Title: CotatiRohnert Park Unified School District
1Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District
- 2007-2008
- Budget Discussion
2Budget Development - 101
- Why?
- When?
- Who?
- How?
- Required by State (Education Code 42127)
- On or before July 1st each year
- Board of Education must adopt the budget for the
next fiscal year (July 1st June 30th) and staff
must submit the budget and supporting
documentation to the County Office of Education
(Superintendent of Schools) for review and
approval, by August 15th. - If disapproved, District Board must resubmit
revised budget by September 8th. -
- First Step Determine what your beginning
balance will be (this should be the same as your
ending balance for the current year!) - Second Step Estimate what your revenue (income)
will be for the fiscal year - Third Step Estimate what your expenses will be
for the fiscal year - Fourth and Final Step Make sure you have
budgeted and can maintain the State required
minimum reserve levels (3 for districts our size)
- General Fund
- Unrestricted (37.3M)
- Restricted (Federal and State funded categoricals
40 Programs 18.6M) - Adult Education Fund(159k)
- Cafeteria Fund(1.5M)
- Reserve Fund
- Non-Capital Outlay (1.4M balance)
- Facilities, Construction and Infrastructure Funds
- Deferred Maintenance (795k)
- Building Fund (Bonds - 4.3M balance)
- Developer Fees Fund (1.3M balance)
- State Bond Fund (412k balance)
- Redevelopment Fund (200k balance)
5Comparing Budgets
- Districts Total Budget for 2007/2008 68M
- City of Rohnert Park 31.2 Million
- City of Cotati 5.1 Million
- General Fund budget of the District, excluding
all facilities, construction, deferred
maintenance, adult ed., cafeteria and reserve
funds is 55.9M, over 19.6M larger than the
combined Rohnert Park and Cotati general
operating budgets.
6Changes Since Second Interim Reported in March
- For the Unrestricted General Fund
- Revenues - 41,353,103 up 272,223
- Expenditures
- Salaries/Benefits -33,200,957 down 164,956
(savings from vacancies) - Supplies -658,766 up 236,568 (143k allocation
to cover 05/06 and 06/07 deficits in 6-12
athletic budgets) - Services -2,220,674 down 181,354 (reduced legal
expenses, some utility savings) - Equipment -92,008 down 6,500
- Transfer/Contributions-5,547,365 up 118,916
7Change in 2006/2007 Ending Balance
- As reported at Second Interim
- 2,561,476
- 1,742,441 Reserve
- 819,035 Balance
- As estimated at Budget Adoption
- 2,831,025
- 1,749,166 Reserve
- 1,081,859 Estimate Ending Balance above 3
minimum reserve level.
8Second Step Estimate Revenue for 2007/2008
- Over 91 of our unrestricted revenue is based on
our revenue limit calculation 36.8M - We will receive 32.11 each day an enrolled
student comes to school - This represents a 4.53 increase in funding
(COLA) approximately 1.40 more per pay - A student with perfect attendance will generate
5,778 in general fund revenue for the District - Because we are a declining enrollment District,
we can use last years attendance to calculate
our revenue for this year -
9Other Components of Unrestricted Revenue
- 357,212 for Intervention Programs (includes
summer school) - 1,838,114 to fund staffing for K-3 Class Size
Reduction - 801,338 in Unrestricted Lottery Funds
- Total Unrestricted Revenue 40,571,604
10Third Step in Budget Development Estimate
- Largest Component is the cost of salaries and
benefits - Active Employees Cost based on the various
bargaining agreements and uniform salary
schedules Scheduled increases in employee
salary based upon longevity and, in some cases,
additional educational units earned. - Active Certificated Salaries 20,984,032 up
210,612 - Salary schedule adjustment of 5 effective
03/01/2007 - Reduction of 14.4 Teaching Positions
11Salaries and Benefits continued.
- Active Classified Salaries (non-classroom based
support salaries) 3,748,448 up 16,246 - Salary schedule adjustment of 4 effective
07/01/2006 - Management and Non-represented employees also
received a 4 retroactive compensation increase.
12Premium Costs for Health Care
- Our two health care providers increased premiums
for 2007/2008 - Kaiser up 23.71
- Monthly premium 771.30 (90/10 split
694.17/77.13) - Health Net up 13.39
- Monthly premium 1,130.18 (90/10 split
1,017.17/113.01) - District will continue to cover the cost of 90
of employee vision, dental and life insurance
expense up to 175.86 per month - Active employee benefits cost 7,801,065 up
13Retiree Costs 2007/2008
- District provides health benefit coverage for
approximately 101 current retirees - For all employees, except SEIU, District covers
100 of retiree only medical premium - For SEIU classified employees, District covers
90 of retiree only medical premium - Kaiser rates are 384.68 per month
- Health Net rates are 687.21 per month
14Retiree Costs Early Retirement Incentive Plans
- District makes an annual payment of 735,859 into
a retirement annuity (PARS plan-Final Payment
2008/2009) - District purchases retirement credits and gives
cash payments, based on current contract
provisions, for certain retirees - Retiree costs for 07/08 1,413,889 (14k per
retiree) up 103,155 from 06/07 - Unfunded District liability estimated at just
over 13M.
15Operational Costs
- Supplies 662,394 up 3,628
- Technology - 200k
- School sites - 174k
- Grounds - 131k
- Services 2,311,867 up 91,193
- Utilities - 1.3M
- Property and Liability Insurance - 253k
- Communications/phones - 170k
- Purchases of 5,000 or greater are classified as
capital expenditures and are accounted for
separately - Capital costs 7,939 down 84,069
17Transfers Out/Transfers In
- Transfers to other Funds or other Agencies are
recorded in these accounts - Special Education Transportation (SCOE)
602,075 expense - Transfers from categorical programs the
collection of indirect charges are recorded in
these accounts - Indirect costs 248,822 revenue
- Transfers 371,383 (net out) down 1,002,735
- 06/07 transfer out includes 1,150,000 in
one-time mandated cost funds transferred to Fund
- Certain programs have historically been mandated
by State and Federal authorities but have never
been fully funded - These programs, and others, require a
contribution from the unrestricted General Fund
to remain viable - Special Education 3,880,447 up 305,072
- K-3 Class Size Reduction 270,923 up 145,367
- Home to School Transportation 248,227 up 12,880
- Restricted Maintenance -0- down 362,525
(contribution for 07/08 will come from
Redevelopment Fund and Bond Fund) - Total Contributions 4,462,237 up 163,434
19Budget Summary
- We have estimated our beginning balance
- 2,831,025
- We have calculated our revenues based on the
following assumptions - Revenue Limit 5,778 (4.53 COLA)
- Attendance (based on 06/07) 6,581 ADA
- Class Size Reduction income 1,071 class
- Lottery income 118.00 per annual ADA
- Revenue 40,571,604
20Budget Summary
- We have estimated our expenses based on the
following assumptions - Fewer students Reduced teaching staff 14.4 fte
- Employee salary increases, per uniform salary
schedule - Known medical premium increases of between
13-24 - No additional per student allocations for school
site supplies
21Budget Summary Designated Allocations/New
- In the ending balance for 2006/2007, 346,186 has
been designated to address the following issues - 200,000 - Technology improvements
- 73,141 District MAA/MediCal funds
- 40,947 Site Carryover Specific Projects
- 32,098 Adjustment to 06/07 RPCEA settlement
22Augmented Allocations
- Staff has increased the allocation for athletic
programs grades 6-12 as follows - Middle School Sports 47,173 up 30,173
- High School Sports 165,758 up 81,579.
- These increased allocations should cover the cost
of all coaching salaries and benefits and address
the required equipment safety and maintenance at
the high school level. With the construction of
the new stadium scheduled for Fall 2007, Athletic
Booster revenues from home games will not be
232007/2008 Expenses
- Salaries and benefits 33,911,434
- Supplies 662,394
- Services/other 2,311,867
- Capital 7,939
- Transfers 371,383
- Contributions 4,191,314
- Totals 41,456,331
24Reserve Requirement
- The 3 required reserve is based on all general
fund programs, not just the unrestricted portion
of the general fund - Our total projected budget on which the reserve
is calculated is estimated to be 55,896,608 - Our required reserve 1,676,899.
25District Maintains Required Reserve for 2007/2008
- Beginning Balance 2,831,025
- Plus revenues 40,571,604
- Minus expenses (41,456,331)
- Ending Balance 1,946,298
- Required Reserve 1,676,899
- Reserve for Cash 5,000
- Balance above reserve 264,399 up 259,646 from
Second Interim projections - Balance in Fund 17 can be counted as part of
District reserve.
26Categorical Program Summary
- Seven largest categorical programs operated by
the District - Special Education 10,697,752
- Restricted Maintenance 1,578,914
- School and Library 693,820
- Transportation 636,169
- Education Technology 591,909
- Art, Music, PE (one-time) 572,152
- Economic Impact 536,474
- Total Restricted General Fund 18,630,090
27Status of Categorical Programs
- Most categorical programs are funded based on
district enrollment or average daily attendance - As our enrollment drops, so does our funding
- Most categorical programs received the 4.53
COLA, dollars available are constant - Final funding for many categorical programs is
not known until late fall or winter we operate
programs under the assumption that funding will
be sufficient based on information received - It is not uncommon to have to eliminate staff or
reduce programs in the Spring due to shortfalls
in categorical funding - One-time funds can not be used to address
on-going program or staffing issues may only
allow District time for future planning.
28Other District Funds
29Construction Funds
30Reserve Funds
31Budget Summary and Future Action
- Board must adopt 2007-08 budget by July 1st
- Budget adoption scheduled for June 26th
- At that time, the following items are scheduled
to be discussed - Any substantive changes from the 07/08
preliminary budget projections - An expanded discussion of enrollment projections
- Multi-year projections and plans to address the
following issues - Budget reductions in 08/09 and 09/10
- Funding of the 3 Required Maintenance accounts
- Continued increase in health care costs and GASB
45 liability issues.