ABMS is the first private University in Switzerland to be part of EFQM (the European Foundation for Quality Management), for some people its known as "European Quality Award" or "EFQM Excellence Model".
ABMS is the first private University in Switzerland to be part of EFQM (the European Foundation for Quality Management), for some people its known as "European Quality Award" or "EFQM Excellence Model".
ABMS is the first private University in Switzerland to be part of EFQM (the European Foundation for Quality Management), for some people its known as "European Quality Award" or "EFQM Excellence Model"
M thodes, mesures, processus et syst mes utilis s pour suivre (to monitor) et ... GEM - EISTI - B. GUMB. 3. CPM Rappels. Deux mani res de raisonner : ...
Title: Laadunhallinta ja laatujohtaminen Last modified by: opettaja Created Date: 10/1/2001 6:29:47 AM Document presentation format: A4 Paper (210x297 mm)
Les parties prenantes attendent leur part de satisfaction. Les actionnaires, les Clients, les consommateurs, le personnel, ... Que faut-il apporter aux actionnaires ? ...