and to give talks at
    conferences, but
  • foreign distribution of machine readable or
    executable crypto programs was forbidden without
    an export license.

Putting the Genie Back into the Bottle?
  • As an example of this policy in action, you may
    recall that early internet browsers were required
    to come in two flavors
  • A domestic version with high level crypto
  • An exportable version with low level (40 bit)
    security, which presumably the NSA could break
    with ease.

There were some huge problems with the
governments export policy First, at some level,
optical scanners make the machine-readable
criterion obsolete. This led to the manufacture
Machine Readable Crypto Algorithms
The non-exportableTee Shirt as Munition
and the non-exportableSoda Can as Munition
An Unsustainable Public Policy
These amusing protests, and other more serious
legal challenges, had some effect in changing
government policy.
But ultimately the policy was rendered moot by
two simple facts
  1. Public key algorithms are simple.
  2. The United States does not have a monopoly on
    top-notch scientists, engineers, and programmers.

Thus restricting export of strong crypto
products simply allowed other countries to
create their own cryptographic and computer
security industries.
The Claimants for the Public Key Cryptography
Practical and Secure Public Key Crypto
A first observation is that in the world of PKC,
practicality and security are bitter foes.
Public key cryptosystems are based on underlying
hard mathematical problems. For example, RSA is
based on the difficulty of factoring large
Three problems in particular have been used to
construct practical and secure PKCs.
Integer Factorization
Discrete Logarithm Problem
Lattice Closest Vector Problem
A Man, A Plan,
The plan for the rest of this talk
1 Give you an idea of what these hard problems
are and how difficult they are to solve.
2 Compare and contrast the operating
characteristics of the associated public key
3 Explain how some of these problems come
equipped with special gadgets that allow them to
be used in novel ways for public key crypto.
Hard Problem 1 Integer Factorization
Alices secret key is two large primes p and q.
Alices public key is their product N pq.
Hard Problem Given k and b, solve the
congruence Xk b
(mod N).
Alices Trapdoor It is easy to solve the
congruence if you know p and q.
The fastest known algorithm to factor N is called
the Number Field Sieve. It takes about exp(c(log
N)1/3) steps. Thats faster than Ne for every e,
but slower than (log N)d for every d.
HP 2 The Discrete Logarithm Problem
Alices secret key is a number e.
Alices public key consists of a prime p, a
number g, and its power h ge (mod p).
Hard Problem Given p, g, ga (mod p), and gb (mod
p), compute the value of gab(mod p).
Discrete Log Problem Given p, g, and h, solve
the congruence gx
h (mod p).
The fastest known algorithm to solve the DLP is
called the Index Calculus. It takes about
exp(c(log p)1/3) steps, so similar to integer
Security versus Efficiency
RSA depends on the difficulty of factoring
integers.Elgamal depends on the difficulty of
the DLP.
Modern methods can factor N and solve the DLP mod
p for values up to around 2500, so current
standards require that N or p be at least
21000. More generally, typical security levels
are set usingk-bit numbers with k 1000 or 2000
or 4000 or 8000.
Just how long does it take to do an
exponentiation using k-bit numbers?
With paper and pencil when, say, k 1000?
Left as an exercise for the
Security versus Efficiency
There are two obvious ways to try to increase
efficiency without sacrificing security.
Find a problem thats harder to solve, so we can
reduce the bit size of the numbers.
Find a problem where the computation is faster,
say k2 bit operations.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
What is an Elliptic Curve?
  • An elliptic curve is an object with a dual
  • On the one hand, it is a curve, a geometric
  • On the other hand, we can add points on the
    curve as if they were numbers, so it is an
    algebraic object.
  • The addition law on an elliptic curve can be
  • Geometrically using intersections of curves
  • Algebraically using polynomial equations
  • Analytically using functions with complex
  • Elliptic curves appear in diverse areas of
    mathematics, ranging from number theory to
    complex analysis, and from cryptography to
    mathematical physics.

What is an Elliptic Curve?
Adding Points on an Elliptic Curve
The Addition Law on an Elliptic Curve
Ignoring various complications (tangent lines,
vertical lines, ), the addition law has the
following properties
  1. P O O P P for all P ? E.
  2. P (P) O for all P ? E.
  3. (P Q) R P (Q R) for all P,Q,R ? E.
  4. P Q Q P for all P,Q ? E.

In mathematical terminology, the addition law
makes the points of E into a commutative group.
All of the group properties are easy to check
except for the associative law (c).
Elliptic Curves Mod p
Messy? Yes! But easily programmed and evaluated
on a computer.
Elliptic Curves Mod p
ExampleThe curve E Y2 X3 5X 8
modulo 37contains the points P (6,3) and
Q (8,31).
Using the addition formulas, we can compute in
E(F37) 2P (35,11) 3P (34,25) 4P (8,6)
5P (16,19) P Q (34,12) 3P 4Q
Question How many times do I have to add P to
itself in order to get Q?
This is an example of the Elliptic Curve Discrete
Logarithm Problem. The answer is Q 11P.
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
Suppose that you are given two points P and Q in
  • If the prime p is large, it is extremely
    difficult to find m.
  • Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller independently
    invented Elliptic Curve Cryptography in 1985 when
    they suggested building a cryptosystem around the
  • For a long time, there was much scepticism about
    the security of elliptic curve cryptosystems

For example, heres an (in)famous 1997 assessment
from a prominent (not-to-be-named)
cryptographer for now trying to get an
evaluation of the security of an elliptic-curve
cryptosystem is a bit like trying to get an
evaluation of some recently discovered Chaldean
HP 2' The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm
Problem as a Hard Problem
Alices secret key is again a number e.
Alices public key consists of a prime p, an
elliptic curve E, a point P on E mod p, and its
multiple Q eP
(mod p).
Hard Problem Given E, P, aP (mod p), and bP (mod
p), compute the value of abP (mod p).
Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem Given E, P,
and Q, solve the congruence
xP Q (mod p).
The fastest known algorithms to solve the ECDLP
are Collision Algorithms. They take about p1/2
steps, so are much slower than solving DLP or
factoring integers.
Elliptic Curves versus RSA
is as far as we presently know
Since the ECDLP is so much harder than the IFP
(Integer Factorization Problem), cryptographic
constructions using elliptic curves can get away
with using much smaller numbers.
Bit Security RSA ECC
80 1248 160
128 3248 256
256 15424 512
of bits in keys and ciphertexts
Important Caveat Security depends on your
definition of the word is.
Elliptic Curves versus RSA
Elliptic curve cryptosystems have smaller keys,
smaller ciphertexts, and smaller digital
signatures than RSA.
However, the addition formula on elliptic
curves is quite complicated, so ECC and RSA take
about the same amount of time to encrypt and
decrypt, and to sign and verify.
How about if RSA key and message sizes are okay,
but we want faster encryption and decryption? To
achieve this goal, people have devised
cryptosystems based on hard lattice problems.
Lattice-Based Cryptography
What is a Lattice?
A lattice is a regular array of points in space.
We can connect the dots to form parallelograms.
The lattice may be described by giving basis
vectors that span a parallelogram.
What is the Closest Vector Problem?
Suppose that you know a basis for the lattice L.
Suppose that someone gives you a point P.
Challenge Find the lattice point Q that is
closest to P.
This is the Closet Vector Problem.
Why Is That A Hard Problem?
I can sense everyone thinking Whats so hard
about the Closest Vector Problem? Just draw the
picture and pick out the closest point!
For lattices in the plane, youre right, its
very easy.
Its not even very hard in dimension 3
, or 4
, or 5.
However, the Closest Vector Problem is very hard
in high dimension, say in dimension 500.
Just kidding. Its impossible to draw or
visualize a 500 dimensional lattice. But its
easy working with one on a computer. It is just a
500 by 500 array of numbers
Here is a picture of a lattice of dimension 500
Why Use Lattices for Cryptography?
Lattice problems offer the possibility of faster
encryption and decryption algorithms.
  • Let n be the number of bits in the underlying
  • n of bits in an RSA modulus pq
  • n of bits in a prime p for ECC in E(Fp)
  • n (dimension of a lattice L) x ( of bits in a

Some History of Lattice-Based Crypto
Ajtai and Dwork (1995) described a lattice-based
public key cryptosystem having average case-worst
case equivalence. This was a theoretical
cryptographic milestone, but the AD cryptosystem
is not practical.
Inspired by the work of Ajtai and Dwork,
Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Halevi (1996) proposed
a more practical lattice-based cryptosystem.
The GGH cryptosystem is fast, but it requires
megabyte-size public keys to be secure.
At the same time, working independently,
Hoffstein (with Pipher and JS) developed a
ring-based cryptosystem called NTRU that only
requires RSA-sized keys.
It was later discovered that NTRU could be
described in terms of a special class of lattices
and is closely related to the GGH system.
Key Sizes of Lattice-Based Cryptosystems
In a lattice-based cryptosystem The private key
is a good (quasi-orthogonal) basis Bpri The
public key is a bad (randomized) basis Bpub
The GGH construction uses general bases V1
(a11,a12,,a1n) V2 (a21,a22,,a2n)
Vn (an1,an2,,ann)
So a GGH basis is a list of n2 numbers, where
typically n is between 500 and 2000.
NTRU solves this problem by using cyclical
bases V1 (a1,a2,,an) V2
(a2,a3,,a1) Vn
This means that an NTRU basis can be described
using only n numbers.
No Cost Added Features
No-Cost Added Features
Elliptic curve and lattice-based cryptosystems
have some additional attractive features, beyond
their respective smaller keys and faster
Pairing-Based Cryptography
Elliptic curve groups have a sort of
multiplication called a bilinear pairing (due to
Weil and Tate). The product PQ of two points
is a number mod p.
This allows many interesting constructions,
including for example Identity Based Encryption
(Shamir, Boneh, Franklin) in which Alice can use
her email address as her public key.
No Cost Added Features
Fully Homomorphic Cryptography
Many cryptosystems have the property that
(Encryption of M1) (Encryption of M2)
(Encryption of M1M2)
or (Encryption of M1)
(Encryption of M2) (Encryption of M1 M2) but
it was a long-standing problem to find a
cryptosystem with both properties.
Such a cryptosystem allows a non-secure computer
to run a program on encrypted input and produce
encrypted output without knowledge of the
unencrypted input or output.
Last year Craig Gentry constructed the first
fully homomorphic cryptosystem using ring-based
lattices (and many clever ideas). Although not
yet practical, it is a huge theoretical advance.
No Cost Added Features
Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
A quantum computer is a computer in which the
usual 0-1 bits of a digital computer are replaced
by quantum states that take values between 0 and
1 according to some probability distribution.
In 1994 Peter Shor showed that a quantum computer
could factor numbers in polynomial time, and
later researchers showed the same for the
classical and elliptic discrete logarithm
Lattice-based cryptosystems are said to be
quantum resistant because the best known
quantum algorithms for the closest vector problem
are still exponential.
The Hitchhikers Guide to Public Key Cryptography
MSR Colloquium December 2, 2009
  • Joseph Silverman
  • Brown University Microsoft Research

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