Using%20answer%20set%20programming%20to%20answer%20complex%20queries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Examples of specific properties. Expressibility. Function-free AnsProlog without disjunctions: P1P (Co-NP) Function-free AnsProlog: P2 P. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Using%20answer%20set%20programming%20to%20answer%20complex%20queries

Using answer set programming to answer complex
  • Chitta Baral
  • (joint work with Michael Gelfond and Richard
  • Arizona State University
  • Tempe, AZ 86287
  • http//

Queries and Answers
  • Answering queries with respect to databases
    various query languages
  • Relational databases SQL3
  • Object-Oriented Databases OQL
  • Web databases, XML Databases XML-QL
  • Prolog queries
  • Natural language queries
  • Often translated to one of the above
  • Complex Queries!
  • Need knowledge beyond that is present in the
    given data (or text) to answer.
  • Many can not be expressed in classical logics.

Complex Query example predictive query
  • Text/Data John is at home in Boston and has not
    bought a ticket to Paris yet.
  • Query
  • What happens if John tries to fly to Paris?
  • What happens if John buys a ticket to Paris and
    then tries to fly to Paris?

Complex Query example explanation query
  • Text/Data On Dec 10th John is at home in Boston
    and has not bought a ticket to Paris yet. On Dec
    11th he is in Paris.
  • Query
  • Explain what might have happened in between.
  • Bought a ticket gone to the airport taken a
    flight to Paris.

Complex Query Example planning query
  • Text/Data On Dec 10th John is at home in Boston
    and has not bought a ticket to Paris yet.
  • Query What does John need to do to be in Paris
    on Dec 11th.
  • He needs to buy the ticket get to the airport
    fly to Paris.

Complex Query ExampleCounterfactual Query
  • Text/Data On Dec 10th John is at home in Boston.
    He made a plan to get to Paris by Dec 11th. He
    then bought a ticket. But on his way to the
    airport he got stuck in the traffic. The Boston
    to Paris flight did not make it.
  • Query What if John had not gotten stuck in the

Complex Query Example query about narratives
  • Text/Data John, who always carries his laptop
    with him, took a flight from Boston to Paris on
    the morning of Dec 11th.
  • Queries
  • Where is John on the evening of Dec 11th?
  • In which city is Johns laptop that evening?

Complex Query Example Causal queries
  • Text/Data On Dec 10th John is at home in Boston.
    He made a plan to get to Paris by Dec 11th. He
    then bought a ticket. But on his way to the
    airport he got stuck in the traffic. He reached
    the airport late and his flight had left.
  • Queries
  • What are the causes of John missing the flight?

Our approach to answer such queries
  • Develop various knowledge modules in an
    appropriate knowledge representation and
    reasoning language.
  • Travel module (includes flying, driving)
  • Geography Module
  • Time module
  • Reasoning about actions module
  • Planning module
  • Explanation module
  • Counterfactual module
  • Cause finding module

Knowledge Representation Reasoning AnsProlog
What properties should an appropriate KR R
language have
  • Should be non-monotonic. So that the system can
    revise its earlier conclusion in light of new
  • Should have the ability to represent normative
    statements, exceptions, and default statements,
    and should be able to reason with them.
  • Should be expressive enough to express and answer
    problem solving queries such as planning queries,
    counterfactual queries, explanation queries and
    diagnostic queries.
  • Should have a simple and intuitive syntax so that
    domain experts (who may be non-computer
    scientists) can express knowledge using it.
  • Should have enough existing research (or building
    block results) about this language so that one
    does not have to start from scratch.
  • Should have interpreters or implementation of the
    language so that one can indeed represent and
    reason in this language. (I.e., it should not be
    just a theoretical language.)
  • Should have existing applications that have been
    built on this language so as to demonstrate the
    feasibility that applications can be indeed built
    using this language.

AnsProlog a suitable knowledge representation
and reasoning language
  • AnsProlog Programming in logic with answer sets
  • Syntax Set of statements of the form
  • A0 or or Ak ? B1, , Bm, not C1, not Cn.
  • Intuitive meaning of the above statement
  • If B1, , Bm is known to be true and C1, , Cn
    can be assumed to be false then at least one of
    A0 ,, Ak must be true.
  • Semantics
  • A set of atoms A is an answer set of a program P
    if A is the minimal model of the program PA
    obtained by using A to remove all literals of the
    form not C.
  • If C is in A then remove that rule and if C is
    not in A then remove not C from that rules body
  • a ? not b b ? not a a a ?

AnsProlog Program example illustrating
  • T1 fly(X) ? bird(X), not ab(X).
  • T2 bird(X) ? penguin(X).
  • T3 ab(X) ? penguin(X).
  • T4 bird(tweety).
  • T1, T2, T3, T4 fly(tweety).
  • T1, T2,T3, T4, penguin(tweety) fly(tweety).

Transitive Closure in AnsProlog
  • ancestor(X,Y) ? ancestor(X,Z), parent(Z,Y).
  • ancestor(X,Y) ? parent(X,Y).
  • parent(a,b).
  • parent(b,c).
  • parent(c,d).
  • parent(e,f).

Planning using AnsProlog
  • initially f. initially g. b causes f
    if g. a causes g. finally f.
  • ab is a plan that achieves the goal.
  • Planning All answer sets encode a plan.
  • Describing the initial state. holds(f,
    1). holds(g, 1).
  • Describing effect of actions.
  • holds(f,T1) ?occurs(b,T), holds(g,T).
  • holds(g,T1) ?occurs(a,T).
  • Describing what does not change.
  • holds(f,T1) ?holds(f,T), not
  • holds(f,T1) ?holds(f,T), not
  • Enumerating possible plans.
  • other-occurs(A,T) ?occurs(B,T), A \ B.
  • occurs(A,T) ? not other-occurs(A,T).
  • Eliminating answer sets which do not encode a

AnsProlog vs Prolog
  • Differences
  • Prolog is sensitive to ordering of rules and
    ordering of literals in the body of rules.
  • Inappropriate ordering leads to infinite loops.
    (Thus Prolog is not declarative hence not a
    knowledge representation language)
  • Prolog stumbles with recursion through negation
  • Similarities For certain subclasses Prolog can
    be thought of as a top-down engine for AnsProlog.

AnsProlog vs other KR R languages
  • AnsProlog has a simple syntax and semantics
  • Syntax has structure that allows defining
  • More expressive than propositional and
    first-order logic propositional AnsProlog is as
    expressive as default logic. Yet much simpler.
  • It has the largest body of support structure
    (theoretical results as well as implementations)
    among the various knowledge representation
  • Description logic comes close. But its focus is
    very narrow, namely representing and reasoning
    about ontologies.

Building blocks for AnsProlog
  • Subclasses and their properties.
  • Definite, normal, extended, disjunctive.
  • Acyclic, signed, stratified, call-consistent,
  • Properties
  • Existence of consistent answer sets.
  • Existence of unique answer sets.
  • Complexity of entailment.
  • Expressibility of the entailment relation.
  • Relation between the literals in an answer set
    and the program

Building blocks for AnsProlog- cont.
  • Transforming programs.
  • Equivalence of programs.
  • Formal relation with other languages. (classical
    logic, default logic, etc.)
  • Splitting programs modular analysis, and
    computation of answer sets.
  • Systematic building of programs from components
    program composition.

Examples of specific properties
  • Expressibility
  • Function-free AnsProlog without disjunctions P1P
  • Function-free AnsProlog P2 P.
  • AnsProlog P11
  • Relation between literals in an answer set and
    the program.
  • If f is in an answer set A of a program P,
    then there must be a rule in P such that
  • If an answer set A of a program P satisfies the
    body of a rule r of P then, the head of that

Some existing AnsProlog applications
  • Reasoning
  • Reasoning with incomplete information, default
  • Reasoning with preferences and priorities,
    inheritance hierarchies.
  • Declarative problem solving
  • Planning, job-shop scheduling, tournament
  • Abductive reasoning, explanation generations,
  • Combinatorial graph problems.
  • Combinatorial optimizations, combinatorial
  • Product configuration.
  • Software Engineering Specification is the
    program. (rapid prototyping)

Ilustration of Complex Query Answering
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