Title: Is lockdown pushing education in a positive direction?
1Is lockdown pushing education in a positive
A few of you might think that COVID19 has done
everything wrong but when it comes to education
improvement could be seen. The latest education
articles are bombarded with how the system lacks
to provide quality education to students but here
is what you should know.
2Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
The social-emotional learning of the students
have increased. Earlier teachers would give equal
attention to all the students but now students
can dial their teachers anytime and they have to
be available for them.
Higher teacher well being
Teachers have to go through a lot of stress when
there are miscommunications regarding the
parents' teacher meetings or any other event with
the higher authorities when they are already
struggling to teach qualitative syllabus to
3One to one mentoring is possible
- In school unintentionally there are times when
teachers might not give enough attention to
individual students. Now teachers and students
are connected more than ever through social media
sites and groups which is a sign of growth.
4More autonomy of the syllabus
- COVID has presented a unique opportunity in
front of the teachers to make students study
accordingly. Their teaching methods can differ
but the syllabus could be decided by the
authorities themselves. It makes it easier for
the students to learn and implement.
5Students have their choices
- Students can now start their classes from their
bed and while eating their breakfast, there is no
one to ask them to behave. It might raise
questions that this is doing no good to them. But
waking up early and sleeping late was no good
sleep cycle they followed before.
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