Answering Complex Questions and Performing Deep Reasoning in Advance QA Systems Reasoning with logic and probability Chitta Baral Arizona State university
Answering complex questions and performing deep reasoning in advance QA systems: ... Questions: In addition to the more factually based, who, what, when, where type ...
Domain. Knowledge. Module 1. Reasoning Module 1. Processed. Text. Answer, possibly with ... name: a string of characters. stops: an ordered list of locations ...
How can existing knowledge be revised, expanded? Hypothesis formation ... Initial condition I = { intially f } Observation O = { eventually g } (K,I) does not entail O ...
A knowledge based approach for representing, reasoning and ... Initial condition I = { intially f } Observation O = { eventually g } (K,I) does not entail O ...
Sherlock Holmes Goes Cyber. Eric Nelson. Hemant Joshi. Umit Topaloglu. Advisor: Dr. James Jones, ... Jill, Ben, Gwen, Marshall, Erica are at next practice ...
Idea: use CLP to define and reason with numerical constraints and assignments ... Define exactly(X,L,N) so that it is true if X occurs exactly N times in the list ...
Chitta Baral, Arizona State U. Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech U. Richard Scherl, Monmouth Univ. ... Activities in the virtual world include work-flows. ...
Sam is a penguin. Wounded birds are birds. Wounded birds are weakly exceptional. ... Note: et may or may not be a penguin we do not know. et is a bird. fly(X) ...
A normal program in ASP is a collection of rules of the form: ... lparse -c colors=3 coloring.lp | smodels. Conditional literals in Smodels. Example ...
Find specific facts in documents to answer specific questions. ... and Charlie Watts formed the Rolling Stones in 1962. A lighter-weight approach to QA ...