Finally, Overreach: Blood of Patriots is now available from the Apple store and on Kindle from Amazon. Thanks to everyone who has already purchased a book from Amazon, may I ask another favor? Would you please consider leaving a review on Amazon? Reviews are critical at this stage of marketing; any consideration will be greatly appreciated.
As your employer, the U.S. Citizens submit this counseling statement to all individuals seeking election. Overall, employee performance the past decade has been dis-satisfactory and requires immediate improvement. Learn more at
As your employer, the U.S. Citizens submit this counseling statement to all individuals seeking election. Overall, employee performance the past decade has been dissatis factory and requires immediate improvement.
JD Ludwig recently published his first novel Overreach: Blood of Patriots. Overreach is a Political Thriller based in the near future and tells the story of a power hungry president, an insidious government agency that spies on its citizens, blackmail, murder, and ultimately a 2nd Revolutionary War. You can easily buy this book in Amazon, just view author Amazon profile: