Title: An FSLRUCRR Proposal for AoR
1An FSL-RUC/RR Proposal for AoR
Stan Benjamin Dezso Devenyi Steve Weygandt John
M. Brown NOAA / FSL Help from NOHRSC/NWS
Chanhassen, MN - Tom Carroll, Don Cline, Greg
USWRP AoR Workshop 29 June 2004
2- Outline of proposal
- Combined approach
- Step 1. Full model-based 1-h (or less)
assimilation cycle at coarser resolution (e.g.,
20km (current RUC) ? 13km RUC ? 10km RR) - Step 2. Non-model downscaling using 1-2km
topography, land-use, roughness length,
land/water (e.g., NOHRSC 1km snow
analysis) - Step 3. Analysis w/ high-resolution observations
Mesonet/METAR inc. cloud/vis.., radar,
RUC analysis
1-2km downscaled grids
1-2km analysis
3- Advantages for FSL combined-approach AoR proposal
- Extension of existing and planned NCEP
operational products - Much less expensive for computer power than
full-model-downscaling - Can produce hourly AoRs within 30 min of valid
time - Builds on ongoing work to assimilate full
METAR/sfc obs - incl. ceiling, cloud levels, visibility, current
wx (dev RUC) - to be added to GSI for future Rapid Refresh and
other NCEP models - Builds on current hourly 1km CONUS downscaling
from National Operational Hydrologic Remote
Sensing Center (NOHRSC). Other downscaling
methods (e.g., PRISM) also applicable. - Builds on collaborative GSI development with
NCEP - Applicable to Eta/WRF-North American input as
well as RUC/WRF-Rapid Refresh (use ensemble
4- Outline of proposal
- Combined approach (sequential 3 steps)
- Step 1. Full model-based 1-h (or less)
assimilation cycle at coarser resolution (e.g.,
20km (current RUC) ? 13km RUC ? 10km RR) - Step 2. Non-model downscaling using 1-2km
topography, land-use, roughness length,
land/water (e.g., NOHRSC 1km snow
analysis) - Step 3. Analysis w/ high-resolution observations
Mesonet/METAR inc. cloud/vis.., radar,
RUC analysis
1-2km downscaled grids
1-2km analysis
5The 1-h Version of the Rapid Update Cycle at
NCEP model hierarchy RUC (1h frequency) ? Eta
(6h) ? Global (6h)
610km RUC 9-h forecast surface wind-speed and
barbs overlaid on sfc reports - valid 15z 28 Mar
Forecast max wind-speed 48 kts
7Verify RUC sfc fcsts against all U.S. sfc obs
10-m wind speed
SUM (AprSep) WIN (OctDec)
2-m temperature
0-h 1-h 3-h 6-h 9-h
RUC improves surface wind, temp skill down to
1-h fcst Much better than 1-h, 3-h persistence
Fcst Length
8PBL-based METAR assimilation Use METAR data
through PBL depth from 1h fcst
RUC oper analysis 18z 3 Apr 02 IAD
Effect of PBL-based METAR assimilation
9Assimilation of surface cloud, visibility,
current weather observations into RUC
Goal Modify hydrometeor, RH fields to 1)
force near match to current ceiling/vis obs when
passed through ceiling/vis translation
algorithms 2) improve short-range
predictions Running in real-time test since
Oct 2003 Clearing/building of RUC 3-d
hydrometeor fields Use QC with GOES and
radar Part of RUC cloud/precip analysis w/
GOES, radar, surface obs, background 1-h
10Cloud ceiling (m) RUC with and without
METAR cloud assimilation
Oper RUC - w/o METAR cloud assim
Diagnosed ceiling from RUC hydrometeors
18z Obs 17 Nov 2003
METAR Flight Rules
With METAR cloud assim
Corresponding Ceiling height - meters
11Cloud water mixing ratio (qc), ?
17z 27 Jan 04 analysis After assimilation
of METAR cloud obs
Background 1h fcst
12- Added assimilation of visibility obs - Feb 2004
- Use FG or BR reports from METARS
- Only when
- Precip is not also reported
- T-Td lt 1K
- Build at lowest 2 levels in RUC (5 m, 20 m)
13- Characteristics of RUC analysis appropriate for
AoR - Hourly mesoscale analysis (digital filter
essential) - Designed to fit observations (within expected
error) - (incl. Sfc 2m temp (as ?), dewpoint, altimeter,
wind ) - Consistent with full-physics 1-h forecast
- (most important in physics PBL, land-surface)
- (real-time testing at FSL in RUC20 and
RUC13) - Accounting for local PBL depth in assimilation
of surface data - Accounting of land-water contrast
- Assimilation of METAR cloud, vis, current wx
- Assimilation of full mesonet obs
- Assimilation of GPS PW, PBL profiler
- QC criteria for mesonet different than METARs
- Assimilation of hourly radar reflectivity/lightn
ing and GOES cloud-top data into initial fields
of 3-d hydrometeors (5 types)
14- Outline of proposal
- Combined approach
- Step 1. Full model-based 1-h (or less)
assimilation cycle at coarser resolution (e.g.,
20km (current RUC) ? 13km RUC ? 10km RR) - Step 2. Non-model downscaling using 1-2km
topography, land-use, roughness length,
land/water (e.g., NOHRSC 1km snow
analysis) - Step 3. Analysis w/ high-resolution observations
Mesonet/METAR inc. cloud/vis.., radar,
RUC analysis
1-2km downscaled grids
1-2km analysis
15National Snow Summary Weak upper-level ridging
over the West with weak surface lows continues to
bring warm but unsettled weather. Heat-of-the-day
scattered showers and thunderstorms continue
across the South. more ...
16NOHRSC Daily Snow Analysis
National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing
Center Chanhassen, Minnesota
17NOHRSC Hourly analyses at 1 km 1000z 29 June
2004 2m temp, RH - RUC Snow precip, non-snow
precip RUC (later corrected w/ obs) Surface
wind - RUC Solar radiation - GOES
Contour interval 5K
18NOHRSC Hourly analyses at 1 km 0600z 29 June
2004 2m temp, RH - RUC Snow precip, non-snow
precip - RUC Surface wind - RUC Solar
radiation - GOES
20Preprocessing Forcing Data (RUC20)
Full-Res (Internet)
21Downscaling Solar Radiation
GOES Two-Stream Solar Radiation 0.5 degree Direct
Beam and Diffuse Irradiance
22Preprocessing Update Data
23NOHRSC data- Boulder Snowstorm in Colorado
(18-19 March 2003)
RUC forcing
6 days
24Enhancements needed for NOHRSC-like downscaling
Wind speed downscaling -- Use u from model grid
scale to calculate wind speed at 1km grid scale
using 1km roughness length Other improved
downscaling? - PRISM - simple PBL/near-sfc
wind models -
Zo at 20km based on USGS 1km data
25- Outline of proposal
- Combined approach
- Step 1. Full model-based 1-h (or less)
assimilation cycle at coarser resolution (e.g.,
20km (current RUC) ? 13km RUC ? 10km RR) - Step 2. Non-model downscaling using 1-2km
topography, land-use, roughness length,
land/water (e.g., NOHRSC 1km snow
analysis) - Step 3. Analysis w/ high-resolution observations
Mesonet/METAR inc. cloud/vis.., radar,
RUC analysis
1-2km downscaled grids
1-2km analysis
26- STEP 3 1-2 km analysis w/ high-resolution
observations - Background 1-2km downscaled grids (from step
2). - (Step 2 grids are downscaled from Step 1 grids)
- Possible tools all fast analysis steps on 1-2km
scale - Barnes- or Bratseth-type analysis using
innovations (high-res obs minus results of
downscaling in step 2) - Simple, fast
- 2dVAR or 3dVAR of innovations, using wavelet or
digital-filter modeled covariances. (Problem is
mathematically better conditioned than standard
3dVAR, also parallelizable.) - Optimum interpolation (OI)
- Fast, reliable, easy to parallelize
- Ensemble Kalman filters
- also applicable in 3-step method proposed here
- RUC-like use of PBL height, cloud/radar/vis/curre
nt wx - Note RUC/GSI 3dvar also assimilate radial winds
27- Our position 3-d model component necessary for
AoR. - But what is the trade-off?
- Only way to allow physical consistency in
analysis fields for - topography
- land use (including land-water), land-sfc
parameterization - boundary-layer, cloud physics, radiation,
- Essential to produce best possible skill at grid
points between observations - Problem with model component for AoR
- Bias in favor of NDFD forecasts that are taken
from same model as used in AoR. - Brad Colman (and others) goal AoR should be
independent as possible from any given model - Our guarded hopes 1) Steps 2 and 3 will
provide independence from Step 1. 2) Step 1 can
have multiple models.
28- Advantages for FSL combined-approach AoR proposal
- Extension of existing and planned NCEP
operational products - Much less expensive for computer power than
full-model-downscaling - Can produce hourly AoRs within 30 min of valid
time - Build on ongoing work to assimilate full
METAR/sfc obs - incl. ceiling, cloud levels, visibility, current
wx (dev RUC) - to be added to GSI for future Rapid Refresh and
other NCEP models - Build on current hourly 1km CONUS downscaling
from National Operational Hydrologic Remote
Sensing Center (NOHRSC). Other downscaling
methods (e.g., PRISM) also applicable. - Builds on collaborative GSI development with
NCEP - Applicable to Eta/WRF-North American input as
well as RUC/WRF-Rapid Refresh (use ensemble