Title: P1252428425RuXnN
1Aligarh Muslim University
Antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa oil
against multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas
aerugenosa from clinical specimens. Mohd.
Tariq Salman, Rahat Ali Khan and Indu
Shukla Departments of Pharmacology and
Microbiology Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
- Traditional healers have long used plants to
prevent/cure infective conditions. - Nigella sativa L. (Kalonji) has been used for
centuries for treatment of various ailments,
including infections. - Its seeds, commonly used in recipes in Asian
countries are reported to possess many medicinal
properties. - Its crude extracts, oil possess antibacterial
activity against many pathogenic bacteria. - Objective To study effect of N. sativa essential
oil against standard and multidrug resistant
strains of Pseudomonas aerugenosa.
3Materials and Methods
- N. Sativa oil (Mohammedia products, Hyderabad)
tested in various dilutions by disc agar
diffusion technique using impregnated filter
paper discs on inoculated Muellar Hinton agar
plates against P. Aerugenosa (ATCC 27853 and NCTC
10662) and 22 clinical isolates of pseudomonas
obtained from pus, blood, ear discharge and
conjunctival swab of patients attending J.N.M.C.
Hospital, Aligarh during 2003 2004. - Out of the clinical isolates taken, 3 were
resistant to 2-4 antibiotics, 6 to 5-7
antibiotics, 8 to 8-10 antibiotics and 5 to 11-13
antibiotics. - Resistance was highest for Ampicillin,
Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Ceftazidime,
Cefotaxime, Ofloxacin and Ceftriaxone.
4Observations Effect of N. sativa oil against
standard strains. (Mean diameters of zones of
inhibition in mm around 6 mm discs impregnated
with Oil or commercial diagnostic antibiotic
sensitivity testing disc)
Conc./disc Diameters of zones of inhibition in mm Diameters of zones of inhibition in mm
Conc./disc P. aerugenosa (NCTC 10662) P. aerugenosa (ATCC 27853)
11 25 24
110 20 20
150 19 20
1100 12 -
Ethylene glycol - -
Ampicillin (10µg/disc) 16 -
5Effect of N. sativa oil against clinical
isolates Mean diameters of zones of inhibition
in mm around 6 mm discs impregnated with Oil
S.no Source Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Sensitivity to antibiotics Sensitivity to antibiotics
S.no Source 11 110 150 Sensitive to Resistant to
1 Pus 18 - - A, I G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz, O
2 Pus - - - - A, G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz,O, I
3 Pus 8 - - Ak A, G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz,O, I
4 Pus 8 - - - A, G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz,O, I
5 Pus 8 7 - Ak A, G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz,O, I
6 Blood 12 10 8 Cp A, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz
6 S.no Source Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Sensitivity to antibiotics Sensitivity to antibiotics
S.no Source 11 110 150 Sensitive to Resistant to
7 Blood 8 - - Ctr, Ctz, O, P A, G, T, Cp, Ak, Ctx, Cpz, To, I
8 Blood - - - G, P, I A, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz, To
9 Pus 12 12 - G, Ak, Ctz, I Cp, Ctz, Cpz
10 Blood - - - Az, I G, Cp, Ak, Ctz, Cpz
11 Pus - - - - A, G, Co, R, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Clr, To, O, Gt, S
12 Pus - - - - A, G, Co, T, Ak, To, O, Gt
13 Cx - - - To A, G, Co, T, Cp, Ak
14 Ear - - - A, G, Ak, To Co, T, Cp, O
15 Pus - - - - A, G, Co, R, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Clr, To, S
16 Pus - - - - A, G, Co, R, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Clr, To, S
7 S.no Source Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Conc. Of oil in disc Sensitivity to antibiotics Sensitivity to antibiotics
S.no Source 11 110 150 Sensitive to Resistant to
17 Pus - - - Ctz A, G, Co, R, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctx, Clr, To, O, S
18 Pus 12 9 - Ctz G, Co, Cp, Ak, To, O
19 Pus 10 9 - G, Ctz, I Cp, Ak, Cpz, O
20 Pus 10 - - Ak, Cpz A, G, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, O, I
21 Pus 12 - - Ctr A, G, Co, T, Cp, Ak, Ctz, Clr, O, Gt, S
22 Pus 12 12 - G, P A, T, Cp, Ak, Ctr, Ctz, Ctx, Cpz, To,
A- Ampicillin, Ak- Amikacin, Co- Cotrimoxazole,
Clr- Cefaclor, Cp- Ciprofloxacin, Cpz-
Cefoperazone, Ctr- Ceftriaxone, Ctx- Cefotaxime,
Ctz- Ceftazidime, G- Gentamicin, Gt-
Gatifloxacin, I- Imipenem, O- Ofloxacin, P-
Piperacillin, R- Roxithromicin, S- Sparfloxacin,
T- Tetracycline, To- Tobramycin,
8 ResultsActivity of N. sativa oil was seen
- upto a dilution of 150 and 1100 respectively
against P. aerugenosa ATCC 27853 and NCTC 10662 - upto 150 dilution against 1 strain resistant to
6 antibiotics. - upto 110 dilution against 5 strains resistant to
2-11 antibiotics. - in undiluted state against 6 strains resistant to
6-11 antibiotics. - Conclusion N. sativa oil is active against
standard as well as multi-drug resistant strains
of P. aerugenosa and may be used therapeutically
in susceptible cases.