Title: United Nations Development Program Building Regional HIV Resilience RAS02200A0134
1 United Nations Development Program Building
Regional HIV Resilience RAS/02/200/A/01/34
- Governments of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia,
China, East Timor, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
2- Project Duration
- Sep 2003-Aug 2006 (China )
- Project Provinces
- Yunnan , Guangxi, Gansu, Guangdong
- Total Project Budget
- 1. Core resource for the initial two years
- US1,500,000.
- 2. Core resources for the last two year
- Dependent on the amount of resources
assigned to the - RBAP Regional Program
3Program Strategy
- a) Promoting an enabling policy environment
through - improved governance
- b) Capacity building for mobility systems to
facilitate - multi- sectoral development .
- .
- c) Building community HIV resilience through
fostering - multisectoral partnerships and
integrating gender, - decimalization and GIPA to HIV
prevention, within a - framework of linking source, transit and
host communities.
4Development Objective
- To strengthen regional HIV resilience
by mitigating socio-economic impact associated
with development related mobility system
5Immediate Objective
- Promotion of enabling policy environment at
community and regional levels - Strengthened sub regional multi-sectoral capacity
to response to reducing mobility system related
HIN vulnerability - Strengthened community resilience to the causes
and socio-economic consequences of HIV.
6Activities for immediate objective one
(Promotion of enabling policy environment at
community and regional levels)
- Translate, produce and disseminate the MOU and
joint action framework (JAP) signed by the
countries which forms the policy framework for
the region on mobility responses to HIV
vulnerability reduction into languages of each
signing country. - Facilitate and promote cross-border HIV
vulnerability reduction joint actions through
developing joint responses and monitoring and
evaluation of activities in partnership with
different partners - Facilitate inter-country consultation and
coordination by clusters to operational ise
monitor collaborative actions including policy
advocacy - Convene, formulate terms of reference (TORs), and
work program for the United Nations Regional Task
Force on Mobility and HIV Vulnerability Reduction
together with selected and invited members. - Organize annual program steering committee
meeting including annual review, preparation of
reports and wor kplan for steering committee
7Activities for immediate objective
Two(Strengthened sub regional multi-sectoral
capacity to response to reducing mobility system
related HIN vulnerability )
- Expert consultation to devise early warning rapid
response mechanisms taking into account gender,
socio-economic vulnerability factors, stigma and
using appropriate technologies - Develop and conduct training to build capacities
within the subregion to implement EWRR mechanisms
- Based on analysis findings from 2.1 to identify
innovative ways to mainstream HIV prevention into
the sectors and identify, further develop and
document useful tools - Trials of these innovations and document
experiences - Develop and conduct training to build subregional
multisectoral capacity using the tools developed - Develop costing methods for mobility and
development related HIV vulnerabilities and its
reduction responses. - Develop training course and conduct training on
costing methods for strategic planning of
mobility related HIV vulnerability reduction
responses (RRF activity 2.3.2). - Technical advisory services to countries
regions to address mobility related HIV
vulnerability reduction
8Activities for immediate objective
Three(Strengthened community resilience to the
causes and socio-economic consequences of HIV)
- Identify, analyze and document effective
approaches in building community resilience to
HIV and mitigate mobility related socio-economic,
cultural and psychological impact, integrating
gender, GIPA and governance - Develop and conduct regional training to build
community capacity for good practices of
community resilience adapted for location
conditions - Disseminate, through technical assistance on
the topics of governance, gender, trafficking,
poverty reduction, U
9Monitoring and Evaluation Follow UNDPs
standard and updated procedures for review,
reporting, monitoring and outcome evaluation
10Contact Information
- Dr. Leenah Hsu
- UNDP South-East Asia HIV and Development
ProgramUnited Nations Building, Raidamnern Nok
Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.Tel.
662-288-2205Fax 662-280-1852e- mail