Title: SAF01Jan 04
1Florida International University
Student Administration Fundamentals
2SA Fundamentals Agenda
- Basic Concepts and Terminology
- Introduction to Page Features
- What the system looks like
- Hands-on practice
- Questions ? ? ?
3By the end of class you will...
- Be familiar with basic PeopleSoft concepts, pages
and terminology - Navigate through the system by using the menu bar
and components to get to the pages (screens)
4Whats Changing
- The data is now housed at FIU - in the same
system - Users share the data and responsibility
- On the web unprecedented access
- Effective dates we have history!
- Multiple types of data more than one address,
phone and email
5Briefly, What Does it Do?
6PeopleSoft Terminology Concepts
7Relational Database(Tables - for non-techies)
8Table Structure
- All data is stored in a series of tables like
lots of spreadsheets - Heres an example of a table of data for
address-related information
- Information about a student - a record
9Table Structure
- Multiple tables contain all the information
(data) - The system uses a unique KEY field to connect the
tables - Primary Keys and Alternate Keys used for
10Table Structure
- The most common KEY is the ID
Personal Data Table
Student Career Table
11How Does This Apply to PeopleSoft?
12Alternate Key
Mike Student
Field (Column)
Data (Row)
13Academic Structure has a New Look . . .
- In the legacy system . . .
- A students academic objective is identified
using - Student Classification
- Major Code
14In PantherSoft . . .
- A students academic objective(s) are identified
using - Academic Career
- Academic Program
- Academic Plan
- Academic Sub-Plan (optional)
Graduate Health Urban Affairs
Physical Therapy
UGRD Undergraduate GRAD Graduate LAW
Law CNED Continuing Education (CAPS)
17Program Coding Structure
GRMHU GR level Graduate M degree
level Master HU college College of Health
Urban Affairs
19Why Its Important
- Garbage In . . . Garbage Out
- Squeaky-clean start
- Converted 400,000 clean Bio-demo records
- FIU policy always search thoroughly before
adding a new individual or organization - Possibility for duplicates
- Makes your life easier in long run you own the
20Find An Existing Value
- There are two kinds of searches
- Basic - uses one Primary Key to search
- Advanced - allows Alternate Keys to search
- Lets see them . . .
21Basic Search Page
Primary Search Key
To go through results max 300
Accepts partial values
Results all start with 1031
Click the hyperlink to go to your data
22Advanced Search Page
Primary Search Key
Clear all fields on the page to use new criteria
Click any hyperlink to go immediately to the
value you need
Click Search to display the results
23Search Results
- Taken directly to record if exact match
- Search Results List displays with records that
matched your search criteria - Up to 300 results per search
- Expand or narrow search, as necessary
- Search navigation buttons help you go through the
results list - Search/Match feature separate class
25Maintaining History
- In general, FIU hasnt been able to maintain
historical records in its systems - PeopleSoft changes that . . .
- Effective dates allow us to view historical data,
view changes over time and store future data
26Types of Effective Dates
- Historical
- Rows that are effective BEFORE the current row
of information - Current
- Row that is EQUAL or LESS THAN today
- Future
- Row that is AFTER today
27Student Address Record Today is 02/15/04
28Another way to look at them
System Date (Today)
Current Row ( Today)
History Rows (lt Current Row)
Future Rows (gt Today)
29Action Types
Based on your security profile
30Action Types
Based on your security profile
31Effective Dates Action Types Tie Them
32Effective Dates and Action Types
33Cool Effective Date Stuff
- You can make changes at any time before they are
effective system knows - When you insert a new row, the system copies the
existing data and uses todays date just make
your changes - Never delete an effective-dated row
36Effective Date Group Activities Assume today is
February 1, 2004. We are looking at the marital
status record for Pedro Gonzalez. Identify the
correct effective date category for each of the
effective-dated rows in the table
below. Categories are History, Current or
37(No Transcript)
38Exercise Review
39AnswersToday is Feb 1, 2004
41Service Indicator Icons
- Service Indicators - new term for Holds
- Negative Service Indicators
- Usually restricts service (an impact)
- Placed manually or via batch
- Students can see in SA Self-Service
42Service Indicator Icons
- Positive Service Indicators
- Informational no impact
- Students dont see in SA Self-Service
- Placed manually
43FERPA Icon
- Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- A student may prohibit disclosure of releasable
information - FIU must not release or publish restricted
- When you see you know some information is
restricted. If you dont see the icon no
- Click and read BEFORE releasing any information
- When in doubt - ASK
44Positive Service Indicator
FERPA Indicator
Mike Student
Negative Service Indicator
45Warnings Errors
- Something doesnt make sense to the system
- Allows you to continue but NEVER click OK
without understanding every warning message - Click Cancel to research before updating
- Ask your supervisor, click to get to
PeopleBooks or call 305-348-2284 the Call
Hints to Fix
Click on CANCEL and investigate the message or
ask for interpretation.
Click OK to continue if you understand the
- STOP - Must resolve to continue
- Usually tells you what you need to do
- Click OK
- Correct the error
- Ask your supervisor, click to get to
PeopleBooks or call 305-348-2284 the Call
49Error Message and Action
Mike Student
Only way out You must fix the error, use Help or
51Lets Look at the System
- Click Sign In Button or Press Enter
53Your User ID and Password
- Is case-sensitive
- Sets your user profile and default values
- Links to your security access controls what you
can see and do - Keep it confidential
- Starts an audit trail for all your transactions
in the system
54Expired Connection
- For security reasons, PeopleSoft will
automatically log you off after 30 minutes of
inactivity - Before you are logged off, youll get a warning
- If youre logged off, use the hyperlink to return
to the PeopleSoft Sign In page - If you get timed-out you lose any work you
havent SAVED.
56(No Transcript)
57Navigational Structure
- Uses basic internet browser features
- Home Page and Menus
- Hyperlinks are like push buttons only press
them once - Plus signs and Minus signs to expand or collapse
menus - Only click ONCE in a browser
58Important Browser Donts
- Very Important - when working in PeopleSoft
- Dont use the BACK or FORWARD button
- Dont use the REFRESH button
- Dont use FilegtNew Window
- Dont double-click
59Plus Sign () expands menu
60Breadcrumbs How you got here
Menu Bar Items Functions available
Negative Sign (-) collapses menu
Menus Specific business processes
Menu Groups - Functional Business Processes
61Menu Bar Choices
62Components where you perform specific actions
may be a single or multiple pages
63Page Features
64Page Features
65Page Features
66Page Features
67Page Features
68Page Features
- Grid
- Entry fields like a spreadsheet
- Add or Delete buttons for each row
Add a Row of data
Delete a Row of data
69Folder Tabs
Drop Down Calendar
Add / Delete Buttons
Edit Box
Drop Down Arrow
Check Box
Edit w/ Prompt
Page Hyperlinks
Required Field
71Group ActivityName the Features
72 Add / Delete Rows
Drop Down Calendar
Folder Tabs
Edit Box
Drop Down Arrow
View All
Check Box
Edit Box w/ Prompt
Page Hyperlinks
Required Field
74Lets Log On
75Terms and Keystroke Tips...
- Youll hear
- Tab out
- Grayed out
- Click dropdown
- Click magnifying glass
- Click View All
- F11 Makes page bigger
- Alt1 Goes to button
76Signing in to PantherSoft
- Just like opening a secured page on a web site on
the internet - Enter the URL (uniform resource locator) in the
browser to open the site - or click on the shortcut placed on your desktop
77Logging on to PantherSoft
User ID TRAIN?? Password TRAIN?? ENTER