You may have often seen Jew families entering the house, while touching and kissing the Mezuzah Jewish door ornament. They have a tradition to affix the doorpost of every living area of the house and the entrance door itself with the holy mezuzah.
The days have come when you are going to know the real secrets behind kissing the Jewish door symbol- “Mezuzah”. Kissing the mezuzah has turned out to be a well-known practice in 20th century.
There are still disputes going on among the posekim to know whether it is important to kiss this jewish door symbol or not! The Rabbi suggests that it is certainly required to kiss the mezuzah while entering or exiting the house. The stories have also given evidences that people used to kiss the holy mezuzah with their middle fingers. Now here comes the main question to deal with which is-
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Jewish Life in Pre-War Europe Jewish Life in Europe before the War What can we learn from photographs? Learning objectives: To draw information from a photograph to ...
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Jewish Holocaust Literature - 4 credits. Develops students' critical and analytical reading ability of Holocaust literature from the perspective of Jewish culture. ...
Learn about the signs and symbols which are traditional in Jewish religion and ... The Star of David. This Jewish symbol and it is the standard symbol in synagogues. ...
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In modern times, the Star of David has become a premier Jewish symbol. ... Signs of Success. Remember you are worthwhile whether you succeed or fail ...
SYMBOLS Star of David BELIEFS ... The couple make a written contract or promises together. This is called the Ketubah. A glass is broken to remind them that ...
Tallit and Tallit Katan Tallit Tallit Katan Jewish Calendar Combines solar and lunar features Hodesh that which is renewed Lunar month is 29.5 days; ...
Students are going to examine the history, beliefs, and practices of Judaism Examine the star above and be prepared to share with me what this symbol represents
Leaders of the Hebrews who made decisions for. the people, ... Festival of. Lights. What is. Hanukkah? Jewish Day. Of Atonement. What is. Yom Kippur? The only ...
In its most limited sense, 'Torah' refers to the Five Books of Moses: Genesis, ... But the word 'torah' can also be used to refer to the entire Jewish bible (the ...
Title: Slide 1 Last modified by: adesilva Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles: Arial Calibri Times New ...
... (And He called...) (Leviticus) Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) (Numbers) Devarim (The words...) (Deuteronomy) NEVI'IM (The Prophets): Yehoshua (Joshua ...
judaism definition, history, beliefs, sacred texts, sects-denominations, rites and observances, geographic distribution, vocabulary definition the word judaism has ...
Part five of the World Religions Series Presented by the A-B Tech Diversity Committee The Ark of the Covenant History Judaism traces its origins to the beginning of ...
1. Ark of the Covenant holds them. C. Claimed Canaan as their 'Promised Land' ... Kosher food no pork, no shell fish, no mixing of meat and dairy products. ...
... these Aramaic scriptures and parable stories into Greek? ... and new times of worship, all with ulterior motives of politics, power and mind control. ...
Need rooms, villa, hotels & resorts for Passover, Sukkot or any of the Jewish holidays? Then contact us now! If you are planning a vacation then, visit or Kosher Anguilla at ANY time during or just let us know the details
( Portes 1995) From a distance it might appear that the new ... Today one has to search very heard to find signs of their eighty-year long dominance. ...
It is not about wearing clean clothes only. It is also about having a clean heart. Well we can help you with that. Our Jewish prayer Shawl brings within you a sense of spirituality and you feel connected to the Lord.
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Imagine entering home you feeling an amazing sense of connection with God. The inspiring kosher mezuzah scroll for sale includes the beauty and depth that brings divine power to your place. This blessing in your home is a life changing experience for you and your family.
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It is not about wearing clean clothes only. It is also about having a clean heart. Well we can help you with that. Our Jewish prayer Shawl brings within you a sense of spirituality and you feel connected to the Lord.
They believed in one all-knowing, all-powerful god who was present everywhere. ... Breaking of the Glass: the groom stomps on a bottle with his right foot, ...
The Star of David – this is symbol of Judaism. A six-pointed figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangles, used as a Jewish and Israeli symbol – the Star of David is a statement of faith for men and women, in form of jewelry products and accessories. For more details; visit
The Bible Land Shop welcomes you to a world of spiritual gifts. Love of the Holy Land and its unique spirit were the driving forces behind the creation of this online store, and they are still reflected in the wide variety of our fine products such as Menorahs, Kabbalah books and CDs, Kiddush Cups, Mezuzahs, Tallitot and more. These items all portray the culture, tradition, festivals and lifestyle of the Jewish people and their ancient homeland.