Compound Sentences Complex Sentences Compound Sentences Compound sentences - formed when 2 complete sentences (independent clauses) are joined together with a ...
Learning Objective: combine sentences to make simple sentences What are we doing today? Combine sentences to make a simple sentence Simple Sentence: has a subject and ...
Sentences Sentences A sentence is a group of words that states a complete idea. Punctuating Sentences Sentences begin with capital letters... Fragments A fragment is ...
Sentences What are sentences? How can we make them properly? What do you need for a sentence? Subject: person or thing to do an action Predicate: the action (verb ...
Conditional sentences Contrary to fact conditional sentences use the subjunctive. finis Conditional sentences Contrary to fact conditional sentences use the ...
Sentences: Sentences can be classified in many ways, and it s helpful to consider the potential effect a particular type of sentence might have on a reader in a ...
Sentences A sentence must have a subject and a predicate a noun and a verb. Noun + Verb Rats peered. Noun Verb sentences To add interest to your sentences, you can ...
CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSE: A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. IT MUST CONTAIN A SUBJECT AND A VERB!
Complex Sentences CX Standard *Transition Standard* ELACC7L1b: Chooses among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing ...
Combining Sentences One plus one equals one. Combining Sentences Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or more shorter sentences.
Complete Sentences Language Arts Mrs. Cochren Complete Sentences A complete sentence has a subject and a predicate that work together to make a complete thought.
Combining Sentences One plus one equals one. Combining Sentences Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or more shorter sentences.
Complex Sentences I was stretched on my back my arms hanging off the bed thinking about the weekend. Now you try!!! * Parts of a Complex Sentence ONE independent ...
Combining Sentences One plus one equals one. Combining Sentences Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or more shorter sentences.
Combining Sentences with Words or Phrases Short Sentences Hot air balloons can be made of nylon. They can be made of acrylic. They can be made of polyester.
Combining Sentences One plus one equals one. Language Book Pages 460 Notes What new notes did you take? Exercise 4 Odds Worksheet Combining Sentences by Inserting ...
SENTENCES Sentences A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. SENTENCES Sentence I like to play with dogs. The smart boy got an A on his test.
Compound Sentences Rules to live by Review What does every simple sentence contain? A subject and verb that makes sense. What do we call a group of words that has ...
Open Sentence a mathematical statement (sentence) that contains one or more variables, or unknown numbers. An open sentence is neither true nor false until the ...
Transformation sentences 3 Transformation sentences 3 Reformulate each sentence so that it includes the word in capitals on the right. You must not change the word in ...
Combining Sentences When should you combine sentences? How to combine sentences Inserting words and phrases Using compound subjects and verbs Creating compound sentences
Combining Sentences When should you combine sentences? How to combine sentences Inserting words Inserting phrases Using and, but, or or Using subordinate clauses
Combining Sentences When is it a good idea to combine sentences? How to combine sentences Inserting words and phrases Coordinating ideas Compound subjects, verbs, and ...
Conditional Sentences If grandma had wheels she d be a bicycle. What do these sentences tell us about reality? If you use an English dictionary, your ...
Combining Sentences When is it a good idea to combine sentences? How to combine sentences Inserting words and phrases Coordinating ideas Compound subjects, verbs, and ...
A paragraph should be unified around a main point. The point should be clear to readers, and all sentences in the paragraph should relate to that point.
Sentences 1 This is often called ... Paul found his Think! Where is the best position to add the word? luck had changed. 4 ... Different sentence types Author: Owner ...
Sentences and Fragments Mrs. B. A sentences has a subject and predicate A subject is what or who the sentences is about. I She They The predicate is the action or ...
Sentences 2 This is often called ... Start with a connective, swap clauses 4. ... Different sentence types Author: Owner Last modified by: Gareth Pitchford Created Date:
Understanding Prison Sentences Chris Florian Deputy General Counsel South Carolina Department of Corrections Addiction Treatment Unit Referrals and Available Programs ...
Combining Sentences One plus one equals one. Combining Sentences Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or more shorter sentences.
Run On Sentences To use with The Cay Correct each run-on sentence by adding a subordinating conjunction. Don t forget to add a comma after the subordinate clause.
Transformation sentences 3 Transformation sentences 3 Reformulate each sentence so that it includes the word in capitals on the right. You must not change the word in ...
Topic, Main Idea, Topic Sentence, Supporting Details Topic. The general idea or the subject of the paragraph is the topic. Main Idea. The main idea further focuses on ...
Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or ... Combined using who: Jack, who was late this morning, ran all the way to school. ...
Simple, Complex, & Compound Review: Clauses To understand certain types of sentences, you have to understand certain types of clauses, as studied in our last unit.
Writing Sentences #1: Simple Sentence A simple sentence has one subject and one verb I like to study grammar. A simple sentence is also called an independent clause.
Conditional Sentence Type 2. Form. if Simple Past, would ... The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma. ...
A complete sentence has a subject and a predicate that work together to ... I went to the game, so Joey went skating. Compound sentence: You can come with us. ...