- A look at how reports from Client Services Data
Warehouse can help you.
2What is the Client Services Data Warehouse?
- A data warehouse is a database geared towards the
business intelligence requirements of an
organization. The data warehouse integrates data
from the various operational systems and is
typically loaded from these systems at regular
intervals. Data warehouses contain historical
information that enables analysis of business
performance over time.
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4What is the Client Services Data Warehouse?
- In English-A Data Warehouse is a giant
repository of information. Our Data Warehouse
contains information from FSIS, LIEAP, EIS, CSE,
Public Health, Mental Health, DCD, Child Welfare
and other systems.
5How do I use it?
- Data warehouse users can run reports on the
information. Reports are created by writing a
query. - A query is an object that requests information
from a database and creates a dataset (report) of
the requested information
6How do I use it?
- The State Office has created some standard
reports that can be accessed by all users. - These reports are updated on a monthly or a daily
7Lets review some of those reports.
- But first.how do I find those reports.
8Logging into the Data Warehouse
- http//www.csdw.dhhs.state.nc.us
9Logging into the Data Warehouse
10Logging into the Data Warehouse
11Locating State Sanctioned Reports
12Locating State Sanctioned Reports
13Locating State Sanctioned Reports
14Locating State Sanctioned Reports
15Locating State Sanctioned Reports
16Locating State Sanctioned Reports
17Locating State Sanctioned Reports
To run a report, click on the words of the title
of the report. A prompt box will appear
18Running State Sanctioned Reports
When the prompt box appears, double click on the
correct information, then click run query.
19Running State Sanctioned Reports
20 21 22 23 24- 280.09 UTILITY EXPENSES
- Allow as a shelter deduction any utility expenses
that are identified separately from a rent or
mortgage payment. - A. Allowable Utility Expenses
- 1. Heating and cooling expenses
- 2. Electricity
- 3. Cooking fuel
- 4. Water and sewage
- 5. Garbage and trash collection fees and
- 6. The basic service fees for one telephone,
including the basic phone service rate
telecommunication relay charge federal and State
taxes Emergency 911 access fee long distance
access fees and all FCC charges. - NOTE Use verified utilities for the month prior
to the month of application or recertification as
long as the deduction is representative of the
ongoing deduction.
25 26- FNS 550 Transitional Food and Nutrition Services
Benefits - Change 1-2008
- January 1, 2008
BENEFITS - Transitional Food and Nutrition Services (TFNS)
benefits are five months of extended FNS benefits
for families who become ineligible to receive
Work First Family Assistance (WFFA). Most FNS
units are eligible to receive TFNS benefits for a
period of five months when WFFA terminates. This
includes WFFA open/shut cases. A face-to-face
recertification must be done with each TFNS unit
during the last month of the certification
period. A TFNS unit cannot be recertified as a
BENEFITS ELIGIBILITY - A. There are only a few situations in which a
household cannot receive TFNS. Those situations
are as follows - 1. The FNS unit contains a member who is
currently disqualified from the Food and
Nutrition Services Program and/or WFFA or - 2. The FNS unit loses WFFA for any of the
following reasons - a. The WFFA case closes due to the following
sanctions Failure to cooperate with Child
Support Enforcement and Non-compliance with the
provisions of the Mutual Responsibility Agreement
(MRA) or - b. The WFFA Unit moves out of North Carolina or
- c. The WFFA Unit moves to another county in North
Carolina or - d. The FNS unit was receiving more than one WFFA
payment prior to the WFFA termination and at
least one WFFA payment is still being received. - 3. The FNS unit is over the Food and Nutrition
Services gross income limits due to the loss of
categorically eligible status. - 4. The WFFA case is approved as a Benefit
Diversion case. - B. The following policies and procedures are
important when transferring cases to TFNS - 1. Take action within 10 calendar days of
notification of WFFA termination. - 2. Use the date the DSS-8125 was processed in EIS
to terminate the WFFA case as the date the change
was known to WFFA. - 3. Add ten calendar days for Food and Nutrition
Services to act to determine the initial
transitional month.
27- Sharing information between units in DSS is an
age old problem. FNS staff routinely complain
that the WFFA staff do not send 8194's as
required. Cases not going to TFS is a BIG reason
counties have been put on corrective action when
a ME is done. Having the following Data Warehouse
report allows the FNS worker to be aware of
changes to the WFFA case without having to wait
on the 8194. Supervisors can use this report to
ensure proper action was taken.
28 Work First Daily Transfers and Terminations for
Active FS Cases
29How do I find out what the change reason code
- You can look it up in Metadata.
- What is Metadata?
- Metadata is, very simply, the definition of data.
It is the explanation of what a code means.
30 31 32 33 34 35- Our agency has a corrective action plan that
states we will 2nd party every case with an alien
member in the household. - OR
- I need to spot check these cases to ensure that
an Alien Worksheet has been completed at
application/recertification. - How can I get a list of those cases?
36 37- I need to send a letter to all of the FNS
recipients assigned to a specific worker. Will
Data Warehouse help me? - OR
- My county sends out our own appointment letters
for recertifications. Will Data Warehouse help
me? - YES!!
- Heres an example of an appointment letter
developed using mail merge and the report
Recerts Due with Client Addresses.
38- Step 1 Run the Recerts Due With Client
Addresses) - Step 2 Download it as a CSV file into EXCEL.
- Step 3 Save the document.
- Step 4 Set up your letter in WORD.
- Step 5 Activate the Mail Merge process.
- Step 6 Insert the fields from the CSV file.
- Step 7 Run and print your letter.
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41I supervise Program Integrity. What about that
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46What if I need a report that is not in the State
Sanctioned list?
- You can easily create ad hoc reports customized
to your specific needs. - Here are some examples
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51How do I get Training?
Trainings are offered quarterly in Raleigh and
occasionally throughout the state. The training
schedule for the Raleigh location can be found
at http//www.csdw.training.dhhs.state.nc.us/defau
lt.asp July 22nd Room for 12 more September
23rd Space Available November 18th Space
52How do I sign up for training?
53How do I sign up for training?
54How do I sign up for training?
55How do I sign up for training?
56Users Guides
57Users Guides
58Users Guides
59What if I need help?
Our DataWarehouse help desk is available 800
500 Monday thru Friday. 919-855-3200 Option