Title: A1262160008aAVPi
Pradeep Aggarwal Luis Araguás International
Atomic Energy Agency Water Resources Programme
Isotope Hydrology Section
2Main objective of the Water Resources Programme
of the IAEA
- To improve the management of water resources by
Member States with the use of isotope
technologies - Improve understanding of the water cycle
- Sustainable exploitation of water resources
- Improved hydrogeological and hydrogeo-
chemical data. - Capacity for monitoring the quantity and quality
of water resources
3Isotopes in the Global Water Cyclescientific
background of isotope hydrology
- Isotope fractionation of 18O and 2H occurs
during evaporation, condensation, and vapor
transport - Stable isotopes are fingerprints of water ?
excellent tracers of the origin of water, and of
changes in the hydrological cycle
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as tracers in the
Water cycle and climate Joint activity IAEA/WMO
since 1961 GNIP programme in hydrology,
climatology and related fields
5Main objective of GNIP
Systematic collection of basic data on isotopic
content in precipitation (monthly basis) on a
global scale to determine temporal and spatial
variations of environmental isotopes in
61990s New monitoring needs, besides classical
input function for hydrology Global climate
modelling requires broader spatial coverage
?AGCM Interest in High latitudes and altitude
areas Climate-sensitive areas Tropical zones
1953-2006, about 830 stations
8GNIP STATIONS / Record gt 2 years
18O and 2H RECORDS (in years)
10Contents of the GNIP database
- Monthly values
- Total amount of precipitation (mm)
- Type of precipitation (rain, snow, both)
- Mean air temperature (ºC)
- Mean water vapour pressure (hPa)
- Stable Isotope contents (O-18, H-2) ()
- Tritium content and uncertainty (TU)
11Status of the network About 210 active
stations in 53 countries The IAEAs Isotope
Hydrology Laboratory is currently performing
isotope analyses of about 40 of the collected
precipitation samples
30 other laboratories are analysing GNIP samples
12- Structure of the GNIP network
- The network is composed of
- IAEA/WMO stations situated in climatically
relevant locations - National Networks composed of stations and labs
operated by national authorities - affiliated stations which are stations resulting
from hydrological studies, often of short-term in
13Operation of GNIP
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Isotope Hydrology Section
- Isotope Hydrology Laboratory
- World Meteorological Organization
- Link to the stations
- Meteorological information
- Cooperating institutes and laboratories
(voluntary basis) - Scientific Steering Committee
14Operational Problems
- Collaboration with Member States is on voluntary
basis - Sampling/storage protocols not always properly
followed - Access to meteorological information
- Insufficient communication with stations
- Partial or incomplete isotope records
- Uneven spatial coverage of stations
- Need for data in remote areas
- Automatic weather stations
15Operational problems (cont.)
- Difficulties to create new stations in remote and
climate-sensitive areas - Identify national co-ordinators
- Statistics Incomplete records
- Quality control of isotope analysis?
inter-laboratory exercises
16Latest developments
- GNIP data distributed into 3 categories
- GNIP- monthly 100.000 records 780 st
- GNIP- event 25.000 records 100 st
- GNIP- vapour 700 records 6 st
- Completion of ISOHIS-Map
- Easier visualization to GNIP, GNIR, IGLASS
- Statistical treatment of data
- Yearly, monthly, long-term weighted means
17Creation of National focal points
- Link with national institutes coordinating
activities related to isotope monitoring - Data compilation and quality control at national
level ? submission to the GNIP database
- Luis Araguas (IAEA) L.Araguas_at_iaea.org
19Initiatives to correct negative trend
- Involvement of other groups/organizations
- Collection ? Met. Services (WMO)
- Analysis ? IH labs
- Creation/continuity of National Networks
- Long/term operation - GNS stations (?)
- Remote or climate-sensitive areas
- Links with other projects/programmes
- (AMMA, TRACE, etc)
20GCOS - CLIMAT reports by ca. 1000 monitoring
reference stations
21GNIP link to GCOS - GSN
- Advice on operational aspects
- IAEA request to stations to participate in the
GNIP programme endorsed by WMO (GCOS) - Reactivation/establishment of long-term GNIP
stations - Ensure availability of meteorological information
22Isotopes help to define groundwater origin,
dynamics and flow patterns
23Santiago de Chile Isotopes help to define
sources of recharge, groundwater origin, flow
patterns and pollutant transport
24(No Transcript)
25Modelling isotope contents over the Andes
26Links of GNIP with intern. programs
- GTN-H Global Terrestrial Networks Hydrology
- GCOS Global Climate Observing System
- UNEP-GEMS Global Env Monitoring System
- IGBP-PAGES Past Global Changes
- World Data Centre-A for paleoclimatology
27GNIP/WMO stations
28National networks Argentina, Australia,
Austria, Canada, China, Chile, Croatia, France,
Germany, Morocco, Netherlands, Portugal, South
Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, USA One
station maintained in Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia,
Israel, Jordan, New-Zealand, Poland,
Slovenia, U.K.