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Chemistry,physics,biology is the science branch concerned with the nature and characteristics of matter and energy. Physics is a subject of mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism and atom structure. Extramarks is an online learning platform that has the best Science study in ICSE Class 8. Students can obtain study materials from the Extramarks website. The website also contains the price package details.
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The company Extramarks Education was set up by Atul Kulshrestha in 2007. This provides learners with an internet teaching platform for high-quality educational content. It offers digital learning solutions to schools as well as students from classes KG to 12. It comprises of a multitude of modules and visual descriptions that make it appealing to students to explore the concept. Click on the link provided for ISC class 11 Economics question paper.
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The company Extramarks Education was set up by Atul Kulshrestha in 2007. This provides learners with an internet teaching platform for high-quality educational content. It offers digital learning solutions to schools as well as students from classes KG to 12. It comprises of a multitude of modules and visual descriptions that make it appealing to students to explore the concept. Click on the link provided for ISC class 11 Economics question paper.
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