Week 4 Lectures November 2001 Microbial Ecology and Geochemical Cycles This Week s Lecture Microbial Ecology Importance of Oxic/Anoxic Environment Geochemical ...
Phosphorus and Nitrogen ... This recycling is termed Internal Loading Lake sediments can trap P under oxic conditions or release P under anoxic conditions P diffusion ...
Depth and stability of oxic-anoxic interface can affect structure of beach infauna ... detect gravity and help animals to orient correctly within sediments ...
... complexated in organic matter is oxidize the organic matter by sulfide-reducing bacteria. ... In oxic conditions I(I) is oxidized to I(V) as IO3 ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Malcolm Francis Last modified by: SLB Created Date: 2/26/2000 12:05:08 PM Document presentation format: Letter Paper (8.5x11 in)
P uptake and storage in epilimnion. Remineralization of P in hypolimnion ... Binding of free PO43- with Fe3 in both epilimnion and hypolimnion. P in eutrophic lakes ...
1.Lower free energy yields from suboxic respiration ... Denitrification is the primary mode of organic matter respiration in marine suboxic waters. ...
Stochastic Synthesis of Natural Organic Matter Steve Cabaniss, UNM Greg Madey, Patricia Maurice, Yingping Huang, Xiaorong Xiang, UND Laura Leff, Ola Olapade KSU
Laterite generic term for Fe-enriched and cemented materials in ... (Molokai series) - Hawaii. Key properties of Oxisols: Low ( 10%) weatherable minerals ...
tropical areas with lots of leaching. O, A, Bt1, Bt2, Bt3, C. 9 ... Common in tropical areas with high. rainfall, stable landscape. 8% Worldwide 1% US ...
Cation, therefore adsorbed on CEC. Won't leach or denitrify. Can be fixed in certain clay minerals micaceous clays. Plant uptake. Very common source of N ...
Using Heavy Isotopes in Marine Barite to Characterize Ocean Chemistry Changes Andrea M. Erhardt Stanford University University of California - Santa Cruz
Efectos del entrenamiento sobre el sistema glucol tico - ACT. FOSFORILASA Y EXOKINASA ... Resp: 1) SNC: corteza, bulbo. 2) M.R. cv. o pulm. 3) Q.R. c. y p. 4) ...
Times New Roman Perpetua Monotype Sorts Arial Narrow AvantGarde Bk BT bludiags Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Retrofit for Ammonia and Nitrate Removal Phase 2 Project ...
... Analysis of the species diversity, community structure and phylogeny of micro-organisms and meiofauna in Mediterranean Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Brines ...
BIODEEP IMBC involvement WP 3: Analysis of the species diversity, community structure and phylogeny of micro-organisms and meiofauna in Mediterranean Deep ...
... given saturation CaCO3 burial efficiency is ~ constant At given sat., but decreases with Decreasing bw. saturation mde ~ constant at given sat., ...
University of Essex BIODEEP-WP4 Determination of the distribution, taxonomy and diversity of micro-organisms from DHABs, and isolation of strains with ...
... H2S AND OTHER DISSOLVED REDUCED SULFUR SPECIES IN THE ... a number of questions about the interaction of oxygen with sulfide and ... method [voltammetric ...
See examples of the importance of redox reactions to aqueous geochemistry. ... electroactive, i.e., they do not oxidize or reduce readily at the electrode surface. ...
... Sea through the Bosporus Strait should be extremely important ... To obtain detailed information on sulfur speciation, primarily, near the Bosporus Strait. ...
Includes Not just the Soil, but any Near-surface Material Affected by Weathering. ... 'Layers' Better Known as Soil Horizons. Soil Profile Coincides with Zones I ...
1Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, France ... 3Northeast Science Station, Cherskii, Russia. Permafrost. 22.8 millions km2 ...
Diagnostic Subsurface Horizons Usually (but not always) B horizons There are many of them in Soil Taxonomy (30+) Horizons of translocation: movement of material
Seasonal P. Concentrations in. Epilmnion. Forms of P in Seds ... Seasonal Dynamics. Low Fe, Mn in epilimnion. Buildup in anoxic hypolimnion first of Mn, then Fe ...
Hypothesis 1: Sediments and sinking flux of particulate matter reflect ... Hypothesis 3: Hydrography is directly related to regional wind variability, with ...
pe for an electron transfer between a redox couple analagous to pK between ... electrode can become poisoned by sulfide, etc. Figure 5-6 from Kehew (2001) ...
Wastewater, Pesticides, herbicides, petrochemicals and products (eg. ... used by oil industry to destroy oily wastes, also used for sludges from sewage ...
Anoxic conditions appear in the Lake mostly in summer months as result of ... and benthic decay of organic detritus accumulated from plankton blooms which ...
Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds. Atoms and molecules react with one another to become more stable. Atoms become more stable by either gaining/losing electrons ...
Electrochemical Phenomena Eh and pE Approaches Redox Reactions pE-pH Diagrams Flooded Soils Eh and pE Approaches aA + bB = cC + dD + ne K = (C)c (D)d / (A)a (B)b ...
Redox reactions require an oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) and reductant (electron donor) ... This equation says that O2 can readily oxidize Fe2 at acid pH values ...
Soils are formed from rock, loose unconsolidated materials (may be transported) ... Water (rain and irrigation) ... earthworms) Micro-organisms (extremely important) ...
Desiccation. Radiation: x-rays or gamma rays. UV. CHEMICAL CONTROL ... Antibiotic resistance - Kirby-Bauer or sensitivity disc assay. Antiviral drug targets ...
Apoptosis is major effect of p53. Escape from senescence. Cell aging does not occur. ... most have the same sensitivity within a fairly narrow range (D0 ~ 1.5-2.0 Gy) ...